
November 30th, 2009 | 742 Entries

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742 Entries for “fold”

  1. the other day in math class we made these foldables, we put all the definitions of whatever were working on in this and all our notes to come back and study from. we had to fold paper but you can fold other th=ings with paper to make many interestring things like animal shapes

    by Eilish :) on 12.01.2009
  2. paper that can be divid in to half with skill and amaze ment which is really amazing and quite aoud shocking . ani’t that amazing

    by ryan on 12.01.2009
  3. paper

    by paul on 12.01.2009
  4. paper bananas hullabaloo kiwi baseball nose hair vconman

    by misha james gomez blades on 12.01.2009
  5. paper

    by cpoihy`5l'i on 12.01.2009
  6. you can foldpiecesofpapermanytimesbutyouwill neverbeableto folditmorethen 8taimesbecasueitisimpossible. paper comesfrom trees and yourigtwith a pencil onthem

    by alex on 12.01.2009
  7. paper folds in half and you like it you fold cards on a deck playing poker

    by mia on 12.01.2009
  8. paper

    by paul on 12.01.2009
  9. She folded the paper into a triangle. Inside was all she had ever known about the truth. The truth that had haunted her for the last five years. She lifted the lighter to the paper triangle an set it aflame, her secret leaving her in a pile of ash.

    by Chandra on 12.01.2009
  10. laundry. i hate to fold, and end up with piles of laundry. terry folds lost of stuff, very nice. had to fold when i was a nanny, plus my own, ugh. lots of people must hate to fold cause lots of people have lots of laundry in their houses.

    also, you can fold paper. remember “cootie catchers” from elementary school? but i hate when my papers have folds in them that i didn’t intend, so annoying.

    by Mamie on 12.01.2009
  11. the mother’s car was folded over the other car when they both crashed into a big truck

    by lauren on 12.01.2009
  12. Fold.. I could fold to your demands. In fact that is what I seem to be doing with most my time and energy. Hey, do you want to go something absolutely pointless? Fold. Do you want to do something for me but I will never return the favor. Fold. I’m tired of folding…

    by anu on 12.01.2009
  13. I took the paper brain and folded it five million times, making an oragami idea made out of razor sharp wit. I used it to fashion a sword the size of a toothpick that could cut through the densest heart.

    by Tucker on 12.01.2009
  14. paper snowflakes brochures great paper design and crop marks

    by on 12.01.2009
  15. My brother is in table setting for 4-H and if he dosnt fold the napkins perfectly he gets a white… >_> which sucks..

    by xxXxKayleeXxXx on 12.01.2009
  16. Folding her grandmother’s purple knit sweater into a knit pile, she placed it into a lined drawer. A locket, a comb, and a small woven purse went on top. So little left of so long a life. She pushed the drawer closed.

    by Currystrumpet on 12.01.2009
  17. he folded the wings of his paper airplane with extreme care.

    by cory on 12.01.2009
  18. Opened like chestnuts beside the bowl of brothers trying to work it out. Beats floated in from the other room as the fire slowly crawled into the foyer of the stadium.

    by Colin on 12.01.2009
  19. we fold paper. paper folding art is callled origami.
    by folding batter the cake gets more softer. paper cant be folded more than 10 times.

    by kirtana on 12.01.2009
  20. flap

    by on 12.01.2009
  21. My mother made me fold her clothes, I hated it.

    by on 12.01.2009
  22. Fold. That has an entirely different meaning to me now. Before, I would think – fold, as in, the fold of a secret organization. Being welcomed into the fold.

    Now that I work at Old Navy, I think, “Oh, God, I have to fold the men’s denim wall. Kill me now.”

    by Sarah on 12.01.2009
  23. As I quickly fold the napkin in the shape of a haphazard flower, I feel his eyes on me. I look up to see his judgmental gaze. He acts like I haven’t been doing this for years.

    by Jill on 12.01.2009
  24. When I was little, my mother taught me to fold laundry. Now, years later, I am teaching my own daughter how to fold. The big difference that I can see is that she seems to like it. I always wanted to get the folding over as soon as possible, and she enjoys the organizing feel of folding. Over the years, my ability to fold has degenerated into merely getting the clothes to fit in the drawer. Neatness not really required. With six kids who access their own clothes, neatly folded clothes don’t stay that way for long. In any case, I know how to fold, but don’t need to exercise my knowledge often…now I have a little helper who will gladly take over that job very soon. The joys of motherhood!

    by Heather D. on 12.01.2009
  25. i never fold when problems confront me. I would rather fold my sheets in the mornings. I have nothing to unfold now. He always comes at you double fold.

    by tanstina on 12.01.2009
  26. the paper, with as many wrinkles as grandpa’s forehead, is a bird. it soars out the window, to heaven knows where.

    by ikea on 12.01.2009
  27. Origami is the art of the fold. Many tiny folds. Fold and crease, turn the colorful paper. Fold peace into your actions.

    by Chris G on 12.01.2009
  28. he folded her hair gently, and then let it fall in a cascade of curls and shifting layers. it fascinated him endlessly, for his hair had always been cropped short to his skull. “having long hair must be the greatest luxery,” he thought…

    by Kendra on 12.01.2009
  29. she folds the paper and walks outside. she screams as loud as she can. shes in the centre of town but she doesnt care. it’s over. shes done it. shes free. its over.

    by stephaniec on 12.01.2009
  30. the fold in her dress was nearly opaque against the pallor of her skin that shone in the moonlight as we danced mercilessly hoping to hold eachother until the sun rose once more.

    by Kiki Hunter on 12.01.2009
  31. As I fold a peace of paper. Fold mountains. Paper airplanes. Secrets unfolding. i wish I could fold this website into two. or three. to stop the green goo from flowing right. OMG it became orange. and then red. i like flash.

    by Ruben on 12.01.2009
  32. notes, paper, school, origami, art, paper airplane.

    by junior on 12.01.2009
  33. notes, paper, school, origami, art, paper airplane.

    by junior on 12.01.2009
  34. I fold the paper in half, hamburger wise. Then again, hamburger wise. You should have even sections. Open up the page. In each section you are going to draw a person. Make sure they fill the section. One person per secion.

    by Sashira on 12.01.2009
  35. Folding. Folding clothes. It’s calming in a way, but after the first few hundred times, it starts to get old. And the sound of the folding–the cloth scraping against your skin–starts to drive you crazy. All the folds seem like sinister smiles mocking you, speaking to you in crazy, fucked up voices. Cackles seem to come from every crease, and you’re just that much closer to snapping.

    by Allison on 12.01.2009
  36. fold into yourself like a bird in the sea with its wings high above the clouds. why do you ask is this bird in the sea folding its wings like that? well you see said the sea with a magical S on the bend where that fold was.

    by Connor on 12.01.2009
  37. fold the sheets the papers the leaves the hidden messages into an abstract of the moon and wing translating unknown languages
    beyond walls and gates; unlock the door

    by sand on 12.01.2009
  38. fold, a nickname for money. Bill fold. Show me your fold.
    Also, to fail. “I fold” say card players, throwing in their hands.
    It’s not a happy word for money; it’s business-like. Street business. Grey.

    by Frazer Payne on 12.01.2009
  39. Fold sheets, fold clothes.

    Dont ever Fold! Stick to what you believe.

    Fold in cards? Nah don’t do that either. Unless your hand is really awful.

    I fold Crisp packets into triangles.

    by Ruby Rosamund on 12.01.2009
  40. The wrinkle in her shirt was quite annoying, especially since it would not come out. She was tired of trying to fix it and so she tore off her top and threw it on the floor… right next to a fold in the wall.

    by cooj on 12.01.2009