
July 24th, 2010 | 203 Entries

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203 Entries for “complete”

  1. I wanted to be complete for as long as I could remember… and then I met her. She blew me away with her wit and sense of humor. Her beauty was epic and her smile melted me. After only a short time I knew that she was what I was looking for.

  2. To be complete is to be happy. You’ll never be complete if you don’t see your true self. If you believe you are unhappy or not beautiful, you are not complete. Love yourself and be complete.

    by Cass on 07.24.2010
  3. Twenty more words and she would have made it. Twenty more words and it would have been complete. Damn thunderstorm.

    by TookieT on 07.24.2010
  4. There once was a time when she knew what it meant. That time had past long ago, though.

    by TookieT on 07.24.2010
  5. Pretty sure I just wrote about this . . . that’s okay, though. Complete. Am I? I do not feel so. Ah, well, that is how life goes.

  6. College soon awaits me. High school will be complete. When will I see my friends I have spent my whole life with again? Will I see them? A tragedy college can be.

    by Rachel on 07.24.2010
  7. I am not complete…I am broken, falling to peices. I am shattered, my peices scattered across the floor. I fight to place the parts back together but I am never still whole. I am just a ghost of my former self. Will I ever be the same?

  8. before when, i don’t know. after certain people leave, it feels like we could never be this again. but are we truly ever? there are so many ways to expand our horizons.

    by Kestrel on 07.24.2010
  9. Family is what I thought meant being complete. To be loved by your mother, by your aunts and uncles. Your grandmother and cousins. At the end of the day, if you are loved. By anybody at all. You are complete.

  10. The word complete, is in all terms as fulfilling as the meaning. Complete is beautiful. Complete is Monotone. Its fulfilling in itself. The world complete is to be full. To not be empty.

    by Kelli on 07.24.2010
  11. The bloody scene scored my mind. I would never be able to unsee such disaster. The room was red and cold. Splashed upon the walls like paint. Everywhere. I did it. It has been done.

  12. Life seems complete to me now. I have wonderful children who are making their way, with varying degrees of success, toward adulthood. My job, which I didn’t want, turns out to be just the right thing for me at this time.

    by OneWoman on 07.24.2010
  13. Complete is the way of being free without knowing that we can’t be completed in any human way. The posibility of reaching the word complete is impossible.

    by Pedro on 07.24.2010
  14. not from what another can give
    or from what i can accomplish on my own
    not from what how much i can obtain
    or from how much i can give away

    by Kimberly on 07.24.2010
  15. I just completed a Very Potter Sequel.

    It made me wish I was half as talented as the writers of the show are.

  16. I can’t finish. I’m not complete – I can’t produce anything complete. I’m all in bits and pieces and shards like broken pots and china that scatter on the floor like snowflakes or sawdust. And so I can’t close my own book or hem my own blanket. I’m not complete.

  17. beautiful

  18. half dissolved and frothing, the rabies infected sapling. you’re a cloud that twists, you alchemist, and you never know what’s happening.

  19. How should I know what the missing piece is? Or even where to put it once I find it?
    If it’s the difference between happiness and denial, how important is it?

    by Lauren Scharf on 07.24.2010
  20. i completely love the word complete. its so wolesome… such a finished word. everything about the word complete is… complete! i get such a fuzzy feeling in my heart when i think about it. if only every word were as heart warming as complete.

    by Nathan on 07.24.2010
  21. I complete the task at hand, fingers swiftly moving and racing the clock. Will I run out of time? Will there be a later date to finish or room for improvement? I don’t know, but I’m trying.

  22. I feel complete with you next to me. With your soft skin and warm lips, my soul is at peace. I love waking up with you and I love going to sleep with you. Our home is complete when we are here together. My soul feels complete because God brought you to me and we can share our lives together.

  23. The last puzzle piece lay on the floor. One thing it would never be, finished, lingered in the air of it’s owner’s corpse.

    by Rei on 07.24.2010
  24. my life is not complete, i feel like being complete means having a purpose, a destination, a path to walk down. complete to me will mean that i have done all that i can do to make myself a better person, both spiritually and mentally.

    by Andrew on 07.24.2010
  25. i am complete when i am with all the ones I love and i will always will be complete ass long as I keep everyone I charis close at heart.

  26. This blank space reminds me of recent job hunting, where potential employers provide a vast desert of tree fibres, waiting to bloom with my over inflated bullshit. I’ll get the job though, I always do.

    by jivehoneyjive on 07.24.2010
  27. You complete prick, she screamed… when you ride in a convertible, be ready for rain, I retorted

    by jivehoneyjive on 07.24.2010
  28. Complete. Nothing ever really gets complete.
    In Progress.
    That’s what people call it instead. It’s a shame really. Is it human nature, or science?

  29. In all the time one has been on earth nothing has been completed.
    In progress.
    That’s what they always call they’re haphazard procrastination of fufillment.

    by Ben Sheetz on 07.24.2010
  30. complete. a word that means when two things fill each other so much that it spills over and makes two people . two people that complete each other .like pb & j . or a burger and fries . complete. my word of the day

    by JoyJoy on 07.24.2010
  31. ahh i love it when I see you Joy. yep thats what he said and thats when i knew i was complete

    by JoyJoy on 07.24.2010
  32. She didn’t have to think about being half of one person. WIthout Synthia, she wasn’t complete. Matching tops, the same bottom. Why oh why did being conjoined twins lead to such a sense of inadequacy? it sucked. majorly.

    by maya on 07.24.2010
  33. i have already written something for this word but the sensation of writing really fills and completes yourself and without being filled with joy and inspiration well . . . . consider our lives wasted.

    by JoyJoy on 07.24.2010
  34. I completely had no idea what he was saying. He just stood there in the door frame looking at me like I was the lunatic in this situation. I was speechless. I mean, what do you even say to someone like this?

  35. each person is a half and until you meet the other half of you your life will never be complete .or you will never be happy or satisfied with what you have because you don’t have anybody to appreciate it with.

    by joy on 07.24.2010
  36. I feel complete every time I write something amazing. It’s kind of incredible, really, to think about the power of writing. This will be my first time doing this WebSite. I want to be funny, I want to be witty. I feel the most complete when I can write things that make people laugh. I want to laugh.

    by MBMB on 07.24.2010
  37. i already wrote about this word.
    what do i do now?

    by magaferd on 07.24.2010
  38. sometimes i just feel so fucking out of place. when will all the pieces be complete?

  39. The heat really does symbolize complete mutiny. No one was in the restaurant but us, but it was the worst blow-up ever. And where I usually turn for comfort, I found none. I am completely alone.

  40. If only one could muster up the courage to make oneself complete. With shyness, we stutter, stutter, and stutter, unable to say what we mean until one’s need for love has gone.