
August 21st, 2008 | 279 Entries

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279 Entries for “level”

  1. straight
    wishing everything was this way
    my head
    my life
    my ambitions
    show me where im supposed to go
    i need one way to get there
    i need everything to be a one way street
    not descending
    show me how

    by Jenna on 08.21.2008
  2. a stright area with no bumps turns ridges or depressions a smooth area that is equal in height on all sides

    by Eugene on 08.21.2008
  3. Get on my level,


    by Dean on 08.21.2008
  4. one time when i was little i would take the level that my dad used and play with it like a fairy wand. it was better than the wands that i used back then, even though they had glitter and sparkles. it was better because it was yellow. i never admitted to anyone that i liked the color yellow.

    by genevieve on 08.21.2008
  5. levels are just another way of classification. of control. who gives a wrap what level you’re in?

    by camille on 08.21.2008
  6. Straight, perfection, honesty. When the little bubble is in the center, you’re square… literally.

    by Myra on 08.21.2008
  7. When I was a kid growing up in th hills of Tennessee e used to kid ah other about not being able to walk on level land, use were we to walking around hills

    by betty on 08.21.2008
  8. i got to level one in pacman cause i suck at video games. reminds me of being at my aunts house with my brother playing atari games in the 90s.

    by kaytie on 08.21.2008
  9. I don’t know how to level with you. I guess I’m just above that right now. that feeling. That life. But I’m trying to remember what it was like to be like you. I’m trying to remember how to feel poor again. Young again. In love again.

    by Dracul on 08.21.2008
  10. I felt as if I was at another of life’s levels. As if it were a videogame. What would I do now? My blood was pounding in my veins. Too much of it. Too much pressure. Like if you cut me the blood would shoot out and hit passing birds.

    I had just shooed my friends away to get some alone time, and this only exacerbated the fear, as opposed to ameliorating it.

    by B_P on 08.21.2008
  11. My brother was playing a video game when I came in from work the evening. I smiled and rolled my eyes, “What level are you on now, Jake?” I asked him.
    He had been working on completing level four for days now.

    by joe. on 08.21.2008
  12. I entered into the glowing doorway and found myself on the third level. The air in this passageway was dank and musty. The sound of water dripping in the distance echoed loudly in the gloom.

    by Patrick on 08.21.2008
  13. the level of tension in the room was rising. rising. i started to feel the pulsating in my temples. the pulsating of everyones hearts. churning their fury along their veins into the atmosphere.

    by alyssa on 08.21.2008
  14. “He must be leveled” Carly said with a little wag of the shoulder explaining how her future husband must be.

    “You, know” she continued
    “Work and Play
    Marriage and Children
    God and Life
    Love and Peace
    Stern and Funny
    Tall and Short
    His Mom and His Wife
    Music and Sports
    Ying and Yan!”


    She Smiled

    by M Ehrlicher on 08.21.2008
  15. on the level
    level with me
    level the playing field
    to level a look at something or a very level look
    come down to my level

    by DamnMountain on 08.21.2008
  16. “And remember – stay on the level. This is Rapture Reminders, goodnight.” Jim sat back in his chair, the ‘on air’ light going out. He sighed, puffing out his cheeks and ruffling his hair, a cigarette in the crooks of his fingers.
    He looked to his partner, a pretty young woman in the other chair.
    “Mary, he said, “I can’t do it anymore. This place has gone to shit.”

    by Victoria Stanton on 08.21.2008
  17. level, to me, brings back memories of sitting down in front of a television with my nintendo and systematically beating level X-Y, where X and Y are integers.

    by fuzzy on 08.21.2008
  18. what level are you on in you story. How many levels are there in this house. is you table level at all or is it just me what do you think because i can’t

    by Maggie on 08.21.2008
  19. Some levels get harder and harder as you progress. I’m talking about levels of love, not of video games…

    by Aaron on 08.21.2008
  20. Of all the riddles that I’ve solved, on the level that I’ve drowned. Nothing ever compares to the mountain that I’ve climbed. Thrown by the wayward wind, there’s nothing that I can’t grasp.

    by D on 08.21.2008
  21. level. what level am i on? intellectually, emotionally, pschologically. life is a series of unending levels. you start in gradeschool, work your way up only to be back at the bottom level again.

    by kathryn on 08.21.2008
  22. super mario brothers is the best game ever. i love going from one place to another without having to really think about much at all. honestly, i can say that super mario brothers was the best thing about growing up in a place without much friends or really much of anything to do. i’m really happy i got so have nintendo in my life.

    by keith lyons on 08.21.2008
  23. Levels on a game. Levels of a house. Architecture. Architectural digest. The L word. Level is an L word. Level-headed, which I’m not very. In fact, my impulsive decisions keep me from being levelheaded ever. Is anyone levelheaded? Not particularly. Especially not videogamers.

    by Ali on 08.21.2008
  24. a level balances things and makes you see what is true. true on point true on life true on everything. make sure everything is level and unfaltering. i like-a do da cha cha. all night long

    by Addie Goode on 08.21.2008
  25. I live on the fourth level of my apartment complex. There’s a few people who join me in the morning on the elevator. By the time I get on, three people are already on. One of them is always chewing tabacco, then there’s an older man and his wife.

    by Victoria Ross on 08.21.2008
  26. Why is it so natural we compare? Heights? Class? Grades? Jobs? Finance? Gpa?

    by Meimei on 08.21.2008
  27. it wasn’t the same, it was going to be so different and so new, and his sweaty back and calloused hands proved it. He was working so hard, he had taken off his shirt and was going about his contractor job in just a snug fitting pair of jeans. I was stretched out beneath his strong hands, and he placed the level on me. Was I being straight? was I true? was I upright?

    by Heidi on 08.21.2008
  28. As i reached to him to gain a new level of strength, he reached back a took my hand into his and lifted me up. My face was soaked with tears and I couldn’t believe he was actually there when i really needed him. It was like starting a new chapter in my life. He stared at me and then told me that he loves me.

    by Meg on 08.21.2008
  29. level like even or on the level, the floor you are on or levelheaded, whatever it means doesn’t mean much because it is just a word, be level with me, you understand. It isn’t just a frame of mind, I guess, virtigo of the mouth, levelling out for flight, that’s the thing.

    by Kai Lynch on 08.21.2008
  30. Getting up to the next one by completing the one below. Taking your relationship to the next level. Something that gets harder each time you go up

    by Christina on 08.21.2008
  31. i need to find a level place. a place where i am even, calm and reflective. i feel too chaotic – too angry. i need zen. i need balance.

    by sky on 08.21.2008
  32. The level I’ve reached, spiritually, is that of one person who is afraid of the world. I do not fear the world due to what it presents to me, but what it does to the rest of the people around me. I find them insufferable and obnoxious. They are on a level I cannot stand.

    I think I am an elitist. Maybe. I refuse to stop, I refuse to back down.

    by Dave on 08.21.2008
  33. Level-headed means you can see the horizon clearly without a foggy mind (fog belongs to the heavens.. you are on level with the earth)

    by Charlotte Hornsby on 08.21.2008
  34. the level of thewater grew higher and higher. The level of theheat also grew. The people did not know what to do or where to go, the killer hot tub had just reached a new level of evil and monstrousity! They reached a new level of FEAR!

    by Yoyo on 08.21.2008
  35. I always wandered if Jenny was on the level. Sure she was a friend of Charlie’s, but still, offering to put herself through shark infested waters just to help, seemed a little much.

    by Jaime Mijares on 08.21.2008
  36. how is it that no matter what verbs, adjectives, or nouns you use during your pleas, it falls on deaf ears? is it so difficult to have someone fulfill the request to be straight, to level dead on with you? deceit shouldn’t come so easy to most….

    by kimberly on 08.21.2008
  37. the level was extremely hard. so hard in fact that the young boy began to cry. why, why had his mother bought him an un beatable game. was this some sort of punishment? a cruel game that mothers play. what had he done? he couldn’t take it.he lifted up the window and through himself down, down the 37 levels.

    by Keenan Buchanan on 08.21.2008
  38. I think that in all of our lives we reach dramatically different levels within ourselves. They are levels of emotional stability and happiness, but also levels of understanding, or even kindness.

    by Eva Swanson on 08.21.2008
  39. oneword messed up the authors, I (Maryam) wrote the one on levels of our soul

    by Maryam on 08.21.2008
  40. It was off. He was sure of it. Tilting his head didn’t change the perspective, just made everything else crooked. Frowning, he tried to adjust it, but it relaxed back into its skewed position. Resisting conformity he thought. Maybe it should stand as a protest. A visible sign of disdain for the status quo. Or, perhaps, just lousy decorating sense. He certainly got the latter from it.

    by Aaron on 08.21.2008