
August 4th, 2009 | 285 Entries

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285 Entries for “collapse”

  1. there was a complete and utter collapse as the day ended and sleep enveloped us all. we had hiked as far as our tired tired feet would drag us. we were safe for now…

    by Karen on 08.04.2009
  2. seeing an old woman collapsing with a bag of groceries, apples and eggs rolling and splattering all over the pavement. everyone watches.

    by Belle on 08.04.2009
  3. you made me collapse into your life, and hurt me even more than the start. you’re my everything, but yet you continue to hurt me. you tell me you love me, but i have to share you with someone else. my heart is collapsing, please save me

    by stephanie on 08.04.2009
  4. i finally got my voice to hurt.

    why should i take it all back?
    he deserved the obscenities.

    I love you dad.

    by bristol m on 08.04.2009
  5. and she collapsed into his arms, as the arrow pierced her flesh. it was over, and no one would suffer further. Evil had been defeated/

    by morgan on 08.04.2009
  6. I feel like I’m about to collapse. I cannot remember ever feeling so drained; physically or emotionally. This is why I shouldn’t be allowed to plan my underage friends’ baby showers. It makes me want to give mankind a beating.

    by Tomato on 08.04.2009
  7. This is what the house in my free association exercise was doing. Ian says that the exterior of the house represents how you view yourself. Interesting.

    by yeah on 08.04.2009
  8. collapse. my life. like a stack of blocks. precariously piled, one on top of the other. no plan, no decision, nothing. just arbitrary directions, meaningless paths, and then… collapse. try to learn from my mistakes, but just build the tower over again. and wait for collapse. it never ends.

    by Katie 123 on 08.04.2009
  9. the free fall of everything withstanding. After a long hard time alone on the world and all there is is no one there to catch you as you fall. A complete and total give in and give up of the body the spirit and the mind. Faltering falling needlessly running. falling through to hit hard upon the rocky surface

    by Sammie on 08.04.2009
  10. “goodbye”, into the abyss she fell. Tumbling into what seemed as if it were eternity. downward she went, the darkness had enveloped her body. confused, her mind sank into a deep mysteries wormhole. forever barly seemed to fit the time of her collapse.

    by victoria on 08.04.2009
  11. I feel very often like I’m going to collapse. Out of sheer desperation and heartache. I may never heal, i have to deal with that. but fun things collapse too, like lungs. haha jk. but like collapsable umbrellas. and stuff.

    by Morgan on 08.04.2009
  12. The first thing that comes to mind when I see this word is 911. The twin towers collapsing as the planes (or whatever) hit them. Also I think of an accordion.

    by April on 08.04.2009
  13. to fall in an unorganized manner directly to the groud, how one feels when completely exhausted from an extended duration of mental or physical stress. I collapsed under the strength of my fat ass piece of shit brother falling on me, his weight was tremendous and riduclously insane.

    by cody on 08.04.2009
  14. Collapse? That’s what I have to write about? well, the first thing that comes to mind is the collapse of the American government and economy. It’s either coming, or not coming at all. Either we will fall, or the government will finally make their move and eliminate ALL of our freedoms. Fuckers.

    by Clint on 08.04.2009
  15. Collapse is a really dramatic word. People do it when they’re in a state of panic. Why can’t people ever just sit down? Wouldn’t that save the EMS a hell of a lot of trouble. Imagine how many times those guys think, “Damn, another one!”

    by Terry Hutchins on 08.04.2009
  16. My heart has collapsed, and no one will save me.

    by Ryan on 08.04.2009
  17. I collapsed a box that was too big for my room. Therefore I somewhat recycled. I only thought of this because of the previous StumbleUpon site where a pizza box was made into several plates and then a container for leftovers. Really the idea is somewhat pointless in my perspective because I do the same thing with a normal pizza box. However, tree huggers need to make a living which is respectable.

    by Alex poh on 08.04.2009
  18. the collapse of rome. a subject most debated in the pseudo-intellectual community. somehow, i got sucked right into the argument and here i am, on a raft in the indian ocean, floating on with a college professor i never knew before.

    by fitzy on 08.04.2009
  19. The great, white statue was brought in under itself when the man with the explosives ran into the museum. He died next to his marble replica, and they combined to make a great mass of white and intestines and blood and beauty. Art met man. The people ran, but I stayed, tears falling down my face.

    by Ronz on 08.04.2009
  20. the building collapsed under the weight of the huge monster,his growl a tornado,his step an earthquake.
    people screamed as pieces of debris rained down from the sky.

    by william shan on 08.04.2009
  21. my armpits sweat so clean and clear because it’s not from heat it’s from the swelling fear oozing into my stomach.

    by Ananda on 08.04.2009
  22. i will collapse in the hotel. Feeling as though I have been stabbed in the back. Though no knife is attached; I feel it. Words can have this effect. Too bad that baby was not mine.

    by Phillip on 08.04.2009

    by c to the dawg on 08.04.2009
  24. My lungs were begging for oxygen and my legs felt like they were made of jelly. My hands fell to my knees as I gasped for breath. I was worried my legs would give it any moment and I would collapse onto the mud at my feet.

    It was the feeling I lived for.

    by josebachachicken on 08.04.2009
  25. i feel as though i will collapse if i ever see her face again. i watch them in disgust and see the flaws that i didnt see before. i am thankful for this pain for it has opened my eyes. if i had not endured this then i would not have learned this lesson.

    by Nick Adkins on 08.04.2009
  26. I collapsed on the floor in relief of the ending result. What a relief to find out that my instints were correct and that it really didn’t make a difference how much

    by cathy on 08.04.2009
  27. and i collapse and there’s that little bit of me on the floor- i don’t take up nearly as much space when my bones and muscles give out at once- and there’s a nice feeling of not being up and not fighting gravity, not balancing, just being plain dropped.

    by wigout on 08.04.2009
  28. The bulb breaks as the bomb drops destroying all of the life and its crops. Not a sign of life on the earth it hit the city at the girth. No one to recount no one to care. Just debris scattered everywhere

    by Savannah Kennedy on 08.04.2009
  29. Collapse on the world of insanity. The world of fake politics, fake people, fake lives, fake monetary values. Leave it all. Go to a place where you can be alone. And think. think, think.

    by Jeremy on 08.04.2009
  30. Till I collapse I’m spilling my guts to the world about how I fell inside. I’m not going to collapse in a world I hate, a world of HATE. I will overcome and succede

    by Jadkins on 08.04.2009
  31. Collapse: like a rag doll dropped on the floor in the middle of a thunderstorm because you’re frightened by the great and terrible sounds. Your daddy holds you close; you can smell his beard. The doll is left behind on the rough wood floor, soaking up rain from the leaky roof as you forget your fear and become a big girl.

    by alyson on 08.04.2009
  32. collapse collapse collapse.

    I give in.

    by Alfie on 08.04.2009
  33. Don’t be afraid if you’re in the middle of a sentence, and then all of sudden you turn around and see it c
    l l
    a p

    by Myona on 08.04.2009
  34. .. this is a tough one. personally i think about anyone thats emotionaly hurting, not anything physical. i guess sometimes when i’m so stressed out i feel like i am going to collapse..emotionaly.

    by caroline. on 08.04.2009
  35. When you take something for granted, whether its your ability to do a certain thing, or the way you see a person, and suddenly its gone, or changed. Your perceptions of a person might collapse, or you might in your inability to do what you love.

    by Bradford on 08.04.2009
  36. it was the end of an empire. I had spent my entire life builing this company and here it was crashing down before my eyes. And it was all because of her.
    I tried so hard to bring her down myself, but everytime I looked into the beautiful hazel eyes, my heart melted. Metaphorically of course.

    by Don Trius on 08.04.2009
  37. Buildings, pages, words, people, indestructible, nothing does, Only because everything collapses.

    by Nick on 08.04.2009
  38. and as i look on while you are making excuses, i cannot help but feel you are weak and useless and i hear you but i do not listen because you fail to make sense you and your failing alibis. collapsing each time you try to make an alibi and we do not know what you are trying to say you don’t even know what you are saying. you are weak and pathetic but you do not know do you? collapse further and further and further and you will know just how pathetic i think you are with your excuses and alibis.

    by glenn on 08.04.2009
  39. She fell to the ground, tears streaming down her cheeks. How could something so unspeakable happen to someone so pure? She sobbed uncontrollably; every tear its own promise of vindication for her friend… her brother.

    by Manny on 08.04.2009
  40. She collasped to the ground without warning. She surrendered the last bit of her strength to a world that would not stop until it’d drained her of her very will to stand. Upon the only half-vacuumed carpet, she had no will to stand once more. She remain, a collapsed, broken pile of emptyness and failure.

    by Samantha on 08.04.2009