
June 25th, 2008 | 217 Entries

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217 Entries for “grace”

  1. Beauty, taste, good manners, well being. Maria Callas singing Casta Diva, Antonin Dvorak’s Song to the Moon. Sonnet 18 from Shakespeare

    by ICM on 06.25.2008
  2. amazing grace is a song. grace involves movement in which one must be graceful hence the root word of “grace” which means to do with ease, or to move whiskfully. grace is also a name, not used prodominantly anymore, but a name that was popular in the 20s and 30s. grace is a 5 letter word, as is lampshade.

    by samsucks on 06.25.2008
  3. Grace reminds me of someone who isn’t graceful – someone who is a little clumsy, even dorky. It’s probably because of the TV show, but I think it might also have something to do with my own inability to manifest any type of

    by Tai on 06.25.2008
  4. state of grace or graceful movement. Something I don’t feel much in either sense. Something thinner holier people have – not for the likes of me. Makes me think of dancing and gymnastics and nuns. My grandmother’s name and one I love.

    by bunnypip on 06.25.2008
  5. there are so many people in this world who walk and act with grace., my grandmothers name is grace. i try to have grace in my life. i try to live with grace and treat others with this graceful respect. this is something that so many people long for. but not many can achieve such an act

    by cortni on 06.25.2008
  6. Hail Mary is full of this. One of my friend’s middle name is this. She’s a lesbian. Elegance goes along with this so well. As well as posture, poise, etc., etc.

    by MisterNee on 06.25.2008
  7. Grace is my little sister Melanie’s middle name. Though she seems to – at times – be physically devoid of it, she has it in spades socially. She is the one person I can truly let all the way in my boundaries and it is because she has a social grace that makes any conversation an easy one.

    by leigh on 06.25.2008
  8. Some people believe in the grace of God…I’m not really even sure what that means. Grace? What is grace? Is is gracious to allow someone to do something even though you know it’s something they shouldn’t do? Or is that just stupid?

    by KK on 06.25.2008
  9. the sun shines and graces us with a brand new day full of disappointments and heartbreak

    by Strangerous on 06.25.2008
  10. What about grace? I haven’t seen grace since this morning when I parallel parked. I have prayed in grace since my father passed away. I’ve never spoken in grace, until I said his name.

    by katy on 06.25.2008
  11. Along the river, you can find grace. Everywhere, even in the old rotting logs that float away from the banks, there is grace. In the sand between the toads. In the ripples that form the water roads: grace. And even after the river loads into the sea, you can see grace spreading; perforating.

    by tom on 06.25.2008
  12. grace is used to dance elegantly across the floor. it is a thin wrist, a dangling cigharette, it is walking across the room precisily and confidently and filling yourself with a demeaner which is both delicate and strong.

    by madeleine on 06.25.2008
  13. There was a woman named Grace. She lived near a lake. She wakled down to the it every morning and drank her coffee while the sun rose. One summer she died and after that the lake was haunted. A man moved into her house and he was haunted by her.

    by Adena on 06.25.2008
  14. she was full of it

    by Pam on 06.25.2008
  15. it will be gracefull if people thnk abt the earth ,global warming….

    Every One should proctect the trees …n foerests too grace the lyf for future generations ….

    Graceful to god for the beaitiful earth he has given us !!!

    by Rachit on 06.25.2008
  16. hey, that’s my name! i didn’t expect it to just pop up with my name! how delightful! i bet there are going to be a bunch of sappy things about the grace of movement, and then there’s just going to be me… MY NAME IS GRACE AHAHAHAHA! my great-grandma was named grace just like me. grace elizabeth b. h., and i’m grace elizabeth h. i met her before she died.

    by grace h on 06.25.2008
  17. Grace is the virtue by which things look fantastic..
    You should exit gracefully in your application..
    Gracefully exit when you still have respect..

    by Prasad on 06.25.2008
  18. Grace was the name of this little slut that belonged to my old boss. At 16 she had an iphone and a modeling contract and gave it all up to be a star. Her one claim to fame was when she was 3 months old and played a baby in my boss’ one claim to fame “A Modern Affair” where a single woman has a midlife crisis and goes to a sperm bank to conceive a child, which belongs to Stanley Tucci and she goes to find him and of course they fall in love. Grace was the baby. Grace is now a model for Sunnyside Sperm Bank Society.

    by Juno on 06.25.2008
  19. doves fly with grace and birds sing grace is a gift god is gaceful children have a grace to their nature gracefulness is a quality to admire ballerinas have grace in their movements grace is a gift

    by sarah on 06.25.2008
  20. Grinding teeth and throbbing veins were his constant companions. He was abandoned as a young child, and has lived the life of a vagabond ever since. He would drift from city to city, underworld to underworld. The faces changed but the morphine didn’t. At night he would sleep the sweet sleep of oblivion.

    by Mike on 06.25.2008
  21. The grace that was applied from the one that I had wronged was humbling. I couldn’t understand how complete this gift was.

    by gregor on 06.25.2008
  22. I don’t know much about grace. I’m not very graceful. I wish I could be more graceful. I knew a girl in high school that I always looked up to. She was nice to everyone. She was beautiful. She was a dancer. I saw her perform once. Her dance was graceful. That’s why I think of her when I hear the word grace. I hope she is doing well. I’m sure she is.

    by heather on 06.25.2008
  23. Grace and pride go hand in hand. Grace is something that happens under pressure and can occur under fire. Women have grace and poise and men show grace on a date. We should say grace daily to be thankful.

    by kiki on 06.25.2008
  24. grace always reminded me of some kind of goose, i don’t know why, it’s just the word, it just feels like a goose. it’s really funny because geese aren’t graceful at all. strange. they kinda clumsy really, it’s funny how my mind works.

    by John fondots on 06.25.2008
  25. grace is the middle name of my youngest daughter, we hope it will inspire elegance and grace within her as she growns up

    by Nikki on 06.25.2008
  26. Is the name of a place where I use to live. I drove there long time ago. One time I even got past the gate. He wasnt home so I laughed and smoked outside. The lights went off and they went to bed.

    by Sara on 06.25.2008
  27. when i like a boy i fall from grace. i come unglued and obsessed. its ugly. then they don’t like me anymore, only making me worse. I need to fix that. charm school maybe?

    by jess osborn on 06.25.2008
  28. Grace is something that I believe i have but i can’t judge whether or not i have it that is someone else’s job right time is up i bow out gracefully.

    by lisa on 06.25.2008
  29. grace to carry me through; grace to say that i’ll love you no matter what you’ve done to me, what you’ve said about me, how you’ve treated me. in grace, you are never let down, only lifted up with the knowledge of truth. how can this be? when i am so unperfect, you choose to love me. how much did this cost?

    by Mich on 06.25.2008
  30. grapes and apples fall gracefully from the branches. Sun streaks through the limbs. A little girl’s smile. A tooth snaps the waxy skin goes pop!

    by Heidi on 06.25.2008
  31. I see her all day around the trees and inside the house under rooftops. Her breasts are small but round and perfect and only 5 days have gone by since they were mine and hers together. I see her walking through poppies into the dusk, and then it’s over.

    by adam d on 06.25.2008
  32. Grace. I’ve always liked it as a name. It has class and tradition. But wouldn’t it be kind of weird to be named for, you know, grace? If you’re religious, the idea that you’re saved for no reason (that’s not right) and if you’re not…it’s weird.

    by Becca on 06.25.2008
  33. as i fall from grace i contemplate the effect this will have on me and my future, that of my husband, children and family. why oh why oh why do i think that i am untouchable? none of us is ever!

    by cris on 06.25.2008
  34. Grace was someone you could trust. She listened to all of your problems, which you always told her for whatever reason, and later she wouldn’t say a word to anyone. She just listened. That meant so much to me back in tenth grade. That awful week in tenth grade…

    by David Alliger on 06.25.2008
  35. lilting through soft melted air and twirls to a smile all unnaffected and pure, without

    by monkenstick on 06.25.2008
  36. the grace of silence is the most beautiful grace there is. Listen to your breath and feel the well of grace rise within you. Look at a river, and float with it’s grace. Admire a flower, and realise that you are part of the same grace that put that flower here. You are grace. I am.

    by Cristyn Jayne Williams on 06.25.2008
  37. God’s grace is sufficient to all of us in our own time. We are given this blessing at no cost to us. God’s undying love is a beautiful thing that no human mind can fully comprehend. Once grace is given it should be received.

    by Bill on 06.25.2008
  38. Grace. I once graced a blind man with my presence and was actually quite shocked when he wasnt impressed. I impress myself. It should be a magnificent honor to be graced with MY presence. Damn old blind man.

    He had acne too.

    by Taryn on 06.25.2008
  39. ballerinas, swiftly gliding across the floor
    light as feathers upon their toes
    poised, beautiful, elegant
    boundless leaps into the air

    by Jen M on 06.25.2008
  40. It’s a gift, really. A gift that the Master couldn’t help but give to the Doctor. To save her and bring her home, and then… well, he couldn’t give her back COMPLETELY unscathed. And long after his downfall, the Doctor would be plagued by him, and her, and the neverending drumbeat that would live on in her head.

    by Bee Davis on 06.25.2008