
March 3rd, 2011 | 549 Entries

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549 Entries for “final”

  1. The end of everything. The conclusion of a long journey. The last candle on the birthday cake. Amish people on horses in the countryside before succumbing to illnesses and dying alone with their dog. Losing all your hair after chemotherapy.

    by Ashleigh Bachman on 03.03.2011
  2. Finals. Tests. Thinking too much and yet not thinking of the right thing in the right moment. My thoughts feel scattered and confused when I look at the study papers. Well, I’ll have to do it this year too. Get my grades, survive, do what’s expected. Pass finals. Hopefully, I’ll be able to find the right words when I need to.

    by QanQan on 03.03.2011
  3. final is the beginning of something new… because there is no end there is eternity. never born never dead. the cosmos is infinite and we are part of it…

    by Alex on 03.03.2011
  4. finals in school are a concern for every student Piercingly so. today I still feel the same fear as i did when finals came around. even in contexts completely unrelated to testing

    by beth on 03.03.2011

  6. i have two finals tomorrow and another one on saturday. i haven’t studied for them much, but honestly i’m not at all worried. maybe that’s idiotic of me, but who knows. i’m just glad classes will be over so soon in the semester. then i can focus on service sites.

    by deborah on 03.03.2011
  7. Time is running out. Last question. Where do you see your self when your older. Well I don’t know. Does anybody? College? Street Rat? Determined grocery bagger? Where do I take the final stand agianst the hands of time.
    There it went. The final bell. The final test I’d ever have to take in my high school career and I’m pretty sure I blew it on that last question.

    When I’m older… I see a death. Its infinitive. Theres no do-overs. No reversal. It’s final.

    by simmz on 03.03.2011
  8. the end, the finish, telos. when you hope to win. come first. if not, it’s ok. lose or win. it’s the taking part that counts :)

    by mk on 03.03.2011
  9. The final straw. The last time. It’s like you stay in one place for so long and suddenly it hits you like it has never done before. Bang there it is right in your face. No words to describe it, just emotion. Anger, pain, agony, desire all at once, boiling up inside. And then you let it go. It explodes and you’re someone completely and totally different. Maybe if you were stronger, smarter, faster than that thing – that beast – then you could control it before it ruins everything. Before the yelling and the fists and the fire.

    by Meredith Santaus on 03.03.2011
  10. the end of realization. a sad profound love, when the soul goes to rest, the encouragement for new beginnings.

    by amacheski on 03.03.2011
  11. The end, it’s all over, there is no more. Nothing left, what now? Is there something else? Maybe a final final or a super final? WHo knows

    by Sean on 03.03.2011
  12. I’m going to fail my finals. Or at least that’s what I’m scared of. I will feel like a failure at life when that happens…which is inevitable. Yay.

  13. the test you have to write to get a passing grade in college you have to study for it for weeks and weeks and cram as much knowledge into your noggin as you can and then when you finally finish it, you get to celebrate by erasing it all with as much alcohol as you can put back yay college!

    by Kelsey on 03.03.2011
  14. Nothing is final
    In this world that we live in
    And i’m like, Haiku.

  15. The final moment. To make a choice that could be so direly correct, or so direly wrong. There is nothing after the final, it is the killer of eternity. I’m at a point in my life where the word “final” looms over my head like a dark cloud. I finally need to make some choices. I need to finally figure everything out.

  16. The final stage. The final countdown. School finals. This word can mean so many things. To me it means the final straw. One can only take so much before it’s time to move on. Our time has come. Goodbye to you, goodbye to us. I’m happy and not looking back.

    by Marybeth Steinhart on 03.03.2011
  17. Well, final reminds me of being complete. Kind of. More like final exams and the stress with them and the studying and crap. Or final is like concluded. As in it’s done. Over. Gone. That kind of thing. Or maybe final is it, the last, the end.

    by Naomi on 03.03.2011
  18. She was so sure that this was it. That she had finally found happiness. She’d been through so much – so much pain, so much heartbreak – and she had finally thought, THIS IS IT.

    But the world never works the way we want it to. Life is a crazy, jumbled mess and it just didn’t work out the way she thought it would. Or how she wanted it to.

    by Danielle on 03.03.2011
  19. The final bell was coming, she could feel it. She pushed further, mind racing, trying to make her pen keep up with her brain as her hand flew across the page. Ink smeared all down the heel of her palm, and she probably had smudges of blue across her nose, but that didn’t matter.

    Tests didn’t matter, they said.

    They were wrong.

    If she failed this test, the past seven years were a waste, and she’d be stuck working in a factory.

    by Nagi on 03.03.2011
  20. The final time I think about you before I sleep, what puts my submissive butterflys to rest. You scare me with words and I toss hoping to rest at ease. I feel ass though I’m not really what you want, et you keep me around. Still. And for why? I wish I could decipher why you keep this complication around and why you offer me your life

    by Jordan Breaux on 03.03.2011
  21. It was the final bout of the snowstorm that was going to end up killing them. They’d survived the first waves of the freezing whirlwind of white fury, had survived the icy sheets of snow slipping through the cracks in their walls and chilling their bodies, and had survived the tearing wind.
    But this snow, that would fall slow and thick like a lazy monster, would trap them, and choke them. This snow that would come slowly, easily, would be what locked them inside the cabin, and the escaping convicts would have no hope for help coming.
    Because nobody would know that they were there.

  22. Once upon a time I had a truly difficult final ahead of me. The thought of this final sent me in a whirlwind of emotions and was stressed to the limit.

    by Monica on 03.03.2011
  23. life is final, not death. Death is just the beginning. Farewell my friend. May you journey.

    by Michelle on 03.03.2011
  24. this is the final countdown, the time when it all happens for good or for bad. this is the final time you will see your kids Charlie Sheen because you have had your final chance to come clean and make a good impression as a father. The final word on this is that you are in fact insane and not high. I think you should get help.

    by melissa on 03.03.2011
  25. Is there anything that is ever final? Someone will say something is final but it will carry on. As a thought, a conversation, an activity. Nothing is ever final. And we can never be sure something will never, somehow, come back to us.

    by Emily on 03.03.2011
  26. “That’s it! I’ve had it! This is my final answer. I am NOT going to go to the prom with you.”
    Have you ever noticed that the word final is so, well, final? I mean it can really bring a person down.

    by English teacher 79 on 03.03.2011
  27. The final season of the Wire is the worst. It really goes off the rails: McNulty creates a serial killer! Marlo ultimately is not brought to justice! There’s nothing like investing in an amazing series only to have it fizzle at the end (Hello Sopranos). I guess it’s better that I’m left not wanting more.

    by krista on 03.03.2011
  28. the destination, the end of the journey. it all leads up to this final point – we’ve been waiting. something sort of exhilarating is happening, but at the same time, nostalgia and sadness sets in. the final moment, the last goodbye – it’s exciting, but we forget how much we cling to our past. this is it.

    by Nicole Holden on 03.03.2011
  29. i feel sad when i reach the final days of my college and school life. I want to do something before leaving the place but finally i havent done much as did at school. final

    by leelabharath on 03.03.2011
  30. this is your ultimate decision. you can’t go back on this. your last chance. no changes. ugh so stressful.. the end. bah..

    by Vero Leyva on 03.03.2011
  31. The door swung shut. Was he on the outside or the inside? And outside or inside of what? The sound that echoed — in here, in there, in his head — was either singing or screaming. Nothing is for sure.

  32. A last chance, a last breath, the end of something.

    by Chelsea on 03.03.2011
  33. With one final word, he was out the door, and out of his life. Forever. Magnus couldn’t tell whether Alec was happy about Jace being gone. He always kept his emotions under control, it seemed.

  34. this is your final warning. Your not going to get another chance. The final is the last. If your in final place in a race you are the last in the race.

    by shell on 03.03.2011
  35. Everything is final, yet nothing is final. Don’t worry, the darkness of night is not final, but neither is the light of day. Is love final. Is it even something that can be described as final? Or is hate final, and love something that will always bloom and grow and chage like a rose in the heat of summer. Which, by the way, is not final either.

  36. Finality. Life and Death. Final is second saddest next to gone. There is no going back. That’s it. What’s after? Probably nothing. Better make it count. I hope I do.

    by Hooper Schultz on 03.03.2011
  37. Final conclusion is that i dont know what a hell im doing with my life. There is just something stopping me at blossoming like i know i can. Sometimes i think its my lack of ambition but sometimes its my insecurity. Either way its not good, and i have to think of something to do about all of this.

    by Jell on 03.03.2011
  38. at the end, there’s just the final, a final cut in the movie of your life. There will be no time after the final, just let the teather of you life’s end.

    by Luis Santibáñez on 03.03.2011
  39. it’s interesting how I and others seem to usually being with stating the word already given, as if it buys us time for our minds to process the word, what the possible definitions could be, and then how and what to write something related.
    the final product
    finality is necessary but difficult and uncomfortable
    is it over?

  40. The final thought about my history class, is that i hope that you feel how i feel. i love when i catch you staring at me, even though sometimes i feel like i can be imagining it… i will finally talk to you. just wait for it. i can’t wait. i can’t wait to finally fall in love and i’m finally ready… i am sick and tired of having guard up.

    by Amber on 03.03.2011