
February 27th, 2023 | 4 Entries

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4 Entries for “fault”

  1. We had a fault at the house, an electrical fault that we needed to fix urgently before the meat went bad but the electricians never came. Infact, the ignored all our calls for help.

  2. i love you and myself so much thank you for being in my life … i appreciate your presence more than you will ever know <3 sending you love and kisses always. If it weren't for you being in my life, I do not know where I would be right now. I things were weird with us at first but I would do it all over again if it means keeping you in my life. You are the sunshine in my life that I always needed <3

    Juliana Marin
  3. It’s not my fault, he said. But of course it was. It almost always was his fault, due to nothing more than his own self absorption that oftentimes excluded the world and what it could do for him and, if he hadn’t been too busy checking the likes on his most recent photo of a pigeon, he would’nt have hit that car.

  4. “He loves me, but only part of the time…” isn’t that the line. If there’s no one to blame, was is the fault all mine?

    See You Next Tuesday