
April 26th, 2008 | 163 Entries

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163 Entries for “complete”

  1. there is a thing in this life and it doesn’t have to be finished or done for it be beautiful. It doesn’t come by very often or for very long but it makes the most a lasting impression on this earth and I love it.

    by Corey on 04.26.2008
  2. complete. not me. cause right now i have no idea what i want, who i want to be, what i’m writing.

    fuck it. it’s jus tlal in ym brain. when i perfectly know what i wnat, yet i do nothing about it.

    or do i do?

    actually, i don’t know. yeah. and this things just pressures me and i’,m writing bullshit.

    gamwto pia. kai den kserw kan giati vrizw.

    by pfff on 04.26.2008
  3. hear the big load sound that hit the ground and throws an ecco between the walls in a rappid forsce of an air hit

    by malin on 04.26.2008
  4. all done..finished..achieved…whole

    by jp on 04.26.2008
  5. i feel complete when I am with my husband and we get along and we talk about insignificant things but enjoying our time together. Complete is the sense I get when everything is going good in my life and things are falling into place. No turmoils but just peace and understanding.

    by Mary on 04.26.2008
  6. fulfilled and lacking the missing pieces of life. I imagine that with you I could be complete. In those four days I felt more complete than I have ever felt in the preceding 27 years. Will you call me? Send for me? Or am I doomed to this life, this place of loneliness, without you to make me complete.

    by c on 04.26.2008
  7. ‘Listen,young lady,you can not go to school without ironing your dress.You get your butt over here and come pleat your skirt,right now!”

    by a false terl on 04.26.2008
  8. “i feel complete when i’m with you.” that is what i always wanted him to say, but he never did. i think that there was someone else from the beginning, he never loved me.

    by Rose H. on 04.26.2008
  9. I don’t believe that anyone is complete, i think that our entire purpose on this earth is the struggle to make ourselves complete, whether by filling up the holes with religion, love, etc. We all yearn for completion.

    by Madi on 01.01.1970
  10. I have always felt incomplete. To be complete, to be whole, is something that I’ve always tried to reach for. A string of a balloon floating away. Someday, maybe I’ll grow tall enough, or jump high enough to reach it.

    by Audrey Borup on 01.01.1970
  11. My heart isn’t complete without you I need you in my life. When your not with me I have a hole I am nothing. You complete me

    by Complete me on 01.01.1970
  12. To complete is to finish. When one completes something they feel a sense of accomplishment. This sense of accomplishment leads to self satisfaction and is one of the strongest motivators for humans. A person who is satisfied can no longer go on being unsatisfied and they strive to do better in all aspects of life. This leads back to completion which furthers the human race.

    by A. Reming on 01.01.1970
  13. it is without a doubt that we render what is incomplete and say it is one without that idea we would have nothing. completion is always incomplete. perfection is always imperfect. tell me what you think?

    by Ursula on 01.01.1970
  14. George felt complete today. He had finally done the thing he was dreaming and stressing about for the past six weeks. He was pooer but happier for it and he was stragely complete. Just one little word made him feel complete. Just one little yes.

    by Orna on 01.01.1970
  15. I think this is what we all want to hear and wish we could say. That everything is complete..but are we really complete with our tasks, our work, and every little thing in our life. I don’t think so, but we can say we’re still progressing along in the flow of life and still going.

    by akemi on 01.01.1970
  16. Im not complete. I dont know what it is thats missing but i feel like i’ll never find it. Its what i need to do to be happy with myself.

    by Iain on 01.01.1970
  17. i am not complete i dont think i ever will be if i am would i even feel it? i wonder but not to much i wish to be complete though its not that i dont want to be being complete would meen the world but then thats not complete either is anyone or anything? i wonder the strangest things but still wondering is a sign of uncompleteness

    by zerimar pena on 01.01.1970
  18. complete? is that my word or is it telling me to complete the thing? That’s a crappy word… other people prolly got awesome wrods that you could easily write whole novels about and i get complete! Maybe it’s compete…. no its complete.. lame! this kinda sucks ummmm

    by on 01.01.1970
  19. Transmucerance
    the transfer of gross wet body fluid (like sweat)to another in an effort to gross him/her out

    by Rab on 01.01.1970
  20. I sat there staring at my test. Half the class kept getting up to hand in their completed tests, but I just blankly stared at mine. I couldn’t think of anythng else but what had happened the night before. My test was completely blank. Mrs. White was going to kill me! So I walk my test to the front of the room and ask her if I may be excused. I run down the hallway and round the corner, and there he was.

    by Cindythedreamer on 01.01.1970
  21. this is what i want to be. a full sense of meaning, of purpose. to be satiated, and at peace. balanced between all the different parts of crazy in my life. that is my dream. and i will search until i find it.

    by genevie on 01.01.1970
  22. This phrase and win a million dollars.
    Complete my thought and I’ll lick your shnipa!

    by Midgery Marjory on 01.01.1970
  23. Horseshit

    by Ted Danzig on 01.01.1970
  24. How can you have such a feeling
    does it exist?
    a swelling engulfing
    copulating recession of completeness
    you were never that to me
    a forbidden bitter half
    not for the consuption of the whole.
    You’re my sweet seduction
    to complete me
    to decieve me
    and deplete me.

    by Grace Russell on 01.01.1970
  25. Complete is an idea fundamentally flawed in its very nature. Who establishes when say…a painting for instance is complete? Or a novel? Or a tune? There is always so much more that can be in existence. But it is not.

    by Anup on 01.01.1970
  26. Hopefully, I will complete thi

    by James Coutu on 01.01.1970
  27. A Completed work, something to aspire for. Complete an essay, complete your homework, complete your novel. None of us want to leave with something uncompleted. Why do all want to finish something?

    by Babs on 01.01.1970
  28. My life has never really been complete. I’ve always looked forward to something else and only felt… mostly whole. I’m not sure what it is that I’m missing. Love? No. But there is something more that my brain wants.

    by Araema on 01.01.1970
  29. I would really like to have my weekly assignments complete but my Word is goofing off not allowing me to complete my assignment and hindering my completion of the course. While I am downloading a antivirus I am goofing off on the internet and this site seems to be a better way to spend my time.

    by Meshell on 01.01.1970
  30. it never will be. at hasn’t been and today i think is proof of that. what would be the definition even if it was. who would judge. the very idea is absurd.

    by secular on 01.01.1970
  31. One word that I could never use to describe myself: complete. Something seems to be missing, ever elusive, and just when I think someone or something will finally finish the puzzle of me, I discover that there is something else.

    Call it self sabotaging, call it stupidity, but there you have it.

    by sewerrat on 01.01.1970
  32. complete is an interesting concept, because I don’t really think things are ever complete. any given object, no matter if it is said to be complete or not, serves many purposes. so I don’t think anything can actually be complete.

    by Justin Bradle on 01.01.1970
  33. He never did anything without finishing it. In fact, it bugged him so much, no pissed him off, when people did things “half ass”.

    Never ask anyone else to do something you can do for yourself better. Such a pious jackass.

    And now he couldn’t do for himself, could he? The accident that’s left him helpless and broken has him mored pissed off than ever. Drugs drown out some of the pain, but the anger never leaves. He wants to shout, but nobody is there to listen because he drove them all off with his pious “holier than thou” and “better than everyone” attitude.

    What goes around comes around, sweetheart.

    by Suzanne Moshier on 01.01.1970
  34. I complete my goal when my goals get completed. completion isn’t real anyways.
    you’re not real.
    what now?

    by Dr. Roy Beige on 01.01.1970
  35. I don’t feel complete. I actually feel that have become someone that I’m not, therefore my real being is there somewhere waiting to come up, while in the meanwhile I’m stuck with this person that I’m not. I want to scape, i can’t and cannot, I’m stopped by myself.

    by Ester on 01.01.1970
  36. my life is not complete, at all. there will always be something missing, a factor of life. what does it even mean to be complete? marriage, happiness, or just being emotionally and psychologically attached to the world or even self? I will never know.

    by brian dohn on 01.01.1970
  37. Sometimes I feel so whole. Like I’m fully me. Those are the best times. I can just soak up everything around me and be happy with it. I love days like that. Other times I feel like I’ll never be full again. I feel broken and alone. Like someone dropped a ton of bricks on my chest and I can’t breathe any more, but at the same time I feel light as a feather. As if I’m just floating instead of walking. Sometimes that’s the feeling that I like too. Complete. Do I want it or not?

    by Stacey W. on 01.01.1970
  38. Complete: I t is an awesome comcept to complete any task at hand is a good thing put your mind too it and complete your job. Completely love life andddd enjoy completeing the good things at hand watch the sunrise, taking a walk, playing with your kids, LOving your spouse. Completely live your life to the fullest.

    by Sheree on 01.01.1970
  39. what? im finished. Just because you say i have to do more doest mean i have to! i wont! ok fine ill do a little more just for you. Jerk

    by hyde- on 01.01.1970
  40. i wish

    being at home
    turning 18
    my dad being in jail

    everything bad and boring

    was complete.

    by ellyn on 01.01.1970