
August 15th, 2009 | 135 Entries

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135 Entries for “itch”

  1. That reason to change. Something you just can’t put your finger on but it keeps you awake at night. It says, “something is not right”. The itch has been exploited by marketing in our society today, making us all to eager to throw away something that we may be otherwise completely satisfied with.

    by Joey Joe JOe on 08.15.2009
  2. I goota get some powder …there must be an end to this madness. Im scratching my way into hell!

    by BeeRand on 08.15.2009
  3. That one crucial time when you know you want to do something, or accomplish something, but know that you cannot at your current state, “an itch you can’t scratch”. For far too long I have been wanting to write the things I have wanted, but to no avail since it is not the time and place for my creative juices to come to fruition.

    by Anonymous on 08.15.2009
  4. i have the 1/3 life crisis. An itch to do something different, although I have no idea what. Not exactly the buy-a-red-convertable type of crisis, but the travel-to-costa-rica-and-build-houses sort of crisis.

    by Robin on 08.15.2009
  5. scratch it itches and uncomfortable like poison ivy makes your skin feel bed. or you have an itch to do something instead of procrastinating anymore. like to read a book for school. itch is close to inch. just change the t for an n. that’s it.

    by Aldena on 08.15.2009
  6. It’s an itch that I can’t reach,
    my fingertips overflowing with words
    while my brain sits by in silence.

    I do my best;
    I write on napkins
    and gum wrappers
    and scraps of paper I’ll later realize I needed.

    But nothing cures the itching.

    Nothing makes the fleas
    of unwritten words fade
    from the palms I long to wrap around a pen
    but can’t.

    I hate writer’s block.

    by Beth on 08.15.2009
  7. I have an itch for some cookies!!!!!!!! I can’t talk another healthy thing today.

    by Paula on 08.15.2009
  8. Ok, this is like pure coincidence because my thigh is itching right now. Wait, I have to scratch it. (2 seconds later).. I’m done.

    by Ying Hui on 08.15.2009
  9. it was by far the worst case of chicken pox the young doctor had ever seen. As dramatic as it was, however, something still had to be done. She prescribed some cream for the boy to put on when he itched, and gave him some good advice, loudly enough so that his mother would hear: “Don’t scratch.”

    by Tori on 08.15.2009
  10. I have an itch, just out of reach. an itch i wish i could scratch. oh how i wish for someone to itch, this irritating scratch of mine. as i think all day about this terrifying itch, it suddenly goes away.

    by Megan on 08.15.2009
  11. my arms itch quite a bit after swimming in lake michigan the other day. i do hope that its goes away soon. perhaps a cream or medication are in order. perhaps.

    by reilly on 08.15.2009
  12. i went to the store to buy some itch medicine for my foot bc a jellyfish stung it and i had to walk 10 miles to the nearest pharmacy.

    by john on 08.15.2009
  13. She scratched her back for the fourth time, struggling to reach the uncomfortable itch. She tried to extend her arm to reach it, but being a human and all she just couldn’t. She needed help from someone else, or something. Anything, the itch was becoming unbearable.

    by Polly on 08.15.2009
  14. itch, keine Ahnung was das heißt. Nadel vielleicht? Ich werde nachher im Wörterbuch nachschauen. Das Wort klingt auf jeden Fall spitz. Wie ein Stich, ja es sind ja fast dieselben Buchstaben, bis auf das S am Anfang. itch-Stich …

    by Lisa on 08.15.2009
  15. itch I hate itches they make me itch I hate mosquetoes they are evil. like omg now I am itchy on my tummy and like all over I keep stopping to itch myself

    by alex on 08.15.2009
  16. itch I hate itches they make me itch I hate mosquetoes they are evil.

    by alex on 08.15.2009
  17. misquito bites, poison ivy

    by jqkl;io3 jligj;kl on 08.15.2009
  18. I have an itch. It won’t go away. I don’t know what to do about it. I am worried that it may be something terrible. Maybe I am dying. What should I do? I think I should first find a home for my dog. The cats can take care of themselves is necessary. OOOOO it just won’t stop!! Why do these things always happen to me?
    Oh? It’s just a splatter on my arm? ok.

    by Cindy on 08.15.2009
  19. i have an itch i need to scratch its on my head. but if i do then i wont be able to finish this on time. oh well, such a trivial little thing. such a little little thing, yet it does contribute to an organism as a whole, impacts our life more than any of us can realize.

    by jack on 08.15.2009
  20. my back kind of itches. maybe its simply because I read that word. possibly my body’s response when reading theword itch is to produce an itch.
    like a mosquito bite
    big and red
    red and itchy

    itch itch itch


    by Erin on 08.15.2009
  21. It was an itch he couldn’t scratch, an itch that had stayed with him for far too long. Usually, when a mosquito stings you, the angry red scar fades away after a little one, but this one lingered on and on. He had to stop scratching it, he decided. He had to let it go, to refuse to let it enter his consciousness for a while. But it was so impossibly difficult, and the urge to scratch his itch overpowered him constantly.

    by vish on 08.15.2009
  22. all i have done for the past year is itch. it is the most ridiculous thing ever. i think i may scratch myself to death. possibly. an itch is the worst pain i have ever had to deal with because it just does not go away!!!

    by holley on 08.15.2009
  23. The drugs never could fill the void. They left her tense, edgy. Clawing at her skin at the odd intervals when her emancipated body needed another fix.
    She’d have to do things for the money, things that turned her stomach.
    But the itch was undeniable.
    The high just too sweet.

    by ThomG on 08.15.2009
  24. Just sitting inside watching everything on the outside past by as if it were just a dream. I have an itch that needs to be scratched and that begins with going outside.

    by Dev on 08.15.2009
  25. Everything is like iTech now. If you want to abbreviate it further, iTch.

    It started with iPod, iTunes, iLike, but now I’m hearing

    iAm and iWill

    and none of it is true

    by Myona on 08.15.2009
  26. ouchy.
    it sometimes hurts when i scratch it many times.
    we get it if we’re dirty .
    it also results to having bruises.

    by mary on 08.15.2009
  27. Ugh, I’ve got the itch. Luckily it’s not the one down below. It’s the one in my head. The itch for passion and desire. For adventure and fire.

    But I think my itch isn’t burning enough for me to scratch, so I just lightly blow on it to soothe the discomfort…

    by mennlay on 08.15.2009
  28. There is nothing worse than having a mosquito bite on the side of your toe, because when it begins to itch, there isn’t any way you can scrath it hard enough to make the itch go away.

    by muneerah on 08.15.2009
  29. My skin itches. I scratch too much.
    My cats itched a lot until I recently used Frontline on them. My left ear rings, itches, tickles and hurts. Sound is painful and yet I am living with the noisiest person I have ever met. Loud stereo, Electric guitar with amp 10 feet from my bed at night while I sleep. I take sleeping pills to sleep but the sounds give me loud nightmares. my soul is itching to leave.

    by Susan on 08.15.2009
  30. it’s a burning desire that
    I just can’t withstand
    to have you by my side
    hear your voice coiled warm
    in the cold space of my ear
    feeling your secrets held
    tight against my heart
    where they drown in the black
    it’s an itch that I never
    asked you to burn into my skin

    take it away
    because I can’t

    by fullmetalguitar on 08.15.2009
  31. My soft white skin he tinges pink… Excruciating sensation washes over me… He makes me tingle… He is the itch I cannot scratch. His is the hand I reach for.

    by Katie on 08.15.2009
  32. ahh no dont scratch it dont do it. people are around people are looking. this is so embarrassing. the worst things always happen to me. just do it just scratch it.

    by jessica on 08.15.2009
  33. one word? what does that mean? what do i do when everything is so confusing? like now, wanting to go back to old habits. one word, one word. love. hope. too many words more than one i don’t know ahh. why do people die?

    by katie on 08.15.2009
  34. it so happened that the little spot on my arm itched. Who knows. I guess its meant to be.

    by A. Calderon on 08.15.2009
  35. There’s that feeling again. Something I forgot? Probably. Each tick of the clock makes the sensation stronger. Can’t I get some sleep tonight? My skin crawls all over with it. Surely just one to-do list won’t hurt? It’s worth it to get up! This itch drives me.

    by C-ko on 08.15.2009
  36. I have an itch. A sneaky little itch. Each time i go to scratch that sneaky little itch, it fades away. I withdraw my probing fingers and there it comes, back again for more. I reach down again and itch the phantom spot. Pain, now I have pain.

    by nick moore on 08.15.2009
  37. It’s annoying. It’s bothering me. It’s always there, that is, when I give my attention to it. So do I create the itch? I want it away, but then I scratch and it gets worse. Allow and accept it, and it goes away.

    by Mark Muilwijk on 08.15.2009
  38. The cut itched at her mind like a bothersome sore; its pain was warm, in contrast to the coldness she felt. The blood was like water to the ice of her arm – the cut was like fire to the glacier of her body.

    by no one on 08.15.2009
  39. I have an itch for something new. something different. i want to explore new things. i’m tired of the same old routines. i have an itch for adventure. and itch for excitement. and my hair itches right now.

    by Rey on 08.15.2009
  40. i just dont know what itch means.
    rest of time, i am going to wait.

    by teresa on 08.15.2009