
April 5th, 2010 | 83 Entries

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83 Entries for “cookie”

  1. cookies differnt kind of cookies chocolate almond plain every cookie can join you in some lonely moments!!

    by margie on 04.06.2010
  2. Monster.
    What a great idea. He’s cute, lovable, blue and clearly huggable. I adore him and cookies. Kids do too. But it’s so unhealthy to let them think that all monsters are like that. You should read Vegetable Soup. One of my favorite books as a kid starring COOKIE MONSTER!

    by Diana on 04.06.2010
  3. Cookie, I love baking cookies now. Right when me and my boyfriend started dating I baked him cookies and he told me they were better than his moms. He he. Whether it is true or not I will never know. I have continued baking him cookies to put in care packages to send to him. He is in the army. Also my favorite cookies, my mom’s she makes the most delicious, somewhat healthy cookies.

    by Katie on 04.06.2010
  4. Cookies are delicious. She knew this from the get-go, but she never thought that cookies would be her means of survival. She was always good at making them. No one ever complained, and most people raved about how great they were. That is, everyone but Raymond. He never said anything about her cookies.

    by Sunny Walker on 04.06.2010
  5. the sugar fills my stomach and tickles my gag reflexes, me not knowing what’s going on, and my toilet unsuspecting.
    I never did well with sweets or any thing of the kind, and this was just too much for my feeble gut to take.

    It was good though, that’s all that matters.

    by Kelsey on 04.06.2010
  6. i’m so bored i have no idea what i’m going to do after school today. hmm.. maybe clean or something, make sure all of my prom things are in order.. :) what the heck do i keep typing until that green thing is all the way at the end? because that’s a lot of time left! wait, it’s going red now. oh dear oh dear, my time is almost up! :)

    by kaitlin on 04.06.2010
  7. Yes, please. Preferably with no raisins. They don’t belong in cookies. Trail mix, yes. Cereal, ok. But not cookies. Then I suppose I’d need a glass of milk. Ice cold. Then my day can be complete.

    by Trish on 04.06.2010
  8. a hundred cookies were on the table. One cookie after the other they all have been eaten. There are no more cookies on my table.

    by Elisa on 04.06.2010
  9. Sweet like a cookie, sweet like a nectar, sweet like radiator fluid in your orange juice, a well-dressed man is poison for the woman of culture. Stop! Don’t eat that cookie, girl!

    by Jacklynn on 04.06.2010
  10. chocolate delicious big soft for everybody favorite

    by paola on 04.06.2010
  11. i love to eat cookies. apart form the food cookie, there’s also LG cookie phone, which my neighbour, Mr. Vijay Wadhwa owns. i haven’t seen the phone, but heard from users that it’s an amazing device.

    moving on to the food cookie, there are various outlets serving cookies, such as … oops time up.. and thats the way the cookie crumbles ;)

    by rahul on 04.06.2010
  12. I love chocolate cookies, I am not good cooking this type of deseart but I love to eat, the problem is those cookies have a lot of fat so stay away from cookies

    by on 04.06.2010
  13. cookies,are delicious and flavored…i love cookies and so yea

    by guadalupe ramos on 04.06.2010
  14. I love to eat a cookie in the morning, with a cup a coffie.

    by linda on 04.06.2010
  15. I like to make cookies. Me and my brother like to bake cookies for the family. I like decorating the cookies all kinds of colors. Cookies are the best.

    by Leticia Maldonado on 04.06.2010
  16. Crumbling, delicious and oh so fattening. The cookie has been the bain of my existance for as long as I can remember. 3 or 4 at a time when I got home from school… always with milk. It is, I hope you know, an art form to dunk the cookie. Be well prepared and always have a spoon handy to catch or scoop the one left hanging in the milk for just a little too long. I can eat cookies until the cows come home… but I don’t. This makes me sad. At what point in life do we give up on eating cookies? Must be when we realize that too many are bad for you and make you fat. Shame. God bless the cookie!!!

    by Stacey Kolesnikow on 04.06.2010
  17. sticky sweet, the smell makes me remember long gone kitchens and moments with the women in my family, of barely reaching the top of the table looking for the chocolate

    by Ansoferg on 04.06.2010
  18. cookies are delicious. they come in many different flavours and delectable combinations yummmmy choco chip oatmeal raisin

    by anonymous on 04.06.2010
  19. i like cookies cookies are so nice, crunchy and delicious, in fact i wouldn’t mind eating a cookie right now, especially a choc chip one. Have you ever tried cottage cookies? So yummy! Sigh, Im hungry and really need to sleep. Besides cookie sare very fattening.

    by D. on 04.06.2010
  20. I’m not a tough cookie. I don’t have any dough, and I know that when the chips are down, I prefer to eat chocolate. But when the heat is on, I rise to the occasion.

    by Rhonda Sansom on 04.06.2010
  21. The cookie was looking at her through the apothecary jar, but could she resist? Yes, oh yes she could!

    by Mary Lou Wynegar on 04.06.2010
  22. c is for cookie, its good enough for me!!! love choco chip cookie

    by twixie on 04.06.2010
  23. She wanted that cookie desperately. She couldn’t stand it. On her toes, she raised her hands high without any luck. The cookie was too far from the edge of the counter for her to reach it. Her mind raced with ideas on how to get to it.

    by Mandy on 04.06.2010
  24. I would do anything to meet you and hand you one of these? Wouldn’t that be a cute way to remember me by?

    I don’t understand why you find me nice at all though, since all I’ve done is annoy and follow you.

    What has changed?
    “Nothing is changing, I continue to wait
    nobody is saved;
    “Even if there isn’t hope, I still live
    “such a bluff sounded so empty.”

    “I’ll always be there.”

    I never want to forget this feeling. Let it end better than the last. Please.

    by Taifu on 04.06.2010
  25. I succumbed to the temptation. They were laying there all soft and gooey and I couldn’t resist. Those cookies get me every time. But I am not giving up. I shall continue my exercise program this time.

    by Tim on 04.06.2010
  26. I like cookies they taste freaking great! When I was younger i got a cookie stuck up my nose. My mum told me that its cookie tentacles will probe into my brain and kill me. but instead I became COOKIE MAN! Here to save the world from the evil digestive monster. His only weakness is coffee which melts his crumbly heart. I made a giant cup of coffee and waited for my nemesis to arrive… but he never did. I waited and waited but he never came. I found out years later that he was picked up by a local police station and put in jail for life for his crimes against coffee. Now my life has no purpose.

    by Paulo on 04.06.2010
  27. the baked word full of chocolatiness. gooey and soggy. hiding mothers anger. burying it under sugar. taste the tears in the batter. the bitter batter made a little better.

    by jordan on 04.06.2010
  28. the monster. eating. time to go to the can. time to kill the bird. time to strike out on my own an find a new way. a new face. a smile for a change. i can do it. but

    by jordan on 04.06.2010
  29. stress

    by diyana on 04.06.2010
  30. Right out of the oven = the best.
    Sitting around the rectangle stool
    We crouch forward and let our elbows
    anchor our stomachs
    and our hands guide our mouths
    One more bite, one more
    And we finish the whole plate.

    by jessica on 04.06.2010
  31. cookies are wonderfully tasty treats, given to us as children to make us feel happy. Cookie is a word that has extended into society as a word with multiple meanings and the word is arguably more meanungful as a dog name or a description for something cute or happy.

    by ajones on 04.06.2010
  32. There was one cookie left in that jar. Just one and I had to have it. Maybe that’s a bit selfish but I think I deserve some sweet things in life. If someone is going to risk living that last cookie in the jar than they can deal with the consequences. That’s just life.

    by Melissa on 04.06.2010
  33. Cookie, cookie… Who stole the cookie from the cookie jar? Cookie Monster! Chocolate Chip Cookies! Girl Scout Cookies! Internet cookies. All kinds of cookies. I love cookies!

    by Nancy* on 04.06.2010
  34. I ate quietly, but nothing could stop my ravenous hunger. Not for food, no. Not the consumption of it. Rather, the taste. Sweet, sugary, delightful. It lingered in the air, delightful, warm. It was a bringer of joy; it was a miracle; it was a cookie.

    by Chanelle on 04.06.2010
  35. It was rich and thick with chocolate still melting in my mouth, where is the milk my tongue asked and that began my journey. The beginning of my trip to the farmer.

    by k on 04.06.2010
  36. cookie monster. peanut butter cookies are my favorite. i love baking cookies. cookie crisp cereal is good. (: if i eat too many cookies, my belly hurts. cookie dough is bomb!

    by Neena Ross on 04.06.2010
  37. She always said cookie, which irritated me. I don’t like the word cookie. I prefer biscuit. I mean, aren’t cookies and biscuits the same? Cookie is almost.. vulgar, in a way. So unrefined and just… it gets on my nerves, it really does.

    by jackson on 04.06.2010
  38. Who took the cookie from the cookie jar? I have a sneaking suspicion that it was, in fact, the cookie monster. I mean, seriously. Who else would be so cookie-crazed that they would be driven to steal a cookie? Certainly not a hungry six-year old. No, it has to be a fuzzy, blue monster obsessed with cookies….

    by Diem-smith on 04.06.2010
  39. cookies are good. i just had a cookie earlier. actually, my colleague shared it with me. It was one of those chewy kinds. With chocolate chips. I hear though “cookie” is slang for sex as well.Coined by Steve Harvey

    by redhott_angel on 04.06.2010
  40. I love cookies, especially gingersnaps. You know what I don’t like? Fortune cookies. They’re not really that fantastic, and I’ve never been able to figure out exactly why someone deemed them “Asian.” The incorporation of a fortune in a cookie seems to me exactly “un-Asian.”

    by Brandon on 04.05.2010