
November 28th, 2011 | 268 Entries

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268 Entries for “dim”

  1. dim is a word meaning not too bright. It is simply expressing that the area is poorly lighted or more dark than light.

    by James on 11.29.2011
  2. I walked into a dim house. The only thing lighting it was a small lantern. It was really eerie. The floorboards creeked under me. The wind howled outside. I knew I had made a really bad decision in betting I could spend the night here.

    by Eric on 11.29.2011
  3. If you had a minute left, he said, what would you do with it?
    The dim lighting inside the barn wasn’t enough for me to see his face. Even if I could turn. Even if the chair wasn’t holding me, even if there weren’t ropes.
    What would you do? he asked again, prodding me.
    I’d take this minute to think of ways I could have been better, I want to say. But I really would just figure out a way to make my last minute hurt you, as much as possible.

  4. The light was dim when I woke up this morning. It didn’;t wuite seem as if the sun had risen, but instead, it was like was like the strreetlights were still on, thei, their sodium glow filtering through the curtains that hung at the window. Whys is it that I want bright light in the morning and all I get is dimness? Dimness, like the inside of my head at the end of a long day. Dimness like a dark and unfriendly place. Dim, like a dim bulb. No wisdom. No satisfaction. No glory.

    by Rob on 11.29.2011
  5. i walked into the dim room. all of my lights were turned down.

    by Mark DeVince on 11.29.2011
  6. My lamp was dim when i hit it because i had a muscle spazzam in my sleep. All of a sudden the earth went dim during the day because of pullution and it blew up south america.

    by Dan Tags on 11.29.2011
  7. Dim light darkness. The lamp is dim. Light that is low. A deed the is low or terrible. A light bulb go dim after a long time. low low low low low low low low low low low low light

    by Stephen on 11.29.2011
  8. She walks into the apartment with the lights dimmed and she wonders what he has in store for her. He never lights candles, so she knows something is going to happen.

    She’d had a bad day, so he thought it would be nice to eat his specialty by candlelight – grilled cheese and canned soup. Hey, points for presentation.

  9. The light was very dim in the dark. There are alot of dim things in the whole world. I mean in your house there is alot od dim things like in a basement or an attic or event the inside of a car. Im just saying the whole world is dim. The labtop im using to type this is dim. Seriously hahahahahah

  10. To turn someting down or see it in a very low rez figure the word dim reminds me of a dimmer switch for a light

    by Bryan on 11.29.2011
  11. And the lights were too low for him to see anything. But that was ok. It was the cold that bothered him. It attached itself to his clothes and bit his skin. He sat there freezing all night. He must’ve finally fallen asleep, tho. because he woke up, warm, to the pale orange light of morning on his face, and a blanket wrapped around him.

  12. Jittin led her down the dim-fluorescent corridor, his tight grip around the crook of her arm. On the left of Elsa porthole windows peeked out into the star fields, luminous balls of plasma so far away nobody could ever reach them.

  13. The lights were dim; the mood, somber. They sat in silence as the snow began outside. “Is there no sweeter a moment than this?”

  14. it’s a three letter word. I have a passion for the letter m, though it’s the capital one, the small one does it’s job just as well as the capital one. It’s quite courious, however, I think it is because its simetry that is amazin and leaves me with the impression of perfection.

    by k on 11.29.2011
  15. The dim light from the streetlights shining through the bathroom window made my skin seem like vax, or old, yellowed paper. And my spine was as withered as that of a well read book, and my mind as full off old-fashioned phrases and clichéd metaphors.

  16. Through a dim glass darkly. I think the quote is wrong, but that is what I always think. I like bright light, dim light makes me anxious, depressed. I hold this insane hope that after death the dim light will be gone.

    by on 11.29.2011
  17. the light is dim in my mind. There is no ligth at the end of the tunnel.. there is no positivity in this world… every sensation and emotioned is dimmed… nothing is okay… nothing will be okay. I’m falling apart

    by Ellasssss on 11.29.2011
  18. very dark light or not a bright light (THE ANSWER IS) DIM

    by bjudvjudvb on 11.29.2011
  19. a dim light came out of the room and noboknew why…that was the last thing we saw from him.

    by Nuria on 11.29.2011
  20. We broke through the rear window and found the house dim but not dark. The earthquake had shot our map to hell, we had known where all the valuables were but now we were forced to scramble. One bit of good news: the safe had broken open, and a farmer’s life savings were strewn across the floor.

  21. Lights are dim. People are dim. That was the first thing that I thought of: people are dim. As in stupid. Seemed kind of mean though, so the next thought was about lights. Probably also because there a single lamp shining brightly in my face amidst the rest of the darkness in my room.

    by Doodles on 11.29.2011
  22. So what the fuck does this guy want? I’m not crossing the street, I don’t want to make awkwardness. But what if crossing would save my life? What’s my fate? what if I do the opposite? what if the opposite is my fate?

  23. als je het ligt dimt is het ,minder fel bwhahahhahaa kom op wat moet ik hier over zeggen? oh als je de i vervangt door een o ben je egt dom!! :PPPP oke iok heb serieus niks te doen mn tijd is bijna opppppp mwuahahahahhahahahaha cant wait….. 3….3…..0….. oop

    by kmax on 11.29.2011
  24. I can’t find the fucking phone. My FUCKING PHONE! I NEED to communicate this instant, because i have no seconds left. My pop tart takes a minute. I pee while I brush my teeth. I’ll have a kid someday, and I’ll die.

    by Joshua Kelley on 11.29.2011
  25. Before, I only get success. I never failed. I usually got what I expected, what I wanted. My life was filled with light then. But now, rejection upon rejection. My world is dim.

  26. Not only were the day a dim one, but the light was dim also, has I stumble my way home after leaving the party last night. Thought that my troubles would have stayed at my friend’s home, but I was wrong.

    by victor walkes on 11.29.2011
  27. the light is dim these days, and grey nights smudge over all memories of soft summer skies.

  28. Euhm what does it mean exactly. I thought it means something like, how should I describe this, a little light and a little dark? Something in between light and dark? No?

    by Pien on 11.29.2011
  29. The lights were dim in the house. It felt creepy, as if I had to tiptoe through so no one could here me. Was somebody even there. I crept down the hallways, peeping into each room as I went past. Again, the dim light shone from the corner and I could see no one was there

    by jemima on 11.29.2011
  30. the light shone dimly in the dank room. It reminded her of how little she knew, how much light needed to be shed on her life, the world. What was really happening to her. The light seeked the corners of the room. But could never make it.

    by conor9696 on 11.29.2011
  31. In teh wake of the whip, fireflies danced like little spirits on the swirling water. Time after time, I looked bacvk in teh dim evening light, readhing for teh memory to be fixed in my mind of such a mystical encounter. Life is good, I thought, and I’m still a part of it. Every night I lose consciousness, and every nmorning I regain it again. Daily the ld winks into existence, and daily I am grateful for this recurring miracle. Life is good, I mused, as I watched the tiny poin ts of light dying a cold, dark death in the wake of the ship. Such a lot of time one minute turns out to be! I must have been a dkimwit to take it on. My left wrist is hurtking from teh speed at which I am typing. When does my time run out? When does my life run out? Will I be extinguished in teh wake of a ship,m like thjose little dancing lights? Such is life, I thought, echoing Ned Kelly and MacArthur.

    by Nisaba Merrieweather on 11.29.2011
  32. The lighting was dim as we felt around in the dark. It was a cool summer night so we were under those blankets. I could see the trees outside getting ready for Autumn, reminding me I had to be getting my heart ready for you to leave.

    by MM on 11.29.2011
  33. Dim. Some people are just very dim bulbs. They would need a flashlight to find their way into a room, much less to light it up. The sad part of dim … the person who is dim never realizes it! They move right along, thinking life is great!

    by on 11.29.2011
  34. The lights in the room became dim as the friction between them became stronger. They stared at each other longing for the day their universes would unite. Until then they wait in hopeless wonder.

    by Kelly on 11.29.2011
  35. The lights in her eyes became dim as he walked away in the darkness of the pier she turned and wept.

    by Kelly on 11.29.2011
  36. when you walk into the room, everything else fades. my eyes can only watch you, my focus is on you. The spotlight shines on you, even when I try to look away. I wonder if the same happens to you, as I walk past, do the lights dim in the room and do you only have me in your eyes? what is this painful feeling of goodbye?

  37. blabla
    ahoj alenko
    dobrý večer
    radost nemám
    proklínám tě
    ne poprvý a né naposled
    jirko dej mi nitrák
    chci abys byla šťastná
    chci abys byla spokojená
    chybovat je lidské
    odpouštět je božské
    ale já nejsem bůh

    by mili on 11.28.2011
  38. Dim is the mixture of light and dark that has swallowed my life. If the there is too much light, i become disoriented. If there is too much darkness i get lost.

  39. Dim is very lame word, nobody really liked “dim” why would anyone? Dim is extremely lame when you have states of light like BRIGHT! Bring is so much more full of life and vibrant! So much more excitement and power to it! Dim should be taken out of our society completely.

    by Tyler on 11.28.2011
  40. This is a good word for tonight, because on this tonight, I’m sitting in the dimmed living room, lit only a slight red tint by the Christmas tree I just set up. I feel warm and there’s a familiar fuzz in my belly, only highlighted by my excitement for my lover to get home so I have somebody to share it with.
    Happy holidays from my first year living on my own.