
April 28th, 2010 | 238 Entries

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238 Entries for “industry”

  1. You know what sucks about industry? How I’m involved in it. Yeah, I love clothes and everything, but making them for less than two cents an hour? Ha, no thanks. Those American’s think we don’t know that we’re getting screwed. We know. WE just don’t have another choice.

    by Meaghan on 04.28.2010
  2. Industry. Blech. This word sucks! Holy merf…why would I want to write about industry? It makes me think of social studies…I hate social studies. It also makes me think of butterflies. Butterflies are cool. Peace out, homies. Time’s up.

    by Shoe. on 04.28.2010
  3. industry and it’s involvement in destroying the world that we now live in.

    commercialization has been supported by the industry of the modern age to make things cheaper and better. while the innovation that has been used creates luxuries that the world couldn’t imagine living without it also creates massive amounts of garbage

    by adam on 04.28.2010
  4. Industry-its a small word, but it means something different to everyone but slightly still the same. Its always has to do with buisness or conformaty. Conformaty is bad. I can’t think of anything to write about this.

    by Kachina on 04.28.2010
  5. industry is an abomination to the US of A. People are completely consumed by industry as if it is the only thing that matters in life. People no longer care about other people, thye only care about success. Just success. In a way it’s completely disgusting. We only care about the material things in life. When will we start caring about PEOPLE again?

    by Darby on 04.28.2010
  6. industry is buisnesses and a flourshing economy. it is all different types of companies that provide growth for the economy and the civilization.

    by katie Ciarelli on 04.28.2010
  7. so much dead industry, along riverbanks. you smoking black tar heroin while the train goes by, straining to see you in the thickets where you’ve hung old blankets from the bare trees. the den, you call it. the industrial plant in the background, smoking, both smoking, both bright with the river wind.

    by jericho on 04.28.2010
  8. Industry ruins with pollution but makes life easier. It makes things more fun. It hurts life but makes fun.

    by Karen on 04.28.2010
  9. The industry of America was built on textiles and whaling. At first this appears to be two unrelated things, but in the end, when you sit back and consider it, they are both used for the same butchering America was built on. Whaling killed whales and textiles killed children.

    by Rose on 04.28.2010
  10. industry is a word that starts with i like independent or inverse or ice cream i like ice cream who doesnt like ice cream ill tell you who vegans they dont eat it because it is a milk product that comes from cows
    industry=BAD VEGANS

    by sam on 04.28.2010
  11. I think of the fashion industry. A corrupted industry for lack of a better word. Girls are way too skinny and its not a healthy thing for any aspect of our society. Nothing positive comes out of that kind of unhealthy body image

    by Sara on 04.28.2010
  12. the industry has alot to do with everything. in fact, there are many industries that have to do with your life. The food industry, the clothing industry, industries effect all of us. The porn industry probably entices you a lot online, too.

    by julian xu on 04.28.2010
  13. industry.

    brings about reminicense of a trip that i took to ohio. industrial shit everywhere you looked. smoke stacks and dingy building stood in the way of seeing anything of beauty. i was far from inspired.

    by dee on 04.28.2010
  14. What is up with industry?
    Are they trying to generalize us?
    Limit us?
    Or are they just producing for a world of greedy, selfish people?

    by Kelsey on 04.28.2010
  15. the industry is made to produce and reproduce while making a legitimate amount of money. if the industry does not keep up, then the population is not happy.

    by Jessica on 04.28.2010
  16. Yucky, disgusting, black smoke and no frilly flowers to line the driveway, that’s what my first impression of “industry” was, even as a small child. Now, a real-life grown hippie, I still agree with my young self, and I arrange protests against it, in particular the big polluters – car manufacturers, pulp mills, detergent-makers…and I’m no hippocrite, no way, I use only all-nautural, baby! Ride my bike every day. Never bum rides. I look a little dishevelled…but so does our world with so much INDUSTRY.

    by Carrie on 04.28.2010
  17. industry is a growing field. It wasn’t always the titan that it is today, the industrial revolution is what really kicked off industrial growth. It started with the invention of the steam engine in the early nineteenth century, and has only continued to grow since then. today industry is a growing field especially with technology.

    by summer on 04.28.2010
  18. I JUST DID THIS. I think of the industrial revolution right off the top of my head. From this concept/point in history, I think of Gaskell’s North and South, because I’m a complete British literature freak. Such a fantastic book! The juxtaposition of the factory owners and the union workers strife for equality and better lives is extremely interesting!

    by Anna on 04.28.2010
  19. I have no idea about industry. It reminds me of billy madison. See, the industrial revolution is like the book, the Puppy who lost his way. Where society is the puppy and industry is the little boy who just wants the puppy back. I dont really know why i typed that. i hope industry wait. yes. no. industry confuses me.

    by ryan wellhouser on 04.28.2010
  20. The car industry was booming, and he had everything to do with it. So why wasn’t he getting a penny of the profit?
    He turned his thoughts away from his own dissatisfaction for a moment, in order to take care of his son’s. The infant was crying yet again, though it was hard to believe he had any tears left over from the night before.

    by Anne on 04.28.2010
  21. We walk off the line mass produced like little matchstick men
    I’d rather not be a cookie cutter of the lady sitting next to me on the bus
    But hey whatever we are all the same evil beings
    made in gods image…

    by Sharent Hernandez on 04.28.2010
  22. industry is what drives people its what drives our country. becoming a part of a thriving industry is hwat we work for in life…for some reason. industry is what created the world we know now, its what brought us out of the stone age and into the modern world.

    by Cecilia on 04.28.2010
  23. the industry of modeling has made our whole entire world base itself around looks. its the outside that matters now. everyone judges by appearences, because we were trained to.

    by jessica on 04.28.2010
  24. the industry is stupid and i remember we learned about sweatshops in history class. imagine getting your body smashed by a factory machine!
    it’s terrible. I wish I could just go back in time and help people through the hardships that dictators and overseers put weaker people through. I don’t understand why people think that might makes right.
    it reminds me of the great debate that’s tomorrow. I’m debating tomorrow. AND

    by Kylie M. ♥ on 04.28.2010
  25. Industry is a lie. Public opinion is what fact is based on, and fact is what industry is based on. Makimng undustry based on public opinion, and subsequentaly as easy to undermine and change as a pair of sox.

    by Carl on 04.28.2010
  26. Industry is Strong. Well I suppose it is not extremely strong in the United States, but I wish it was. I am currently reading Atlas Shrugged so this word struck a strong note with me. Ayn Rand is all about the power of what man can do and the industrious nature of man. My grandfather is very industrious. He is one of my life heroes. He is an extremely hard worker. He comes from a time when that sort of thing was appreciated.

    by Micah Benson on 04.28.2010
  27. The industry of the country killed it. It was as simple as that. Things like air toxins didn’t really affect many. But the fact that they were over worked and did not have enough for the bare necessities did. They starved most of the time, working day in and day out. Walking skeletons.

    by Ash on 04.28.2010
  28. Black spit cough ash in my hair and on my tongue. typing with one hand because the end of my finger was sliced in black ink machine. Press on industry.

    by grace on 04.28.2010
  29. Is throughout history against the common man. They have paid workers poor wages for very dangerous jobs: example, the steel mills of the early 1920’s.

    by Ashley on 04.28.2010
  30. something bad. something good? something in between. something big, something powerful. i am my own industry, right? i like to think i am.

    by britt on 04.28.2010
  31. The captains of industry sat around the smooth oak conference table.

    “So, are we doing it?” said one white-haired impresario.

    “We are,” said another.

    And it was done.

    by nkw on 04.28.2010
  32. Industry is really cool. Like smoke and stuff. Colombian industry is the best. It is Colombian. I think about industry when people tell me that word.
    Like here. Industry is amazing. Industry is like when all the work of stuff ge

    by adiw on 04.28.2010
  33. The industry is powerful. It’s big, powerful, massive. Explosive like. You can never trust it. Or can you? Industry is complex. Heck the world is complex. It’s a tough world. Some might say dusty (who would say that?). Thus inDUSTry. And that’s how it goes.

    by Kourtney on 04.28.2010
  34. there’s nothing i can say about this. all I think of is the fashion industry and how much I’d love to become a personal shopper for some of those celebs out there, because a lot of them seem to have no sense of style or. . . well. . . self respect? that was a bad thing to say. . . oh dear. . .

    by Cailyn on 04.28.2010
  35. industry is a crazy thing
    it is the death of art in my opinion
    why should craftsmen work for hours producing quality work when a machine can pump out one hundred of that object every minute?
    it is a sad thing
    the death of quality

    by zach smelser on 04.28.2010
  36. working
    ever moving
    ever changing
    the center of our lives
    intruding in like a rude guest
    demanding the love and attention
    we no longer have

    by gabby on 04.28.2010
  37. The industry of life, thats the challenge really, to make a break from industry. To chaff and separate the cogs of industry. I’m interested in the fag-breaks and the spare pieces.

    by Shane Ward on 04.28.2010
  38. the industry was doing wonderfully, they were at the top of the top. The android factory known as “Pilotech” successfully created a completely automated pilot. While otehr companies were still struggling to get androids to walk..

    by Nash on 04.28.2010
  39. The metal bars melted over our shoulders, feeling as heavy as lead weights.
    Because they were lead weights.
    Thick lead ooze dripped out from my eyes and burned my cheeks.
    the end.
    of the world.

    by tara on 04.28.2010
  40. Ours? Just poor.

    by czeska on 04.28.2010