
July 24th, 2010 | 203 Entries

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203 Entries for “complete”

  1. “You win,” boomed the voice from the TV.
    “Yes!” she crowed, holding the controller high above her head. “I beat you,” she told him, poking his shoulder, trying to get a reaction from him as he stared down the screen. When he finally turned to her, his eyes were bright. Then he smiled, and then he kissed her.
    Now it was her turn to stare. “Wh-what was that for?” she whispered.
    Pink painted his cheeks. “I was just giving you your prize.”

  2. many things complete many people.
    sometimes people think it might be possesions, some god, and sometimes people think a lover or friend will make everything better – they are wrong.

    by magaferd on 07.24.2010
  3. Nothings ever real until it disappears, people aren’t complete until they face their fears. Little time, so little time we make up a reason we make up a rhyme, we seek perfection the unreachable feat, no point in stopping until our goals complete.

  4. Nothing is ever complete. People feel safe with the word, thinkng their task is done. It makes them cozy. But truth be told the Universe is expanding. Ever expanding. Sleep on that.

    by matthew ehlers on 07.24.2010
  5. i think of college and how its going to make life complete when i’m done…i’ll be able to get a job and finally the recognition of the all the hard work i’ve put into school and advancing my professional career. it will be the end of college but not the end of my life long desire to learn.

    by Keith on 07.24.2010
  6. Whole. Finished. All done. You complete me. All the parts are there. Nothing left to finish.

    by Oliver on 07.24.2010
  7. Nothing is ever really complete, nothing ever truly ends. There are always loose threads and spare parts and a couple of screws from Ikea that you really don’t think even belong to that damned bookshelf. Even if you tell yourself you’re done, nothing is ever over.

  8. In the whole, with every inch of soul, completely. It was what she had always wanted, had ached for, nearly died for. And now, it was before her, within her grasp, but now it seemed so insignificant.

  9. “My creation….is complete!” declared Dr. Krak, holding up what looked like a toaster with a gun attachment. I stared at it blankly and asked, “What, did bread kill your father?” He sniffed and replied, “Damn that bleached flour, damn it to hell!”

  10. Completing something was never a problem for her, but today she found it hard to even finish writing one story. Her gaze kept drifting toward the dusty window, where she thought that maybe if she looked hard enough, he would show up again.

  11. Complete. Whole, round. Nothing is missing. There is everything there. Completed completing completion. The objective is completion. You want to be done. You don’t want to have anything missing. You want everything to be there. You want completion. Completeness is something we strive for. All humanity searches for and seeks it.

    by Madelyn Jane on 07.24.2010
  12. “you complete me” – the biggest load of bullshit i’ve ever heard. oh, really? i thought you might have had 46 chromosomes on your own, my dad. i guess you’re a vapid empty THING that needs another person to complete them.

    aren’t we all our own person? shouldn’t we all BE our own person?

    by grace on 07.24.2010
  13. I once felt complete. When I was with you, trying to make you feel happy, lucky and… complete.

    by Elizabeth C. on 07.24.2010
  14. i finally found it. i now have the complete addition! it was here all alone, right under my nose. how could i have missed it?

  15. i like to complete my tasks
    i ike to complete my knowledge
    i like to complete my life
    complete it’s what i do
    complete family helps
    complete makes me happy

    by enrique on 07.24.2010
  16. “If you don’t complete the test in time,” Ms. Crabspankle, the wizened old math teacher creaked, “I will have to fail you.” The students hurriedly readied their paint-filled water balloons and crouched behind their chairs.

  17. Nothing is ever completed until death and I like my fragments undone.

  18. I completely want to get a new job, woman, and family that completes me. I hate not completing things. I wonder if I majored in something else in college if I’d be completely happy right now.

    by Adam on 07.24.2010
  19. A collection of fragments telling a greater story, a picture made of puzzle pieces. Am I this body, these clothes, this apartment, this town, this degree? What part of the puzzle do I fit in.

  20. “Complete.
    To be complete there has to be an beginning and an end.
    Therefor I am not complete.
    I am merely lingering in that middle stage of completeness.
    I like to label my life as a “journey not a destination”.
    So being complete is a word my life will never attain.
    I wont fight the inevitable, only make the best of it.”

    -Shavonna Mosley.

  21. It’ s very important to get things complete in time. I think that the major problem in human life is organization. I allways try to organize myself in order to complete my tasks on time.

    by schimo on 07.24.2010
  22. There was no way to finish this. The body lay crumpled next to the rocker and seemed to be getting heavier. She looked at her partner and knew that this was not the scenario anyone could have imagined.

    by Misty on 07.24.2010
  23. Complete
    Life is something that we all think we have to complete.
    We obsess ourself with completing so many things
    Just live life.
    Life shouldn’t complete you,
    neither should you complete life.

    by Shavonna on 07.24.2010
  24. I don’t feel complete,
    I feel empty. Like a paper bag, torn at the end, everything spilling out in front of my eyes.
    But I just let it all fall out, never picking up the broken bottles and ruined remains.
    The end
    the end
    the end of what?
    Possibly, everything.
    I don’t know anymore, but I want to feel new again.
    I want it to be like the beginning, when I didn’t need all this extra baggage.
    Nothing has changed, has it?

    by Camille on 07.24.2010
  25. the intro. the purpose. the facts. more facts. a few connections. conclusion. complete.

  26. The opposite of my entry, because i didnt fini

    by Rage N' My Spades! on 07.24.2010
  27. She had been hollow, looking in the mirror. But suddenly, at the thought of him, a smile turned up the corners of her mouth, and she felt something she never though possible: Complete.

    by Violet Strawderman on 07.24.2010
  28. A goal that eludes at every turn so easy to start over and over like jumping into fresh edding everything new and full of promise. Complete.

    by Nancy O'Neill on 07.24.2010
  29. To complete a sentence
    Or a poem
    Or a word
    Is to bind a magic spell
    Of meaning
    Out of lead

  30. ive always found the gift of flowers strange. when you give someone flowers at a funeral your giving them death, and they are even more upset when the flowers dies. i think that people should give hugs instead of completely what they dont need

  31. unfinished i never complete anything. when i do it’s nothing to be proud of. i hate school, school is always about completing things. I don’t want to finish anything. ever. suck on it. hard

    by McCartney on 07.24.2010
  32. How can I possibly be complete without you? I cannot imagine falling in love with anyone else, why can’t you see that we’re perfect for one another? You complete me.

  33. I don’t know what I need to feel complete. I know I need God. I know I need friends, and family. I know I need love. But I feel like I will always be searching for more, like there will always be something missing. I am scared that I will never be complete.

  34. my life is complete with our with out you
    but I prefer to be with you
    thanks for being the best thing that I’ve had
    and the best thing that I neva want to lose
    you complete me

    by Breanna on 07.24.2010
  35. Do you really believe that a soul mate is meant to complete you?

  36. I completed the assignment in record time. I didn’t have to worry about turning it in because I didn’t do it for school, I did it for myself. I took a deep breath in and looked out into the wide open space. I looked down at the mountain I just climbed and smiled to myself because I had succeeded.

    by Tabitha on 07.24.2010
  37. Komplett bin ich, wenn ich keine Angst mehr habe. Keine Angst vorm Versagen und keine Angst vorm Peinlichsein. Ich bin nah an mir dran und nah an denen, mit denen ich zusammen bin. Im realen Leben, in der Vorstellung, auf dem Papier.

    by EliEli on 07.24.2010
  38. It’s the moment when the relief hits. Complete is never used when something good is over. It’s always an ordeal, always a stress, and when it’s complete, things are better, things are good, everyone’s fine, everyone will live to see another day.

  39. You can never complete me, as I am already a whole. But you compliment me in a way I can never fully grasp and for that I shall share with you my soul.

  40. I looked into the mirror as I have done a million times before. When are you going to be whole? When are you going to be complete?