
July 21st, 2010 | 221 Entries

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221 Entries for “gift”

  1. gift of life is the most precious gift which can be given to all man kind. we have to accept this gift and make good use of it… for our mother nature…. what else is a gift for if we dont utilize it in the right direction? we have to be gifted to gifts to other :)

    by Varun Ish Nanda on 07.22.2010
  2. To this day I can remember the night we became friends. It was cold and dark and neither of us really knew where we were going, but we kept trudging onward, side by side… and we’ve never been too far apart since. She’s a wonderful girl. If you meet her, I’m sure she’ll tell you that I’ve always done this, that, and the other thing for her, too – but that’s not the whole story! Oh, no, not at all. She has always politely forgotten to mention all the times she has given me her time, her understanding and strength; she has given me the will to live when no one else could. She gave me everything.

    And then, without even realizing it, I ended up giving her something in return… my heart.

    I only wish she knew she had it.

  3. The gift took seven years to wrap completely. Some may think this was because the gift was metaphorical, and the process of “wrapping” was in some way analogous to some other activity, such as building a relationship.

    It was actually just a really big gift.

  4. i thought gifts were tokens of love. but you don’t like it when i gift you a gift. i saved up so many months for it, just to see utter disappointment on your face. i am not giving you anything anymore. it was your 21st birthday, what was i to do?

  5. I love getting gifts. They come from the heart unless their shitty gift cards. If you get a gift card, it means the person doesn’t like you enough or doesn’t know you well, OR SOMETHING. It isn’t personal.

    by Angel on 07.22.2010
  6. What a joy, and the most precious gift is the words I have for you… I love you dearly father. Happy forty first birthday!

  7. I gave you my heart
    you can keep it now
    there’s no need to give it back
    ill always be this zombie
    this lifeless heartless bat

  8. A gift is something you give to someone. I like to make my gifts sentimental and pretty so that the person feels like they want to keep it for a long time.

  9. Gifts come in all different shapes and sizes. They can mean many different things to many different people, and they can change someone’s life in the blink of an eye. The greatest gift I ever got changed my life like I never expected it to. That gift is so special to me, and until I stop breathing, I will never let it go. You know what it was? You.

  10. I bought a gift for my baby today. It’s a book called “Excuses and Lies” which features great one liners for use in every day life. now he can use it on me. hmm….

  11. When I look into the sky and see the white clouds overtake the dull greyness, that’s a gift. Having lots of pumpkin seeds is also a gift. I like gifts.

    by Annie on 07.21.2010
  12. She walked over to me with a bag and handed it to me…”Here…enjoy”
    I grabbed the bag and looked inside. To my suprise it was not what I had expected

  13. She was in my arms. I cuddled her close as the light dimmed and the room grew silent of nothing but my child in my arms. A true gift, given to me by God. I wanted for nothing but this moment to continue in for an eternity. This was true love.

    by Emerald on 07.21.2010
  14. I like giving gifts to my best friend, Melody. And they can be the smallest gifts of life, too.
    Because I know she takes meaning in everything. And it makes me take meaning in it too.
    I’m not sure what I would do without her most days. But she’s in Virginia for a month and it’s just horrible.
    But still, I.

  15. when she opens the door, she sees him, her best friend of three years and blushes awkwardly. she can’t speak due to the loss of her soprano voice, so she hugs him tightly instead. he looks down at her and does the only obvious thing to do on a christmas night to the girl he loves – he kisses her.

    “merry christmas. oh, and by the way, i love you.”

    he begins to walk away but she grabs his shoulder and kisses him back. without words, she merely looks at him and hopes that he can understand that she’s saying “i love you” back.

    by chelsea on 07.21.2010
  16. To give
    To get
    To choose
    To pick
    How can I decide
    How to wrap my heart
    For you?

  17. It is a gift to be alive they say, but I only feel alive when I’m in love. Other than that, I feel a half-life. A void. The journey only matters when your heart remembers it.

  18. Un presente, una atencion, nada en general , mucho en particular.

    by Pel on 07.21.2010
  19. The dog licked my feet as I came home from the Peter Frampton concert. I don’t know which was the worse gift: Free Frampton tickets or an epileptic dog.

  20. The gift wasn’t something unusual, like Alera had been expecting. No, it was completely ordinary. Disgustingly ordinary, in fact. But she couldn’t tell Kaiden, could she? She smiled and put the bag to the side. “It’s lovely.”

    by Sam on 07.21.2010
  21. She was beautiful a red wrapped present in her hand. “Do you like it” she asked my eyes were fixed on her. “I couldn’t ask for anything ask Angel”

    by Christian Bovier on 07.21.2010
  22. A gift should be a free, bestowing of an item upon another. In my family, a gift is an indenture. You are bound by the gifts you receive from others. It is impossible to get anything freely or feel any real sentiment behind these chains wrapped in fancy paper.

    by Ashley Seehorn on 07.21.2010
  23. my friend gave me a gift… it was so special and it made me fall in love with him. So now I cant stop thinking about him, even though i know he doesnt love me, i dream about him every night. I only hope that he’s in love with me too :D

    by mon on 07.21.2010
  24. He handed me the little box. I smiled at him, entirely not expecting him to give me a gift. In truth, I hadn’t remembered our anniversary until the last minute myself. It seemed a bit odd for him to remember but me, the girl, not to. I inwardly laughed at the low likelihood of that happening elsewhere.

  25. Everyone calls her a gift, but I cannot think the same. My parents coo over her, complimenting her manners and beauty but I can only think of the fear that her eyes cause me. I cannot say why it is so, but I fear for my life when I see her eyes upon me. There is something cold there that I cannot describe, it fills me with dread.

    by on 07.21.2010
  26. its pages, yellowed
    its type, faded
    its beauty, novel
    its cover, judged
    its binding, creased
    its inscription, her gift

    by Kimberly on 07.21.2010
  27. I stared at the peephole like a deer in headlights. God knew if he would even look at me after everything that had happened. But I had to do this. I had to do something, anything to try to get him back. He was the only person that I would ever have even considered crawling back to, and that had to count for something.
    I sighed, shook out my hair, and tried to look somewhat presentable. I could hear him walking across his creaky apartment floor towards the sound of my timid knock. Who knew if he would ever be able to forgive me. But hell, I went all the way to Providence and picked up his favorite stinking cheesecake for him. If he still couldn’t look me in the eye, maybe he would at least like the gift.
    Just before he reached the door, I dropped fancy plastic bag from the Cheesecake Factory and bolted for the elevator.
    Happy Birthday Josh.

  28. a phone call. izzit too much to ask for? i dint ask for no glittering gift from u. a phone call. dats it.

  29. Never look a gift-horse in the mouth, that’s what everyone always says. I tend to over think things so what pops into my head is “What about the Trojan horse? That was absolutely a gift horse that should have been looked in the mouth! That thing just about decimated a city!” You know, not all proverbs should be followed exactly. You should take a pinch of salt with things.

    by on 07.21.2010
  30. tell me about it. what matters most on ur convocation? wat gift d u want? sumtime .. u just want nuthing more than just having him next to you. watching you, and smiling back at u.

  31. If there were only a block of ice on the floor. I would be gifted with the most wonderful water and be mindful that it something a lot don’t have. I am lucky.

    by Veronica on 07.21.2010
  32. it was her gift to me. I held it close to my breast, it’s warmth penitrating my wool sweater.
    “I’ll love it forever grammy.” Sshe smiled, and faded away.

  33. She gave me a gift, i loved it like it was my child. It contained all her hopes and dreams and thoughts of our future together. I held this gift to my heart and then she died. And now I am left with her gift. And I know not what to do with it inside of me. I know not how to be rid of it. How to be free of it. How to be free.

    by Dani Nelson on 07.21.2010
  34. a gift. a talent. an offering. something that takes you away from yourself and reminds you of others, for a change. We live so much of life looking at ourselves, looking at our reflections in other people’s eyes, what we think we look like in other people’s eyes, that we forget we see ourselves more clearly than ever when we give something as a gift.

    by kate on 07.21.2010
  35. I have never gotten a gift I’ve truly loved… Except a trip to London, a laptop and my dog Gracie. I can’t know if I’m not appreciative or just get terrible gifts, I think my standards are impossibly high and I like disappointment

    by Kenzie on 07.21.2010
  36. Life is a gift? I highly doubt it. If life were a gift, the person who gave it should be sued. Life is not a gift, life is a curse wrapped and shiny wrapping that should be returned immediately.

  37. Life is a gift? I highly doubt it. If life were a gift, the person who gave it should be sued. Life is not a gift, life is a curse wrapped and shiny wrapping that should be returned immediately.

  38. received from someone. not always pleasant and sometimes a sacrifice. Death is Your Gift.

    It would make sense for you to think that but maybe it isn’t true. I can’t recall the last time I felt it related to anything at all.

    by Cassie on 07.21.2010
  39. Something precious.
    Never gone.
    To remember always.
    For what it was.

  40. Your gift is your lift. You get to experience a whole world of things. You may not know how long you have but make the most of it because living is a gift.