
October 7th, 2008 | 1,160 Entries

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1,160 Entries for “flight”

  1. The last time I took a flight was to San Jose… I’ve been on two trips via plane and both were to San Jose. One was at 5 or 6, I was in Kindergarten, and I went with my family. No real agenda, just to visit some of my father’s side of the family that I didn’t really know and still don’t 20 years later.

    The second time was just a few years ago. I was 23 and attempting to fix a broken heart. I definitely didn’t fix it, but it definitely didn’t hurt as much afterwords.

    by Ryan on 10.12.2008
  2. i took off. a flying leap and i was in the air. wind could not surpass me, my speed alone was subject to nothing and i felt beyond words as i went soaring. there was no reason, just a need. there was no cause, just adventure. this was a chance taken simply to be taken.

    by kelsey on 10.12.2008
  3. I dreamt that I was in flight and the feeling was incredible. When I realized I was dreaming, I fell into a pond. Then, I took flight again and left my worries behind me. It was a wonderful dream and I hope to experience it again soon.

    by leslie juvin tennant on 10.12.2008
  4. the birds could not fly.
    i dont know why they could not fly.
    maybe they did not try.

    by karalynn on 10.12.2008
  5. Flying is my least favorite mode of transportation now that I have to do it so many times in a year, to get from home to school and back. But the concept of flying is extraordinary. To float several thousand miles above all the rest of the world, to jet to people you love and away from others you love even more or even less. I can’t imagine not having the power of this amazing technology at my fingertips.

    by Alex on 10.12.2008
  6. she took flight, with her heart in her hands and a pen in her pocket. her feet slipped across the pavement and she could hear them behind her, whispering their goodbyes, letting her goes. because they knew it was the right thing to do.

    by alyssa on 10.12.2008
  7. Fliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight, aaaaaaaaaaaah.
    Shoot, I’m falling. Damn. So much for that.

    by sam on 10.12.2008
  8. up high lallaaa. wow i like flying. most things that take “flight” are really creepy though. like crazy seaguls and flying squirrels ha. i like squirrles too. wow flighttt

    by boo on 10.12.2008
  9. we left that night.
    we weren’t expecting to get very far.
    the jet landed at the terminal in less than an hour. we grabbed our bags and made out into the dark night. the air was warm, but chilly. i could feel the darkness of the night getting into my bones. this felt wrong, this felt so wrong. but what else was there to do? we couldn’t reverse this–we just couldn’t. what’s been done is done, right? wrong. i knew we could change something. but we were leaving. we were leaving and we could never come back. and that thought haunted me more than any dark night air that could infiltrate my thick parka sweater.

    by melissa on 10.12.2008
  10. Nothing like flight. Birds in the cool summer breeze, effortlessly sailing above the grassy canvas. Or the machine-like crank from a propeller-driven bird of prey,

    by dave on 10.12.2008
  11. air plane, up high, solo, getting high,
    being successful, being your full potential, living the life, being in full force, going all out, finally giving up what never was yours and never will be, being engrossed by a creature, running and flying.

    by lolly on 10.12.2008
  12. I took flight immediately. The rush. It felt like nothing I’ve ever experienced. As soon as the breached the tree-line, I knew I would never, EVER come down. This was all I needed. For seven years now, I have been trying to achieve this one task.

    by Beau on 10.12.2008
  13. Having air time.
    There’s a gust of wind that pulls me upward, and i’m listening to something a bit disorientating. The wind and the sound I keep in my head that allows me good timing.
    Counting, one and two and three, to the beat.
    I’ll just keep going and see where it takes me.

    by Tell on 10.12.2008
  14. flight of the icarus
    flight of the conchords
    to run
    to flee
    to soar and be free

    by mondo on 10.12.2008
  15. didn’t i write about flight already? is it one word per day? that doesn’t make much sense. what if i’m writing a paper, as i’m doing now, and i want to get my creativue juices flowing? now i have to write about one word alld ay. i think thats stupid. i think all my spelling mistakes are stupid too. can’t think too far ahead of myself or i’ll end up with stupid mistakes. stupid. oh well. red light. red line. almost done. here we go.

    by roy on 10.12.2008
  16. The age of manned flight has been with us less than 100 years, and here we are making plans to go to Mars. What a miracle of modern technology.

    by Marilyn on 10.12.2008
  17. the flight of the conchords is a great band. they have music, strange music that is of a folksy variety. more of comedic musicans, than anything else, really. very popular with a small group of college kids and locals at first, they exploded on the scene after attending south by southwest, a music concert in austin. now they have their own tv show on HBO, which ges rave reviews.

    by roy on 10.12.2008
  18. Freedom-free from worries,beautiful birds,singing.A nice warm day filled with fluffy clouds.My heart.

    by diana on 10.12.2008
  19. Fight? War, which is the ultimate fight, one nation against another nation instead of punching you use massive death bringing devices. I was in war once. Fight? yes, that is war. TO fight tooth and nail against your fellow man because it is your national pride and what is ‘right’ to do.

    by Zach Scott-Singley on 10.12.2008
  20. Flight of the mocking birds….flight of heart… flight where are you taking me..to my destiny..where is that..for a lost one that is always the question…hte only constant is change…i finally learned that…flight away or flight to somewhere.?????

    by amy on 10.12.2008
  21. i have been called many things, but never flighty. i wish someone would; i’d like to fly away.

    by jlw on 10.12.2008
  22. ok ok , i know its flight but, how are you , i mean really? have you called your mom yet? cleaned behind those ears? so i hope you dont, you smelly cat. enjoy kittens linens

    by shamus the cat on 10.12.2008
  23. Flight, fight, right, might, tight, bite, kite, cite, height, light, night, sight, white.

    by Molly on 10.12.2008
  24. Flight is in the air. When you fly a plane, you are in flight. Flight is spelled with an “F” and an “L” and an “I” and a “G” and an “H” and a “T.” Flight is what birds do. I hate flying.

    by Lauren on 10.12.2008
  25. Fight or flight, they say. At this point, I don’t really have the option of flight, so I’ll do what my grandpa tells me to do and give it hell. This paper is a symbol for everything in my life I’ve ever dreaded and hated doing but done anyway. Maybe flight is a better option. Fight in this instance means I’ll struggle through it and turn it in. Flight would be not completing the assignment. Fuck that, I need to go to law school someday. I’ll do the assignment, but I won’t enjoy it.

    by Maggie on 10.12.2008
  26. i once took a flight to a foreign country and i seemed to have had some sort of sickness i felt tired raged and hormonal but yet content confused and bewildered i might have mistaken myself with a dream i had once

    by daniel polis on 10.12.2008
  27. plane clouds baggage stewards fun air cold blue Canada life people culture birds

    by oriona on 10.12.2008
  28. Swish, flying through the air. Running, running, running so fast it really does feel like you’re flying through the air. Your hair is so far behind you it feels like it’s falling out of your scalp, and while this is a terrifying notion you’re running too far away from fear to think that true. Your feet are so numb you don’t even feel the way your heels dig into the dirt over and over again in a steady beat, but tonight when you pull off your shoes you know you’re going to cry, cry, cry from the pain of the blisters. But for now…you’re in flight.

    by Ashley Nicole Brooks Flowers on 10.12.2008
  29. flights were good once upon a time, now I don’t like them much. actually i do like them, when i travel alone. looking at the peoopl,e reading a good book, drinking, eating all you want – you dont feel bad about it at all. but then I wish i could smoke and the security and everything was not that bad. But hey its still fun, the earth looks so much different from the top.

    by Jim on 10.12.2008
  30. fight of flight. I love flying. Flying is so fun. I take United Air from Beijing to Chicago and back all the time. The flight is quite fun. Sometimes it’s boring as well. United flights aren’t that great. I would really prefer flying another carrier, just to try it out. Like, Singapore Air or osmething like that.

    by kenneth on 10.12.2008
  31. the flight of plight the birds all flight in one triangle but we, we cant not flylike that, we walk in a mess. i do not mean we should be an army but if we could think of ourselves as one bird in a triangle of flying birds instead of just scattered fighting individuals
    our own flight would be stronger.
    i am not an ant
    flying ants.

    by tam on 10.12.2008
  32. Just be sure, up there, no one sees the edges up there. Big flight. Just time, our time. Lights, smoldered to dark. Clouds bent by the wings. Ears pushed, pulled, signs empty. There it is. Flight. I hear you now. There it is. Simple. Burst just a little. Maybe. For you. See some more, find some more about me. Flight. With me. There you are. Crisp. In line with me. Wrapped.

    by Angie on 10.12.2008
  33. flight maybe as in flying somewhere on an airplane. i kind of hate going on airplanes. maybe i’m claustrophobic, i don’t know. but as soon as i’m on a plane and it starts to take off, i get so nervous because i realize that it’s going to be 2 hours or 4 hours or however long before i am able to get off of it and get out of that tiny space. my first flight was 8 hours long. it was terrible.

    by tara on 10.12.2008
  34. Its gotta be the quickest way to get anywhere although with the rising prices for flights these days its really hard to choose that mode of transportation.I would really like to fly all around the world someday,perhaps if i ever win the lottery.Ive take many flights in my lifetime and i would love to take more.

    by John on 10.12.2008
  35. es el momento de volar y dejar que la mente se quede en tierra, no existe forma de volver despues de este abandono y sin tesoros que guardar solo se puede conocer la verdad sobre la vida y ese en últimas es el máximo secreto.

    by Jorge Cifuentes on 10.12.2008
  36. flight has to do with birds, airplanes, and other things with wings, which is pretty cool, and happens to be the subject of many people’s dreams. They wish that they could fly, and you know what, so do I. I’ve had lots of dreams that involve flying, and they rank among my favorites. Sometimes I wish that I was a bird.

    by Ashley on 10.12.2008
  37. plane country traveling luggage lost fun pictures security flight attendant food visiting foreign languages learning experience leaving far weather sun vacation family friends postcards missing

    by marie on 10.12.2008
  38. I would never have thought things would turn out this way. Him forcing me on this plane, my lips sealed shut in utter humiliation. For I could never speak to others what he is forcing me into. What he has done to me.

    by Caitlin on 10.12.2008
  39. i would like to take a flight somewhere. this word makes me feel like traveling, and going somewhere that I would have no worries and nothing that I have to care about. This word has a very good connotation to me because It presents opportunities and new experiences. Although the word flight does not even mean that you have to be flying somewhere it really makes me feel like getting away and getting lost in a new place!

    by alison on 10.12.2008
  40. airplane flight. grey. people going places. sitting next to someone who you dont like. peanuts. travel. luggage. small seats. cold air. airplane movies. invention of flight. birds. wings. aerodynamic. airplane seats.

    by kelsey on 10.12.2008