
February 27th, 2010 | 190 Entries

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190 Entries for “inspired”

  1. Inspired. Suddenly the words are pouring out of my fingers like the rain when the sky opens up. i like people who can sit and watch the rain and think of nothing for hours upon hours. people who can smile with it’s dark and gray. people who will sit in the rain with no fear for what comes after they are soaked and cleansed.

    by Carley Pelletier on 02.27.2010
  2. I have always been inspired by the books I read. Every time I finish a book, every time I read that final word and feel that immense satisfaction – especially if it was a good book – I am inspired to write. But I can never be inspired long enough to keep at it. I lose confidence.

    by scarlet on 02.27.2010
  3. She
    the one at the bus stop
    standing there with the world
    clenched tightly in a book
    clenched tightly
    between her fingers
    and the palm of her hand

    she filled my imagination
    with hers
    and inspiration
    that was far beyond
    what anybody is able
    to know.

    by claire on 02.27.2010
  4. And the music spiralled and floated and lingered in the hearts of the audience, if their awed looks as they filed out of the concert hall were anything to go by. But Kate snorted as she stepped back into her car.

    “Inspired my ass.”

    by Guess Who on 02.27.2010
  5. Inspiration is such a fickle thing. It will start by sending me off into into five minutes or so of creative passion, and end and never return. It’s never lasting. It’s momentary and a horrible tease. I do not sunsets inspiring. They’re nothing more than pretty. Sad things are far more inspirational, but not sad in the way of little Johnny still plays on the playground even though he has one arm.

    by Samantha on 02.27.2010
  6. Some days it just doesn’t take much.
    But I remember that apple tree in the field
    with the big rock under it
    and feeling like someday I could be
    someone who mattered. It made me feel invincible
    the rock and the tree that survived growing out from under it. I could be that tree. I could.

    by Lori on 02.27.2010
  7. “So… Are you inspired yet?” Addison asked for the fifty-second time as I surfed YouTube for ideas for my so-called “Break-out performance”.

    “Why am I doing this on the day I feel the worst?” As if by que, my stomach emptied itself into the bucket next to me. “Especially when the show’s not until two weeks from now?”

    “Because, silly, you’re sitting errr lying still for once.” What little of the sugarcoated brain she had didn’t notice how epically she failed at word choice.

    “You’ll be the one lying still if I can’t watch TV.” With that, I snatched the remote from her lap and turned on the news. Within seconds I was barfing again, mostly to get away from the sight I’d be seeing if my head was out of the bucket.

    “Exactly why I kept you away from that!” Addison scolded. “Zack Martin could possibly be the worst person on EARTH to be watching right now.”

    by H on 02.27.2010
  8. Inspired, huh? What an interesting thing to write about. The fact is, getting inspired by the word inspired isn’t all that easy to do, as you can see. I myself have been ins

    by on 02.27.2010
  9. Wonderfull great site

    by Oqnrtpzg on 02.27.2010
  10. It’s serious

    by Cqgbrjfw on 02.27.2010
  11. Very funny pictures

    by Elwdoxln on 02.27.2010
  12. NYC. Engaging people. Travel. The Amazon (from what I’ve seen in pictures.) Beauty, both inside and out…and unconventional beauty.

    by Meg Phillips on 02.27.2010
  13. Inspired.

    No, I am not inspired.

    by Grace on 02.27.2010
  14. I want to be inspired.
    But… inspiration won’t come to me when I want it to be.
    I want to break free of it, sometimes.
    Falling to sleep is the worst: it creeps up onto me and I am forced to get out of bed, onto the cold floor and write the stuff down.
    All in my head.
    And my dreams.
    If only I could have a dream recorder…
    Or eyes that can take pictures.

    by Grace on 02.27.2010
  15. She looked out over the beach and felt inspired by the endless stretch of sand and sea. It awoke emotions that she had almost forgotten existed–long extinguished passions, youthful dreams, images of what could one day be.

    by Kate on 02.27.2010
  16. I am inspired. I am an inspired leader; I am an inspired student; I am an inspired human. I believe inspiration and passion for anything can change the world. A passion and the ability to inspire others can make the world a better place just by implementing some inspired thought.

    by Emily B on 02.27.2010
  17. It makes me inspired when i see people craft.

    by emma on 02.27.2010
  18. She was so inspired. She didn’t know what about. Maybe it was his adorable face, his way of talking, but everything about him was just amazing. She never wanted to let him go, even though he was so very far away right now. Why couldn’t he be closer to her? Why must there be

    by Nichole on 02.27.2010
  19. I was inspired by an album called “check your head” by the beastie boys. It inspired me to create my own hip hop music and create a new style, it’s all inspiration.

    by Dan Winston on 02.27.2010
  20. tim burton jonas tree house words cisneros holden caulfield andrew bishop kasprzak ian sadness holiness the west the east sal paradise love hate frienship death mourning wanting needing praying feeling writing words words words knowing needing jack kerouac.

    by diane on 02.27.2010
  21. what inspires me. things that are bright. things that make me feel at peace with myself and my world. bookstores. coffee. cats. grass. soft socks. nuzzling.

    by Courtney on 02.27.2010
  22. Inspired by the artwork on the wall, the old man decided that it was time for him to pick up painting once more….

    The last time he had touched a paintbrush was over thirty years ago, just before his first wife, his beloved, died.

    by Shirley on 02.27.2010
  23. through life we acquire a better sense of who we are through the observation and emulation of others, whether they be celebrities, athletes, activists, universal idols or even those closer to home. my mom is my inspiration to keep living, who is yours?

    by Ben on 02.27.2010
  24. ispirazione la mania degli artisti, qualcosa da trovare, qualcosa da rinnegare.
    Una fede verso qualcosa che c’

    by sagana on 02.27.2010
  25. The girl was inspired. She sat down to the table, her head still reeling from her professor’s lecture in class today. Her hand seemed to seize the pen of its own accord. The nib brushed the parchment, and then, it was off. She had begun to write.

    by Bronte on 02.27.2010
  26. Ive been inpired lately to be creative, to be home and to write in journals, cards, on my facebook and in my blog. I love it when I take the time to be inspired. It makes me feel …

    by Daphne on 02.27.2010
  27. inspired. what drives you. what keeps you going day in and day out. what keep you from screaming and crying and punching all the idiots who hurt you.

    by brianna on 02.27.2010
  28. inspired about? who what when why and where people always want to know…where to get inspired. WHERE? youre asking the wrong gal. i just am…from time to time. it comes, it goes. waxes and wanes. inspiration is not tangibly achieved. it floats in your bone marrow.

    by jennifer on 02.27.2010
  29. visions. I don’t really know. When i think about that I always think about Sigma Kappa and how we strive to share and inspired vision and that is important. But my roommate is distracting me right now and the sun is in my eye

    by Jennifer on 02.27.2010
  30. Completely uninspired

    by xanithxculsha48 on 02.27.2010
  31. I am inspired to write by the word “inspired.” Inspiration is all anybody needs in order to write anything. Inspiration is my muse. It’s what makes me do what I do. It’s how I write papers and pass my classes. It’s how I make decisions. Inspiration is one of the most important aspects of my life.

    by Ilana on 02.27.2010
  32. A word that seems to appear less and less in the works of today’s “artists”. To be inspired is to feel a connection with something greater, and from that being able to forget all else and devote yourself in entirety to a passion.

    by Acan on 02.27.2010
  33. psh, how lame. you want me to write about the word “inspired”? come on, how about i give you two words: Cop Out

    by drew on 02.27.2010
  34. I am not feeling inspired. By anything. The only thing that’s keeping me going is knowing that I’ll be home soon. In 18 days. But after that, I have to come back. What will keep me going then? Knowing I’ll go home in 10 weeks? But what after that? I don’t want my life to consist of me barely making it through just because I have going home to look forward to.

    by j on 02.27.2010
  35. i am not inspired to write shit in sixty seconds. this doesn’t appeal to me at all and i think nicole is fucking stupid and should not be in charge or writing resources, seeing as she cannot write at all. i am not inspired to do anything because i am so high right now and truthfully i am scared.

    by lol on 02.27.2010
  36. The sound of his neck snapping when he hit the bottom of the stairs inspired, in her, the thought of mixing herself a Caesar with a nice crisp celery stick. He wouldn’t be wanting one.

    by Grace on 02.27.2010
  37. I’ve been feeling incredibly inspired lately. Not from the normal things, like music, or movies, or the like, but because I’ve been reading up on how to be a writer. I even made contact with an author who wrote a book that I was incredibly interested in, and she responded to me, and even helped me out a little bit more. Now, it may have failed when posting on my writing forums, but I found it incredibly helpful. She was pretty awesome.

    by Nicole Zanoudakis on 02.27.2010
  38. The kitchen was sparkling clean! My mom did an excellent job. It made me wonder how much work she put into taking care of me after all these years. I feel inspired by that woman.

    by SPST on 02.27.2010
  39. It is something everyone should have, something everyone should get the change to expirience.. It is what awakens the soul, what has little minds grow into big accomplishments, into reality,

    by Sydney on 02.27.2010
  40. Excellent work, Nice Design

    by Ncjmbexo on 02.27.2010