
June 14th, 2010 | 240 Entries

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240 Entries for “driven”

  1. They think I’m special or smart or something. They think I’m driven, that I’m going places. They think I’m responsible and intelligent and that I can be anything that I want to be. But I just don’t know. I feel like everyone else is driving me.

  2. Driven? That’s what I’m supposed to be, I guess. I should be driven allnext year at college. Hah. What a joke. Because honestly, all I want to do is run off to California and find myself. Find something. This isn’t the life I want to live, I don’t wan to die alone.

    by Aaron on 06.14.2010
  3. He continued to walk, driven by an unseen force. Trudging on and on, through nvalleys and forests, deserts and fields. His shoes got worn down and his legs ached, but he kept going.

  4. gah! I am driven to write to write and especially competitive with other one worders who are driven to write as well. I feel less driven right now after a couple glasses of wine, but the drive is still there, pulsing in the background.

  5. Believe in your self and never give up. Believe that your dreams are within reach. All you have to do is drive there with your imagination. That’s all that it takes. Never let red lights or stop signs slow you down from what you can do.

    by Brandy on 06.14.2010
  6. To go out and do what you need to do. You have inspriation and drive to do it.

  7. She was driven by ambition, in a world where everybody is driven by hate and desire and money and other lower instincts. It wasn’t that she was better than anyone else. But she thought she was.

    by Rocío on 06.14.2010
  8. I was driven to throw money at the man. From the moment I saw him on the road where I was taking my walk, I felt committed. It was not the first time I had seen him, but for the first time, I knew I loved him. That meant spending money on him, it seems.

  9. Driven down the dangerous roads over and around the mountain range in peru, rock slides and erosion make you into composition. Back to dust we will become

    by Loreal on 06.14.2010
  10. I constantly need to be driven around by others. I’m 18 and I don’t have my license yet. It’s driving me crazy. Eff

    by Dolly on 06.14.2010
  11. The car idled by the side of the road, its driver leaning uselessly on the tire iron. “Come off it!” she growled, shoving at it as though one more effort would make a difference.

    by Gabrielle on 06.14.2010
  12. He is driven to never stop writing, to never stop typing. The keyboard just sucks his brain and his fingers are going wild on the funny little signs on the keys. They call them letters. He cannot withhold his inspiration. It feels so weird.

    by blumenladen on 06.14.2010
  13. The pains of this new hour are not surprising. For every road I’ve traveled, the driven desire has kept me company. I cannot open myself anymore. I tried to be alone but that goal was not satisfied. I knew the way and still, I became too distant, passed my destination and now I wander the unmarked paths desolately.

  14. I have to be driven to school. I also have to be driven to soccer, piano, and dance. I am driven to succeed in these things. It is internal. Driven has more than one meaning. I like being driven.

    by Gina on 06.14.2010
  15. She gathered all her art supplies. His beauty had driven her to paint him. As he posed for her, she could barely take her eyes off him to express his beauty on the paper in front of her.

  16. He was driven by an unseen force to succeed.

    It was unseen by the outer world, but he knew exactly what it was and where it came from. Sadly derivative as it was, he wanted to overcome everything that had happened at the start of his life.

  17. I am not driven at all.. not even a tiny bit. Sometimes it is hard to get out of bed in the morning. What is there to look forward to in life?
    Then I remember.. I want food.
    If that’s what you can call driven.

  18. I am not driven to write my thank you letters. I really need to be doing this, but I am here instead. Actually I recieved my license three days ago, yet I still need to be driven places because my mother does not trust me.

    by MK on 06.14.2010
  19. The past is the past. Keep going onward. Just let it be. What roads lay behind are what you learn from, but you don’t take them with you as you go along. Just drive.

    by nlcrj on 06.14.2010
  20. this word comes up a lot in interviews. “are you a driven person?” it makes me sick, because obviously when you are in an interview, you are driven to get the job. so every thing that comes out of your mouth is just complete bull shit.

    by Aniscia Mosholder on 06.14.2010
  21. I feel driven when the best thing in my life is just outside my grasp… even the best of us is not always driven to reach their own potential… which is why we need our friends.

    by Ryan Lung on 06.14.2010
  22. He was driven to do it. He didn’t really know why, it was just as if something drove him. He didn’t mean to… but the drive was too huge, too strong… he couldn’t stop the driving!

    by Anne on 06.14.2010
  23. Lashing out, the frumius wallaby rode itself to death; finding only solace in the quiet calm of the forest, its dreams of hope and anger were swallowed up.

    Mason, simplest of the farmers, found the wallaby the following day; covered in bits of black insects and curiously blue frimbles, it had a disctive odor. Recognizing the odor, Mason, ran from the corpse. It was too late. His family, too recognizing the frothing and angry gesticulating, had only one recourse – and Mason was forever bound to live outside the confines of his village.

    Deeply saddened, Mason began his quest; head held high, Mason left off his family, his lineage, his culture, and began anew.

    And his children, ignoring the village rules, followed.

  24. It was dark
    And the leaves covered up my lights
    I’m sorry that the road brought us this way
    But we would have collided
    Whatever happened.

  25. the carnival is full of clowns.

  26. Yesterday I was driven to the store by my mom. She had driven me to school this morning, and today

    by Sheila on 06.14.2010
  27. drive the car
    drive me crazy
    driven by passion
    driven every day to school
    driven to excel
    driven to exceed
    driven for jesus

    by Sheila on 06.14.2010
  28. He was more determined than ever. He was driven. Driven to find her, driven to make her understand what went wrong, and driven to be with her again. He couldn’t let it go, and that one fact drove him to love her even more. He missed her and she had to know.

    by Taylor Rose on 06.14.2010
  29. I was driven to stay at home. I was driven to do over and over and over again the same thing. Nothing. Every passing day was the same. Trying as hard as i could not to be.

    by Tati on 06.14.2010
  30. I look around and realize that I have driven off my friends.
    I have driven away my family
    I have driven away all hope of joy
    Drepression reeks.

  31. I was wondering how some people can be so driven when they are so young? REally, how does someone be driven enough to be a doctor in their 20s? Or a lawyer? Or the school principal?

    by BB on 06.14.2010
  32. it wasn’t his fault. he was driven to it. like someone drives you home from church when you really don’t want to be there. like that. only he was driven to it. something he really didn’t want to do. but he did it. it wasn’t his fault. it wasn’t his fault. it wasn’t his fault. it wasn’t his fault. he didn’t mean to kill matthew. it was an accident. it wasn’t his fault. it wasn’t.

  33. Strive to do what you feel needs to be done. Continue on with your life even when you don’t think it’s worth it, but keep striving for the future that you want.

    by Amie on 06.14.2010
  34. this is when you go and go and don’t stop. but you don’t know what’s making you go, you just go. it’s a force you can’t control, and something you think you want, until you have it. then you can’t stop. stopping is inevitable, because eventually you will die, but it doesn’t happen very quickly. it’s a long process.

    by E on 06.14.2010
  35. “where am I being taken.” he asked from the back of the van.
    “somewhere…..special” replied the man dressed in a clown suit
    “but, I’m thirty, why are you clowns?”

  36. I wish I could be moved to do something, anything, but I’m not. I’m just a fuck up, and I’m not even happy.

  37. i want to go to new york city. i will do anything to get there. do all my homework and ace all my tests. yes, you could call me driven or even passionate and motivated. i need to get out of kentucky with it’s small-mindedness and hatred brewing amongst the old and wicked. i am driven, driven to get away.

    by Claire on 06.14.2010
  38. He felt compelled, driven by the task at hand, to ensure that this unfortunate situation would never happen to anyone ever again.

    by kim on 06.14.2010
  39. i cant believe i have driven all the way out here and he isnt even ready. I can see him running back and forth in his room getting ready. Why do guys wait untill they hear you beep outside before getting dressed. oh well

  40. I am driven to do my best in absolutely everything in life. I am driven by my mother, she is my guidance, she is the person in the back seat with a GPS telling me which direction to go and how fast to push on the gas petal.

    by Riley Egger on 06.14.2010