
June 8th, 2011 | 835 Entries

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835 Entries for “corner”

  1. I sit in a corner. Obviously I’m alone. Why would you sit with me. Why would Anyone for that matter. I don’t like people. Never have, never will. They always leave. No good to have if they always leave you. No good at all. People.

  2. When I turned the corner i saw my roommate’s cat stalking ants on the floor. She has taken to not only swatting at them like a regular cat, but eating them a s well. She is a crazy bitch indeed. But the fact that she eats them i THINK Says something about her perosnality. Other than insanity, perhaps she is just a healt nut and needs extra protein. Or mauybe she is creating some kind of ant rapture with herself as God. Either way, I appreciate the effort she puts into ingesting each one, and also the mercilessness of her swift paws as she bats the ants across the room. Some of her other favorite activities when no ants are avaliable are climbing on the counter, sticking her face in my food, and talking back to me in a series of little mews and squeaks.

    by Annie on 06.08.2011
  3. she sits, far off, and alone in a metal cage someone has put over her. she cannot be heard and her savior is blind, she wanted to save him but ended up being locked up because of that, she wasn’t suppose to help him but she did anyways. he can’t save her and no one can hear her.

    by on 06.08.2011
  4. you sit and piss in it and also when you are in trouble in kindergarten you go there but not when theres piss that would be disgusting i mean seriously coomon thats just messed up bro……………………………………………………………………………………………….

    by Yuriy on 06.08.2011
  5. Down on the corner, out in the streets….
    Will and the Poor Boys are a playin;
    Bring a nickle, and tap your feet…

  6. corners are the places where sides converge. They are safe areas from which you have a safe vantage point. Corners are also far from points of most interest , and sometimes scarce on resources. Don’t be a square :).

    by a on 06.08.2011
  7. I like corners. They complete an object. Without corners, all we have is something round. By going round and round in circles, we can only end up where we had started. By having corners, it allows us to determine which path we want to take in life. It tests our hope and mental strength by making us choose from our heart, and not just our instincts.

    by Jug-Raj on 06.08.2011
  8. it has nothing to see but hears you. You dont spend much time looking at it, but it really wants you to. It cant get the courage to say hi to you as you pass it only a quiet look. The corner is the saddest place on a wall that you will ever see.

    by david on 06.08.2011
  9. the corner of the room. it is blank has nothing in it. Kids tend to be sent to corners when they are punished. Dogs poop in corners. I can hide in a corner. Squares have corners.

    by brenda on 06.08.2011
  10. corners are everywhere. You can get cornered both metaphoricly and for real. corners will conquer the world!

    by Kris on 06.08.2011
  11. Corners are just corners. They are everywhere, and they come at intervals of your life. They are made, not for obscuring things, but for turning them, and seeing what lies around them. This is why circles are so boring, they have no corners.

    by Dan on 06.08.2011
  12. Corners often imply something in the way, but I see a corner as an obstacle. There will always be corners and together we can get around any corner there is.

    by Connor Hattertsley on 06.08.2011
  13. Isabelle sat in the dark corner alone. She was consumed by her thoughts. The corner was sharp and lonely. For there, Isabelle could see the entire room like a huge desert spread out in front of her.

    by Olivia on 06.08.2011
  14. Being put in the corner is an excuse not to play with the other kids. I can entertain myself all day by making shapes in the smudges found on the wall, imagining gnomes coming and going in and out of little mouse doors at my feet and the revenge I might someday get.

  15. The subconscious. Unchartered, unwanted territory. That corner of our mind that is always there, yet not quite there. I feel the fear sometimes, but I chase it away, because to fear is to be impotent. I will fight fear.

  16. when someone says corner the first thing i think of is dirty jokes about girls working on the corner, or when someone has a lot of one dollar bills people laugh and pretend she’s a hooker. i guess that makes me part of the new generation. that of sluts and hos, bitches and tricks.

    by Catey on 06.08.2011
  17. Some people hide away, afraid to face the world. They pretend to be afraid because they don’t know what’s going to happen. In reality, they are afraid because they know exactly what’s going to happen. That is, they think they do. They are wrong.
    Do not spend your life in a corner. Live.

    by JDT on 06.08.2011
  18. The corner. Where decisions are made. Where bending happens, life bending. Where faith becomes important, in that which you cannot see.

  19. The street corner was lit by a lone street lamp, illuminating the concrete in a circle in yellow-y light. A woman stood in center of it proudly as if on a stage yet her fair features were muddled in dark shadows.

  20. Corner. HMmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. Can orangutans really never eat radishes? Corner.

    by theman on 06.08.2011
  21. The street corner is a popular place, crossed by many people of all shapes and sizes. Families, couples, and strangers.

    by Megan on 06.08.2011
  22. I like corners, generally. Most of them don’t have lights, and it’s easy to tuck yourself into the corner and read or write or just breathe, away from all of the other people hustling about.

    by Mackenzie on 06.08.2011
  23. As she rounded the corner, she thought to herself “Am I really as arrogant and selfish as everyone claims I am?”. As the thoughts rattled through her head she heard the unfortunate sound of of a pedestrian. “SQUISH!”. “Oh NO! I’ve stepped in dog poop, how EVER will I be able to impress Jerry today?!”

    by G on 06.08.2011
  24. there is a corner in the hut. the hut was blank, but there is a corner. a dark, deep corner that frightens me to look at.

    by Charlotte on 06.08.2011
  25. a corner is something that is very painful when you run in to it.

    by jodie on 06.08.2011
  26. room corner of my room we sat in the corner and made out it was weird corner bakery i like corner bakery corners have triangles i like triangles yachts and triangles fun i dont know what im doing corner sometimes i like to read in corners i don tknow why times running out of time weird ahhh

    by MaryFrances on 06.08.2011
  27. a vertex, it can be lonely and feel is a place to hide form every thing bad and evil. I shows isolation, and can be 90 degrees.i meet’s 2 things together, can image anything you want it to be ,

    by Igor on 06.08.2011
  28. I like corners. They make me feel safe. SOmetimesI crawl in them and cry…Just kidding. No, but seriously, they are very comfortable. Did i mention i like brownie and cake corners? Theyre the bestest part

    by Joanna on 06.08.2011
  29. I lifted the corner of the page and saw the doodle on it. A big hear with out initials scrawled in hasty letter. I blushed and my heart skipped a bit. I often times wondered why he was so shy to express those feelings. Why, my heart couldn’t contain joy whenever I saw something as thoughtful as this.

  30. Theres a corner in a room. Its blank and bare. Empty really. No one sits there any more. Its sad. Theres Death. Its sits in that corner. Alone and sad. I don’t know why. Its so empty all the time. I wish I could sit there. Do you? Would you sit with death with me? I would love that, wouldn’t you.

    by Amtheyst on 06.08.2011
  31. The corner is where we hide from the horrors, either inside or outside out mind. We cower in it, and it supports us, so firm, and supportive, though it is cold, and unloving, it is all i can get.

    by Katy on 06.08.2011
  32. its something that will gets its revenge on your toes for no reason and can be a pain in the ass since its a freaking corner. they are also usefull if u are looking for a door or something.

    by joe shawarby on 06.08.2011
  33. Pushed up to the corner with no way out.
    Walled up, boxed in.
    Cavernous redundancies.

    Did you mean to push me into a corner like this?
    I don’t understand if I did anything wrong or if you’re just abusing my love for you.

  34. A corner. Two points joining at a bend. The upside of my elbow, where watermelon juice collects, and other sticky things pool- right there in the bend.

    by Nico on 06.08.2011
  35. No-one ever goes to the corner unless they have done something wrong. Mum keeps a toy clock there, a little plastic blue one. When you are in trouble, Mum turns the dial so that a loud alarm goes off after five minutes. I do not like the corner. Last time I was sent there, it was because I refused to share my ViewMaster with my sister. Mum does not like it when I do not share. She says that I will have no friends when I am older if I do not learn to share when I am young. I do not like it when she says that, it scares me. I do not want to be lonely when I am older.

    by KiKi on 06.08.2011
  36. cornercornercornercorner, the end. corner. ps, corner. oh yeah. Corner, buddy.

    by Lucy on 06.08.2011
  37. One of the major feng shui no-nos. Don’t have to many corners in your room, they are too much like the ends of knives and bring misfortune. Same with your entire house, in fact, don’t even think about building a house in a direct line from the corner of another house or the street at the end of T-junction.

  38. There she was, standing on the corner. It was a rounded corner, not so much square like many corners are these days. She thought to herself, I think I will trade in this round corner for something more angular. So she did. “It’s not me, it’s you,” she said to the corner as she walked away. And it was good.

    by Jess on 06.08.2011
  39. No-one ever goes to the corner unless they’re in trouble. Mum keeps a toy clock there, a little plastic blue one. When you’re in trouble, Mum turns the dial so that a loud alarm goes off after five minutes. I do not like the corner. Last time I was sent there, it was because I refused to share my ViewMaster with my sister. Mum does not like it when I share. She says that I will have no friends when I am older if I do not learn to share when I am young.

    by Ki on 06.08.2011
  40. corners are really cool, i mean where would we be without them? just straight lines everywhere, straight roads….we wouldnt be able to turn at all. WE NEED CORNERS! loads and loads of corners.

    by mark on 06.08.2011