
May 1st, 2011 | 537 Entries

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537 Entries for “fluorescent”

  1. You would think it symbolizes lovely bright colours. But to me it is white destruction. My sister had a fluorescent light fall on her head, it exploded and I was so scared. Till this day I cannot seem to walk under it without shivering.

    by mel on 05.02.2011
  2. the fluorescent lights in my bathroom flickered. they’re here. i said a little prayer. then they were gone. I want to go back to my old yellow lights. Not going green anymore.

  3. Fluorescent is something that’s bright and in my opinion, garish. I would associate the word with green or orange. The first thing I can think of is the green top I was given-it was horrible but I liked it because it meant that Nenja Chithi thought that my skin tone was lighter, and here, in India, that’s quite a big thing. Specially in my college, where I wasn’t considered pretty-not by a long shot.

    by Vansa on 05.02.2011
  4. Remember the basement: 2x Buildungsroman, 5 dollar bill, and prenal haircut

    by Jeff Goodman on 05.02.2011
  5. lysa utan ljus
    grönt vackert hypnotiserande självlysande stjärnor i taket ovanför min säng när jag var liten andetag och blåsa på snören så att planeterna snurrar vackert vitt och utan fläckar

    by Elise on 05.02.2011
  6. the dark nights lead you down streets where only the broken fluorescent lights show you the way. back alleys and old restaurants are the only sights. Greens, blues and reds mix and shine.

    by Astra on 05.02.2011
  7. The bulb was making that annoying zinging sound and I tried to cover my ears without looking noticeably awkward. I was failing. I felt like I always looked noticeably awkward, whether I wanted to or not. I tried telling that to my mom once but she insisted it was just a part of adolescence. With my hands clasped over my ears I tried to take notes.

    by Talia on 05.02.2011
  8. Its a colour and stuff, and lights are made it it sometimes. Argon is fluorescent and so’s helium I guess. They have a full atom shell, and stuff so they don’t bond with other atoms its crazy. That’s what makes fluro lights.

    by Emily on 05.02.2011
  9. her eyes are like that. eventhough it’s dark not pale. it makes my heart flourescent. it makes me happy to have someone i can holda gain and again. the moon is quite flourecent. yup.. nice and glowy.

    by william on 05.02.2011
  10. i like to think that there are lights fueling your heart. sometimes they go out but doesn’t everything die in the end? so i don’t mind much; there are always extra bulbs and then your heart is good as new and glowing, fluorescent like the lamp that lit your room in the middle of the night in the middle of nowhere.

  11. light bulb-esque. meat being cut on a counter. linoleum floors. bloodshot eyes. green skirts.

    by jay on 05.02.2011
  12. re

  13. bulbs of glass, made for us to use. their light! it’s light that does the trick. humming away all the while. all the while we bathe in the glow. how far does it go? keep those bulbs bright, i say. turn on the lights. keep them on! GLOW IN THE DARK!

    by ndroojames on 05.02.2011
  14. lightbulbs are an amazing invention, it is like the light spell cast by our electrical engineers. :)

    by Kaz on 05.02.2011
  15. flourescent lights remind me of hospitals. theyr bright and …i feel they are rude. why because they dont spare a single corner to darkness . everything is left out in in the open for all to see. thats what extra bright lights do

    by ligi on 05.02.2011
  16. so its bright, luminsescent, glowing. meaning new rave, new age. strong. fun, club, lighting, strip, unforgiving.

    by hjrc on 05.02.2011
  17. a light to flies; a fluorescent tie. to bind us together in one hapless life.

  18. The light shined, but at the same time, it came from nowhere. She wasn’t even looking at me, but still there was such a strong light that i felt a sudden heat.

    by Walker on 05.02.2011
  19. She slammed the back door and walked out under the strange flourescent light. The light was, eerie and moulded the night like an x-files set.

    by Katie on 05.02.2011
  20. if it be my last day on this beautifully lit world… than im going to stare at the sun for 2 hours straight. Take me away with out sight, it wouldnt be right if i was leaving thisworld to see nothing less than LIGHT!

  21. flowers are pretty. I like lights. They are bright. fluorescent lights are good for the environment right? That is what I think. Well. I think I will go get some. YOU HAVE ME SOLD! Wow did not take much….well I will now go enjoy my fluorescent lights. Haha. I am enjoyingthem WOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    by melannie Bates on 05.02.2011
  22. lights. lots of lights. it reminds me of the night time. when the world’s asleep but all the lights are on. it’s so beautiful. it’s breathtaking.

    by Ace on 05.02.2011
  23. lights, as bright as they shine… why cant they light me up. Or lite me up. Or ignite me so i’ll look up. Like Fireworks would burn down my fireworld and all! Ashes against the sunrays on sunday to taint or give me a little shade, cause this sun is burning.

    by James Martinez on 05.02.2011
  24. I heard the tapping of a pen on the desk, the flutter of pages as people scurry to get their work done. The fluorescent light was buzzing, humming, droning into my head. I was convinced that it was some kind of mind control tactic to induce anxiety.

    by X-EX-E on 05.02.2011
  25. It made me feel unreasonably uncomfortable. The way it made me think of her, I was so afraid. I had never seen her in such a way, and I wasn’t sure that I wanted to. I didn’t know how to feel. This couldn’t be real. It couldn’t.

  26. lights in the room are blinding
    my head throbbs
    bright and beaming
    sometimes it makes me wonder what else is out there
    you never know
    thanks thomas edison
    you are an amazing man for bringing us this invention

    by Grace on 05.02.2011
  27. light bulbs burning brightly in the night. A bar in the distance is raging as the patrons are drinking the night away. a fight breaks out in the parking lot resulting the in the presence of police officers. The cop cars are matching the lights that adorn the bar and create an aura of bliss.

    by Erik Radtke on 05.02.2011
  28. scales. peel from flesh. fingers scaling every last moment.

  29. Down by the vents, where mountain-ranges lay cold and obscured, the water must whoosh and beat like a womb; sightless as the womb too, but for the flashes of blues and reds and greens bright like lightening bugs gliding by the windows on a July night. I like the stranger colors that blip in and out of the dark most; those persimmon and bottle-green lights whirring in the tendrils shifting soft as soot, an infinitesimal quickening in the cradle of the world.

  30. Lights and colours.

    I remember in my dads store he had a fluorescent..a black light. I loved it. I could see all the dust and everything and it was so pretty. But then he moved to his new store, which he thought was better. And there was no black light, and I only liked the mural on the back. But he had to give that up, too. He’s broke now…

  31. Today the sky was brighter than normal. The blue matched the sea, a dangerous combination. Mark couldn’t make out the horizon. It felt like he could sail into forever. Squinting, he could barely make out a figure on the shore.

  32. Gorgeous, glowing, like the most wonderful sunlight beaming down from a plain, white ceiling. Light giver, night saver. Love. You can’t help but wonder why we have it, or why we need it. But we do. And without it, where would we be? Nowhere. In the dark. Scared, primitive beings. Alone. Lost…

    by Jess Arender on 05.02.2011
  33. Oh how woeful it is. To watch, to breathe, and to drink these stubborn lights. To find myself night after night dying under the pressures to perform, to let loose my words from under my fingers and yet I cannot. All I have left to speak my woes to are the brittle gritty snares of these cobalt stars.

    by Mike W on 05.02.2011
  34. light bulb, you use it to light up the rooms in your house from darkness.

    by Alex Robinson on 05.02.2011
  35. Light, too bright for most. Seen in places I had never expected, tied to Indian trees. It won’t help us much apart from a moment’s guidance on the way to somewhere, or in a room with nothing hidden.

    by Jerome Riordan on 05.02.2011
  36. The sky is fluorescent at the brink of day just as it is at the brink of night at the time when all things are possible and all is calm and disquiet at once, when spirits and magic rein supreme, when mother nature bows down for a split second only to rise again, changed.

    by moi on 05.02.2011
  37. Your beauty is fluorescent like the moon on a lake. Its stunning…breathe taking…I am falling in love with your beauty and with you.

    by Jenna-Rebecca on 05.02.2011
  38. Leuchtend, grell-
    glimmend die Buchstaben in der Nacht

    by Anuri on 05.02.2011
  39. the light makes them both look sick. they don’t look as sick as they actually are. his blood is a bright, beautiful thing. his smile makes her want to scratch his eyes out. she probably will.

  40. bright light beautiful dreamy scared untouched plesant fake rich dumb underestimated

    by Mike on 05.02.2011