
May 18th, 2010 | 332 Entries

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332 Entries for “dress”

  1. dress is what the women wear, the goody goodys, bobbed hair
    looking good for a night on the town, but they don’t know whats about to go down
    and BOOM, the night club goes up in smoke, everybody gets down, some start to choke.

  2. I love to dress up! I don’t like to wear dresses. The girls at my school always have a dress day and it’s annoying. Why should it be called a dress anyway? I mean it’s not like we dress ourselves in dresses do we?

    by Hailey on 05.19.2010
  3. A dress is a beautiful garment worn by woman and sometimes men making them feel formal or casual, depending on the occasion. It dates back a long long time but is still worn today.

    by Lucy on 05.19.2010
  4. How you dress affects how people see you. Janis Joplin was mocked for years in school because of her fashion sense. But then she went back to her high school reuion and she was the one who mocked them. Take that, society!

  5. Dresses are cute. They’re very feminine, aren’t they? They’re so flowy and there are different types. Long ones, short ones, flowery ones.

    by Arun on 05.19.2010
  6. It is the dress I wanted. I’ve wanted it for a long time. I bought the dress, but have not worn it. Will I ever? Who knows. The dress now hangs in the closet never worn.

  7. gown wedding
    fancy dress
    night out
    pretty girl
    meets boy

    by joanna on 05.19.2010
  8. I wore a red dress. And a slip underneath. Still, the dress caught at my hips, wider than they should have been, even with the a-line shape.
    I was constantly reaching, pulling the thing away from my body, but I loved that dress. Mostly for the color, I think.

    by June on 05.19.2010
  9. Sue walked into the packed disco floor. Craig and Sam were there. Her lilac dress was so beautiful and elegant. It was cut to just above her last back bone. She had a beautiful back and when she danced to “Get down on it”, all the boys and girls cheered.

    by Jeanette on 05.19.2010
  10. Jackie’s pink dress in the sixties was the main attraction. Crowds came out to meet the beautiful couple. Jack was waving to the left, Jackie to the right. The crowds were hooting and screaming. The security guards stood in lines on each side of the congested street. It was a marvellous sight. Jack had another deep tan. It must have been the sun in Palm Springs.

    by Jeanette on 05.19.2010
  11. She looked beautiful in that red dress. She reminded me so much of her mother. God, she even had the same eyes, the same smile the same knowing look.

    by Rico on 05.19.2010
  12. dresses are those things that people where. they come in all shapes and sizes
    some are short and sexy, others long and elegant. some are frilly like a tutu, others are silky and soft.

    dresses are the things that women where, but some wonderful men also where them to show that we are a tolerant society

    by chris jarvis on 05.19.2010
  13. she wore such a beautiful dress that day. I could not explain the thoughts going through my mind. To take it off would ruin such beauty. I’ll save that for the sweat pants.

    by Andrew on 05.19.2010
  14. is just an artificial concept to make us feel beautiful but in reality we are all beautiful we just have been blinded by a consumerist and puritanical society that wants all of us to believe that our bodies are ugly.

    by Dylan on 05.19.2010
  15. Tearing her dress the monster sank its fangs in. Tendons snapped as her shoulder was torn apart by the monsters jaws. Ripping back the monster came back with a mouthful of shoulder.

    by 3om6n on 05.19.2010
  16. chris richard likes to wear dresses and drink vodka while whatching dead whales on the beach. he enjoys the more than occasional cigarette and anal fucking.lol. who is your daddy and what does he do? arnold get to the chopper and gat someone please no more governing.

    by your father on 05.19.2010
  17. you dressed me up in tragedy and taught me how to turn fragments of myself into words even if I’m messed up and falling apart.

  18. i really need a nice dress for this weekend. im going to his formal. i bet hes a good kisser. but hes not the one i want to be kissing. at least she wont be there.

    by leah francesca on 05.19.2010
  19. She stood in the middle of the room floating above the croud. Her white dress radiating against the ring of sharp black suits that followed her everywhere.

  20. Dress is something that people wear. A dress is used to protect people and cover them from nudity. Dresses are used to make people look good.

    by Ashwath on 05.19.2010
  21. Sorry about your dress,

    you gave me a caress,

    I spewed my load,

    and made a mess.

    by banananabatman on 05.19.2010
  22. That dress. How I wanted it so. Looking at it through the window, I knew it was everything I desired. It was pale lavender, stitched up beautifully with lace, making it look like it was made from a spiders web. Beads of pearls were stitched into the lovely fabric, and I knew that I had to have it. However, how could I ever afford it? A salary of a maid? Sadly, I shook my head and moved past, knowing I could never be able to afford such splendorous material.

  23. Something you may do to make other people happy, or yourself…who knows. Could be something that a girl wears. punk, not punk, tourists, poverty rags, a social status symbol, MATERIALISM

    by joe scott on 05.19.2010
  24. in my chest, fistfuls are repressed, of things that I’ve held for too long, hated but held nonetheless, she wears an amaranthine dress with nylon stockings on, and in my dreams she sings to me music, sounds made for something more than a song

  25. She saw it in the store, hanging there like a bag on the hanger. Still, something told her to pick it up. Something about the polka dots, the bright yellow and beautiful teal that scream at her. So she does. And amazingly, it’s wonderful. A perfect fit.

    by Lauryn on 05.19.2010
  26. pretty, gorgeous, actually, but she couldn’t be compared to the dress. it was long, accentuating her curves in the best way possible, and a beautiful red color to go with her dark hair and pale skin.

    by Lauryn on 05.19.2010
  27. She wore this dress because it was the easiest to slip off. She wasn’t intending on finding someone, but red was her colour, so they would definetly find her. She looked ravashing, yet deadly. She would stand in the corner of the room with a glass of white wine and all of the men would think “That’s my saturday girl.” All of those men had a different date every day of the week. They were good looking, but they were pigs, and any average girl would fall to her knees for them. Little did these men know, she was barely 19, and she had a secret. It would take a little more than a handsome face to get passed her.

  28. Wedding dress. a white wedding dress with purple jewelery and red roses in my hair.

    by M on 05.19.2010
  29. pink flowers garden rain swings play outside sister love happiness movie the notebook. romance jump skip hope shoes jewlery dance fun sing happy b

    by Nur on 05.18.2010
  30. dress down and dress up. i loathe dresses and dressing up. dressing down happens to be the only thing i know how to do. with that being said, lets dress each other down

    by kiki on 05.18.2010
  31. a gorgeous one. one day ill find that totally perfect, fits me great, makes me feel the sexiest i could ever fell, red cocktail dress. God damn.

    an innocent one. white and simple and smooth to look at. with a subtle sexyness and sassy frilll

    a crazy one. electric blue that hangs real low and that you look totally sexy in when you andthe girls go out.

    by Laura T. on 05.18.2010
  32. the perfect little red cocktail dress is the most desirable thing on every girl’s “eventually to-buy list”. every girl wants that perfect special dress.. i want a red one.

    by Laura T. on 05.18.2010
  33. Let’s go shopping?
    It would be fun.
    Alice in Wonderland has a blue dress.
    Heidi Klum has maternity dresses.

    by Hannah on 05.18.2010
  34. Dress is what a little girl wears because she doesn’t know its old fashioned
    Dress is what a teenager wears when she wants to be cute
    Dress is what an Lady wears when she is trying to earn an extra buck with the men
    Dress is what a Woman wears when she wants to feel young again
    Dress is what an old Woman wears if she can manage to get out of her hospital gown.

    by Jesse Rintoul on 05.18.2010
  35. Pink. Frilly. It makes me think of my friend. She loved dresses. She liked guys in dresses too. Very odd. She was odd. I can’t think of dresses without thinking of her.

    by George on 05.18.2010
  36. black, gold straps. a Marilyn. She was a movier star. his. I just want someone else to see me in that dress and call me a star. I felt so pretty

  37. A little black dress.
    So classy and feminine.
    If only I were asked to prom! I would have the chance to show off my little black dress with my cute high heeled shoes.
    If only, if only!
    But no, sadly.
    My little black dress is destined to stay quietly in my closet, gathering dust.

  38. black, gold straps. A Marilyn. she was a movies star on her runway. The most beautiful I’ve ever felt. in his arms. Now I just want someone else to see me in it. I want to be someone else’s star.

    by Laura on 05.18.2010
  39. Dresses are nice. My dress for this wedding I’m in is absolutely gorgeous. It’s blue, and floor length, and I’m supposed to trade with this other girl because I lost weight and she gained weight. The neckline is really pretty, and pearl necklaces would look lovely with it, but the groom is a dictator.

    by Elle on 05.18.2010
  40. Dress up for fancy things; weddings, church, candlelight dinners, concerts. It is a sign of your respect for those who attend with you.

    by Sean on 05.18.2010