
May 2nd, 2008 | 129 Entries

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129 Entries for “explore”

  1. Duck! No, thats’ starting “Summer” all over again isn’t it then? Really, I need to come up with better ideas when it comes to exploration, I can’t keep running back to Rona and Kerry as devices to make plot move.

    I guess I should follow other avenues in this, I don’t have to write a story, so perhaps next time I’ll do something else.

    by Koeryn on 05.03.2008
  2. And behind the sofa we found a little teapot filled with photographs, and I asked my mother what they were of. And he would describe all the colours of my father’s face, and I would try and imagine what red would be like if I had ever seen it. It would be like a wodden houseboat with nails in all the wrong places.

    by crabmuffins on 05.03.2008
  3. It’s truly a great thing to be able to explore new and wonderful worlds when writing and reading stories.

    by Jodi on 05.03.2008
  4. I was feeling bored today, so i decided to get out for a while away from the crowd and the noise and the traffic and simply walk down a shaded foresty trail, perhaps finding something in the process. I don’t know. It would be exciting to see where I could end up in. Going to somewhere unknown would be exciting. Exploring is exciting.

    by anne on 05.03.2008
  5. number spoken love powerful God spectacular forever infinity spirit trust hope

    by Annie on 05.03.2008
  6. explore my body, my mind, the land, the country, my kiss, my lips, my tongue, my ear, my voice, and noises, the way we look at each other, the way we walk, the way we think, how we seek low,

    by anna on 05.03.2008
  7. ive never wanted ot go where I couldnt follow. That dark place full of candles that burn with the black flames. I never wanted to see, or to know. I saw it upon your fce. Screaming at me, and yet I just kept coming closer and closer. I wanted to see, to know. I wanted to explore every inch of your skin, your existance, all of it. I wanted to dissolve myself within this spiraling black hole, drifting down into madness.

    by Mandy on 05.03.2008
  8. I knew that the coming meteor shower would change life as we knew it. The thought that the earth would exist no more brought me a sort of grim satisfaction as I had never enjoyed life. I wanted to explore the afterlife.

    by Rachel on 05.03.2008
  9. explore..the world around you

    by nikitha on 05.03.2008
  10. Every man likes to explore the foundation of reality as it is where we all come from.

    by EricPoehlsen on 05.03.2008
  11. I like to explore my boyfriends asshole. Some people think its strange but I think it reaches a level of intimacy they just do not understand. I bet Dora doesn’t even come close to the level of excitement a rim job gives on her “explorations”

    by dora on 05.03.2008
  12. explore the human mind. once one has done that, they have taken the first step to inner peace. I believe that is the key to the human soul.

    by Brett on 05.03.2008
  13. open your mind, and look for the answere

    by Don on 05.03.2008
  14. I love to explore…not as much as some people do…I mean I get kinda chicken sometimes too. It brings up lots of things…exploring love…a life long persuit.Truth seeker…I’m told.

    by Mary on 05.03.2008
  15. Chances are not many people get to explore the world. It is something that can greatly increase your awareness regarding things that are out of our normal realm of day to day life. We can also explore our inner selves, we can explore what’s in the fridge, or we can explore the limitless things education has to offer.

    by Mollie on 05.02.2008
  16. Exploring is nice, whether i t’s exploring your own backyard, or exploring the whole world. But my favourite has to be exploring my very own imagination. Noone will ever know what I’ll ever see from exploring my very own mind. Imagine, all that adventure! I simply love to dream. Daydream about the world and what it could have been!

    by diana on 05.02.2008
  17. To reach new heights and find your inner desires. To acheive what you thought was not possible and be the best you can be.

    by M on 05.02.2008
  18. Champlain and his companions came to Canada in 1608 and founded the communities of Hochela and Montreal. They were our first Canadian explorers and as a result mapped the mighty St. Lawrence and brought the attention of our rich fur trade to the attention of the Europeans. To explore is to navigate, search, find new trails, new options, new reasons, to explore your past, to find out more about your roots. If we didn’t explore, we could never FIND and the world would be deprived of many great destinations. When early man looked out at the vast ocean and decided it just had to be explored, he built a boat and discovered fairer lands, continents and riches. When we explore ourselves, we look deep inside and try to discover what makes us tick. When we explore a new person of the opposite sex as a lifelong partner, we try to see if they are compatible to our way of life. We are constantly exploring our world, our universe, space and our fellow man. Explore and continue to explore since if we become too complacent, then life may pass us by. Never depend too much on others, explore your options, look for new opportunities, and if exploration results in your finding a gold mine, whether it is the real thing, or figuratively, then you will be a very fortunate human being. Thank God for people with inquisitive minds, who were not content to sit back and wait for others to come up with solutions. They wanted to make the world a better place, or to solve a problem back to the middle ages and they were successful because they did EXPLORE. They questioned the Who, Why, What, Where and When and went over the problem, exploring the causes and solutions, testing them over and over again. The word alone doesn’t address the multiple uses or pay homage to the great inventions, achievements that have been recorded in mankind’s history. They have reached out to explore the Antartica, the Moon, the River Nile, the Amazon, mighty mountains, and rain forests. They have recorded amazing photographs of places previously unknown and unheard of. The mighty Pyramids in Egypt have been visited and explored by millions of people. The world and the sea are constantly being explored by mankind, animals and sea life. We are all looking for new sources of energy and are exploring geothermal, wind energy as alternative sources to oil, which is always being explored looking for new fields. We need to explore less expensive fuel alternatives, that will decrease our carbon footprint and lessen the damage to the ozone layer. It is essential to the survival of our planet and hopefully a whole new generation of explorers will emerge to tackle one of the most difficult tasks, since the beginning of civilization. The students, who participate in their school science fairs may just be the right type to really make our world EXPLORE and be explored. May the peace of the universe and the force be with you and may you all continue to walk in peace and the warmth of the sun and forever continue to explore your world, your inner space, your home life, your relationships, your faith and never give up the FAITH.

    by Mary Cudmore on 05.02.2008
  19. columbus sailed the ocean blue in 1492. louis and clark explored the louisian purchase from napolean bonaparte. i explore in my backyard with my dogs. dora the explorer tells swiper not to swipe.

    by kristen on 05.02.2008
  20. I love my family more than I can put into words. My husband and my daughter are my life and I can’t wait to experience each and every new day with them. They are my everything!

    by Mandy Rawls on 05.02.2008
  21. Let’s explore my filthy mind that everyone constantly judges because they’re not able to understand it, or don’t get the concept of it. Though, even I don’t really understand the complexity of my emotions and mental health. I really should go visit a therapist that knows jack shit about my mind and tries to give me false answers and faith about myself which would eventually fade away in a couple of months.

    by Goldfrapp on 05.02.2008
  22. The cave was dark and cold. Without the chipmunk, Fred knew it was going to be a long night. If only he could take back the hurtful things he said, it would be alright and Sparky would come back to him.

    by Stratcat X on 05.02.2008
  23. explore. brings to mind a great adventure, exploring something new and wonderful and fun. Exploring new places, new things…or just EXPLORING something new to do!

    by cec D on 05.02.2008
  24. I’d like to go exploring in caves. I guess spelunking would be the correct terminology. I want to see the world. The above ground and the below ground. I wonder which one is more beautiful? The hidden things always seem to be more tantalizing to discover.

    by chloe. on 05.02.2008
  25. walking alone in the remote desert, tripping over an abandoned gold mine — heading into the darkness, wish I had a flashlight, here come the bats, chasing me away, away for today, I’ll come back again, maybe, I hope. with a flashlight.

    by kathy on 05.02.2008
  26. to delve deep within nouns that sorround interest you. to take self out of the equation and benefit yourself, it is not your duty but an option worth investing to fully understand

    by zachariah on 05.02.2008
  27. “Where shall we go today?” The Stalk asked, hopping around in his foot.

    The Nightbird said nothing, her tiny beady eyes reflecting something akin to fear, only speaking when the stalk encouraged her on.

    “I would like to see the city,” she replied quietly “to visit the place where the men roam.”

    by Peppermint on 05.02.2008
  28. Lewis and Clark. Boy, is that predictable. Is that how you spell predictable? Predictible. Ah, this thing has spellcheck. I mean, spell check. OK, so that’s predictable. I would like to explore the back of my closet and get the rest of it cleaned out–to go back in those corners and be able to see the entire ugly blue carpet free of shoes, boxes, CDs, and ties. That’s what I would like to explore. Oh, I guess my time’s up. I could barely tell, the message is so tiny.

    by Tish on 05.02.2008
  29. ok.. here we go.. this is what i always wanted.. but yet again what i always feared.. i am all alone.. with nothing in front of me.. nothing behind me.. all i have to do is explore, to find my way.. the destined way.. and hope that one day, i will find it..

    by Ronny on 05.02.2008
  30. i had all the time in the world to explore every inch of him.. he was mine and mine alone.. never have i thought id get this opurtunity.. but here i am.. listening to his heart beat beside me.. and here i am .. where i always wanted to be.. saticfied, at last.

    by Ronny on 05.02.2008
  31. He wasn’t thorough. He hardly looked at the place. I wondered why he didn’t explore her in detail and enjoy his surroundings. A fickle man not to have a good old gawp.

    by Lulu on 05.02.2008
  32. search your mind body and spirit leave not rock unturned! look everywhere and do everything! never give up dont be scared just do it. explore the possibilities you’ll be surprised what you’ll find
    have fun

    by jessie on 05.02.2008
  33. explore the world
    be brave
    be bold
    see all you can
    life is good
    just watch your back

    by jeanie on 05.02.2008
  34. The world was born on exploration. The brave few who risked it all, and pushed the envelope are the ones we should thank for the world, for if no one ever left the first village that is all that we would know. That is all the world would be.

    by Fuf on 05.02.2008
  35. The world was born on exploration. The brave few who risked it all, and pushed the envelope are the ones we should thank for the world, for if no one ever left the first village that is all that we would know. That is all the world would be.

    by Fuf on 05.02.2008
  36. Since the beginning of time, man’s achievements have been measured only by what we have discovered. In a long list of daring men and women, we have explored the deepest reaches of our imaginations as well as our expansions. In the greatest achievement ever, we have explored the actual heavens in which we sleep under every night.

    by joseph calandrella on 05.02.2008
  37. She let out a whoop of excitement. Our expedition had begun, we were going to explore an abandoned cave on the edge of the town. Mysterious spectres had been witnessed up there and the townspeople were too afraid to go near it.

    by Rachel on 05.02.2008
  38. Difficult to know, he said, how to begin. The mountain was in front of us, the river behind. We had left the boat some distance away and walked slowly, hacking at the thick vines and underbrush. We were off all maps,now.

    by the bee on 05.02.2008
  39. I would like to travel to deep jungles.
    I would like to wade in clear waters.
    I would like to breathe clean air
    and walk barefoot through green grasses.
    I would like to explore my world.
    Won’t you come along?

    by Miranda on 05.02.2008
  40. I love to explore my imagination. It’s cheaper and far less stressful than actually traveling. You don’t have to worry about other people or get anywhere at a specific time. There is no train or plane to miss. No one else can make the rules. Just you.

    by Faleoh on 05.02.2008