
June 14th, 2010 | 240 Entries

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240 Entries for “driven”

  1. I was driven to succeed; that is why I am here. That is why I will always be here. It is why I will never be able to just be myself… And that is why you will never be with me.

    by Chloe on 06.14.2010
  2. I’ve driven for nearly an hour today. I love driving by myself. I love turning up the music and singing along as loudly as I can, even though it probably sounds bad. It’s probably the only time I’m ever truly alone most days, when I’m in the car. It feels nice to get that sense of peace for just an hour or so a day. Not having obligations to anybody.

  3. I’m not really sure what I’m driven to do. Nothing right now, because it’s summer break, so I don’t really care about anything. My inner drive is zip, zero, nilch. I just want to sit and be lazy for awhile.

    by Erin on 06.14.2010
  4. i drove my convertable to the lake but then it started raining so i had to park it in my friend’s garage and so i stayed the day at his house. it was all because i drove my car when it was supposed to rain. i love rain. rain is awessome!!

    by bexxx on 06.14.2010
  5. pushing past the point where
    move inward
    and slow down
    drive is all mind
    be non-mind
    and be you

  6. “You aint determined, that’s for damn sure.” I muttered, staring him in the nose.

    “Then what am I?”

    “Well, my aunt once said that only idiots should be called driven.”

  7. I’ve driven in the city and I’ve driven in the country. I’ve driven High and I’ve driven half asleep. I’ve driven angry and sad and happy and hungry. but my favorite time driving is when I’m driving with, to, for you.

    by Kat The Geat on 06.14.2010
  8. I was driven around and let loose and kept in places all over the world. But nothing could hold my freedom in. All I wanted was a flag to wave, a piece of independence to hold on, a strength to live for.

  9. Life had driven me mad. I couldnt bear hearing him scream. It was his last chance to come up with a way out. He was being chased by a gang of yobs.

    by angel on 06.14.2010
  10. I’ve been driven to the edge and I looked down. We were really high up but I couldn’t really feel it. They told me I could fall but I couldn’t take it in. I didn’t jump or stumble off though; I came back to the safety of flatland reflecting on the things I’d seen bellow.

    by Frankovich on 06.14.2010
  11. Driven is when you are active and aggressive, competitive, and at times, furious. I must admit that I have met quite a few people in school who are that way, and they occasionally scare me, but I do understand why.

    by Sabrina on 06.14.2010
  12. he pulled into the drive, tired and dead on his feet. he didn’t even remember the last 30 miles, it was all a blur. but he had gotten a call earlier- a panicked voice and a scream in his ear were all he needed to drive him home, and now that he was here, he had no idea what he would find. and that alone was enough to wake him up.

  13. She had driven all the way out to this god-forsaken place. Half a tank of gas later and she was here, looking at that exact spot where those words had been exchanged.
    “I love you.”
    “I love you too..”
    Anger welled up inside her and forced tears out of her eyes.
    They ran down her cheeks, like they were trying to escape the rage and just dwell in their own pity.

    by Lauren Michelle on 06.14.2010
  14. Driven by the moment, the young hen sighed, a tear, and laid the final egg.

  15. I am driven by inspiration. The inspiration to do better, to do as well as I can. Find inspiration, it’s all you need.

  16. Back in the day, cars–not people–were driven.

    by gino on 06.14.2010
  17. Driven was she. Her imagination bloomed with each passing day. She began naming inanimate objects. She made name tags for random items. She even named a telephone pole “Goals”. I guess her mother was right. She was driven towards her goals. The impact affected everyone.

  18. She had always been very determined and very driven towards her goals. But lately she was barely able to pull herself out of bed each morning. As time passed, she wouldn’t even have the will to do that. She wouldn’t even have the will to live.

  19. i live, and i’m driven to an unknown end. all i can do is make all decisions with a good heart, and watch as the trees go by, like a passenger on a train to who knows where.. and hope the end is as beautiful as the journey

  20. You have driven me to the extremes. You live 1704 miles away and that kills me. I hardly have the money to live where I am, and yet I plan to waste all my excess to visit you.

  21. My heart pounds rhythmically in my chest, deep substantiating thuds shoot oxygenated blood through my eager veins and feed my protesting muscles. Everything burns. My calves and thighs burn, my eyes burn, and even the salty sweat infiltrating my eyes burns. My chest aches dissentedly, muscles reproachfully scream for me to stop. But I will not relent. I am too competitively driven. I will reach my goals. I am unstoppable.

  22. I feel driven to do anything that helps other people. I like to think of myself as a helpful person, and I love doing things for the people that I love.

  23. I feel driven. Even when I’m down, I feel i have to prove myself, some way. Even if it’s something small. Drive = competition. I have a drive and a strive to be the best, to beat any opponent that has a potential to be better then me, I have to set a standard and live up to it.

  24. The car was out of control. She knew that. Thank goodness things were falling apart this beautiful. It was time for everything to fall apart, irreparably. She resisted the urge to slam on the brakes and flew off the overpass, gripping the steering wheel for the last time as she raced toward the pavement below.

  25. I am driven to succeed by my overwhelming desire to make a difference. A lot of people ask me where I get my drive to do what I do; its easy. I see things I can improve, so I try to improve it. I’m also driven by my childhood competition with my older sister, but that’s another story.

  26. i wish i could drive. my birthdays one of the last possible days that it could be for my grade. all of my friends are talking about getting their permit and stuff but i havnt even turned 16 yet. it sucks.

    by megmeg on 06.14.2010
  27. I was driven to write the word drive but Freud
    got there first using overdrive.

    by Saroyan on 06.14.2010
  28. luck has driven me forward, and nothing else. success is just a sham.

  29. i think that everybody needs to be a little more driven in life. it feels like there can always be something that you can do more, try harder, be stronger, work harder. but can we really do that? when it feels like you’re putting in your maximum effort it certainly doesn’t feel like you can be more driven.

    by Molly on 06.14.2010
  30. I would say that I’m not driven. I don’t have any direction or destination. I don’t even know how to drive.

    by Athina on 06.14.2010
  31. driven to the edge. driven to insanity. ticking, time bombs is all we are. driving ourselves into a hole. driving ourselves to our demise. drink up, be merry, because life is fleeting, and it will drive you straight into the grave.

  32. going faster than I can control
    by you
    there are no rules on this road.

  33. unending energy toward your passion- something I’ve lost on the road of life.

  34. He tore the bushes, stumbled, fell, pushed himself up, and kept going. Nothing chased after him but the noises he made in the foilage, yet he was driven on, forced to run. He wasn’t afraid of the past or the future, but of what would happen if he stopped.

  35. Being driven is not necessarily a good thing. If it is as a secondary purpose to your primary purpose of being present, then it’s an enthusiastic goal. But if it’s stressful and of the thinking mind, then it’s not a positive thing.

    by Darren on 06.14.2010
  36. I thought he was very driven. Arriving every morning to the office before anyone else, three evenings a week golf

  37. Lets just drive. No we are driven. ummmmmmmmmmm why not think about this easily. I don’t know. Its hard to write fast because I write sssssssslllllllllllooooooooowwwwwwwwwlllllllllllllyyyyyyyyyyyy!!!!

  38. Driven strength trying…the thing that makes u want to achieve it helps u complete ur tasks one who is driven is one that knows what they want to do

    by brandon masteller on 06.14.2010
  39. She was being driven round the bend by the incessant noise coming from the flat above, she couldn’t tell if they were killing each other of having passionate sex.

  40. We work. We drive. its how we get about. I think we should go green. Don’t go drive be driven and throw that car out.