
June 25th, 2008 | 217 Entries

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217 Entries for “grace”

  1. She didn’t have to consider it. The stairs rolled beneath her, and as she fell, it wasn’t her arms that caught her, that pulled herself up. It was her knees.
    “Wow,” Helen commented. “Nice.”
    Shelley blushed. “It goes in the family,” she mumbled.

    by Steph Rahl on 06.25.2008
  2. a gift from God. not humanly attainable. beautiful. peaceful. like a feather dancing in the wind. something that is not of this world. a privilege to serve You, my God of GRACE.

    by Helen Blaine on 06.25.2008
  3. Grace is an element of beauty. Nothing more nothing less. Grace can be attributed to a persons looks or a persons charisma. Unfortuntly for many, it is the latter that is often the case.

    by Mark on 06.25.2008
  4. Amazing, isn’t it. I always wonder what that “grace” thing is about. “She carreied herself with grace” they say. Oh so that’s how you do it! I just wonder where I can buy a grace. I can’t wait to try it myself.

    by Kurt on 06.25.2008
  5. is on my head…for so long..but not know how to get over it..and make it different

    by sure on 06.25.2008
  6. grace is something i dont think we have enough of, especially at church where it should be the most prevalent. its much easier to judge someone and put yourself above them than to show them grace and be understanding, even though that is what you would expect from them in return. we all want to recieve grace, but we have a really hard time giving it. why is that? what did any of us do to deserve grace? the whole point is that you don’t deserve it, if you did it wouldn’t be grace at all.

    by b on 06.25.2008
  7. fallen from and then she said hello, angel wings flutter daylight breezes like her hair falling softly. amazing. the bible pages stick to her fingers that are hot with humidity and mississippi heat. she believes what they say. the pew is empty, and she sits alone. graceful. and quiet. she is the believer.

    by leah w. on 06.25.2008
  8. Flowing across the room in her elaborate garb, the Magistrix Supremor of the Ogdonian fleet was a vision in purple and gold. “Pomposity is everywhere in the galaxy”, Dakker thought to himself.

    by Stratcat X on 06.25.2008
  9. it is the free gift of God to mankind

    by pocho on 06.25.2008
  10. i never want to be alone

    I want to follow my dream

    by carin on 06.25.2008
  11. gace is a word that makes me think of dace spicifically ballet it also makes me think of a swan or any other water birt if you watch a bird on a calm lake so calm that it looks like glass, lets say its dawn the sun is barley up you watch the bird pirtched for a while then with what seems to be not much effort glides down to the water and lands with out making any kind of splash at all and barley even ripples the water. much like a ballerina she jumps up and spins in the air almost looking as if out of control but when she lands you cant hear a thing and her body stays still and gracefully glides into the next move.

    by kelsey on 06.25.2008
  12. Full of grace,
    why can’t I be?
    It’s like every time I find it…I screw it up again
    I want to be, GOD I want to be
    in your grace.
    But if the Religious right is the right
    I will be in hell with my partner
    The woman in whose arms I find grace

    by Juna'uh on 06.25.2008
  13. Grace reminds me of a little girl’s name. I think there is a small girl with Down’s Syndrome in town and I remember her vividly from the Dreamcatcher’s and the Extreme Home Makeover last summer. She seems like such a sweet little girl and always seems to be smiling. Which reminds me of my little man.

    by Candace on 06.25.2008
  14. I raised my hand to the sky, droplets pulsating on my palm like a customized shower head from Shaper Image. Slowly, I brought my hand down through my hair to cup the back of my neck, and feel for the remaining scar tissue. Soon, it would all be gone.

    by paisley on 06.25.2008
  15. Grace is the funniest thing, contemplation of want to’s and have nots. Grace is eternal beauty not designed for beginners but the divine. Grace is the absolute of the given and wanted by all, not to be achieved but within your etheral space.

    by Alexandra on 06.25.2008
  16. grace is love that is so pure that it leads to sacrifice. Like Christ upon the cross to redeem us.

    by Nicole on 06.25.2008
  17. By the grace of God and the power in me, I now pronounce you husband and wife.


    by Camille on 06.25.2008
  18. Um Grace, little two year old neice with spunk and smiles. She’s growning so fast and loves her puppies and any other animals that’ll let her moal them up with loves :)

    by Tami on 06.25.2008
  19. She looked at me like only she can. Her smile, so trusting that my heart ached. Can I love here so unconditionally that she deserved. Just to hug her gave me something I never got before. Peace.

    by on 01.01.1970
  20. She looked at me like only she can. Her smile, so trusting that my heart ached. Can I love here so unconditionally that she deserved. Just to hug her gave me something I never got before. Peace.

    by on 01.01.1970
  21. By the grace of God she lived. She wouldn’t have believed it after the beating he’d given her, but she was alive and she was free. She’d waited until he slept and then she’d taken a bat to his head. He hadn’t lived, that was sure, because what was left was pulp when she was finished. She didn’t enjoy the act, but she was free and that was all that counted for now. NO more beatings. No more verbal abuse. No more emotional abuse. Free. She hated him and he was gone. Never again would he hurt another soul – human or animal – for his own sick pleasure. Now she would have to run, but that was okay, because the only people chasing her were those who thought his death was a crime, and when they learned the truth, she’d be free again. Even if she went to prison, she’d still be free, because never again would she have to endure the humiliation and shame he brought to her life. Freedom is relative, my friends. Indeed it is.

    by Maggy Floeter on 01.01.1970
  22. amazing grace has a lot to do with the bible. actually a lot of ballerinas need to have grace and balance or they’ll fall. Nobody wants to see a graceful ballerina fall..ok so maybe everybody does, but that’s besides the point.

    by Karesse on 01.01.1970
  23. beautiful, majestic, women, grapes, purple

    by yek on 01.01.1970
  24. is the way a dancer moves or the way a truly nice person can treat anyone around them no matter who they are. it is forgivness and truth. it is benevolance and good humour

    by littlemisslins on 01.01.1970
  25. hello my nickname is salaschick i’m 41 years old

    by salaschick on 01.01.1970

    by Kalai on 01.01.1970
  27. saving one. all. light encompassing. blues and yellows. sweet and silken. falling all around and floating up as well.

    by Casi on 01.01.1970
  28. Twenty fifteen was a bad year for the graces. Men staggered through streets half drunk with expectation of a better thing next century. Women felt their hard fought rights eroding and all they had left at the end of the night was a grace that males might envy.

    by chessie on 01.01.1970
  29. grace is a word usually connected with a woman of distinction and good breeding – we here this in connection with Jacki O. Also, grace is what is said before dinner – giving grace to god. Grace is a state of quiet reverence. Grace never is loud or uncouth. Grace is a woman’s name. Grace as in Graceland is a contradiction in terms. Alias Grace was a very good book, I’d say its author Margaret Atwood has Grace. Ballet is grace in the verbal sense. It’s grace on two legs – reverent to the music to which the dancer’s dance. Reverence, and manners are gracious. Grace is what more of us should have – as it is respect for others. It is giving and not receiving it is beauty without shouting about it. Grace is all that beauty in art and music gives us, it gives us the momentary lull in our lives to contemplate the good, not the bad. Grace is a stage of being.

    by Linda Lakeside on 01.01.1970
  30. The grace that comes in society is often followed by some sorry, empty, meaningless words. No one is really graceful, just fake.

    by Katey on 01.01.1970
  31. My family is not known for our physical grace. We stumble, trip, sprain ankles and get bruised so commonly we hardly notice anymore. But oh, the grace these women have under pressure, the beauty they have been able to put out into the world.

    by vlynn on 01.01.1970
  32. Grace is an ineplicable state of blissfull ignorance of total truth either or can satisfy my youger sister has a friend named graces whos bedroom always seems to be messy writers block damn,

    by Star Scribbler on 01.01.1970
  33. This is an asset many people covet but few people actually possess. This is a quality that society tries to mimic.

    by sunrae on 01.01.1970
  34. something I’m not sure to have, looking for, searching, but i’m not sure if really it’s what’s supposed to be the result. grace is religious, spiritual, and those are caracteristics i don’t follow that much.

    by annema on 01.01.1970
  35. Soft as a silken sunbeam
    Revealing a pond, which was never there–
    A goldfish looks through the surface
    For the first time in her brief life
    Her eyes beam something upward
    The heavens remain open
    Her gills, like brushes
    Paint happiness in dancing
    Flurries and gentle strokes
    Fills the aquatic drift
    Toward love toward another…
    She swims without a care
    Instincts forgetting fear

    by douglas bellizzi on 01.01.1970
  36. grace, beautiful virtue of the most perfect creatures in the whole universe, women, they move so softly and tenderly, their hips going from one side to the other sensuosly.
    ethereal creatures with unique heart.

    by marta on 01.01.1970
  37. Grace…. I dont really know much about that word… it’s something good. Grace is something you need to be graceful… umm… I sound lame… but I know grace is important in some way shape or form… yea… 60 seconds…

    by some person on 01.01.1970
  38. is good is all you have when you are put in a situation you cannot control, have good, kelly, dancing, laughing, auntie,

    by mags on 01.01.1970
  39. is what we receive from God. It is unconditional and undeserved. We never deserve but always receive it. We can never pay for it because not even our lives are worth what Grace offers. Grace is God’s eternal love.

    by A. Lindholm on 01.01.1970
  40. she danced around the room, her dress flowing about her in waves of silken blue. all was quiet as she spun and stepped.

    by steele on 01.01.1970