
April 8th, 2010 | 210 Entries

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210 Entries for “holy”

  1. oh holy shit, what have I gotten myself into. I can’t really write about being holy. Holy shit time is running out. I have no clue what to write about

    by evelyn on 04.09.2010
  2. Holy, or wholly. It’s one of those woolly questions he would ask at parties to sound pretentious and spiritual at the same time. He likes to think of himself as spiritual, but the reality is that he was more about the pretense of holiness, not wholly unified.

    by Geoff on 04.09.2010
  3. Fuck the word holy. I am so over the word holy. I am over talking about religion and beliefs. I am over quibbling over the unsolvable. I want something tangible, something I can understand. This existential shit is driving me up the wall. Holy my ass. More like wholey.

    by snarker on 04.09.2010
  4. good, religion is bullshit, me, magic, healing

    by Gabe on 04.08.2010
  5. a place where no bad occurs. I don’t think it exists on this planet though. Maybe heaven…

    by Paul on 04.08.2010
  6. holy cheese batman! What is that?
    It find me unexpected in my sleep. Every time I think I can shake of that familiar feeling of faith, it creeps back upon me. I guess if I have to believe in something, I can believe in you.

    by ann on 04.08.2010
  7. holy. Holiness in god. Who is this “god?” Why do people believe in God? Why not Gods or Buddha? I guess he’s a God also, in a sense. I think I like the Greek times where they prayed to multiple Gods.. it sounds interesting to me, and like something I could handle.

    by Felisa on 04.08.2010
  8. People think that those who are religious are always pious. There are those who think that religion is bad, but what about what those religions are based on? Is there nothing holy anymore? Is there nothing sacred? Do we not care; why do we treat everything with such a cold indifference? Life is holy. We should treat it that way.

    by Dana on 04.08.2010
  9. something with holes

    by jeannatheodd on 04.08.2010
  10. Holy, what is holy? Just reminds me mainly of religions that try too hard to control and keep people in line, without providing the needed comfort to masses as it was meant to. Or it could be confused with holey, as in holey cheese (Swiss) or holey socks… Those are amusing and awful at the same time. When your toe sticks through your sock, annoying to feel but cool to look at. Socks are pretty awesome themselves. Keep your feet warm and not as nasty. What else can I say? I like holy socks. Back to holy. Most everyone has acted as if they were holier-than-thou on some occassion right? I mean, itd be impossible not to at some point in ones life. Holy, its losing its meaning for me now. I have nothing else to say.

    by Spring on 04.08.2010
  11. holy is the present moment. it’s all we have – it holds all potential and promise and the power to change anything and everything. the holiness lies in knowing this and ensuring the present is where you live and where you stay each day. it’s a holy place indeed.

    by Colby on 04.08.2010
  12. molly

    by holy on 04.08.2010
  13. holy trinity, what’s that all about. the holy trifecta. HOVA. holy water. baptisms freak me out. I don’t want to get dunked into a river or a lake or a fucking kiddie pool to wash my sins off. Noooo thank-you, sir. I’d rather play in the kiddie pool instead.

    by Samantha on 04.08.2010
  14. some times i do feel i am very unlucky. opportunities come and go…..but it hurts a lot when it is being snatched by someone when u are about to hold on it……..

    by Arun on 04.08.2010
  15. The entire church resounded with the chorus. The windows were a deep red now, as the blood fog strangled the small church. “Open the door,” said the preist, and they obeyed. A swirling red mist made a wall separating the room from the outside world. Through the fog stepped a lone nude white foot, gently onto the marble. Another leg and a white form entered the church.

    “From where do you come, my queen”

    She smiled, and whispered, “From roaming through the earth and going back and forth in it.”

    by DancingPlatypus on 04.08.2010
  16. Ew. Holy. That word automatically makes me think of religion. I hate religion. A bunch of mindless shit. Makes people act like fucking idiots. We’d be much better without it. Especially Christianity.

    by Sierra on 04.08.2010
  17. as the light that came down
    from the heavens on the day you were born;
    and radiated from face to face
    of all in the entire town.
    and they all said if you squinted
    and stared hard enough into the clouds
    you could see God smile down.

    oh, how they were wrong at what they saw.

    by Josh Miller on 04.08.2010
  18. Pious. What is pious? I find it synonymous with hypocrisy. Holy doesn’t exist anymore. Judge and be judged. If the “holy” want to judged, then they will be judged just the same. Holy is an excuse to throw things at people. To hurt people with words.

    by Chameleon on 04.08.2010
  19. not a lot comes to my mind with the word holy. which is interesting, considering how many people’s lives revolve around holiness.

    by Lizette on 04.08.2010
  20. Holy mackeral man! This site is cool man! Wow man! Jesus is HOLY lol get it thats kew hai.

    by tay on 04.08.2010
  21. Holy God of all wonder and beauty. I ask why you you show such great mercy and pity towards me.
    I am nothing but broken peice

    by Nina on 04.08.2010
  22. Don’t you just love hypocrites? Whether attacking those that don’t worship the Holy Bible, or those attacking those that DO worship the Holy Bible.

    Everyone is the same in this respect. The extremes hate the extremes. Some use vulgar words, some use condescending ones. But they’re all the same.

    Awful, awful bastards. Grow a pair, dude. You’re no better than those you hate if you swear at them.

    by Caitlin on 04.08.2010
  23. new, bright, brilliant, full of life. something sacred, newborn, perfect that you could never hurt or give away. white like innocence, blue like purity.

    by Dani on 04.08.2010
  24. Holy freaking moley! I mean, really? What was that about? You don’t just do that! You can’t drag me one way and then another! A person just can’t take that! Make up your mind and treat me as such. I hate when you confuse me like that! What am I supposed to do about it?!

    by Gwen on 04.08.2010
  25. cow

    holy holy holy lord god our power our might heaven and earth are full of your glory

    hosannah, that’s a good one
    that one’s awful good!

    on your knees, eyes closed, little beads of sweat in the eyelashes glor be glory, be full of the glory mighty pretty

    i just might

    by Reagan on 04.08.2010
  26. moly, jehosephat, crickets, mother of god, et al.
    the holiest of the trinity? the ghost. why? because ghosts are rad. and scary. but not scary in a go to hell way. scary like a REAL nightmare way.

    by area man on 04.08.2010
  27. I guess it means set apart, sanctified, something that can be ordinary but is set aside and used for a higher purpose.

    by Jordan on 04.08.2010
  28. Holy is that which is undefinable, that takes us along its course, driving us ever to seek it, yet always holiness, divinity, God, the transcendent. They all remain elusive, yet it is the elusive nature that makes them worth the search.

    by Rance Garrison on 04.08.2010
  29. I am completely holy. Or whole-y holy. But this cannot be true. Because to be holy is to be godly, and gods do not sin, but man does. And saying that I am completely holy is to brag, which is prideful. Pride is one of the Seven Deadly Sins.

    But the Greek gods sinned. Frequently! Does that make them mortals, or us gods?

    by Caitlin on 04.08.2010
  30. holy crap. crap my pants. pants on fire. FIRE BLAST! blast my music. music makes me lose control. control your mind. mind warped. warped through time. time to go. go away. away from it all. all these lies. lies of faith. faith is holy.

    by Derp on 04.08.2010
  31. “Oh holy Jesus on earth.”

    My mother, bless her, fainted.

    My father caught her and looked at me. Then at the boy beside me. Leathered, pierced, dyed, and tattooed. That wonderful boy.

    “You’ve gone and made your mother faint, Sam.”

    by Caitlin on 04.08.2010
  32. Holy crap was honestly the first thing that popped into my head. Maybe that’s because my math has me stumped. But as a good Baptist, I should probably think about Bibles and ghosts and all of that jazz. Oh well. For now, it will be holy crap, and I totally and completely like it that way.

    by Brittany on 04.08.2010
  33. I got holy. You got holy. Lotsa people got holy. Then what happened? We lost it. We doubted ourselves. We came unglued. Now what have we got? Snake-charming, gun-hoarding, Bible-thumping, right vs. left, judging and shouting. Mothers smothering their own kids in a so-called exorcism. That’s what passes for holy now. Time’s up. What will be holy to you?

    by sally g on 04.08.2010
  34. the people of my land have nothing more than to follow a path that leads to an undiscovered kingdom. It is said that those which live there can only be referred to as holy…

    by King on 04.08.2010
  35. holy… holy SHIT. what is holy? i don’t know. holy water? but what makes it holy? if there isn’t a God then there probably isn’t such a thing as “holy”, right? but what if there is a God? How would it be defined then?

    by alexxx on 04.08.2010
  36. Holy is beautiful. Clean, transparent, free from fault, filth, defect. How I long to be holy and yet and so far. Holy hope for the future

    by David on 04.08.2010
  37. The holy bible is overrated. If people were living in that time, it would be just like it is today. There would be terrible priests, feuding families, and poor servants. Somehow we like to separate the past from the present.

    by Scythe42 on 04.08.2010
  38. Holy to who? Or to what? Theres holy shit, which everyone knows. Theres holy shirts and pants from wedding crashers

    Then theres holy mother mary of god that was amazing sex.

    youre welcome babe ;)

    by James on 04.08.2010
  39. complete devotion … perfect in goodness and righteousness

    by Jason on 04.08.2010
  40. shit!!!

    by chris on 04.08.2010