
June 8th, 2011 | 835 Entries

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835 Entries for “corner”

  1. The pocket. The place where you don’t want to meet your next wife. It might come as a surprise that not that much interesting has happened at the corner lately, but boy do I miss the calzone at the corner of 84th and 2nd avenue. Maybe what I need is a good corner again!

    by Chris Creswell on 06.08.2011
  2. Where two walls meet and form a middle of happiness

    by Kaitlyn on 06.08.2011
  3. trololololo

    by bob on 06.08.2011
  4. trololololo

    by bob on 06.08.2011
  5. Corners are beautiful. They’re not always perfect, wearing away with time. They hold surprises, good and bad. It hurts to run into one, but to run around one and see a friend, new or old, is always good. Corners are always there, always stable, always a constant.

  6. i lived in the corner of a shoebox with a mouse named gary. gary loved apple pie. one day i was in my shoe box waiting fro one og my annys apple pies cooling on the windowsil. when i got back, gary had eaten all of my pie!

    by KaiyaP5 on 06.08.2011
  7. A corner is the place where two lines meet at an angle.

    by Gracelyn on 06.08.2011
  8. standing in the corner, in paris in the rain, on a train, in the corner sitting without any tea, half a brain, a newspaper, an alarm bell, it takes me back to cesar and what he said about everything, there was a room, circular, and he stood in the middle, he looked for the words, but nothing came just that feeling he got when he stood in the rain, the same the same as it always was, when he was in paris, when he was in love when he was alive. the same another second, another 60, what came to mind, was whats on my mind, and a task at hand, asked to task, i want peace

    i want to remember, i want to see, i want to be there under the lamp post, in the rain, in paris, in love

    by khl on 06.08.2011
  9. corner, of the street; of the house; timeout? coroner? Jesus is the cornerstone. The corners always hurt when we run into them, which I always do. The corners are the most stable. I will travel to each Corner of the world.

  10. When I get into bed I always climb in from the same corner, even if that is the most inconvenient way. Strange creatures of habit we are.

  11. I see a special corner in my house. it is so pretty and i just want to sit in it all day. I go there to pee, eat, sleep, and even partyyyyyyyy. I ove that corner. I remember when I was three, I went into that corner with my barbies and had a party. That was where I made barbie and ken fall deeply in love.

    by Jenna on 06.08.2011
  12. back me up into the corner. seduce me with your eyes and pin me up against the wall. don’t let me go and don’t take your eyes off of me. touch me hard and whisper in my ear.

    by on 06.08.2011
  13. what you get backed into. where people out you when they lack the ability to decide for themselves. they back you into the corner. you know both sides of the story and there’s nothing you can do to help either side. you’re in the corner. you know everything, and can do nothing.

    by Becky on 06.08.2011
  14. It’s where you forget. It’s where you wind up when everything comes down and you look up to find yourself alive, yet asleep. The corner is where my parents came from. Where my forefathers slung dope to make a living. A corner I may never know, but I can appreciate for the time and place. I’d like to meet it. I’d like to know what it’s like bu the corner is a place I can’t visit.

    by Xay B. on 06.08.2011
  15. The corner is where we as children went when we were in trouble. Yet the corner is the foundation of an entire room. It’s where three sides of the square meet, and there are only 4 per room. Corners are awesome.

    by Matt on 06.08.2011
  16. I’m not sure why I thought of this, but I first thought of that terrible feeling when knock your thigh into the corner of a table or a desk. It’s the worst, right? I always think of the bad things before the good things.

  17. At the corner of m page, lies an untouched drop of ink.
    Scared to touch it?
    It is capable of creating shapes I am unaware of.
    So I turn away.
    And let it be.

  18. A corner is the place where one sits thinking, about what is to come, what has happened, and what may be happening in a different place. No longer does one care about mistakes.

    by Tommy Botch on 06.08.2011
  19. My grandparents live around the corner, my aunt lives around the corner. I am so happy to be around the corner from everything I love. Corner’s are cozy, warm, and comfortable spots. They are something nice.

    by Sonia on 06.08.2011
  20. its the thing people go to for crying and other stuff…

    by l on 06.08.2011
  21. I am at the corner of my life right now. I have come to a place where i can only sit in this corner and except my fate as it will come to me.

    by Taylor on 06.08.2011
  22. The edge of an existence. It simply exists if it is. Do not question me. A corner is the place where I will find God. Because I will simply turn and God will be there. Believe. That’s what they tell me.
    I do not know yet but hope to in time.
    Peace and Love to all

    by Andrew Duback on 06.08.2011
  23. not middle
    bad place as a child
    everything not circle has one

    by Carla on 06.08.2011
  24. Corners might just be a join between two sides of a building but metaphorically they could mean change, hidden truths, or a chance to see things from new perspectives

    by Ceej on 06.08.2011
  25. store that sells ice cream bars and chocolate, They also have chips and sell stinky smokes, The chineese people come here and open these corner stores and rip us off with the cheap shit they sell and make us pay 300% more then what they pay.

    by Lisa on 06.08.2011
  26. the corner is where all the black girls are at becasue they are hoes! there are some thai girls there too, but they might have wieners like boys because thats what thai girls are like, they have weiners and boobs. its weird i know, but i guess some guys are into that its wierd…for reals

    by BimmerZ4 on 06.08.2011
  27. THe corner split across to where the rest of the world started walking towards the green acres. Donald looked over to the phrase beside him thinking in fragments rather than sentences. For a moment everything when dark and the corner was revisited by the annals of times before.

    by Xay B. on 06.08.2011
  28. things are always described as the cornerstones of life, but i personally think the middle stones are much more important, you put baby in the corner cause shes being bad, not cause shes important…

    by David on 06.08.2011
  29. I feel like sometimes, I am trapped into a corner. In this corner I can not be myself, I must be what they tell me to be. I don’t step out of my corner for fear or judgement or rejection..They put me into this corner, they is, the world.

    by on 06.08.2011
  30. Sitting on the corner of the table i gently shook. I realized that everything was not alright. I knew i needed help from a doctor, but I was afraid.

  31. I met him at the corner of walk and don’t walk, while trying to decide whether to walk. It was one of those days — anything that could’ve gone wrong had. I certainly wasn’t in any position to meet or acknowledge the person who could change my life. But there he was, helping me retrieve the small mountain of stuff I accidentally deposited in the puddle by his feet as I tripped off the curb. And I was so frustrated and so frazzled I could barely bring myself to civilly meet his eye and mutter a thanks. But when I did, the look I received had such warmth and grace it faded the petty challenges of the day into nothing.

  32. Corner. In the corner, I see a spider making it’s web. Spinning it around the walls, up the ceiling. I always fascinate how they make webs. I want to make my own web to. I wan to be free from this world full of misery. This world full of hate and all other things.

  33. A corner is the place where two lines meet at an angle, and a concave corner of intersecting walls is generally thought to be the least beneficial position to be in a life-or-death situation. From this notion was born the verb to corner, which is used to mean “to back (another person or animal) into a corner” and usually also carries a connotation of foul play.

    A corner.
    A metes and bounds deed begins at a corner marked by a monument and follows a line a given direction and distance to another corner marked by another monument following around and defining the boundary lines of a property. Typically, unless otherwise described or noted, a property corner is placed on the centerline dividing two parcels of land but on the extreme limit of any structure or building located on the boundaries of the property.
    In square dance, corner refers to the person you are adjacent to who is not your partner. In standard positioning (boy on the left, girl on the right), this would be for men (or gents) the person standing to one’s left, and for ladies the person standing to one’s right. In square dance one will often change partners and corners during the course of a dance, in which case one can distinguish between the “original corner” and a “situational corner”.
    In sports such as football (soccer) or boxing, corner may refer to a person or position (cornerman).
    In ice hockey, the rink does not have any corners. It is an oval and therefore cannot have a corner.
    A corner is also used in geography, such as the Four Corners Monument in the United States, marking the corner of state boundary lines.
    In most fighting video games, the edge of the stage is referred to as the “corner,” because much like a corner in a wall, it is typically a disadvantageous position, which allows for more combination attacks and makes escaping offensive pressure significantly more

    by Brian on 06.08.2011
  34. The corner where i stood for many mornings loomed in the distance. Instead of the normal bunch i saw her.

    by Mike Onyszczak on 06.08.2011
  35. “nobody puts baby in the corner”. the only part of the sandwich she won’t eat. where the mice and dust bunnies hide in our room. sharp and intrusive, causing cuts and bruises from counter tops.

    by delaney on 06.08.2011
  36. “It’s so hard to write when the TV is on. I am just too distracted and then my stories echo what I’ve just seen.” I knew Marcia would understand. She loved to write, but had her own struggles. For instance, she couldn’t write anywhere but the Corner Bistro. She claimed it had the vibes and caffeine she needed to be successful.

    “Turn off the TV,” she said.

    by Heather on 06.08.2011
  37. corner store. kids used to the corner store to pick up something for their mom. Now it’s not safe-so they stay inside to play video games.

    Cornerstone. Christ is our cornerstone. We build our lives on Him!

    by susan on 06.08.2011
  38. I had a small corner in the room. it was my corner. The corner that saw me gleeful, happy, lazy, sleepy, sad… everything. Oh ,115 :)

    by Sowmya on 06.08.2011
  39. it is in the place where two walls meet and where you have to sit when you are a bad boy. cornering is when your tires on your car are rubbing when you are turning and this can be very harmful.

    by scaravello18 on 06.08.2011
  40. i just wrote about this but this website isn’t working. the place you go to when u r cornered, some one who eats corn:)

    by Anonymous on 06.08.2011