
June 8th, 2011 | 835 Entries

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835 Entries for “corner”

  1. I think of a stripper on the side of the road making a sale.

    by charlie on 06.08.2011
  2. Corners are places where one way ends and another begins!

  3. You held me, alone at the corner. My bags were packed and shoes, two pairs of shoes at the top turned upside down was all I could picture as I stared behind your arms and the drop in your temperature. All you ever cared about was left behind. My duffel bag carried everything I would take with me. No promises. Just us.

    by Ann-erika White Bird on 06.08.2011
  4. The dreaded corner. I sit in.
    Staring at nothing, just those plain old walls.
    Punished for not following the system set out by the machine.
    The coldness and the feeling of being trapped feeds the growing feeling of scum inside me.
    I am a menace to society, an ugly soul that’s steering off the path that was set out for me even before I was born
    So I am doomed of hanging out with my best friend and worst enemy, the corner

    by lazar on 06.08.2011
  5. it is a point in which walls meet rooms have 4 corners if they are square but if they are round they have no corners and people who live in round houses can’t make their children stand in the corner. it’s ashame.


    by erin on 06.08.2011
  6. A corner can be two complete opposites. In one case, like the corner of a room, you’re closed off, shut away from the rest of the world and almost trapped. But then there’s also the corner of the street, where you are free to go in many directions.

  7. street stop sign time-out grass pole red hexagon dog trapped

  8. Corners are places you can go and feel safe and comfort, excellent for back support!

    by Addison on 06.08.2011
  9. The corner where the bad boy sits and thinks what he has done. The place where chicks with no job and no intelligence go and make money for their pimps. corner store that has that yummy junk food. corner is where corner meets and other streets meet and connects them all. Corner where most traffic stop lights are at and you have to wait for them to change so you could cross.

    by NIXON on 06.08.2011
  10. Everything looks bright and colourful, and her face, flushed a light pink, glows in the heavenly dance light. It stains her freckled cheeks and you see she smiles so that no teeth show, but there is still one radiant dimple that appears there…
    Everyone is talking, and everyone is moving so fast. This girl is frozen; amidst the smokey hue of contrast she feels a connection with all of them.
    With a sudden shift of her tiny left foot, she breathes in,
    and falls to the floor.
    A pool of blood tangles with the thick blond strands of her hair.
    Her eyes are still open.
    Her mouth is still in grin.

  11. it is the where walls meet and it always stubs your toe in the morning when its dark.

    by ryan on 06.08.2011
  12. Jalal pried the cigarette out of the corner of the cup holder, and put it between his palms. He rubbed his hands together, cigarette still there, until the tobacco spilled out.

    “Odd,” he said. “Thought that something else would happen.”

    by Carson on 06.08.2011
  13. I stubbed my toe on ANOTHER mother-fucking corner!!!!!

    by Marcus on 06.08.2011
  14. There are 7 corners on this box. Corners are also use for timeouts, I dont like them, NO MOM DONT HHIT ME

    by lisa on 06.08.2011
  15. Backed into the corner yet again, all hope is lost. Nothing pervades a lonely existence…

    by Devin Boyce on 06.08.2011
  16. I sharp edge or point at which a line is curved at a 90 degree angle, for example a road right next to an intersection is considered a corner.

    by ryan hubbard on 06.08.2011
  17. I sat at the corner
    Waiting on her
    Night fell

    She never came

    by Trey K on 06.08.2011
  18. Crouched in a corner, can hear them running by in the next hallway. Grip my rifle closer, getting ready to spring and….

    by Mojeesha on 06.08.2011
  19. I sit in the little corner. The small corner that I hold in your heart. It is reserved just for me. It is dark and cold, but it’s the only thing I have. So I sit there in my corner. The corner in your heart.

    by Jazmine on 06.08.2011
  20. Its homo because only Emos live in that corner and they do emo things like cut themselves and die theyre hair red and other Emoish things, Such Emotry should not be tolerated in my LAND OF SEXYNESS. So any emos please exit by clicking the red X in the stop right.

    by Jackson on 06.08.2011
  21. corner of my mind, unused, alone, neglected, what will go there, how to find something that fits, empty space, but potential too, how to lessen the angle make it soft, inviting, more useful

    by jollean on 06.08.2011
  22. books are stacked in the corner because they don’t have any other place to go. Image if you had to be stacked into a corner. What would you feel like. Don’t put books in corners. it’s better that way. Remember that. Also. corners aren’t always pointy, haven’t you seen a round corner?

    by Artica Liberty on 06.08.2011
  23. there you sat in the corner. The corner of the cafe that we had been to so many times before. I didn’t know what to think about that corner. The memories that were there… the dreams that would never be… the conversations that would be left unspoken… that corner. It was that same corner where I first met you… from across the room. what was I to do? I was frozen in time, unable to move towards that corner to come to you. It was as if my life had finally come to a halt. I was boxed in and everywhere that I turned there were more corners but no way out. that corner… it was the beginning… it was the end… it was our corner.

    by Aminah on 06.08.2011
  24. i live in a corner. It is my home and I like it very much. I was sent here by the teacher. I don’t like the teacher or her ways. I am glad she sent me here. I now know more than her, for I enjoy where I am, and I enjoy myself. She, on the other hand, is lost. She despises her job and herself and so she wishes to inflict that upon others. However, in her desire to to destroy me, she has given life.

    by Jeremy on 06.08.2011
  25. Ushio concentrated on the pain of the table corner digging into his hip as he reminded himself that killing fellow officers was a no-no. Familiar snickering caught his attention and his dark eyes focused back on his suspect.

    Yusei smirked. “Are you going to finish my cavity search or will I have to do it for you?”

    by KCO on 06.08.2011
  26. theres a corner store where people have intercourse with dead animals and retarded frogs. Its awesome. i go there every day. I cant believe it hasn’t franchised. it should.

    by Kev Gi on 06.08.2011
  27. Little Sally in the corner just sitting there. She is shy and barely speaks. She feels safe and comfortable. Little Sally is although in trouble. I can’t see why.

    by Neyah on 06.08.2011
  28. the place where emos enjoy inhabiting.

    by nick on 06.08.2011
  29. On the corner, two people were talking about dogs. One of them, John, said that he enjoyed Labs. Frank said that he liked Retrievers.

  30. She backed into the corner, glowering at him. It was all an act – the vulnerability, the weakness. He might have her cornered, but she wouldn’t stay that way for long. And he’d soon regret ever chasing after her.

  31. i reached that time in
    life when every second is
    a decision and a direction
    and i hope you keep me on
    track in this endeavor.

    by Rachel on 06.08.2011
  32. its found in squares, rectangles and shapes that has lines more than two. it can be the place for loners or emo … it can be symbolizing a desolate place because all

    by geck on 06.08.2011
  33. the corner of my street was dark, like the night IN which a star was gazed upon thus scorching the city surface with a beautiful light

    by Lisa on 06.08.2011
  34. The corner of my mind: an endless abyss of thoughts; secrets.

  35. YOUR MOM WORKS ON THE CORNER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :P

    by Matt on 06.08.2011
  36. kitty wants a corner? No kitty, no corner for you. Silly kitty. you have a bed. why would you want a corner? Get away from me now. I don’t even like cats. I’m definitley not giving up my corner for a cat. especially when the same cat has a nice comfy bed that they could lay in.

    by george on 06.08.2011
  37. When I was little my mother used to sit me in the corner of the kitchen for time out. It really was sad, because once she left me there for an hour without realising. That’s probably why I can’t wait to get out of my house, because it feels like that corner again.

    by Charlie Wright on 06.08.2011
  38. a place where one can go to escape everything and yet still be able to return. a place that can everything you want it to have or can be anything you want it to be. a room, a location, a state of mind.

    by cornell on 06.08.2011
  39. the end of a room or the stop. there can be many in a room and happen at any time. the designer of a room says a lot about the corners designed by them.

    by bob on 06.08.2011
  40. Where two walls meet

    by Katelyn on 06.08.2011