
August 14th, 2009 | 177 Entries

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177 Entries for “match”

  1. fire, it makes me think of fire because i’m not really sure. i like fire. it makes me think of clothes, too. cause you have to match clothes and i have to match clothes to always look good. cause i look good no matter what. i like to match my boys up sometimes too, cause i have a certain type yanno, blah.

    by ashley. on 08.14.2009
  2. It was the fiercest match yet, but that was expected. Who wouldn’t have expected such a magnificent duel between Zuesion Rex, the famed warrior, and Alistair Bane the wicked swordsman of the East? They were like fire and ice, in total opposition. And it made it all the better!

    by Ban. on 08.14.2009
  3. oh, we were such a match,
    they said. we went together
    like anorexia and calorie counting, like
    the sun and the moon and the stars,
    all in the sky
    and shining/gleaming/twinkling
    just for us.

    how wrong they were.

    now you’re all cozy
    with someone like yourself,
    and i’m standing in the corner,
    trying to find out
    if my kind has a match.

    by rachel on 08.14.2009
  4. Well it is good to go camping and have a match because if you didn’t, it would be really hard to start a campfire and roast those delicious marshmallows! It would also cut out getting to eat hotdogs on a stick and baked beans…can’t have baked beans without a fire and can’t have a fire without a match. So make sure you take a match with you camping!

    by Angie on 08.14.2009
  5. They looked at each other across the crowded bar. Henry’s pulse quickened at the sight of her laughing eyes. There was something about her that seemed to shout ‘the perfect match’.

    He hadn’t really believed in love at first sight before but now he wasn’t so sure. Could it be that after all these years of futile chasing he had finally found his match?

    by Pierre Lailvaux on 08.14.2009
  6. if i have a match, i can light up the world. my match is waiting for me. or perhaps i’m waiting for her. it seems to me that all i can do is keep tugging at the stars, pushing them into alignment, until that day when they perfectly match, and then simply hope she’ll look up.

    by matt on 08.14.2009
  7. Match is just a simple word. To some it can be a tool to create fire, to others it is someone that they feel compatible with. All it takes is a match to create a spark. That spark can be used to create a fire to light a cigarette or a burning fire inside of a man or a woman’s heart for their new found match.

    by Zach on 08.14.2009
  8. you can use it to light a fire.

    you search for the perfect one in life.

    your sock is lonely after the washing machine.

    by daniel Schwartz on 08.14.2009
  9. no one has the perfect match, to think there’s one person out there for us is honestly obsene. if i’ve learned the hard way it’s that you’re never going to find one person you’re completely compatible with and wasting time trying to find them or mold someone you have into being them is futile. we need to live more for ourselves then for the happiness we don’t even know exists.

    by jennifer on 08.14.2009
  10. love to strike them, love the smell. The idea of candles and cigarettes. Add some chocolate and let the soothing goodness take its toll.

    by Josh on 08.14.2009
  11. the match had begun, not the match in a game but between two people
    thinking whether or not they’re right for echother. two strangers put into a room, brought together by one’s own judgement.
    how will it prevail? that’s for them to decide, for their fate to unravel.

    by emily j on 08.14.2009
  12. The match was wet. It was the last one in the box. He needed a way to light the fuse, but what now?

    by Ken S on 08.14.2009
  13. i need a piece of liver, because mine is shot. she told me.

    your sister said she’d give me a piece of hers, and i can’t figure out why you don’t love me enough to offer me a piece of yours. this is why i am so much closer to clarissa than you.

    i sat, stunned. all of that swirled around in my head, trying to make sense of what is on, what she was babbling about.

    i leaned forward, and spoke slowly. mother, i said to her, trying to keep my temper, mother–i can’t give you a piece of my liver because our blood types don’t match, because i am 25 and you are 65 and why should i give up a huge part of myself and finally, i have cancer. but, i’m betting my cancer riddled liver is still in better shape than claissa’s…. or have you put aside the fact she’s a hard core drinker??

    she blinked once. twice. settling into her chair, she spoke with dismissal of my comments– perhaps you are right, but, at LEAST she offered.

    i knew then i’d never win, and left knowing i was finally okay with my decision to not speak to either of them ever again.

    by quin browne on 08.14.2009
  14. Its pretty cool. It burns when you need it and it stays in place when you dont (Well, no shit what else is it supposed to do?) I still prefer those matches you can strike anywhere and they light! WAY better than lighters. Looks coolio.

    by Michael on 08.14.2009
  15. I try to match everything with my underwear. usually my entire outfit is centered around what undies i decide to wear. Matching is fun. but sometimes it can be too much.

    by Holley on 08.14.2009
  16. fire striking
    in the middle of the night
    setting passion alight
    to rival stars shining bright
    too bad light reveals
    things that seem true are false
    and suddenly again
    your surrounded by walls

    by Shade Sirenwolf on 08.14.2009
  17. so i love being gay and i love leting ppl know that i am gay and if any one is gay they should just let ever one know cuz u should care what ppl think about up live ur life to what u want not them its muck more fun doin

    by zane on 08.14.2009
  18. If you hold a match to long it`ll burn you. I`ll never find somone as good for me as you are. You have all of my missing screws. for my computer. I hope you know i love you way more than you love me, thats why i want to let you go.
    This is whats driving me crazy. You are. Because even though your not the first girl i`ve been with, I havent liked any girl as much as i love you.
    Thats why you need to accept my apology.
    WOAH WAS THAT DEEP thars sumthang rong with me.

    by Littlemore on 08.14.2009
  19. the perfect person for you, the soul mate of your existence is your match. but, like a pair of shoes, you do not have to be identical in looks or personality or temperament or taste. sure, similarity is great, but your match is perfect.

    by quin on 08.14.2009
  20. the match is thrown into the heart of the fire, and somehow, instantaneously, the heat subsides. the onlookers merely gaze on, portraying unamused facades. while i… i just imagine the possibilities…

    by yodil on 08.14.2009
  21. paced in fire,
    the dream of life,
    the brush of friction
    marks and whispers embers
    and smokes screams,
    “let them know:
    i am alive.”

    by Jewel on 08.14.2009
  22. Yellow teeth are not an attractive bit of reality, but they greet us every morning. Strange how you stare in the mirror, hair askew, make-up missing, teeth furry and yet the image is a match!

    by Karen on 08.14.2009
  23. we were a perfect match. could still be a perfect match. but somewhere i dropped the ball. and you didnt pick it up like i thought you would.

    by B on 08.14.2009
  24. light a match to flame the fire to light up the dark star-filled night…gaze upon Orion and think of you, Adam, the one who I long to see, the one who I love, the one who is somewhere else, now…

    by Paula on 08.14.2009
  25. The match is lit, and burns out so quickly. The wood succumbs and yields to the oppressive heat. The match matches me. I burn out quickly. I was glorious, if only for an instant.

    by Jeff on 08.14.2009
  26. i like to match cards, you know kind of like when you play the game uno? you have to get colors and numbers together on the same aspects and it’s interesting because the game goes so smoothly. i really enjoy that alot. it’s fun to find that perfect match made in heaven.

    by tyler on 08.14.2009
  27. The perfect match, physically and emotionally. It seems almost impossible that they only met hours before, in the waiting room of the crowded doctor’s office. Conversation arose over the notice of mutual interest in arbitrary magazines, laid out to pass the time while sitting patiently to be seen by the over-booked physician.

    by Jackory on 08.14.2009
  28. when u find a soulmate u make a match and you fall in love

    by Mia on 08.14.2009
  29. Match. Perfect match? The perfect match starts fires on the first try…But…Once you strike a match, it starts to burn out. It dies.Start the fire? No thanks. It’ll die soon anyway, won’t it? Perfect matches seldom last.

    by Bailey on 08.14.2009
  30. a pair of matches. people walking on the street or beach at night holding hands. perfect for eachother. matches are a sign of life. they give people warmth and in need of warmth it you were stuck in the woods in alaska like in the movie snow dogs starring cuba gooding junior. he is hot. i LOVE HIM. ahhhh. except ont at all.

    by mam on 08.14.2009
  31. a pair of matches. people walking on the street or beach at night holding hands. perfect for eachother. matches are a sign of life. they give people warmth and in need of warmth it you were stuck in the woods in alaska like in the movie snow dogs starring cuba gooding junior. he is hot. i LOVE HIM. ahhhh. except ont at all.

    by mam on 08.14.2009
  32. the perfect pairing.. shoes. boys. love. a sudden moment in time when everything clicks and makes sense. a miracle happens.. and everything just comes together.

    by adr on 08.14.2009
  33. Matches burn my fingers as I light the candle. The candles filled the room with gentle smells. I went over to him and kissed him with soft lips, my mouth and mind lingering on his taste.

    by Lizzie Bellows on 08.14.2009
  34. I’ve met him, he is wonderful. the love of my life, the faults and all. He is my match.

    by Megan on 08.14.2009
  35. on you can find how compatible you are with your various friends as far as music tastes go. i’m a 16 year old girl from suburbia, usa. [that’s not an actual place, just a state of mind.] however, i really love listening to rap music.
    must be why my top matches on are all australian guys with tattoos, aged 17-21. :/

    by danaë on 08.14.2009
  36. Match…Match is a good pair…something i’ve really never had…or it could be to light something…spark something nice. I’d like to have that. Something I could rely on. It’s coming to an end.

    by Adam F on 08.14.2009
  37. A match. Whether it is one that you lite or the person you’ve been looking for for the rest of your life it is a word that has great meaning for a lot of us. It was introduced to us at an early age with games such as Go Fish and Memory.Match is a wonderful word.

    by Joseph Hollibaugh on 08.14.2009
  38. color of clothes that doesn’t match includes green/yellow, bright pink/yellow, brown/black, blue/orange.

    by Kate on 08.14.2009
  39. match its hard to think of a single definition for the word match. i first think of couples and then i think of interior design. two things

    by jaclyn on 08.14.2009
  40. a swift flick, a sudden flare,
    darkness flees, light reigns,
    even if for a moment,
    all that we need is another match

    by nam on 08.14.2009