
December 7th, 2009 | 222 Entries

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222 Entries for “enhance”

  1. .

    by on 12.08.2009
  2. haha

    by en on 12.08.2009
  3. I really like shampoo that is enhanced with flowers and stuff it smells soooo good. I especially like lavender.

    by Dora on 12.08.2009
  4. enhance is good. its good to enhance things. By enhancing thing you are upgrading, improving, making more reliable. Who wants something not enhanced??

    by Ricky on 12.08.2009
  5. Toby thought the hat would enhance his look, but seeing his reflection in the mirror made him realise how wrong he was. He ripped it off his head and threw it on teh floor aggresively. After looking at it for a couple of seconds he started stamping on it.

    by Hel on 12.08.2009
  6. how i wish we could enhance ourselves. our values, our lonely hearts that kick around sweet surrenders. Its not so much about what others think.

    by jamie m on 12.08.2009
  7. All she asked for, searched for & texted about were 21″ platinum blond hair extensions. She believed in them. How else to glam up her look, affordably enhance herself? Get out of this deplapidated logging town?! If only she’d seen the disappointment in the city man’s eyes. He yearned for innocence.

    by @ on 12.08.2009
  8. I would like to enhance the quality of my life, but I’m unsure how to judge judge my quality of life. And whether or not it needs to go up or down.

    by Dustin on 12.08.2009
  9. beauty is the whole of existence. it’s my job not to enhance it but to embrace it. and by simply embracing it, it is inherently enhanced. is it me who enhances it or the beauty itself in by being embraced that allows it to be so?

    by Dian Reid dianreid@mac.com on 12.08.2009
  10. I wanted to enhance my beauty, but I worried no one would ever love me. And if they loved me, they wouldn’t love the enhanced me, they would love the real me. There are whole businesses and careers that are based around enhancing things like beauty which just ought to not be enhanced. If someone alters their self from who they really are, enhancing themselves, then whats the point.

    by mattkinsi on 12.08.2009
  11. I have enhanced life its very self, enhanced the truth that is our life, and made us, the supream beings that we are, humans, even more enhanced, we cannot and do not die, we are now the likes of god, enhanced in every way, creating a new world, one where we can do anything and everything we would want.

    by thefunkylama on 12.08.2009
  12. BIg breasts, augmented, unnatural. Social stigma that hasnt traveled to the east coast yet. Almost considered normal in California now. Id rather enhance mentally, through learning.

    by Sophie on 12.08.2009
  13. The mirror shifted the image before my eyes. It was me, only better, at least physically. My first thought was, “Wouldn’t it be great if they could do this with your personality, self-confidence?” But if someone wasn’t down-trodden then how could the rest of us feel good about ourselves, right?

    by JO on 12.08.2009
  14. Don’t tell me that my life isn’t worth living. Why should I enhance something I already love in the first place? Maybe you are the one that needs an “enhanced” life. Just because I have no one to be with, doesn’t mean I can’t love my life.

    by Samantha on 12.08.2009
  15. Today, I will enhance my life. Really, I need to enhance my typing skills. Sixty seconds isn’t a very long time to write about a word. I guess I need to enhance my thinking skills, as well.

    by Mistresseli on 12.08.2009
  16. Enchanced, improved, modules added on for the betterment of humankind. A species bent on its own destruction, fallen to the dependency of plastic and metal devices. Upgrading, improving, making things simpler. Better. Easier. Losing our own capabilities for the sake of convenience. Yummy.

    by Chris on 12.08.2009
  17. people are always trying to enhance their image rather than enhance their performance. It’s not about how you look but who you are and what you do. Enhancing inner self is more important than your image.

    by zaida on 12.08.2009
  18. She wanted to enhance her beauty. She tried everything from dying her hair to changing the type of clothes she wore. Her makeup was more conservative than usual too. Nothing seemed to work. She felt trapped in a facade. She wasn’t herself anymore.

    by Mandy on 12.08.2009
  19. my mom tells my sister to enhance her crly hear but she dosnt wont to

    by jane on 12.08.2009
  20. enhancing pleasure

    by Amanda on 12.08.2009
  21. Enhance is in the dictionary. A word in the dictionary.Yes it is a word.

    by lauren on 12.08.2009
  22. pleasure

    by on 12.08.2009
  23. super troopers, thorny, enhance, enhance, enhance oh just print the damn thing,

    by on 12.08.2009
  24. Why don’t you dance and dream? Enhance the dance that belongs to only you. Why don’t you twirl and sing? Please, don’t shed a tear for every simple little thing. I love you.

    by Tear on 12.08.2009
  25. Someone once said I’d be enhanced one-hundred fold, if I smiled from time to time. So I did. And they were right.

    by Kierrin on 12.08.2009
  26. Color will enhance your hair. Enhancement is very important. It is that extra artistic touch that makes the difference from plainess and Cinderella, who was, after all, the maid.

    by Jessica on 12.08.2009
  27. to enhance my inner self i thought to go a little crazy and make a trip to the gas station. you see, i have a skin condition where if the sun reaches me even just a tiny bit… i blister as if i had been in the sun an entire day. to go outside is a rare thing. so when i decided to enhance my day and my life…it is in fact a little on my crazy side. instead of going to the gas station though i decided to stay home and watch the news.

    by on 12.08.2009
  28. You enhance me.
    Alone, I am weak
    I am selfish,
    But when I am with
    I am better
    I am good,
    You enhance me.

    by Olivia on 12.08.2009
  29. to upgrade

    by reece on 12.08.2009
  30. grab

    by reece on 12.08.2009
  31. Enhance your beauty, enhance your looks, enhance everything you don’t like about yourself. Plastic surgery, botox, liposuction. When will people realize that God made you how you are and you are beautiful in His eyes. The world’s standard of beauty is skewed. Fix your eyes on Jesus.

    by Rachel on 12.08.2009
  32. I think its always needed, just a pinch as some say. You need to at least put some of it on the food, it’ll enhance its flavor. Salt is such a wonder, with a little bit of it you bring flavor to life. Is like contrast for food.

    by Fel on 12.08.2009
  33. Enhanced. Cyclists on roids. Sluggers on roids. Everybody wants to be enhanced, but few are interested in actually enhancing their lives the hard way. Study more. Work more. Spend more time with friends and family. Read more. Pray more. Enhance. Don’t be enhanced.

    by Arthegall on 12.08.2009

    by TNE on 12.08.2009
  35. Enhanced eye color hair stegth and tone… Design me a better me. The thing that is shocking is not that we desided to do it, but that we care somuch about it. Where would the world be without comercial vanity?

    by Calimora on 12.08.2009
  36. I am focusing on self-improvements. Every improvement I observe makes me satisfied and hopeful. However, I still wonder whether it is better to concentrate on self or on others as benchmarks.

    by KAP on 12.08.2009
  37. i enhanced the picture to make the color in his eyes come out. he really is beautiful you know. no one really sees how beautiful he is on the inside too. his soul is the color of a deep purple. he loves as easily as he breathes. he is a wonderful man.

    by Catie H. on 12.08.2009
  38. the work of make up was to enhance what you have not create them…that she knew as she drew out the liner enhancing her eyes’ beauty.

    by anu on 12.08.2009
  39. The prompt word at OneWord was

    by ThomG on 12.08.2009
  40. “Oh. My. God.”
    I stared at my reflection in horror. Make-up made me look like a witch!
    “Remember sweetie, makeup is supposed to enhance your natural beauty,” said the lady at the make-up counter.

    by Rachel on 12.08.2009