
February 18th, 2011 | 401 Entries

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401 Entries for “invent”

  1. all of this because I’ve been Crying in the night, I was unconscious, it was a dream, I’ll ask you to stop picking faults because you’ll miss me when i’m gone.

    I don’t know what i’m doing here, i could say that I do but I don’t.

    by Stephanie on 02.19.2011
  2. i’d like to invent ice-creams snot so you can eat your snot anytime, especially for children.

    by lilly on 02.19.2011
  3. Could I ever invent something astonishing? I wonder what I could invent. I could invent and be rich. Inventions are human creations, right?

  4. One day i will invent something great. Something that will change the face of the earth. I want to do good in the world.

    I remember in debate we came up with a case about “Play Pumps.” Though a device that children play on to pump water seems ludicrous, it makes sense.

    by Courtney on 02.19.2011
  5. as i lean upon the desk all i can think of is the word. invent, invent, invent., and the it comes to me, the greatest invention of all time .the one object, the one thing that will change humanity as we know it.

    by thelovelylela on 02.19.2011
  6. He tried to invent a way out of the situation, but it was clearly hopeless. The fireball rising into the sky to the east was joined by 3 more to the west. Ugly columns of broiling fire and smoke streaked with lightning. “I couldn’t invent a more gruesome Hell if I tried” thought Jensen as his flare gun slipped to the basement floor.

  7. Invent yourself, do something different every day. You laugh because Im different I laugh because your all the same, learn a language for the day, try a new hobby, man, fod, taste, smell, boring is in habit never fall short and always aim high, those that know know those that dont , dont matter. so Invent you dreams
    NY Feb 2011

  8. try something new, no regrets, dont look back, take a picture make history, well behaved women barely make history. I invent myself every day, and i love it, to accomplish what people think you can’t, imagine, you laugh because im different i laugh because you are all the same. some have it some dont… 2011 feb… New York New Anabelle New Sunrises I Can’t wait.

    by Anabelle K. Paulino on 02.19.2011
  9. to create something new that no one else has done that can serve a purpose to society. Great inventors included benjamin franklin and lionardo davinci. things are still being invented today from shamwows to snuggies

    by Chris on 02.19.2011
  10. To invent is to create. when one creates they don’t think. for example right now, i’m creating, i’m inventing what to say and what to write about the word ‘invent’ in fact every minute, every second of everyday we are creating, we are inventing. when we construct a senetence we invent, we create. we don’t realise it’s happening, but it happens. It’s a beautiful thing. In fact, I don’t know if we realise, we were created, and we continue creating. It’s beautiful.

    by Naushin Rahman on 02.19.2011
  11. invent. such a broad word. words associated: innovate, patent, create. why? to create for the benefit of others, for creative expression, for fame and glory. invent implies creativity. WHY ARE YOU GIVING ME SUCH A BROAD WORD. time isn’t even up. i’m badly inventing this answer. i really hope you like it. i can’t invent on such short notice. have a great day.

    by trace on 02.19.2011
  12. I want to reinvent myself; travel to someplace and pretend to be someone interesting, someone worth knowing. I am worth knowing though, and every day is a chance not to reinvent but rather grow, encourage. And isn’t that what all inventions are? Growth on something previous?

    by Krista on 02.19.2011
  13. ok i have obviously already written about this but anyway. it takes someone pretty special to invent something because they need to be able to see things that dont exist and make them come to life. they need to ignore everything they already know about society and all the things in it and come up with something completely new and different. they need to be pretty crazy, but then again the best people around these days are the crazy ones

    by jj on 02.19.2011
  14. it is the way stay calm for no reason just be cool and acts normal just like nothing happened and you’ll be free!

    by dsinner on 02.19.2011
  15. To create a new something is such a pleasurable activity, even if it’s fattening. Gives you power.

  16. the invention of things is what we live for, as a people. we invent words, languages, symbols, communication techniques, items, technologies, currencies and ways of doing things. without invention we’d be nothing. but the world would still be everything.

    by Krista on 02.18.2011
  17. I would like to invent a love that cannot be broken. A love that will not hurt people. A love that will be perfect forever. In our world this love doesn’t exist. I wish I could invent it with Matt. But I doubt we’ll be any different. Inventing love is impossible. Love is all it can be. You can’t invent an emotion, only a word to describe it.

    by Erika on 02.18.2011
  18. To invent to invent what does this mean to create to be, i was invented and so were you and so were we all by whose hand who invents who creates, what creates, i invent with each word that i write and these words, they flow on, the script, how i miss, the script, the feel of paper under hand and pen in fingers and skin, the tangible, touchable, tactile.

    by Glynn on 02.18.2011
  19. i’m an inventer. An inventor of stories. Stories are like lies. To be a liar is wrong. There’s no wrong way to lie. Wait, what am I talking about?

  20. Inventing lives of people. Inventing the ideas. People are constantly inventing ways to make their ideas a reality. They try to lead the lives they’ve invented for themselves but what is true their invention or reality? What is reality but a mere invention?

    by Amanda on 02.18.2011
  21. they invented the macghine which was a lie dectector. the lie dectator was saying that he was telling the truth but i was not convinced. something was nagging me.

  22. He didn’t have a lab in the dungeon of an ancient, crumbling castle, didn’t work any more during thunderstorms than in any other weather, didn’t rant about how they’d called him mad but he’d show them, yes, he’d show them all. It was mostly a lot of tedious and undramatic hard work, really. But as he switched the machine on for the first time, he allowed himself just a /little/ bit of an evil laugh.

  23. purple. huge. bulbous. I’m not sure what I’m suppossed to write about. damn, I misspelled. I wonder if anyone will read this.. but then again why should I care? no one knows who I am or where I live. no one will be able to judge me. I can say whatever I want and the only thing I can think of is what I’m writing

    by fredrick on 02.18.2011
  24. Tasteless. Bitter, empty, nothingness strewn around me like the best thing since sliced bread. There isn’t a thing to be said, a thing to be done, there isn’t a thing. And from whatever they thrust ever-so sympathetically into my face, I’m meant to invent…

  25. I invented many products. I invented the telephone. Even though people may think Beethoven invented it. It was actually I who invented it. I invented the Earth. Earth and it’s human. Every else was invented me. People ask how humans came to this world. It was actually I who invented it.

    by Joleen on 02.18.2011
  26. I want to invent something someday. I invent a lot of things already- games, stories, characters, reasons to eat cookies- but I know I could be doing more with my life. I could really be making a difference.

    Then I can’t think of what I could feasibly do. Then I get discouraged and give up. I need to invent something that will give me will, drive, and self-esteem.

    by Grimme on 02.18.2011
  27. My latest invention consists of two parts. The first being the portion I control while the second is one you control. The two halves are largely dependent upon one another for survival. If one dies, as does the other. It’s this crazy little thing I like to call love. Try it sometime, you might enjoy it.

  28. I like to invent. I wish I could invent. I have invented potpourri, until my wife told me someone already invented it. I also inveted the theory of relativity. Damn Einstein. I one time thought of how to use Tesla’s invention to control the weather and cause earthquakes….damn um what’s that called…Oh harp

    by Kuksha on 02.18.2011
  29. Invent a nation so empowering that us as human beings are forced to indulge in the pleasure of it, invent something so beautiful that we marvel at it’s very existence. Invent something so horrible it takes over the mind of those who dare to perceive it, do this, but first, invent you.

  30. I like to invent things like sentences on here because it’s a great way to start the thinking process for any writing I may do. I find that the invention of such things really helps stir the creative juices around in my head,to inspire to me to do great work with limited thinking.

  31. invent-to create something new.
    involves imagination, creativity, and a personal touch
    to bring something new into the world for others to use and see
    you are the creator here. the master of your invention. you create it, install it, and own it.

    by Elizabeth on 02.18.2011
  32. I am forever inventing false scenarios in my mind– blowing things entirely out of proportion, making things silly. I really ought to stop. It ruins everything.

    by renae on 02.18.2011
  33. make something with your penis then stick it in a mail slot and pull out before the idea gets all over you. then its all sticks and other people have to deal with it. hopefully a bitch.

    by alphonzo on 02.18.2011
  34. Thomas Edison invented the Light Bulb. Man invented the Wheel. The Greek gods invented Fire, and Prometheus stole it from them to give to Man. For this he was chained to a rock and doomed to have his liver pecked out by an eagle every day for the rest of eternity. And then I think of all that Man has done with fire and how that really has to suck.

    by Lydie Lebrun on 02.18.2011
  35. i have always wanted to invent something. When i was younger I thought it was a good idea if we put a big roof over Australia, so when it rained we could catch all the water and the drought would be over… it didn’t quite pan out

    by Anna on 02.18.2011
  36. think of new things
    but borrow from a million others
    nothing we have is truly new
    nothing we have is truly our own
    invention is the ultimate act
    of sharing with others
    of being with others
    of co-creation
    but we think not

    by Emma on 02.18.2011
  37. The greatest invention a woman can have is herself. Even though the word is often associated with celebrites, like Madonna or Lady Gaga, we reinvent ourselves every day. Some may call it ‘firs impression’.

    We are inventions of our intellect and ambition. However we want to be. It’s the real life equivalent of 2nd life, or avatars or online personas. Choosing wat we want to be the focal point. What functions do we serve, what is our purpose/
    The invention that we all are. Or never were

  38. I think it’s about time someone invented something great. I’m a little tired of having to take cars and planes, could we get to teleportation already? I am pretty sick of having to remember things, I’m ready for my computer brain by now. It’s high time for a new form of nourishment. Eating is so primitive. I’d say we’ve got some inventing to do.

  39. I have always wanted to invent myself, its something that has driven my mind for originality and unique ideas. I’m not sure about myself anymore, I am what I am.

    by Stephanie on 02.18.2011
  40. it would be fun to invent something. i don’t have any good ideas though. but inventions can make you money. and i don’t have money. I’d like money. I like people who invented things. Yay for them. Hahah :) I’m over this……….

    by alyssa on 02.18.2011