
December 3rd, 2009 | 216 Entries

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216 Entries for “crane”

  1. crane again? does no one get it? why crane? why not hurt or pain or suffering. crane? what crane? a bird? a big tall pretend bird? A big artificial metal monster?

    by bb on 12.04.2009
  2. and cranes were the candles on the cake, the kind that won’t go out. the city sang of your arrival. welcome home, we’ve missed you dearly! we’re building this all for you.

    by kevin on 12.04.2009
  3. the crane was arching over head so high i nealry lost my balance looking up at it. my neck hurt. everything was so tall except for me. i didnt even bother to stand on anything because i was craning my neck so there was no point anyway. i hate this. every bloody day. dat after day after day

    by bebe on 12.04.2009
  4. cake

    by on 12.04.2009
  5. A thousand cranes await you
    On the doorstep to oblivion
    It’s mine to give and be true
    Our memories, roaring lions.

    by PB on 12.04.2009
  6. frasier crane, and niles crane. cranes like swans, eagles, white, long neck and organge bills. crane one’s neck. construction cranes, orange like the bills of birds. hooked bills, and hooks on cranes. white cranes, long wings, long legs, whater birds, webbed feet, organge feet. organge and white cranes.

    by Charlotte Ravenswood on 12.04.2009
  7. One day I saw a crane flying through the sky.

    by sandra on 12.04.2009
  8. Beautiful, shadows, while in love. Sitting at my cousin’s house have fun with light and a wall.

    by NSC on 12.04.2009
  9. a bird of some sort. or an actual mechanical crane*. That may not be the proper way to spell it. I think of a this crane lifting up huge strips of steal and adding them to buildings

    by on 12.04.2009
  10. no se que es crane podria ir a un traductor y buscar la palabara pero me da como pereza esto es una pagina muy loca y ya me esta dando ganas de parar de escribir y cambiar de pagina si estuviese en espa

    by hans on 12.04.2009
  11. The crane swooped over the sky and landed gracefully upon the water. Streams of water gushed out as his feet hit the surface. When he took off again, he had a fish in his grasp.

    by Olivia on 12.04.2009
  12. head
    wrong word?
    cool idea

    by on 12.04.2009
  13. not eco-friendly.

    by Tegan Marlow. on 12.04.2009
  14. crane

    by Jocelyn on 12.04.2009
  15. the slender neck reminded me of a reed, swaying the way it did; there was something beyond grace, there. White, feathered, supple as a dancer’s limber body, even in the downward stab that ended a scaled life. they’re supposed to be good luck. you should’ve seen it.

    by Pax on 12.04.2009
  16. It took one massive crane of his neck for Jack to watch Jill walk up the hill to fetch his pail of water.

    by jonkopp on 12.04.2009
  17. Whats going on? who died? How did it look?
    Oh wait nevermind false alarm.
    Man I was excited
    Wanted to see some good old fashioned american pornography.
    Its cool.
    i’ll just watch the news when I get home.

    by Noah Zork on 12.04.2009
  18. bird construction buildings nature life make create wild babies jungle zoo mechanical machine sky world create

    by sydney on 12.04.2009
  19. The crane was sitting lonely on the parchment. It’s eyes were filled with hope. I thought about taking it home, but noticed the scar on it’s back. I felt disgusted, but still… I couldn’t leave it lying there. I had to help it.

    by Chisaku on 12.04.2009
  20. I once attempted to fold one thousand paper cranes. I heard that it’s good luck, that you get one wish if you did this. I would have wished for my friend in Iraq to come home safely. I never did finish.

    by Emily* on 12.04.2009
  21. use for cameras to zoom out from far places. It is also used by electricians in fixing high end posts. This is also used for cutting very tall trees.

    by kim on 12.04.2009
  22. It stands in the deep blue water, graceful and sparkling among its children. This lovely creature has freedom in its diamond eyes. Welcome to Nirvana.

    by Kraughne on 12.04.2009
  23. i lived for a year with my uncle and aunt in a big house in a clearing close to the ocean. ten minute run down the road would find me at the edge of swamp-marsh, and at the beginning of the inter-coastal waterway. cranes soaring above. cranes delicately eating their way through the tall reeds. magical. beautiful. stark contrast of white on the deep blue of a sky losing its sun. deep quiet. except for the sounds coming out of the marsh.

    by ariana on 12.04.2009
  24. I don’t know what crane means, but it has to be something interessting. So I’ll just wait and find out what happens.

    by on 12.04.2009
  25. It was heavy, and loud and productive. It boomed every morning, woke up the people. Built their technology. Growing faster and higher, spinning round and round and round until the world was packed, compact, heavy and dence. And walking down the street strained the feet, the knees. It was open and closed, up and down and nobody knew how it would swing the world.

    by ejoyce on 12.04.2009
  26. Cranes are lifting machines used in construction sites.

    A crane is also a large bird resembling a heron.

    by Joujou on 12.04.2009
  27. like the birds? i wish i knew how to make origami. being able to create such cute little folded works of art.

    or maybe crane like the music school?

    crane like the construction tool?

    by maggie on 12.04.2009
  28. a paper crane was folded in record time by a student of mine one day. she rarely spoke in class, had few friends, but her art, her talent spoke volumes.

    by Layla Macoran on 12.04.2009
  29. The crane rested heavily on the face of the cliff. Andrew looked down. “Well, if I’ve gotta go, then I’m gonna make one hell of a headline.”

    by John on 12.04.2009
  30. sadako and the thousand paper cranes is a story of love. it’s not a traditional boy meets girl love story, but rather a story of real, innocent, caring love between children. there is a difference.

    by ikea on 12.04.2009
  31. I crane my neck to see you, you who seem so far away, but yet you are here. Why do i always seem so distant from others, what is it about me that keeps me isolated?
    I crane my neck to see you, you who stand in the mirror, looking me in the eyes.

    by Jo-Anne on 12.04.2009
  32. Cranes are tall. Tall as the sky but with no means to reach it. They help us reach, because our arms are too small to. They are like gods, magnificent and huge. Helping us, building our temples.

    by Faye on 12.04.2009
  33. Young Jack drove his toy crane around the room. His sister Charlie was playing doll house and he clipped one of the babies into the crane. He put as many of the little plastic dolls into the crane as he could before they all came crashing down and he had to start over.

    by Deirdre on 12.04.2009
  34. As the crane swung around with its metal demolition ball at the bottom of a chain, I watched with wide eyes. I didn’t think this happened in real life – the only places I had ever seen it before were in cartoons, and everyone knows those are unrealistic.

    Still, I kept staring as the ball swung around to smash into the windows of my apartment building. The only place I had ever known was nothing now.

    by maggie on 12.04.2009
  35. The crane looked up the sky, meeting the small puffs of clouds with equally gentle gaze. It was mournful afternnon and yet the sky was still calm. What else is there to believe if Mother nature herself contradicts the signs of the times?

    by Apple on 12.04.2009
  36. “Wow! Is that what we have to get to the top of?” I stared up at the mechanical monster way up high.
    “Yeah, don’t worry though. You don’t have to climb.” Marie was winking in that way she does when she’s got a trick up her sleeve.
    “What we gonna do then? Fly?” I asked with just a hint of sarcasm.
    “Not exactly.”
    A good flash of purple light and there we were. I never really did figure out how she did it.

    by Corkie on 12.04.2009
  37. cranes make noises in the water and eat things so they can breathe fish escape and move on goodbye cranes of the world. cranes sounds like crates which are taken onto ships are cranes able to fly? they make me happy

    by fernanda on 12.04.2009
  38. The crane was silhouetted against the twilight sky. I don’t even know why I am here at the dock. Life could be worse. I could have so much more wrong with me. I know I could. But that is what I don’t want to happen So I am ending it now. That is why I am here. I am done with this. I am done with the lying.

    by Tony V on 12.04.2009
  39. The crane craned its neck as the construction crane lumbered past on its way to the highrise apartment building quickly rocketing skyward. Soon, the wetlands would disappear and the crane would be forced out to find a new home.

    by J Micah on 12.04.2009
  40. a crane is a big bird and its nice,yeah i love cranes, i love birds,but i love cranes mhm

    by vikki on 12.04.2009