
November 28th, 2011 | 268 Entries

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268 Entries for “dim”


    by bk on 11.29.2011
  2. I walked down the narrow corridor, and saw my brother’s body. He has been dead for 6 years now. I want to know how he feels…

    I am her brother. There is an evil spirit inside me. The spirit is aching to get out.

    Aaahhh! The spirit has come to get me! Cameron is alive! Here’s the problem with that: only one of us can be alive at a time. So now I’m dying… Mother, you get my money… Father, you get my ashes… Sarah, you get my teddy bear… By the way, my teddy bear… has a curse… that comes with… it… You will… die within… the … hour…

    Now, all three of us are dead. Sarah, Cameron, and me. My name is Killer. Now, I’m out to get…
    HERE I COME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    by heart on 11.29.2011
  3. It was very dim and scary and the murderer killed the man and blood oozed out.

    by baird on 11.29.2011
  4. awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaannnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII dddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiidddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddd tttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttthhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiisssssssssssssssssss aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaallllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrreeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy .

    by bk on 11.29.2011
  5. The dim lights made it hard to see the fire, but I knew the candle was right next to me. its warmth overwhelmed me and made me joyful despite the raw, hard prison life that I faced. I knew that this was my future, as hard as it was to face. I would always be there until I died, living alone in the dim cell. My heart beat hard as a voice amerged. “Help me!” the voice cried. “Help me, I need help!” I ran down along the prison wall, careful not to let the prison guard see me. If i was spotted, the night would surely be my last one. My fears were great, but my fears of the death of the hurting person were worse. Tears streaked my face as I suddenly realized the hurting person had died. The hurting person was my mother, and she would never come back. I felt sick to my stomach, unhappier than ever. “Let me go!” I screamed to the prison guard who grabbed me. I lost my life that very night, and now I tell you my sad story from Heaven.

    by NAVC 12 Green is awesome on 11.29.2011
  6. I don’t like being in a dim light,
    I think being in a bright light is better. First of all, the reflection of metal is brighter
    I like that. And the color is more clearly.

    by Dylan on 11.29.2011
  7. The dim lighting made it hard to see, but I could make out the silhouette of a person. He (or she ) was walking toward me. he reached behind his back, and whacked me with his hammer. He missed me though, and hit my brother. Then he turned to me. He pulled the trigger, and didn’t miss.

    All of this happened 3 years ago. I am a dead gal. Try typing on oneword.com, and you will feel my wrath!!! Mwahahahaha!!!

    by heart on 11.29.2011
  8. The lights were dim. Angie could not read. The book was very exciting but the lights were out because there was a major ice storm. A power line had fallen.

    Her brother came in and said, “Why don’t you turn on the lights?”

    She said, “Because they are out.”

    Her brother turned on the lights.

    Then she woke up.

    by Raina on 11.29.2011
  9. It was very dim in the hallway and suddenly a murder came and killed me, blood was oozing out.

    by bk on 11.29.2011
  10. Drip. Drop. He was walking in the narrow corridor and he saw him. The evil man, dressed all in black. He had gleaming beady eyes, and a unibrow. I was standing behind my brother, who was standing behind the man. The man turned. He had a tarnished pipe in their mouth. The man shoved my brother aside, and walked right up to me. I could hear his clicking heels on the echoey floor. He grabbed me and threw me against the wall. He tied me to a post, and pulled out his pistol. He pulled the trigger, and the bullet richoched and hit my brother.
    He has been lying there, unmoving, ever since. Laying, in the dim light of the corridor. The corridor was called Door to Death…

    by heart on 11.29.2011
  11. lights are, when energy saving bulbs are used in the house of master yoda.

    by Jack on 11.29.2011
  12. The dim lighting made it impossible to see anything. I hoped that there was no one in the shadows. Tears streaked my face. Mother was dead and I needed help. The murderer came out from behind the shadows. I shrieked. He put the knife near my face. I screamed and he ran away. Thank God I’m still alive, though my parents are not. The end, however, comes closer every day, and I must be ready to face it, because my parents willl not be the last ones to go.

    by NAVC 12 Green rules on 11.29.2011
  13. You never really liked me did you? Your eyes dimmed in the morning light in the way that only he could. He smiled at you and the light shone on again. I was worth nothing, i am nothing i will always be nothing to you, because who am i? Who am i to you? I am nothing now, nothing but a memory that you will forget in time. I miss you. I miss you so much, but your light has gone out, and mine… is dimming.

    by Josh on 11.29.2011
  14. In the dim flickering candlelight I saw it hidden in the shadows and between the folds of the bedspread. The tarnished piece of sterling silver was hidden. Then I could see the havoc it had reeked, the damsel was lying on the bed and had not stirred since I had entered.

    by Anna on 11.29.2011
  15. The lights were dim. Johannis was terrified. He was scared of the dark, and he didn’t want his older sister Carlie to know. Johannis went to Carlie’s room and was about to knock on her door. He walked in, and the lights went out all the way! Johannis screamed, and the intruder sleeping in Carlie’s bed jumped up and kidnapped him. The kidnapper took him to…

    by heart on 11.29.2011
  16. I ran into the room. There was very dim lighting and you could barely see anything. I hoped to see my brother Lucas’s face, but I could not. “Help!” I cried, but no one answered. “Help me! I’m trapped! Lucas? Lucas?”

    by NAVC rules on 11.29.2011
  17. The dim lights froze. I slid down the staircase. The sound of tapping hit the door. Nothing could be seen. Only the sound of breathing. When I turned

    by Zachary on 11.29.2011
  18. the light in the room is dim

    by adihalevy on 11.29.2011
  19. The lights were dim in the office. I could see the outline of my father over the back of the chair, scribbling furiously at the desk. I tiptoed closer to sneak a peak, trying in vain to be as quiet as I possibly could. I held my breath.

    by Nikki on 11.29.2011
  20. Dim means to darken an item or the lights. The lights will dim at the theater. It

    by Gail on 11.29.2011
  21. what to write? :/ ooookkkkk …lol :P
    :( blekh :P …… :O .. sixty seconds are too long…….

    by abdullah on 11.29.2011
  22. Dim is what they called him, it may have started out because he was always a little slow on the uptake, but even after he made it through his GED program, the name stuck. He was always going to be known as DIM, even his coveralls had a name patch that read DIM. When they were planning the upcoming pharmacy robbery, his cohorts would ask him, “Dim, what are you going to do once we get inside, do you remember what you must do?”

    by manwhoknew on 11.29.2011
  23. in the dim dawn light i said myself;” why me?” it has always been the way with me to get disappointed at the last moment when everything seems just perfect , it blows into nothingness!

  24. all hope grows dim.
    then I see your face.
    but I remember you aren’t mine.
    and everything alters, and it all becomes black.
    there’s nothing left.

  25. Initially I was thinking about lights and romance when I saw the word dim. But then I realized that it could also lead to someone who is dim-witted. I am not a writer as you can see. Dim. Dim sum. Dimension. Dementia.

  26. the lights
    are dim
    she looks around
    everything is dark
    she feels alone
    she knows she is alone
    on the table is a
    she runs toward it
    it is farther away
    she will never catch up
    run run run run run
    run run run run run
    and it’s on
    she touches the switch
    the light is back
    it is beautiful

    by Salina on 11.29.2011
  27. the lights are dim in the hallway. IT is cold and my key sticks in the door. I am haunted by the memories of what happened here two weeks ago. My feet still tingle and the thought of being barefoot here. But the longer I wait, the stronger I hope that this memory will fade and become yet a dim thought.

  28. In the dim light I saw his face as though he’d just seen a ghost. I knew I had to get out and fast.

  29. When I clapped my hands Thrice the lights dimmed. The opposite of dim is bright. when I put on my shades the sun tends to be dim. Since one of the lights are out the room is dim. When you are driving a car in the dark you are supposed to turn your lights to dim when you pass a car.

  30. The light was DIM as he walked in the room.
    DIM is when it is not fully dark.
    I am writing about DIM.

  31. The light is very dim in here.

  32. i don’t like when the light is dim

  33. The light in the room is very dim. I love to go into dim rooms at night. They are creepy!

  34. It was dim in the interrogation room. The criminal refused to admit to the crime, though all the evidence was against him. There was only one other suspect, but he had already been proven innocent. All they needed him to do was admit… But it wasn’t that easy. They couldn’t use force.

    by BRAD!!! :D on 11.29.2011
  35. I don’t really like the dim light, I like it bright and fun!

  36. the light is dim. Dim is something that is making something else darker.

  37. the lights were dim.

  38. the lights were really dim in my house i had a feeling hey were gonna burn out but i was sure so i bought somemore lights. dim is like when something g like a light is dark but not super dark.

  39. The room is dim I can not see,
    I need someone to help me.
    I need someone to be by my side,
    To help me through and to guide.

  40. I did not like the dim and dark cave it was really scary the gaurds took me away and locked me in a dim tower and now i have to wait for my prince to come and rescue me :(

    by breanna r on 11.29.2011