
December 27th, 2008 | 187 Entries

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187 Entries for “gloss”

  1. Her lip gloss was a bit much, he thought. But, he supposed, it showed she was trying. They hadn’t done anything out of the ordinary in a while, so their night out on the town should be a little bit like her lip gloss — a bit much, but well worth it.

    by Cindelles on 12.27.2008
  2. Sometimes it isn’t in the details, or really it is which is exactly why you leave them out. I wanted you to know what a good time I had last night and how beautiful it was, and I didn’t want you to know that I fucked that girl. That’s why I glossed it.

    And honesty doesn’t pay.

    by Andrew Meare on 12.27.2008
  3. Shiny, beautiful, enhanced… lips, beautiful lips… cover-up the dullness, change reality, thick and sticky

    by Leslie on 12.27.2008
  4. gloss over the stupid little details. the unpleasant little bumps in the road. none of them really matter in the end. just your happiness matters, and that is not a stupid little detail.

    by vamps on 12.27.2008
  5. Gloss is a comment. A comment upon something. It has no real use, other than being a synonym for “comment” or whatever. Gloss can be mistaken for gross which means really really yuky.

    by John on 12.27.2008
  6. gloss is a shiny pretty finish. you can use it to finish a deck, countertop or anything else. it is also sexual. glossy lips may be the sexiest thing to kiss. gloss sounds like floss.

    by foad on 12.27.2008
  7. she toook the lip gloss to her lips , the shone bright red.She was ready for the day.
    It was her most important assignment – to give a presentaion that would make her little designing company a rival to the biggies in the industry.
    She needed it not only for herself but also for david.

    by ravi dvr on 12.27.2008
  8. The city shone after the rain, the streets slick and reflecting the burning orange lights above them. The glass faces of the buildings glittered in the refraction as the car sped through the empty streets.

    by Craig on 12.27.2008
  9. her lips were shined up with strawberry gloss and she leaned into the blonde. it was just a dare. a silly little dare by a couple of close friends. so tell me why when thier lips met they each felt a certain somthing they didn’t feel when kissing thier own boyfriends who currently watched with smiles on thier faces?

    by katthegreat on 12.27.2008
  10. Shininess is all that gloss is. It makes something that is not look pretty. Glossing over things is like not dealing with your problems. Painting a crumbling wall with glossy paint accomplishes nothing. Nothing at all.

    by Lizzy on 12.27.2008
  11. my lip gloss always falls to the bottom of my purse, and whenever my friend asks to borrow it, I can never find it. However, the first gloss I really worked with was the glaze for clay during grade school art, where I learned I was way better at it than the other little kids, and started providing a service where, for a price, I would do their projects for them.

    by Bwee on 12.27.2008
  12. Gloss over the bad things in life. Not because they are not important but because they are. Pay closer attention to the good things, they are fleeting and are harder to hold on to. But by doing this you attract more good into your life. Dwelling on the negative only brings more negative to you. So be happy about every little thing that comes your way. Find the feeling of happiness, hold it to you and protect it.

    by Paulie on 12.27.2008
  13. gloss is the aesthetic.
    it is the suburbs in which i am presently lingering in and suffering and losing the breath of my soul power.
    it is hopeless, which not many will admit.
    there lack of courage doesn’t allow it, but they do – they do surely – feel the emptiness.

    by eta on 12.27.2008
  14. Gloss finish on your eyes,
    they shine like
    diamonds lost in time,
    a luster lost in buried mines.
    Polished glass, I can see straight through,
    through that veil of hope
    you keep inside.

    by Rick Veloz on 12.27.2008
  15. Gloss is shiny paint . It is usuallu used when talking about paint. I also have a friend who calls some of her friends shiny people.-Could they be called glossy people.

    by Stephen Watterson on 12.27.2008
  16. i like lip gloss. it’s shiny and sometimes colourful. sometimes it tastes good, like grape or raspberry. sometimes, even like marshmellows.
    gloss can also be on pictures. I like pictures with glossy finishes. gloss can be painted to make a painting shiny. i like gloss and glossy finishes.

    by ali on 12.27.2008
  17. i got a bunch of lip gloss in a little red chinese takeout container from my parents’ old friend from high school, a cheerleader. i call her lip gloss lynn now. in my head and to my friends. ripe red current, hollister classic, pumpkin, three kinds of mint, aren’t you cuticle?, mango from gap, and twenty others. my lips will never go unchapped. there was pineapple, he said, “smell this? i love pineapple.”

    by sarah on 12.27.2008
  18. Glossy lipstick everywhere! Shades of pink, purple and sometimes black… Why are we so plasitic with who we are? Like gloss will change who we are!

    by Jesus Hippie on 12.27.2008
  19. There was a gloss on the lawn this morning. I can’t tell where it came from. It might have been early morning dew, but it was too warm for that. Maybe I see things differently when I wake up next to you. Maybe things are glossy, more beautiful.

    by Amber on 12.27.2008
  20. One time my grandma was flipping through the channels and stopped on a music video for that “song” My Lip Gloss is Poppin. She watched the whole thing then kept flipping like nothing had happened. I want to know what was going through her mind. Was she like What the HELL are people watching these days? or was she like Oh neat. I don’t know. Too bad I can’t ask her.

    by Sara on 12.27.2008
  21. Her lips were perfect. Glossed to perfection over top of a crimson red lipstick. She was known by many as a a suductress, no man could handle her. But this one, seemed to know what he was doing. With a quick glance over her body he walked over to her. “May I ask for a date?”. And that was the end of her.

    by Lunasha on 12.27.2008
  22. I was finishing decorating the front room. Gloss paint. I hate the smell – it makes me feel queasy. Before I started the door frame the phone rang and I heard those dreaded words – ‘he didn’t make it’.

    by Michael Birches on 12.27.2008
  23. high shiny slippery functional lips and new cars the facts are skipped and slim

    by tom on 12.27.2008
  24. Gloss it over. That’s what she always says. It’s certainly better than seeing things for the way they really are. ugly. Uncomfortable.

    So, it all works in her favor that we live in a world that allows for so much distraction.

    Perfect. Never have to face up to anything if you don’t want.

    Can’t get any better than that, now can ya?

    by Magnolia on 12.27.2008
  25. the only thing i can never forget was the glint of the sun of her lip gloss. Never the type to appear more than she was, never lipstick, and never chapstick of course, always this thin layer, of cherry no doubt, drawn painstakingly over her lips. They appeared almost to be laminated when the sun hit them at a certain angle, a symbol of her position in a capitalist world.

    by dave on 12.27.2008
  26. He is so bright.
    Like a shiny shiny shiny star,
    Like the glossy lipgloss,
    Like a Diamond sparkling
    But I know I will never reach there,
    she can only be in my dreams.

    by Simin on 12.27.2008
  27. gloss is paint i cannot stand due to its reflective nature and it’s penchant for generating and uncomfortable room temperature.

    by Taiwo Akinosho on 12.27.2008
  28. There are days when I want to gloss over my life. It seems ostensibly dull. I shouldn’t care what others think but then, why do we decorate the world?

    by Eveseer on 12.27.2008
  29. Gloss me over. Gloss I love to put on my lips, making them kissable. Making him look at one of my best qualities. A type of foreplay. Gloss me, give me new beauty.

    by Edurne on 12.27.2008
  30. a word to describe the shininess of an object such as a picture; also a type of moisturizer for lips–lip gloss

    by cate on 12.27.2008
  31. woke up early in the morning and your lip gloss was all over the sheets. now i have to take them to a washing machine before it stains forever.

    by on 01.01.1970
  32. Gloss, gloss, pretty gloss. It looks good on Katie Moss.

    by on 01.01.1970
  33. why do people concern themselves with petty trifles, such as nail polish and make up. If there wasn’t a constant struggle to be better than the person next to you, there would be no artificial skins. We don’t need to cover ourselves up.

    by Joe Balls on 01.01.1970
  34. panglosssheen is the coolest person ever
    end of discussion

    by Tuba on 01.01.1970
  35. the gloss is me
    i am anas from syria living in the gloss
    the gloss is something i don’t know that’s why i

    by anas on 01.01.1970
  36. gloss on your lips, a shine, a sheen. it perfects women’s pouts, it teases men. it has so many qualities for such a small nonchalant product in a tube. what to buy the boyfriend’s sister for christmas? gloss obviously..every girl has lips, every girl wants to adorn them. then theres paint gloss…

    by emer on 01.01.1970
  37. she rose, licked her lips, then leaned down to kiss me again. I could taste the cherry lip gloss she’d applied only moments before and I chewed on my bottom lip; reveling in her taste. She grabbed her glass then danced away. I never saw her again.

    by Haily on 01.01.1970
  38. Gloss over words. Lip gloss. Cover something rough with a sheen, shiny coat. Glossy paint. Gloss is like a loss with a “g” before it. GLOSS. A loss of self? A loss of Grit? Glossing over things can be a hazard. Don’t conform too quickly. Be rough. Be unique. Appreciate yourself.

    by snylesa on 01.01.1970
  39. lip gloss is my only remaining symbol of frivolous femininity. Without it, I might as well just stop shaving my legs for all it matter. Fuck you if you think its gross. Don’t kiss me then, bitch.


    by Jocie on 01.01.1970
  40. lipstick shiny chemical pink aesthetics

    by chicasipsi on 01.01.1970