
July 2nd, 2010 | 186 Entries

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186 Entries for “common”

  1. Common place items.
    Lined up in rows.
    One out of the ordinary piece.
    Breaking the habit.
    How bold, is that piece.
    Whether by choice or not,
    to stay with the common when he is so much more.

  2. when i melted into the floor,
    and watched his eyes of sapphire
    wash over the room,
    i could swear they had something in common
    with the sea…


  3. It’s common to find the General with his nose in a book up in that office of his. I wonder what he’s always reading about? It seems to be pretty important stuff to him since he’s unaware of the rest of the world and his face sets in concentration. I asked Angeal once. He said Sephiroth would tell me in his own time once he felt he could trust me. I hope he tells me soon. I want to be one of his trusted people.

    by on 07.02.2010
  4. average, boring, unoriginal. dull. ” i am just a common man…” the beginning of the notebook

  5. It was a common mistake to make, saying hello to her on the way to the Underground. Perhaps he should’ve brought a bunch of flowers–nay, where would the point in that be?

    by Antonio Watson on 07.02.2010
  6. I don’t want to be common, but isn’t it common to want to be uncommon?

  7. Can you fly the good the flag of faith the kindest kind the gold inside your common sense?

    by GeeGee on 07.02.2010
  8. It was common for them to feel that way. It was how they got through life. Her keeping her distance, him keeping his. Their connection was their distance.

    by Elise on 07.02.2010
  9. ommon communion:
    just a bunch of different viewpoints clashing at the center
    and a spirit arises this spirit is ‘common’ it has a color and exists as an abstraction of all our gaseous beliefs and spirits.

    by zak on 07.02.2010
  10. The young couple met just outside of the Common, so no one in the marketplace would see them and tell their parents.

  11. Common. That is a better word than salute which I wrote to twice, yesterday.

    I have a common face.
    People think they know me,
    all the time

    “Weren’t you the one who?
    “haven’t we met?
    Didn’t you used to?
    Where do you/did you/work

    I look like someone or everyone and
    other ones feel compelled to tell me, to
    find out more perhaps, yes, I think it is – –
    That I am undeniably common.

  12. It was common for her to go off by herself. In the woods, in her room, she talked to someone who couldn’t leak the secrets. Dog or paper, it didn’t matter. The emotions flowed.

  13. Uncommon. Common.
    Common is an uncommon word.
    Regular is used more.
    Who decided what is and isn’t regular or common?
    Common things are sometimes boring.
    I’m in a bad mood. Kbye

  14. common. im sooooo common hahah who cares though its better to be average and happy that beautiful, increadibal, amazing and totally sad and depressed so suck it geldof kids !!!!! haha

    by rachael on 07.02.2010
  15. something that is ordinary and nothing special. anything that is common is not unusual or special. it is something seen everyday and not thought deeply about but rather taken for granted and considered unimportant.

    by Shannon on 07.02.2010
  16. “You are nothing but a common piece of trash. Get rid of it.” He spit his words like venom. His eyes burned into mine. Seconds after his enraged declaration, he stormed from the room, and the house.

    My eyes welled with tears. I caressed my still flat abdomen. “I still love you.” I said in a weak voice to my growing child.

    by CeraLyn on 07.02.2010
  17. unlike the drifting humans flowing through shopping centers like a leaf through a stream bouncing off of the randomly placed bodies before it, he considered himself to be unique, standing staid against a lightpole gazing out from an indescript hat that covered his eyes and hid his scorn and desires.

    by paul on 07.02.2010
  18. “Common ground, Common ground” he yelled as he paced back in forth in front of the old blue refrigerator. He paused with a hand on the refrigerator handle and examined a tattered black and white photograph of a dog held in place my a magnet shaped like a piece of corn.
    He turned to her and said, ” It’s all Im asking for.”

    by gman on 07.02.2010
  19. I want to live like common people. I want to do what common people do.

  20. I thought that I was rare. Thought that I was different. Totaly unique. Turns out all I am is a list of things that make me common. Everything I thought was special was just another thing making me like everyone else.

    by TayTay on 07.02.2010
  21. She said we had nothing in common and I laughed at her. She said we had no future and I laughed at her. She said she didn’t want to see me again, and I laughed at her. She tried to walk out the door…And I twisted her neck until her spine popped…Then I laughed at her.

  22. Find some common ground, huh? Fine. We’re both human. We’re both kinda white. We both hate each other. Is that good enough?

    Oh, and we’re both insanely in love with the same guy.


  23. why oh why
    may i ask why?
    why do i feel this way
    why do i feel so twisted turned, scarred and burned
    why can’t i cry?
    why can’t i talk?
    why oh why must i ask why?
    why am i here
    why do i care
    why can’t i scream out and do as i dare?
    why do i feel so helpless yet free?
    why do i live with such sorrow in me?
    why oh why does it even matter
    asking these questions only makes me madder.

    by gabrielle on 07.02.2010
  24. It is common to find a bear hiding in a cave. It is also common to find bees hiding in a bee hive. What is not common, however, is to find a human, hiding inside a turtle’s shell. Yeah, I know, you’re now thinking about how crazy I am. And I completely agree, but here’s the thing: I can’t help it. It’s what I’ve been taught. Yes, I was taught to hide in turtle shells. By whom, you may ask? By the the turtles, of course! You see, I was raised by turtles. Yes, turtles. You’ve heard stories about being raised by wolves, about being raised by monkeys and apes, but my storyy is being raised by turtles.

    by Alex on 07.02.2010
  25. Her dull hair. Her green eyes. Her small nose. Her curve-less figure. His crimson eyes surveyed her, observing her every feature and flaw. If anyone asked, he would say she was common, without hesitation. But in his own mind, in the shadows where nobody could reach him, he knew that she was anything but.

  26. It didn’t actually happen that often. It wasn’t a regular occurrence – how could it be? Happiness was fleeting, and then it was gone, almost as if that ghost of a smile never existed. Shame.

  27. Hmm.. cOmmon is jUs so cOmmon and Usual wOrd dt i dun hv to say anythng special abOut it.. hmm thEre is sOmthng: da mOst cOmmon thngs b/w me nd my frnd is we bOth r sHy nd un-sOcial.. nd dts da thing I jUs lov abOut hEr :).. (tOtally absUrd ;P)

  28. There was absolutely nothing common about the way he stalked the streets that night. It was clear he had a purpose and the sinister look in his dark eyes made it very clear that tonight someone would be meeting their end.

    by Don L on 07.02.2010
  29. the common misconception about the word “common” is that everyone thinks that “common” means something that is normal and is very familiar. but the truth is that “common” is the name of a rapper.

    by Jonny on 07.02.2010
  30. There is so little in common between us, and yet we connect so well. Sometimes I wonder what we even talk about for hours on end, and I can’t think of any particular subjects. But the air between us is always filled with conversation.

  31. things that are all over the place. nouns that are not specific people, things, places, or ideas. not unusual, or maybe unusual but just very present.

    by Rozzy on 07.02.2010
  32. We have nothing in common. We are unalike in every way. Why do I feel like we are the same, like we’re supposed to be together? We aren’t the same. We are different and yet, our uncommoness sets us apart from the rest.

  33. What we had was rare. Neither of us ever hurt each other. What I did was common. I felt like I was missing something with him, so I tried to find it with someone else…only to find it had been there with him all along. So what would be really rare? If we get through it. If we work our way back to love.

    by Victoria on 07.02.2010
  34. “It’s a common thing,” She always told me. “So don’t you worry about it…” But I heard the discreet tone lying under the surface of her words. It wasn’t so common, and something had to be done about it.

  35. “Have you considered the possibility that this is…that people like us are…perhaps more common than you thought?” I asked.
    “No,” he said, shaking his head. “This is odd. This…can’t be coincidence.”

    by Anny on 07.02.2010
  36. We all have SOMETHING in common. Did you know that a black man and a white woman have more genetically in common than 2 seemingly-identical Emperor Penguins? Throw THAT fact around in your next argument.

  37. ordinary. disgusting. just like you, you filthy brown-nosing no good middle class american. what do you have to show for anything? i can smell your greed from here. just like them all. common just like everyone.

    by joanna on 07.02.2010
  38. common denominator.. recent studies show that you have been awoken.. now rise and praise the day as it is all you have and all that is really there. now.. is always here. and here is never far.. so reach out and grab hold, we are all here together..

    by ashley on 07.02.2010
  39. common days, & trying to clear my mind, clearing my mind for the masses so i’ll have something to show for the masses of people watching, and the common classes i took all through common highschool years, with common people, dating common boys and loving common love. i am common, we are common. we are a community.

  40. Common. Yesterday as I walked around the square, I pondered about the word “common”. Generally used as a adjective for the

    by Madie on 07.02.2010