
September 26th, 2012 | 316 Entries

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316 Entries for “help”

  1. Lewis needed help, he needed it soon. He was stuck in a caves and the zombies were hoarding his life force. If Duncan, Simon or Sjin didn’t come soon, he would be dead meat. Hell, he would accept Sips’ help right now.

    by Chloe on 09.26.2012
  2. I am helping myself. I am committed. My body is a canvas, my mind is an ocean of knowledge. I will take risks and risk being cast aside because I know I am too good for that. I am confident. I am a beautiful, powerful creature with no limitations. I will win.

  3. I think we all need a little help every once in a while. We can’t take on this world entirely by ourselves. But if a guy offers to “help” me take off my clothes again, I swear I’m going to punch him.

    by SkySky on 09.26.2012
  4. there was only so much he could do
    there wasnt enough time
    he tried thwarting the beast at large
    he escaped in time to save his spine
    in the end he perished
    looking for a soul
    looking for the one he
    needed to help and hold

  5. “Help”, she yelled! I can’t get my boot off! She was standing at the end of the bed, pulling her left cowboy boot with what seemed to be all of her strength. Her upper body was leaning over her knee on top of the bed. “Sit down” I said. And I pulled off the boot. She was laughing, drunk as she was. “What’s wrong?” She asked, when she realized I didn’t respond to her giggles. What should I say? That she had ruined the entire evening for me? Or better yet; My entire life!?

    by Birgit on 09.26.2012
  6. Help is a strange thing. We are all expected to help people, and yet sometimes we’re shunned when we try to help too much.

  7. Help me not shout at the television when my rubbish football team is losing, help me not shout at the radio when a politician will not answer the question, help me not shout at the traffic lights, help me not lose the plot!

  8. i need help, more then anything in life, it eases my burden, connects me with my community, and provides growth so that i may help someone too!

  9. i cry it so loud that my throat trembles it hurts to say anything but that all i need is someone or something to change me to make everything i know completely different and yet that is so much to ask for i look for you in the distance i will hope for your help until i know it’s arrived

  10. Help! Someone is chasing me! Just kidding, I’m sitting at my computer typing. I’m not sure what this website is, but it seems pretty cool since I found it while browsing stumble upon. Am I supposed to be doing a “so you think you can roleplay” thing? I don’t know, but I used to play games like that when I was younger so this might be a good way to get my creativity flowing and just for some fun and relaxation. Help!

    by Juliette on 09.26.2012
  11. Help someone through their day by smiling at them. Smile properly too, not any of that half-hearted crap. It makes you feel happier too.

    by Hannah on 09.26.2012
  12. – Kim jesteś? – zapytał, odruchowo cofając się w głąb domu. Jego dłoń powędrowała w kierunku noża leżącego na blacie drewnianego stołu.
    – Nikim ważnym. Po prostu potrzebuję pomocy. – Głos nieznajomego dobywał się z bryły lodu, będącej zamarzniętą w gęstej brodzie wilgocią.

  13. what jody schmalz needs. psycopathic scitzo that stalks, lies and steals. i hate her and her man voice even the way she lurches around everywhere walking like a man. that tranny needs HELP in a massive way. Jody Schmalz needs alot of help.

    by darlene on 09.26.2012
  14. somebody help me with this i dont’t know how to discribe i’ll help you more then you i let you go but im stay here for anything else

    by fla on 09.26.2012
  15. – Pomocy! – szepnęła, wyciągając przed siebie białe ramiona. Ranal zacisnął jedynie powieki i kopnął kolejny kamień. Smok poderwał leb i w końcu spojrzał w tym kierunku. Słaby głos kobiety nie powodował odpowiednich wibracji by go poruszyć. Dopiero tocząca się skała zwróciła jego uwagę. Nic teraz nie mogło jej uratować. Była zgubiona wraz z księgami, które ze sobą przyniosła.

    by Marta on 09.26.2012
  16. help- how can we make sure that we help others, when we think about helping. sometimes we just promote ourselves and our ideas.

    by corinnele on 09.26.2012
  17. help me writting something intelligent and usefull. Help eraning a lot of money for my future life.

    by Luis on 09.26.2012
  18. there was once a little boy who cried wolf – kind of synonymous with help thats me i just mkae things up get myself into supposedly a mess and cry for help when i can totally just help myself this is so foolish i feel like crap about myself i want to be a doer not a crier and certaily not just cry wolf/ help

    by vrinda on 09.26.2012
  19. i am not original
    i am not deep or meaningful
    i will not come up with something pretty for you to read in half the time it took me to write
    im drowning in stress and i do not want the company of anyone around me
    i just want to feel beautiful
    i want to write

  20. My Mama always told me that
    even though The Help washed my clothes,
    it was my responsibility to put them away.
    And even though The Help ironed my clothes,
    it was my responsibility to keep them unwrinkled.
    The 60’s were an in-between time, and Mama
    was feeling an internal pressure to respect the
    woman that came to our home to help with the laundry.
    A decade before that, The Help would have
    most likely been treated differently.

  21. Help is one of the greatest songs of the amazing band, The Beatles, icons of a generation and of music!

    Help is what we need, all around the world.

    Don’t be afraid of asking for it!

    by Raquel Fereira on 09.26.2012
  22. help me get through this
    mess of a relationship
    help me from grabbing his neck with my
    dainty hands and squeezing
    until i just cant squeeze no more
    help me help me help me
    12pm acceptabble time to drink

  23. HELP me get this damned application written in a way that aNYONE who reads it will want to fund it. It is very important and I cannot seem to get enough help writing it. It did help this morning when Elisa gave me her perspective on why my applications seem descriptive. Hopefully it will help.

    by Charlotte on 09.26.2012
  24. She didn’t need help. Well, not usually, but that day seemes really full of men helping her out: taking her out of the falling train, giving a lift to the city and saving from a mugging.

  25. lots of people in this world need help. some ask for it, some don’t. Either way, I think everyone needs help in some way. That way can be emotionally, physically, or economically (and of course in other forms, too). The government tries to help with some of these problems, but I believe the real solution to getting everyone help is by helping each other. It can be as easy as smiling at someone or sharing your food. People are too afraid to give help, just as they are to ask for it. If we weren’t so afraid then the world would be a better place with happier people.

    by kath on 09.26.2012
  26. Help me not be so nutty today. People were looking at me in e supermarket yesterday. help me remember it is not OK for a 50 year old woman to break dance in the isles!

    by Charlotte on 09.26.2012
  27. Everybody needs help sometimes. It’s just not everybody who wants to admit it. To need help sometimes is not a sign of weakness either. Help someone! You’ll feel good.

    by Sara on 09.26.2012
  28. Independent; strong. To require help is to be weak. If you are weak you garner no respect. Who cares about admiration when you can have respect? I do not need help. I am not weak; I am strong.

  29. to give someone the attention needed in order to create awareness and make change in their life

    by carly on 09.26.2012
  30. i need help bout my family issues n my ex cause all im letting my self do is just get stepped on n i know i don’t deserve it but i do miss my ex with all my heart. Thats why i feel like the Phantom. Cause I really understand him.

    by Claire on 09.26.2012
  31. I’m afraid of asking for help. If you ask for help then you’re admitting that you need it and therefore need someone. When you need someone though there’s a greater chance for disappointment and a greater chance of them leaving you. If you don’t ask for help then you can’t get hurt. You don’t have to rely on others because sometimes your own shadow even leaves you in the darkness.

    by Kaitlin on 09.26.2012
  32. I need someone to help me
    but I won’t let anyone near me.
    I’m too scared
    I wish I could
    but I can’t.
    I can’t let anyone know how messed up I am.

  33. Mom called, asking for my help with dad. His health has taken a turn for the worst and I have to return home, to help her look after him. She didn’t want to go into detail.

    by Val on 09.26.2012
  34. Help me, I can’t breathe. My heart feels like it’s been punctured over and over again by a thousand splinters of glass. I feel so lost and lonely, trapped in these dark woods, while everyone I once knew begin to slip from my mind and I painfully, slowly begin falling into darkness.

  35. help me. I’ve lost my mind. I don’t know which way I’m running, but I know they’re coming after me. They are coming and they won’t be stopping. I can hear them growling. They are hungry. Help us. Please Help us.
    We have nowhere else to go.

    by Kaito on 09.26.2012
  36. asdkfjals;duf askdfm;alskdnf;alskdjf

    by samantha on 09.26.2012
  37. Somebody could help you up when you fall, or help you with your homework. You could also be the help. (p.s. the movie is complete crap compared to the book)

  38. what you need when you’re boyfriend breaks up with you and you’re left all alone to try and deal with the remains of your shattered life while they go on and pretend like everything is okay. But really, things suck for both sides. no one feels good after that. you spend a huge chunk of time with that person and then suddenly they’re gone like a bolt of lightning in a thunder storm

    by Holly on 09.26.2012
  39. you scream you SOS for attention. God help you if i ever tell you what i’ve been thinking. I dont think all the padding in the world could handle it.

    by KimKim on 09.26.2012
  40. “Help” she cried, but no one heard. No one was there to offer help, let alone hear her cry. Nobody would help, anyways. It was just spilt tea.

    by Erin on 09.26.2012