
July 13th, 2010 | 224 Entries

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224 Entries for “lease”

  1. RElease.
    Release the tension. Release the stress. Give it up. Say no. Take a new lease on life. Stop holding yourself back.

  2. I watched you die. I didn’t want to do it. It’s just part of the contract I signed. I was the person who was rushing toward you as you stared at the gates, mouth agape. Then you sank back into your body haven been granted a second lease on life. I didn’t have time to warn you not to squander it this time.

    by Heather on 07.13.2010
  3. to give away, to have the minimal amout of anything availbele. i have the lease chance of going to school in september. Just right, i did.

    by Natasha on 07.13.2010
  4. She wanted a lease. But she was denied one. Why? This was the deep south, the segregated south and black single women like her spelled trouble in the white manager’s eyes.

    by Hannah on 07.13.2010
  5. lease, fleese, steeze, grease, peace, teasey, fo sheezy on the bleezy, not

    by Jose Hernandez on 07.13.2010
  6. Heute wäre wieder die Miete fällig, aber meinem Kontostand nach zu urteilen, werde ich mich wohl ein wenig verspäten. Mist. Ich wusste, dass ich diesem Impulskauf hätte widerstehen sollen, aber… Ich liebe es einfach, deine Augen strahlen zu sehen.

    by Lu da Silva on 07.13.2010
  7. I had wanted to buy a house in the mountains for as long as I could remember. It wasn’t until I was the ripe of age of 32 that I realized I should just rent one. The cabin was situated in the middle of the mountains, right next to the most picturesque stream.

    by Mandy on 07.13.2010
  8. Oh goodness. I don’t even know about this word. Kinda reminds me of RElease. Like, release the girl to me, or I’ll kill every one blahblahblahevilvillainstuff.

    by Shiina on 07.13.2010
  9. A lease will never give you a moment’s peace. Till the end of your tether it will give you solace never.

  10. “You must be joking. I moved in on the 23rd of October. It’s June now.”

    “I’m sorry, honey, but that’s they way it goes.”

    “Stupid apartment.” So Cheryl packed up her rats and left the depressing area.

  11. Please, release me from this lease.

  12. Lease. Gross. The scariness of not paying your rent on time…the fear…the stress… I want a new lease on life. :)

  13. Flying through the trees, this ratted ugly creature found it’s new lease on life.

  14. Its hard to say, but I am moving to Pennsylvania in a few weeks, and we’re going to be on a lease. I’m super excited, mainly because my boyfriend is coming with me. We’re going to live with Shanae. My best Friend. Happy Family. <3
    Luke smokes Marijuana, so this townhouse thing is going to be pretty hard to … fathom. Mainly because Shanae hates it, and wants nothing to do with it. But I want him to hurry the hell up stop smoking so he can get a job. (:

    by Tiara on 07.13.2010
  15. on new lease on life. something to start from and continue to build from. It may not be the way i started but it’s the way I’m going to end up based on the experiences I gain.

  16. I wish there was a lease with hearts.
    That way, when it was time to end,
    there would be no questions,
    there would be no hurt,
    there would be nothing.
    It’d just be the end of a lease,
    and we could both move on.

    by Audrey Deveraux on 07.13.2010
  17. Oh. Now I get it. Cuz I was like “why would you break your KNEE so you can move?”
    Destiny’s child needs to be more articulate.

    by Lauren Scharf on 07.13.2010
  18. Our lease was up at least 2 weeks ago but they haven’t come back to the apartment ever since I held the landlady down and gave her a Brazilian wax with fly paper…

  19. A new lease on life…whatever that means. Life isn’t something you can buy, or rent, or write up a contract over, signed by two witnesses. Where did that expression come from? I think it’s supposed to mean, your life was extended for now. But people are supposed to live for however long they were meant to. If it was actually possible to use life as a means of commerce–ie trading, leasing, lending–a lot more people would be either very old or long dead.

    by a on 07.13.2010
  20. My lease was up and I had nowhere else to go, I was homeless. Now I sit on the corner of 3rd and Main feeling so horrible that I treated people who I have become like so horribly.

    by Rebeccca on 07.13.2010
  21. I don’t think I’ve ever leased anything in my life. Not that I really have the money to do so. I think you should be able to rent like.. shoes. That way we won’t have to buy so many shoes. Well, I guess bowling shoes you can rent, but..uh.. I wouldn’t want to wear those out in public.

  22. I took out a lease to buy the new house. it was amazing. the house of my dreams. I could see raising a family. starting my life over. It was time. and I was ready.
    I walked into the house and dropped my bag. everything had begun.

    by Sydney on 07.13.2010
  23. on life – only one
    on a house many
    on an appartement cheap
    love? NO
    like a leash
    only if you agree to it

    by Mary Brandon on 07.13.2010
  24. “She has to lease it.”

    “But why?”

    He sighs. “I told you. She can’t afford to pay the whole amount at once. A lease is an easier way of affording the house.”

    “But I wanna paint the walls!” The child shouted, screaming, face red. “Blue and pink! Blue and pink!”

    by Pam on 07.13.2010
  25. I remember hearing it said to me once “Son, go out and buy land. They’re not making it anymore.” I say that to myself every morning before I wake, and every night before I sleep.

  26. I have always wanted to lease a building for my own personal use. What would be in it? Toys. Games. Bouncy things. Childish, I know. But I can’t help it.

  27. A new lease on life. Why are cliches the first thing I think about? However, I’m in a motivational slump. I can’t seem to ride on the momentum I had before. The word is lease right? Does that mean you don’t own the goals you set if you lease them? Bleh.

    by ZaZa on 07.13.2010
  28. the lease in life is more than the lease on life do we pay a lease into something…i’d like to think that it’s like an investment…we aren’t on it…we should be into it.

    by Russ on 07.13.2010
  29. i dont want to lease a house, we want to buy one. we almost have our house on the market so we want to buy a new house. if we decide to build, we will have to lease an apartment or house until the new house is built.

    by m on 07.13.2010
  30. They had gone to see the apartment six months earlier. The ramshackle roof, cracking windows, and cockroach-infested corners didn’t bother them.

    “When can we sign the lease,” they asked in unison. “We’re ready to move, now.”

  31. So I have started looking at apartments, which have leases. And I have to say that the grown up- ness of it all is freaking me out. I am so not ready to deal with the adult world.

    by Allison on 07.13.2010
  32. land lady totally screwed us over. but i would still live with these girls given the chance. i love cooking on m own…being on my own. being adult.

    by BB on 07.13.2010
  33. This life is a lease- it is not yours to own. Your stay here is temporary, only a short amount of time. You cannot buy your life on Earth, it is always a lease from the Lord your God. But, you can get eternal life in Heaven because of your Savior, Jesus Christ.

  34. today the tenant moves in, just like they always do. They take a look, agree to stay here, then sign the lease that gives them a key to a place they will call home for 6-8 months at a time.

    by Haley on 07.13.2010
  35. my car is leased. i think i dont really know. i guess i should find out shouldnt i? i dont really know what it means if it is or isnt…. hmmmm i should figure this out… thanks oneword!

  36. i hate the word lease… why would i want to lease something when i could own it? really though.

    by hilary on 07.13.2010
  37. “Thank you for your purchase. Would you like to lease a cat?”
    “Lease a cat?”
    “Well we have so many, we’re leasing them out now.”
    “Um. Sure.”

  38. give me a new lease on this thing called love. can’t put all my eggs in one basket so one may have to get left behind. last one out is a rotten egg!

    by Laurel on 07.13.2010
  39. Oh man. Did i remember to pay my rent? I was heading out of this crappy apartment for the last time this month and now I’ve forgotten about the lease. THis is ridiculous. Now I’ll have to go back and pay or else that bastard of a landlord willl lock up all my stuff again.

    by Justin McAfee on 07.13.2010
  40. She thought she had a lease on life; she kept everything up to par. She never missed her check ups, never left any ailments ignored. Karen did everything in her power to make sure she’d have the most years a human being could have: but cancer didn’t seem to care about that.

    by on 07.13.2010