
January 20th, 2011 | 634 Entries

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634 Entries for “endless”

  1. endless time. the clock is ticking. counting down the minutes you have to let him know you love him. to let him know you have always loved him. you wish this was endless time. however time has a way of controlling things like this. it has to be done. and it has to be done now.

    by maddy on 01.21.2011
  2. endless
    endless endless endless endless endless endless endless endless
    endless endless endless
    endless endless endless endless
    nothing is endless.

    by kyrst on 01.21.2011
  3. my thoughts are endless..rambling and rolling into little sticky balls of goo. I wonder if you wonder about things that I think of. Big thoughts of little bits of fluff words on paper and nothing else….

    by Andrea on 01.21.2011
  4. life is full of endless possibilities. you can be anything you want to be and you should never let anyone stop you from being that person. love who you are and love what you are.

    by Alex on 01.21.2011
  5. Never ending. unstoppable, enternity, always, and despair. If it’s never ending then it goes forever which possibly means that there is no change. If there is no change then the cycle is repeated forever or endlessly which is disturbing.

    by Midnight on 01.21.2011
  6. Well, this prompt seems to make me want to write for all of eternity. Oddly enough, I am timed so that is quite impossible. Now I just sit here, watching the purple bar progress and I am sad. I know that my limitless thoughts will never truly be shared in such a short amount of time.
    Almost done… So long one and all…

    by Kyle on 01.21.2011
  7. This is a word that means there is no finish to the beginning. It never stops. It has a negative connotation, unlike forever.

    by Sterling on 01.21.2011
  8. ive already done endless, so here i start anew: The rainbow is a light fixture in which the sun reflects off of moister in the air, left over from rain. What we process as humans with poor eyesight is a huge amount of colors, all stretching across the sky in an arc. An endless spectruminbow truely sits several miles, behis seen in front of you. An endless walk to find the end, and your treasure.

    by Chloe on 01.21.2011
  9. Sky is endless, ching across the earth in a manner in whic it protects us from the lack of air far away, in space, which is a;so endless, as it is growing bigger every second. I know the sky is blue because of how far away it is, but in truth, I wouldn’t be able to tell the difference between the sky and the earth if they were equally part, one and the same, one whole piece of magic.

    by Chloe on 01.21.2011
  10. Is love really endless? can two people really love each other will every part of their being forever? or do people either think they love each other, or they just go along with it for the sake of being with someone and not being alone. I think more people are scared to be alone than to find someone they actually love.

    by Chelsie on 01.21.2011
  11. The possibilities of course but more then that kind of a falling also. a lost feeling a journey the mind and it’s capability art literature God and our thoughts be brave

    by Adam Price on 01.21.2011
  12. The word hung in the air leaving her with nothing. Endless. The word sounded so grand. Like a beach with waves stretching over the shore. The sky looking like it went on forever…endless. Yet today the word held no beauty

    by Donielle on 01.21.2011
  13. timless forever limitless oblivion paradise seas horizon
    empty prairie
    serenity calmness comforting
    a circle

    by rachel on 01.21.2011
  14. the ocean ends where it begins, or some can say, began. i’m terrified of the ocean, she said, just terrified. why didn’t daddy ever come home? who will i love? what will it all matter about in the future? it won’t. existence is endless and we can’t do anything about it. and we can’t do anything about it.

    by fallon on 01.21.2011
  15. now

    by DANIEL on 01.21.2011
  16. Endless means it’s endless. No words, no after, none of that. There is no ending, no worrying about the end, no worrying about what is to come. Endless means just that. End. Less. No end. The possibilities in writing this are endless.

    by Nicole on 01.21.2011
  17. The world is endless. everything in it is endless, the numbers the people, the ability to think its all endless. My life and your life is also endless. So life itself no matter what people say its endless.

    by Tara on 01.21.2011
  18. Endless is the feeling that is uplifting, and yet tragic. There is tragedy and hope for any, there is unmixed emotions, there is ying, and yang, black and white. To be endless, to live forever, is all I want. To be forever, is to be endless.

    by Kaeli on 01.21.2011
  19. This love is endless. I don’t want to let it go. My heart is open and I can’t imagine it not being with you. This life is endless, we need to be together. My soul needs yours to be ever complete. Please don’t leave me, please don’t leave. I need to be with you for all my days. These days are endless, I can’t think without thinking of you.

    by Lindsy on 01.21.2011
  20. Endless is an adjective which means unlimited.

    by Quynh on 01.21.2011
  21. eternal cycle that envelops all life and lifeless entities in a manner that is most confusing. no beginning, no end. We are perpetually in the middle with no concept of what has happened or what will happen.

    by Mason on 01.21.2011
  22. One word? I wish I knew one word that I have spoken to someone that has made a difference in their life. One word to stand out, to show them that I mean something too. Sometimes One word is all it takes I wish I had one word to say to someone right now.

    by Niamh on 01.21.2011
  23. The wet grass against my back made me shiver. Laying down opened up a place i have been many times before. I welcomed the moon as an old friend and we enjoyed each other’s company for the rest of that night.

    by Griffin on 01.21.2011
  24. this is the most endless tunnel i have ever walked through. It goes on for eons. But finally, after hours of endless trudging, my exhausted legs dragged me through the opening at the end of the tunnel where a bright light blinded me. I come out into the light, dirty and worn. I collapse onto the ground clutching my wound and everything turns black.

    by Alyssa on 01.21.2011
  25. the night was endless. it just wouldn’t end. Okay, so that was kind of obvious and trite, she thought. Of course that was the way life worked. It wasn’t just going to end for her whenever she wanted it to. It just didn’t work that way. And she didn’t want to end it herself either. No. She had to just go on until it ended itself. The window was wide open and the cold night was leaking in with wet fingers, trickling down her face.

    by spira on 01.21.2011
  26. endless; space, time, infinity, love. But perhaps the latter is just wishful thinking. Endless endurance, endless heartbreak, endless hope and endless nothingness.

    by Jade on 01.21.2011
  27. She sat on the beach, with the sun setting in the distance, concealing the ships from view. She felt like the world was endless; there was nothing left to do because there was so much to do. The harbor kept moving and the action was restless. The army ships were doing endless drills; the cargoes are doing endless shipments.

    by M. Hume on 01.21.2011
  28. Time is forever. Time is never. It is endless, but it never began. It’s always just been there.
    Endless is what I think of when I think of time, because it’s infinite.
    I think of universe, because it forever expands.
    I think of love, because if it’s true, it must be endless.
    And I think of the God behind it all.
    I love endless. But it scares me.

    by Molly C. Schreiber on 01.21.2011
  29. forever
    a line

    by isabella on 01.21.2011
  30. endless is one word without an end. it can mean that you are endless in love or in endless pain. it can be bad or good. most things are endless and we don’t realize it until the end has almost come but does the end ever come? who knows?

    by Vivian on 01.21.2011
  31. until the end of time.

    by sexyred555 on 01.21.2011
  32. Her love for him was endless. The kind of love that no one could ever understand and that no one could ever duplicate. He was her everything – her rock, her lighthouse on the coast. Days could go by and they wouldn’t even speak, but just live. Just live together, endlessly.

    by Allison on 01.21.2011
  33. numbers are endless, they start at no number and end at no number. so is time. time never did not exist and will never stop existing, even though it doesn’t exist in the first place. beginning-less.

    by fefew on 01.21.2011
  34. I think the world is an endless place until, of course, it is all over and then we’ll doubt the very existence of such menial words such as ‘endless’. What a pity. You know, I once caught a train and I thought, ‘God, this really does feel insanely… endless.’ It was alright though. The conductor woke me up from this daydream and gave me a good slap across the face with my train ticket wrapped around a wet fish.

    by Jamey on 01.21.2011
  35. the path seems to go on 7 on, with the grass turning different shades as we pass. The stream comes up to the path & disappears, but noise is always there,. A faint chirp in the distance lets you know your not alone.

    by Jennifer on 01.21.2011
  36. I am going to die sometime soon, and there is quite nothing I can do about THAT. Not that I WANT to die, but some battles most definitely cannot be fought. Living forever… that’s one of ’em.

    by Rachel on 01.21.2011
  37. Vast oceans, prairies, space. With nothing you need to be doing, but appreciating what is around you. Never felt so free. So lucky. That’s what it’s about, I suppose. Not to worry about what to fill the endless space, but to wait and see what happens.

    by Alex on 01.21.2011
  38. Time is endless. The universe is endless. I wish my love for you and your love for me was endless. I’d like to think it was. Then I would have reason to believe in a hereafter. But I don’t believe in a hereafter so I don’t believe it’s endless. A circular argument that’s endless

    by Clyde Savage on 01.21.2011
  39. Time is never ending, Love, The night sky when im with my sweet heart. Can I say I love you? Great, I love you.

    by Jade on 01.21.2011
  40. time is endless, and not at the same time. Its amazing really that time can be like that two things at once in truth we are all two things at once and endless is the same. we are endless, and we are not. l the time on this thing is endless. It is endless in a bad way, or endless in a good way. who knows really. this is crazy. endlessness.

    by rebecca on 01.21.2011