
June 1st, 2010 | 242 Entries

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242 Entries for “gong”

  1. it was a gong show. the terrorism was everywhere. seeping through the veins of the innocent.

    by Haley on 06.01.2010
  2. As She sat there among the group of students waiting for the teacher, in her head she could hear the familiar chime of the gong that was often played in her house when her mother was around. Now She hardly ever heard that sweet sound except when they visited her, only when Mom was there.

    by Henry on 06.01.2010
  3. The chineseman rang the gong to signal it was time for the boy to start his training. He cautiously walked up to his elder with his head bowed. His heart was racing in his chest.

    by Rachel Pitts on 06.01.2010
  4. everything seemed so right, so clear, so predictable, so wonderful. Just so right.
    she knew what she had to do and was aware that everything, no matter how bad it is, will be OK in the end. Just like the fading sound of a loud gong, which seems so strong – so undestroyable – the silence and the idyll will be back some time.

    by Julia on 06.01.2010
  5. The gong rang out as the priestess raced across the grounds. Her barefeet slamming into the ground. Behind her roamed the form of an angry god. You DO NOT tell a god no. Ever. But she did, she said no. As part of her duty to her Goddess she should remain a virgin. The god got his revenge…and so did the goddess. The priestess never deserved it.

    by Ash on 06.01.2010
  6. he knew his time was up when he saw her, laughing and giggling with the other man. she was all over him. and the peals of her laughter, once so endearing to him, were much like the ominous clang of the gong now. his time was up.

  7. thats the things that ends a lesson. great, when i was a kid. now that i am a teacher, even better!

  8. loud ringing clanging singing
    wavering notes aboves the others
    drums behind it never failing always steady
    always final
    always wavering never still, always persistent
    loudest of them all

    by Tory Soukup on 06.01.2010
  9. Gong went the clock. and i knew it was time for my afternoon shit. I put down my hunting rifle and moonshine and walked around back to the outhouse. man oh man was it dirty.

    by SnakeEyedDick on 06.01.2010
  10. I felt like I’ve seen this word before in this website. a gong is an instrument… loud…festival related…

    by lala on 06.01.2010
  11. What a gong show. I mean, literally. There was this show and there were all these dancers and percussionists and some of them were just hitting gongs over and over. It was ridiculous. In my day, when someone said “you should come, it’ll be a total gong show” they meant a crazy and wild party. What is this world coming to?

  12. Chinese food. It’s what my girlfriend always wanted to eat. ‘Ex’ girlfriend. It’s sad that I was raised so much by television that each night she recommended it, I could only thing of the classic talent(less) show, The Gong Show.

  13. gong? gong like the noice some chinese instrument makes? what a weird word. i dont use the word gong that much. its pretty funky

    by Esmerelda on 06.01.2010
  14. I heard the gong from the clock in the tour. Half past six, it was time. I knew if I waited any longer I’d miss him, and second chances don’t come very often. I checked my phone, and I took a step towards the cathedral. With my hand on the handle, trembling, barely holding steady, I cracked the door that would open up the fate of my future.

  15. “Gong shows …I never knew what they were until someone told me my kid sister had died at one. When I find the bastard what did it, they’re be a gong show then,” said Murphy.

    by Patty Acer on 06.01.2010
  16. the gong sounded. fireworks exploded in the air. people were shouting and screaming. the chinese dragon slinked down the road its head bobbing to the music. HAPPY CHINESE NEW YEAR!

    by summer on 06.01.2010
  17. The gong was large, shiny, and intimidating. I looked back to my friend who gave an encouraging nod to go ahead and hit it. Should I?

    by on 06.01.2010
  18. Ding dong, that’s not the clock,
    Who is it?
    Oh it’s you, sir, who’s the who.
    But you know that already, don’t you?
    I won’t answer.

    by Liri on 06.01.2010
  19. The brazen sound rang loudly through the entire temple, waking old monks and young prodigies alike. The donned their ceremonial garb quickly, modestly, backs turned against each other, and made their ways down the temple for morning prayer.

    by Rachael on 06.01.2010
  20. get it on, bang a gong. GET IT ON.
    Or if youre chinese I guess you wouldnt get it on. Cuz banging a gong is like, a big deal. I think. For ceremonies and such, right?

    by Tyler on 06.01.2010
  21. ping ping ping..a smaller version of the announcement. Not so much a lesser version of the news….just an easier to hear version.

    by suusuu on 06.01.2010
  22. The gong bellowed out its mellow sound, and everyone turned attentopn to him immediately. God, did he look sexy in that shade of red. His face showed leadership and determination. I wanted to run up and kiss him right there in front of everyone. I didn’t care about how he sweetly scolded me every time I risked us being discovered. I listened along with everyone else as he announced the Yellow Scarf army was approaching quickly, and we all needed to either prepare for battle or find shelter ASAP. Blood coarsed through my veins. I felt the danger. But then the realization struck that he’s going to be leaving to battle. Battle meant risk. I felt as if I had been punched in the stomach. I ran up.
    “No! Baby you can’t get hurt!”
    His face grew cold and snapped toward me. As soon as he saw the tear winding down my cheek his expression softened.
    “Don’t worry darling. I will keep you safe.”
    His warm embrace only encouraged my tears. Thus, my visit to China was looking like nothing but a mistake, yet again.

    by Vanna on 06.01.2010
  23. The gong show, now theres something you don’t think aboiut often. I am reminded of a silver contestant with a long nose and he played the banjo

  24. Gong looks like a funny word. In fact, it’s one of those words that doesn’t even look like a word. Not really, anyway. A gong makes a lot of noise, which is cool I guess. I wonder how much it would cost? A gong to wake you up, that’d be so cool. Dude, I’m buying a gong. Yeaaaah.

    by Matt Mosquera on 06.01.2010
  25. Chinese gong sounds always leave the impression of fire-breathing dragons in my head. How I would love to climb the top of the Great Wall of China and say to the world, “Hello!”

  26. The bell tower tolled. I could feel the vibrations going through the air. These sense were new to me, but I was ecstatic to have them.

  27. gong. the sounding of a beginning. or an end. but arn’t they they the same thing? they indicate something is changing, its not going to be the same any more. After that clash, you can’t go back, it’s too late.

    by Alice on 06.01.2010
  28. boing! the gong rolled down the hill, screaming children racing after it. an old man sat on the side of the road and tripped each child with his cane with great pleasure, watching them tumble down along with the gong.

  29. Ringing, resounding, an echo that pierces everything. Even the shape in infinite, without start or finish…

    by EmEm on 06.01.2010
  30. supercalafrafalistic espialadocious. this is how the world looks to me..

    by SAnjay on 06.01.2010
  31. a Chinese hammer of sorts it hammers on my god on dog on my stick a stick attached with twine or rope with a large mallet or hammer to hit it with making a crashing sound to wake people up and causes humble beginnings to bad stories and bad things crashing down god is crashing down on a musical on a note on a sky ward day to live and be to be to be to almost feel as it were here or bleak with Chinese cymbals

    by James on 06.01.2010
  32. hitting the gong. and also that chinese thing. that they hit. well, the first is a reference to the old man of the mountain and his using drugs and teaching betty boop how to also….. ANYWHO…haha! I just heard it

    by Deidreofdarkness on 06.01.2010
  33. its a type of bell that the chinese use. They like to hit in on gameshows a lot. they use it as a funny prop.. but it really links back to thier heritage. so they really shouldn’t. its a big bell

    by Christina on 06.01.2010
  34. the gong sounded loudly in the echo of the mountains. monks fled the monestary like bees fleeing from a shattered hive. the aliens had come to get them. again.

    by Morgan on 06.01.2010
  35. copper cymble oriental, show in the 70’s rhymes with bong. noise maker, cerimonial

    by s on 06.01.2010
  36. The pulsating tingles reverberated through my arms leaving an alert, if semi-discombobulated, feeling. The warm, musical intonations filled my ears and my steady breathes carried them into my stomach. Leaving a satisfied and full sensation. I waited nine years for this honor. I was finally Emporer Hsuan Wu’s royal gongsman.

  37. When you’re only one inch tall, you have to build a gong out of a quarter and a couple matchsticks, and dental floss will work for suspending it. I know it works; I’ve seen it done. Makes a lovely gong sound, too.

    by Emma on 06.01.2010
  38. there was this chinese food place my family and i always used to go to that had a gong hanging from the ceiling. evetyime it was someones birthday, they would hit the gong and sing!

  39. I dont really know what the world mean but i i think of gone when i reas the word gong. bing bong the witch is gong. I want to put the word in a song. who discover this word. I never knew that this was a word. Is it in the dictionary? or could it mean a fairy.

    by Staci Allgood on 06.01.2010
  40. The gong rang out and that signaled the end of class. I rolled up my mat and put a five in the donation jar. I hate yoga. It makes me feel like a pretentious hipster.