
April 26th, 2008 | 163 Entries

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163 Entries for “complete”

  1. What is complete? I will never be complete. I try and try but I will never get there.

    by megan on 04.26.2008
  2. I was complete, I sat looking across the table at her, staring into her deep blue eyes and knew it instantly.
    Shame that I would have to kill her that evening. The contract was set, I’ve never welsched and I wasn’t going to start now. My reputation was forfeit if I did. I had found her at last and she was going to die by my hand, the universe has a cruel sense of humour.

    by mandrill on 04.26.2008
  3. You are the one that completes me. I would die without you here. Puzzles pieces, and sandwich materials. You make me full and complete.

    by Sabrina on 04.26.2008
  4. I am not complete yet. I’m a work in progrss. Further up and futher in, so they say. That’s all I have to say about that.

    by stephen on 04.26.2008
  5. I have never felt complete. I have always felt like there is something missing in me. Maybe it’s becuase I didn’t travel as much as I wanted. Maybe it’s because I don’t have children. Bt there is a little empty space inside me, telling me I’m not complete.

    by Olga on 04.26.2008
  6. This is a complete waste of time. Why the hell would anyone bother to write nothing about the word complete? You could complete something, but it would surely be a worthless waste of that one minute. This freewriting exercise is really not a particularly good one. You need to think about what you’re going to say if you want it come out in the way it is supposed to come out. When people bother to read it, they’re just going to wonder whether perhaps it was some kind of exercise.

    by d on 04.26.2008
  7. i needed to complete the assignment that was due tomorrow, but it was a beautiful spring day. all i could do was look out the window at the sun and grass and long to be in it. i decided to just take a three minute walk and left the room. outside on a bench was a bunny rabbit. it hopped away as soon as it saw me.

    by laurel on 04.26.2008
  8. Complete can mean many things. But honestly what in this world is complete. When you really think about it, everything needs to be improved and added upon. Whoever invented the word complete anyway? Someone who had lost all motivation and creativity? Everything in this world can be fixed, added to, manipulated etc. Nothing in my mind is ever complete.

    by Kian on 04.26.2008
  9. whole full filled up finished done no more work circle closed kaputz everything in its place the end el fin nada mucha no mas no more

    by bcwoods on 04.26.2008
  10. how does my life end? what do I feel? what have I done? am i satisfied? have I achieved anything? what am I? Did my existence mean anything? did I fulfill my purpose here? Do I control my own fate? I am not predestined.

    by daryl on 04.26.2008
  11. you’re done. go back. double check. because you’re not. complete.

    by knowledge on 04.26.2008
  12. Apples
    Apples are wonderful and delicious. I know this cause Ive been told so as a child, all the way through adulthood. It couldn’t be a lie then. Not only do they taste good. They are good for you. AND THEY KEEP THOSE HORRIBLE DOCTORS AWAY!

    by Brian on 04.26.2008
  13. i need to complete my final major, but i have just realised that an onstructive thing called happiness has got in the way. how can i go back now? can i put it aside, do i have that strength? all i know is that the right now is better than last weeks mental breakdown.

    by Lulu on 04.26.2008
  14. i never feel complete, except when i think about everything at once, everything and anything one person could possibly think about. thinking about life and the world, and semantics, and syntax, and onions peeling slowly makes me complete, because i know that everyone is thinking the same thing

    by jill on 04.26.2008
  15. Omg wtf complete I can’t complete this is 60 bleeding seconds I keep typoing and that’s just freaking SO typically me. Look, the green bar is actually quite slow. Maybe I can finish this after all. *hums* So. Read anything nice? Doing anything over the summer?

    Damn. Havoc is hot. Wonder when he’s home from work?

    So, almost done. I think I completed it!


    by Cat on 04.26.2008
  16. all together full. its like your done with something that took you a lot of time to finish and now your job is done and you can go back to whatever it is that you do

    it also has to do with art or music, the piece is finally complete

    by Brian on 04.26.2008
  17. Complete: Is the unity we feel when we surround ourselves with positive and give positive. When we get positive we give positive and when we give positive we get it. The combination of consumer/producer here is amazing…

    Explained in detail:

    I hope I have done it some justice


    by Benny Greenberg on 04.26.2008
  18. i think everything was complete until i realized that i was all alone.

    by vania on 04.26.2008
  19. Nothing is ever complete. It feels as if everything is regressing, not progressing. It’s never going to be complete. Every time I take two steps forwards, I immediately take two back.

    by Kenneth on 04.26.2008
  20. who is just to say one word is all we think about at once? no-one can describe something precious in one word. if you can your not looking at it thr right way on the other hand how many things do you love for just one quality? or do you really like the thing or person’s one quality

    by yosh on 04.26.2008
  21. love, true, win, kiss, test,

    by karla lea on 04.26.2008
  22. I contemplate too much sometimes, I think. See? There I go again. It really is a nasty habit but thankfully some perks come along with it. I feel slightly more enlightened when I think for myself and distance myself from situations and people that are harmful to my self.

    by Lungs on 04.26.2008
  23. is anything ever complete? do our lives ever end, is our journey through this plain of what we call life ever going to complete? the answer is no. we live until we die and then we live some more.

    who’s to say what complete is anyways? complete means content. complete means finished. complete means peaceful.

    by lola on 04.26.2008
  24. we are all looking to feel complete; i hope i never reach it, for its the feeling of emptiness that keeps you pushing.

    by MNM on 04.26.2008
  25. complete is the everything we need. love money sex clothes words happiness the world in complete peace need nothing more when all is complete

    by Daisy on 04.26.2008
  26. oh this is exactly what i feel. and what love should feel. and life itself. by yourself and then with others. utterly complete. amazing. loving.

    The complete works of fiction of author A. Would you like to read that?
    Better or worse than reading just one short story by Brian Adams?

    by M on 04.26.2008
  27. the end, it’s what really matters. when you finish, it makes you feel good. you need to get it, so that you can be it. it’s everything, when it happens. sometimes it never happens.

    by jonathan strickland on 04.26.2008
  28. I was complete when I met her. It sounds cliche, but it’s what happened. Nothing could be better then this. Completion.

    by NightWarrior on 04.26.2008
  29. every piece of every color from every world came together to make you, and here are. I don’t know how there could be anyone more perfect for me, but you do.

    by garrett4 on 04.26.2008
  30. i am not complete without you. what is complete? perhaps one day i will know. for know i know nothing. and that is what i am content to be without you. you complete me. such a complete cliche. but for some reason i don’t care that i have resorted to cliches for you. i am completely ok with that. completion is relative. i still have to complete my paper for rhetoric

    by Caleb Bollenbacher on 04.26.2008
  31. What I wish I was. I know I am incomplete now but one day I will be whole. My mind and body will be filled and I will be happy, not the happiness that comes from without but from within.
    To be complete is to know yourself and to accept.

    by Ice on 04.26.2008
  32. nothing is complete. everything can be improved upon, altered, made better or worse. complete is just a state where you think something is good enough for you.

    by Meghan on 04.26.2008
  33. complete…when something is complete it is full to capacity like a jug of water about to spill. If you are not complete you may very well be incomplete, similar to a puzzle missing some pieces. The best feeling in the world is to complete a puzzle, espcially one with 3000 pieces. Finishing the puzzle will make you feel complete.

    by steven on 04.26.2008
  34. I have so many things to complete today. I have to complete the bleaching proces on my teeth. I have to complete the alterations for my wedding dress. I have to completeLY clean up my house. This word generally has a negative conatation for me. And my time is nearly completed!

    by Elizabeth on 04.26.2008
  35. Complete – is this a satisfying word, impling that there is no more to do, that all that can be done HAS been done – or does anyone or anything actually want to be complete – in case what is really important is the quest to be completed and not the being complete.

    by paulo on 04.26.2008
  36. The awkwardly dressed 7th grader, one of the few in his class who still wore his shirt in the style “mother tucked it in for me,” sauntered up to the teachers desk and there read an unexpected word, incomplete. “How could his be?” he asked himself.

    by Tom on 04.26.2008
  37. When I am complete, I am a mess. My stuff is all over my lover, and I am spent. She is also complete and bathing in the juice of my love. We are complete together. Complete.

    by Scott on 04.26.2008
  38. Complete the project…a thing is not worth doing if not worth doing well…these are all things we hear all of our lives, but we don’t always follow this advice. Perhaps if we had more than sixty seconds to complete the job, we could accomplish that task.

    by Scott on 04.26.2008
  39. Complete is nothing more than a state of mind, for nothing is truly complete. There is always a way to improve, build on, or alter something or someone to further enhance some aspect about them, however small. Some people have an unhealthy obsession with completeness, to the point that it takes over their lives. Since it is impossible, such a pursuit is forever a waste of time.

    by Tyler Smart on 04.26.2008
  40. sentence


    sheet of paper








    by abdullah on 04.26.2008