
April 1st, 2015 | 49 Entries

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49 Entries for “diverse”

  1. New faces on staff
    Gomez, Jackson, and Ming Su
    John kept his distance

    by on 04.03.2015
  2. Diversity performs a crucial role in life. It brings people from all races and nations closer. Diversity shouldn’t be a word. It should be a law, accepted by everyone.

    by Ahmad on 04.03.2015
  3. One of the things about life is that you have a diverse group of things to discover. To be diverse is a time to discover all of humanity and its likes and dislikes. We live in a very diverse world. Things are not always what they seem.

    by Jason Thomas on 04.03.2015
  4. once upon a time there was a jellyfish called bob. he lived down deep under and only went out at night. he wasn’t really a party animal but he still enjoyed everything that he did. he ran away one day.

    by janet on 04.03.2015
  5. people are just as diverse as plants there are a 1000 different plants just as there are people all diverse just as pretty and nice to look at but just like plants some are nice some are not

    by vincent on 04.02.2015
  6. This world is filled with different people, places, objects, and culture. We still manage to try to make everything the same.

    by jamie on 04.02.2015
  7. The child was quietly laying on her side. Next to the small lanky black haired boy next to her. He had greasy hair with black eyes. He was from the poor side of town while she was the rich daughter of the most powerful man in the country. They lived in different worlds, but they were best friends.

    by Caitlin Brailsford on 04.02.2015
  8. Castiel could tell you of many things about the flowers. So much diversity in them. The colors. The meanings. How they grow. Where they grow best. How beautiful each and every flower really is. He could tell you a million things about flowers. His favorite is a lily. Roses might be second. Carnations are considered beautiful to him. But the most beautiful he’s ever laid eyes on is Dean Winchester.

    by Courtney on 04.02.2015
  9. The kids in the classroom were very diverse.

    by Rachel on 04.02.2015
  10. I think I do this if only for a distraction
    diversion from my real
    heaviest of things– I should not
    be here, writing, but
    I do it. I stack stones
    to weigh against my problems

    the stones are round, and vary.

    by CjCj on 04.02.2015
  11. This place is a place of change. It has no beginning and no end. This place of paradise is where colors blend together and people are at peace with one another and with themselves. This is a place of paradise that doesn’t exist and probably won’t soon, but as days pass
    …I think we’re getting closer.

    by Jo on 04.02.2015
  12. That’s the funny thing about truly going along with the premise of this exercise. You’re never quite certain what’s going to come out. The quality might be lesser, but what you discover could well be more poignant. What diverse, motley selection of thoughts will pour forth from your stream-of-consciousness? What random, just-beyond-the-veil notions have been percolating in your brain, just waiting for the opportunity to spring up, unfettered by plan or forethought? It’s an exciting premise, really; authorship that bypasses that pesky author in all but the basest sense.

  13. I am glad that I live in a diverse community. I think it would be boring to have everyone around me be the same, think the same, act the same. I like the differences that arrive from having a diverse group of people around me. It keeps life entertaining and interesting.

  14. Green, red, brown, yellow…no blue. Where were the blue? An entire bag of M&Ms and no blue?

  15. My family is very diverse. It has a little bit of everything. Dark skin to light skin, from earth and from space, organic and non-organic, humanoid and not; my family is VERY diverse and maybe a little too open-minded but I love them anyway.

  16. I have a diverse group of runners. Some like to go fast, like sprinters. Some are long distance runners. Some aren’t really runners at all – they like the field events (but they also get to run). Some are fast, some are slow. All are hopefully improving. This is my track team.

    by pipi on 04.02.2015
  17. People can be diverse in so many ways. Such as hair, Eyes, skin, Emotions, and much much more.

  18. Planks of wood to bridge the gaps,
    Cultural connectors to locate on maps,
    The world is a unit, with different heads,
    It’s divisible into rational subjects,
    Where each subject has ancestral diversity,
    The shackles of money do govern political hierarchy
    But harmonious symphonies strike a chord with all,
    And society is reunited for that one common cause.

    by kyungsoo on 04.02.2015
  19. I think about diverse things. I think about my man I will have someday, I think about my future kids, future home. I think about my wedding, the honey-moon, and just normal life. It is interesting how one can think about so much, especially girls. lol

    by Christine S.Cone on 04.02.2015
  20. Yusei was experiencing a diverse range of emotions right now. Part of him was ashamed for trying to seduce Ushio, another part was eager. While the two of them had never gotten along, he was attracted to the officer. He was curious how the man would be in the sack. It was too bad that he was hitting on him under such circumstances.

    He continued to match Ushio’s stare, keeping his expression confident even though he was shaking inside from nerves.

  21. When you walk down the street of a major city in America, the diverse sounds, smells, and colors will mostly take your breath away. Cities are limitless.

  22. The first thing I want to talk about is the Holy Bible. It says the word diverse places. No it dos’int I’m not think rite OK back on track! Diverse, cant think of any thing. Sorry:{ Wake me up when it’s all over. <3 that song!

    by Nathanael Cone WI on 04.02.2015
  23. Diverse..a word used to describe a number of things or situations. Countries, culture, people, communities…anything really. It can even apply to a wardrobe.There’s one incident which is brought to mind when I hear this word.
    A friend of mine recently visited a village and spent a week there. Upon returning to the city, she said, “You wouldn’t believe it, but they’ve got more diversity in that tiny village than we have at the town!” And she was right. The village had nearly 6 sects of communities and 3 groups of people of different religions living together peacefully in nearly 30 different types of houses. The cities, on the other hand, have monotonous buildings which are supposed to depict the cosmopolitan world we live in.

    by Shweta on 04.02.2015
  24. A diverse community is really the perfect community. It’s so important to get to know diversity and difeerent cultures while you grow up. Otherwise, you won’t grow up to be the best you can be.

    by Sunna on 04.02.2015
  25. India is a diverse country. Diversity is everywhere. You may not relealize it but it’s there. Inside you. Around you.

    by Shubham Agrawal on 04.02.2015
  26. Diversity to a child doesn’t mean anything. Only those who grow older understand differences and categorizing. But it would be nice to keep children little for forever because they understand better than anyone what it means to not judge others based on external qualities, and even better at knowing what feels right and what feels wrong.


    by CMLCML on 04.02.2015
  27. Diverse. That’s how some of the politicians would describe us. Those more ignorant would call us “different.” Still more would revert to calling us monsters who steal, lie, and beg for a freedom that we, in their eyes, do not deserve.

    by Casey on 04.02.2015
  28. Diverse means different there is alot of different things in the world nothing is the same it all diffrent and it is ok to diverse

  29. so many
    but always only
    for me
    I see your eyes
    and know
    are more
    than enough

  30. Yellow, orange, green, blue, he couldn’t decide. Each toy car had its own unique charm, and together, he could create a new world for his bunk-bed fatigued G.I. Joe.

    by on 04.02.2015
  31. The crowd rippled with color: yellow and gold saris. Black t-shirts. Green cargo pants, jeggings, pink skirts, overalls. Yet every single face was exactly the same. Not just Asian, but the exact same round cheeks with a mole beside the nose. The exact same smirk, fading behind the curve of another simulacrum’s shoulder.

  32. mingle of ideas, people, concepts, religious beliefs… living life to the fullest without boundaries. Enjoying the best of that has to offer.

    by Leon Davis on 04.02.2015
  33. Diverse yourself. Become many. See your parts, watch as they fill space, multiplying to fill the container of you. Which part is really you? Which part has your essence? Is your nose you? Is your hand you? Is your anger, your fear, your sight, your feelings, are these you? If your parts aren’t you, then what is?

  34. my church tries to be very diverse. Multi ethnic.

  35. Different. Being different is positive you can learn many things from others, and teach them too.

    by chiara on 04.02.2015
  36. I only really started learning about diversity when I started listening – *really* listening – to people from different walks of life. Travelling was a good start, but the internet helped so much more. It made obnoxious teenage me break out of my comfortable middle-class bubble.

  37. Its simplistic features were noticed. but not nearly as much as the delicate features, and embroidered sheathe and a silver sword, with a mixture of copper and gold inlay that shown in the flooding light. It rang out in song as I ran my finger across the blade. It was a different sword, a unique sword.

    by Gui on 04.01.2015
  38. Her planet had once been more diverse, with many creatures sharing a luscious paradise, but then those small creatures had come, falling to the ground in little fiery rocks, and spreading out to destroy everything around them. They had cleared away forests to plant other, smaller trees, moved rocks into rivers to divert their flow, pulled stones from the ground to build caves in the open, and any number of other unnatural things, even killing some of the smaller animals to eat them instead of share their plentiful food. But in time, nature had fought back. Stricken by disease, they died out quickly, but only after they had changed her world forever.

    by tonykeyesjapan on 04.01.2015
  39. “We hire a lot of diverse people at our business,” the CEO explained to me. “Our CFO happens to be a Kenyan immigrant, our financial directors both speak Spanish as their first language, and a lot of our supervisors happen to be part of the LGBT community.”

    I could feel my own eyes light up. “So, do you happen to have room for someone fluent in Cantonese and Korean?” I asked.

    A smile spread across the CEO’s lipsticked face. “Always.”

    by Belinda Roddie on 04.01.2015
  40. Diverse were the emotions running through her brain, faster than the rainfall in Spring, colder than the winds of the fall. She knew not was she was feeling, only that she needed desperately to run from it all, before it ate her alive.