
April 25th, 2011 | 587 Entries

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587 Entries for “intersection”

  1. A grand ballroom opens with the graceful change of color; from bright scarlet to vivid verde, the metallic dancers begin an exchange that is measured by counts and seconds exactly.

  2. i wait at the intersection wondering about the day, will i be happy or sad? Will adventure come by me? I hope to be loved today, I hope that everything will work out today. I would like to be able to stay at the intersection and just wonder about things for a while.

    by Caitlin on 04.25.2011
  3. The intersection was deserted. Perfect. I grabbed Ellens arm and dragged her to the door, not pausing to put on shoes I flung open the large, ornate door and dashed towards the street.
    Waiting for her to step onto the porch I tried to center myself so I was EXACTLY in the middle of the cracked concrete square and sat, looking up at the bright stars, waiting for my lover to follow me. I couldn’t wait to show her the constellations she had lived so long without.

  4. When I think of an intersection, I think of two roads or ideas meeting at …an intersection. A point where 2 different paths connect. When thinking in terms of life, there are many intersections that we come across. Choosing your next path, is what makes life interesting.

    by Toni Vadala on 04.25.2011
  5. is a place where two roads meet and cross. it is shaped as a lower case t or an x, which is kinda ool I guess. But there ate many accidents that happen at intersections, but thankfully I have yet to be in one and I hope that I never am in one for as long as i live and I hpe i never no anyone who s in one either

    by K on 04.25.2011
  6. 15th street and shotwell. i always wanted to take a picture at the perfect time of day, when the light hit them just right. cowboy boots hanging from the power lines. then they disappeared before I had the chance.

    by Danielle on 04.25.2011
  7. The crossroads came to a point. There was a sign, right in the middle. The gods stood there, just looking at the small metal and wood sign.
    “End?” Jenna inquired.
    There was no one around to answer.
    The woods echoed back, like they were laughing.
    Maybe no one could hear them.
    The intersection point was empty by the time the gods found their bearings to start, again.

  8. Together, then divergence. Which path will you take? Too many choices, too little time. This will change everything, everything.

  9. I rolled to a stop at the intersection, staring at the glowing, blinding red light above me. It changed to an encouraging green, but when I tried to move forward, all my tires did was spin and screech.

  10. At the intersection of fifth and main, a lonely man stands, hunched over in a ragged coat as the rain pours down over him, soaking him through as cars race past, each full of people with a warm home to go to with a roof and four walls. At the intersection of fifth and main, a man has nothing.

    by Katie on 04.25.2011
  11. The intersection. The crossroads. The middle of the night. Peaceful, somehow. Silent, save for a hush of wind. Waiting for the sun to rise is agony.

  12. at the interesection of this road i once found love, felt love, lived love, lost love. at this intersection i shed a tear, for what was and can never be again.

  13. Intersections tend to make me nervous. I always imagine some horrible collision happening right in front of me. Crossing them on foot, they become exceptionally more terrifying.

  14. our two hearts interweaving at this intersection simultaneously can only result in a collision
    i keep trying to ignore it

  15. I stood before the zebra crossing over the intersection. Sipping my coffee, I thought of the days events; they couldn’t have gotten much worse. The wind blew my hair across my face, but it made me notice him standing before me. Just staring.

  16. Sprinkles tore through the intersection on his jet-powered unicycle, completely out of control, with four police cruisers in hot pursuit. The traffic camera fired off a series of photographs so quickly that it burned out the processor. Eventually The police had set up a roadblock at the edge of town and Sprinkles ran right into the cruiser, flew 18 feet up in the air, kicking a pigeon in mid-air with his large red floppy shoe, and plummeted, face first onto the concrete.

    “Call the paramedics!” cried Sherriff McSorkin, running toward the polka-dotted figure.

    “No need, I’m fine.” Sprinkles said. he rolled over and sat up, his face obscured by a huge, red inflatable ball. “My nose was fitted with an air bag.”
    “Not you, you trouble-making buffoon,” McSorkin fired back. “I’m worried about the pigeon!”

  17. cars and stop lights and stop signs and interference and interruption quite like intersection. quite like life and this uncertainty. what comes after? and why.

  18. at the interesection of the roads they met. he looked at her and felt slightly shocked. her beauty was beyond anything that he ever saw or imagined….at the interesection they met, they saw, they fell in love, they went their own way…
    at the interesection they will meet once again

    by me on 04.25.2011
  19. A fun place to throw balls and have a party. Oh wait, I think a car will come along and hit me! Naw, it turned out it was a flying shoe with a little man at the helm!

    by Dinkus on 04.25.2011
  20. At the intersection of ideas lies time wasted. It’s not that the ideas are bad or good, it’s that indecision traps everyone into a state of paralysis. choose an idea and go with it. That’s all. If your idea intersects another, it’s too late.

    by emlow on 04.25.2011
  21. crossroads stoplights car crash white lines cars red green yellow slow down speed up turn fast u turn four ways which way? perpendicular center

    by Jessica on 04.25.2011
  22. Here, all passes through. Intersections of life, of the road, its all the same. Cars collide, lives collide. Sometimes something may come out of the collision, other times its nothing but an exchange of insurance information.

  23. there was an intersection at this place i used to love as a child. there are 5 streets that come together. i remember walking there with my boyfriend, when he swooped me up kissed me. i remember that is where my friends got in a fight. or where i spent my summer one year.

  24. hello stoplight, i’ve missed you.
    and so did everyone else, and that’s why we’re here.
    all piled up.

    by Jen on 04.25.2011
  25. Standing at a crossroads, you are at an intersection. An intersection in your relationship with reality; with the people you know and have yet to know, the people who have changed your life and have yet to change it. You can go right, left, or forwards: no progress is made by turning away.

    by Abigail Kotlarz on 04.25.2011
  26. I was sitting at the intersection when i first saw him. He was parked looking at a newspaper. I knew right then and there that I was in for an interesting summer. He had that sort of cute small town boy look with his cowboy hat and dark aviators. It was that boy who changed my life forever, it was that boy who gave me the most amazing summer of my life.

  27. yo lo encontré en una intersección, y no me arrepiento, aunque mi vida diera este repentino giro aunque llegara a conocer cosas que jamás habría deseado conocer, si aún así no me arrepiento de nada… cada una de las experiencias fue enriquecedora para mi… y amo vida

    by Andrea Rojas Bolaños on 04.25.2011
  28. i was at the intersection of white and circle ave, i looked to my left and there he was. he was simple, sitting in his big old pick up truck with his dark aviators on. he was that cute in a small town boy sort of way. I knew from taking one look at him that i was in for trouble that summer. that summer turned out to be the best one of my life, with that boy and his pick up truck. it was love.

    by Beth on 04.25.2011
  29. Someday soon after he’ll realize that his life is divided into ‘before’ it happened and ‘after’ it happened.

    Before, when he was at the intersection sipping a Starbucks Caffé Americano and thinking life was good and answering his phone.

    And after, when the world was split into thirds: glass, sky and blood.

    by ZoeZoe on 04.25.2011
  30. You’re driving down the road, and you come upon an four-way intersection.
    None of the roads seem to please you, so you continue to drive straight forward.
    You come to another intersection, but this time there are only two roads to pick from. Again, neither of these roads look interesting, so you drive on.
    Lastly, you come to a curve in the road.
    You don’t want to go that way, but it seems to be the only path left.
    So you take it.
    You had options.
    Now you don’t.
    Don’t let the road take you wherever it wants.
    Be the driver.

    by LivLiv on 04.25.2011
  31. I was standing, watching him. We were standing at the intersection of our lives. I was looking one way and he was looking the other. I never knew if we would look the same way again, if we could cross different streets. If this was the end, it was beautiful and oddly cliche. The in intersection – it would be the last place I remembered him. And i was perfectly fine with that.

    by Lex Cobra on 04.25.2011
  32. Cars stopped. Blinkers flashing. A brief pause in the life of many. Red means stop but what else does it say about how our minds work? We are all waiting, waiting for the green light to continue on to where we were going, what we had planned, and never again will we see those cars, those people, or have those seconds back from the moment at the intersection.

    by Candice Lawton on 04.25.2011
  33. I was at the intersection when she died. Blood all over the pavement. I didn’t understand how she could die from a sandwich, laced with glass. But she did.

    by Don Patterson on 04.25.2011
  34. the place where two crossroads meet. where new things are created and where the mind is allowed to grow. this is how the beauty becomes something completely new from two very different things. this is where the progression starts. the tip of the chair. drop in the pond. the beginning of a revolution.

    by Niklas Nelson on 04.25.2011
  35. Many cars, waiting to go
    From place to place
    The people in the cars
    frustrated, waiting
    With people to see
    Places to go
    Things to do

    by Layla on 04.25.2011
  36. cars going fast red green ye;low slow stop yeild crossing conflict destruction hold on your life
    stop a nd stare
    crossings of life
    cars vehicles biks and people a secound of freezing
    to thing about life

    by Kaylin JOhnson on 04.25.2011
  37. when i’m driving i see these. that’s all i think about. turning. all the cars. beeping. too loud. too noisy. can’t concentrate. oppposite of peaceful. don’t like being there. once out, feel so much better. not something i like. makes driving stressful. love driving. hate turning. intersect. maths.

  38. where is the intersection between planning and living? We can plan, we can prepare, we can wait until the perfect time, but that intersection is right there the moment you are ready to GO. Live, breathe, take that leap and DO.

    by Kirsten on 04.25.2011
  39. where got in an accident on 4/20. totaled my car. stupid bitch ran the red light and hit me. worst holiday ever. smoked 3 blunts that night.

  40. stopped at the intersection I yawned and then blinked at the sight comming toward me. A ceme nt truck speeding headlong toward me.

    by dee senchak on 04.25.2011