
July 19th, 2009 | 196 Entries

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196 Entries for “coin”

  1. money fun rides fares chucy cheeses me gold on thE DAY OF LIFE

    by LUCAS on 07.19.2009
  2. coin. throw coins at the dancer. shimmering lights, applause, shouts of joy. Noone knows the darknsss inside. the lonliness. It is the dancer.

    by rebecca on 07.19.2009
  3. coin. i need a million more for our economy is merely declining.

    by walter on 07.19.2009
  4. Money-needed to do just about anything in this rinky dink town of California that my parents decided to move us to in the middle of my high school career. Money-needed to do anything or enjoy even the simplest life has to offer such as the mall movies dinner out with the girls.

    by jules on 07.19.2009
  5. it began with the coin. billy found it all rusty and damaged lying on the ground next to the arcade machine. he signed. perhaps it would prevent him from returning home early and avoiding a scolding. but he was a kid, so he inserted it into the slot and played the arcade game anyways. little did he know that this simple act would change his life forever.

    by carl shan on 07.19.2009
  6. I had a coin in my pocket. It wasn’t just any coin, it was a magical coin. This coin was gold, flat, and hard, but it was also filled with the hopes and dreams of little children. This coin was happiness. Money is happiness, sometimes.

    by Samantha on 07.19.2009
  7. the coin bounced off the woman’s bust and she had to try to prevent the tears.
    “heeey, sweetie-” the man slurred, beer clouding his breath. “wanna have some fuuun?”
    she didn’t want to do this. but she needed the money- oh how she needed the money! she tried to repress the overwhelming feeling of disgust as she leaned in and pressed her lips against his.

    by hanna on 07.19.2009
  8. the coins rushed out of the machine to her amazement. As the metal flowed through her hands a thought occurred to her ‘maybe I won’t kill myself tomorrow’

    by Jennifer on 07.19.2009
  9. golden coin shining on the ground.
    all alone waiting to be found.
    looking for a pocket to call its own.
    a wallet, a purse a place to belong.
    it doesnt matter really cause soon it will be spent
    and then it may fall to the ground again.

    by Lucy on 07.19.2009
  10. coins that are gold and rusty and remind you of pirates and peter pan and how he rescued tiger lily. tiger lily like tims daughter who is half korean and i always thought it would be cool to be the progeny of a famous artist. dad was an artist, but not famous. but who needs fame anyway?

    by jeani on 07.19.2009
  11. I like a coin named nickel. It has Jefferson on it and I like the color. It is like a muted silver and it is just the right size. I like that 20 nickels equal one dollar and when you stack the 20 they usually stay on top of each other. I think they will always make nickles and probably will not do away with them for a very long time.

    by Carol B on 07.19.2009
  12. money controls our lives
    for better or worse
    get it how you want
    but i’m not getting mine
    not for me
    this is it
    money will rule you

    by suzi on 07.19.2009
  13. money currency pound round silver gold wealth riches poverty bob geldof music ukulele hawai’i grass skirts cats dogs movie film

    by James on 07.19.2009
  14. round and shiney and ron weasleys face!
    heads or tails innit =]
    and they smell REALLY good.
    they might taste good too, but idk where theyve been
    Probly eaten by somebody ^_^
    suzy hirons ate a 20p once.
    Pretty rank really

    by Soph on 07.19.2009
  15. “We’ll flip a coin for it.”


    “Call it.”


    The coin flew up and arced slightly in the air.

    As it came back down it seemed to momentarily stop as if the time were slowing down.

    The weight of the matter pulled it down…


    Horrified, he screamed.

    Then as he knew he must, he sighed and accepted his fate…

    by Nick Matherne on 07.19.2009
  16. I like to collect coins. My great Uncle Kenneth had a wonderful coin collection. I have one coin that belonged to my grandpa Brad. I also have an indian head penny. Coin Colleting is lots of fun. I really enjoy seeing all the old coins.

    by chrisy on 07.19.2009
  17. money honey. Fast cash. Dollars. noise. I like the quite stuff. Add a lot of coins together and what do you have? Plenty of noise. I said noise honey. You can save up enough change to buy a new 30K truck if you want. What looks like a little is more than you know. Money honey.

    by queenofhearts375 on 07.19.2009
  18. fuck money
    lets all try to love each other
    love the world
    yeah, fuck money
    help somebody who doesn’t have any
    give away your change

    by eli on 07.19.2009
  19. what is the coin, that i do not like.
    smells of copper, yuck.
    its no coincidence to coincide.

    by jake on 07.19.2009
  20. I have a coin… it’s blank, but I keep it in the jar with the rest of my collection. In a way, it’s nothingness defines it… makes it unique. People always disregard it. But I think it’s awesome. In a way, it’s more awesome than the really old dime I have. Even though it’s worth almost nothing.

    by KT on 07.19.2009
  21. Flip the coin, heads or tails.

    by Bill on 07.19.2009
  22. money, change, having bling. Shiny, silver, copper. Useless to some, craved by others, helping the homeless, sharing with buskers, leaving at tills, collecting on the dresser. Should we get rid of them?

    by Joanne on 07.19.2009
  23. money is tax funding about tax the tax is fun than the coat is what is seen it can be unnofficial and what the hell is this i am goin nuts abut it i am excited money is all that all is about ad all can be.

    by michael s on 07.19.2009
  24. I find it on the sidewalk. It does nothing for me, except perhaps convince me that not everything is out to get me. Until, of course, I fall and break my neck looking for more.

    by Lita on 07.19.2009
  25. I dropped a nickel on my way to school today. A man that was homeless pointed it out to me.”Hey kid,” he yelled. I told him to keep it but he said it was worthless.

    by Dan on 07.19.2009
  26. the coin landed on the ground gracefully, it made a beautiful sound, like music. All the coins in the world make a sweet melody, one allowed only to be heard by those who listen. The rejoiceful music of money is what humans crave, money, and happiness, yet it cannot be earned, it must be heard.

    by Nikolette on 07.19.2009
  27. Sometimes I will drop pennies on the ground in the hopes that a small child will find it and have a lucky day. It may just be only a coin but to me it has magical powers.

    by Lauren Hall on 07.19.2009
  28. flip a coin to decided someone’s fate
    a path probably worth taking
    one side – heads -permits you to go one way
    the other – tails – permits you to go the other
    in one flip something is decided… yet, the coin stands on it’s edges and the decision falls flat
    …too indecisive, so little time, is it possible to choose both directions instead and still succeed?

    by laelah on 07.19.2009
  29. 30 coins in my pocket, all of them worthless because together they still don’t equal enough to buy a sandwich or a drink, both of which I need desperately. I was not prepared for the day that I couldn’t afford to eat.

    by HF on 07.19.2009
  30. coin operated boy is a song I thought, at first, was about a boy coming to life but, as it turns out I was horribly wrong when someone informed me it was really about a vibrator. Oh you silly Dresden Dolls and crazy tattooed eyebrow lead singer.

    by Sally on 07.19.2009
  31. He pushed his sweating hands into his pocket and pulled out the slightly dulled and scratched coin. The surface was roughed, like it had spent its entire life rubbing up against others of its kind – spent, returned, respent. It never had an identity, just a value. That’s what it was today. Just enough to pay for that bicycle.

    by Fraize on 07.19.2009
  32. she wandered off from the grown-ups and their polite conversations. Her 3 year old eyes were flying over the world in front of her, and her gaze landed on a forgotten coin that had slipped on to the floor. curious, pleased, at her find she picked it up, ran her fingers over it, stared at it, smelled it. it smelled funny,and made her crinkle her button nose up.

    The poet watched, smiling at her curiosity. She marveled at the wonder in her eyes, the surprise. Shaking her head, wistfully, she thought that it was as if she and the girl were part of a world of their own, a world of quiet thought, watching and listening, and everyone else in a far away place, where the wonders were dismissed. She laughed at her luck, almost spilling the secret on her tongue.

    by mitali on 07.19.2009
  33. a coin drops. it has two sides, one heads, one tails. it cannot land on but one — and the one that lands down will be eclipsed, gone forever, irretrievable. what choice should i make? i love him. should i leave to go to him? whatever i do… the other choice will be gone.

    by kyro on 07.19.2009
  34. moneyt is gold and copper and silver and green. paper, copper silver. Used to buy money, back in the day they used coins for currency and to trade items. a quarter is 25 cents a penny is 1 cent and a nikel is worth 5 cents and a dime is worth 10 cents.

    by riley cuper on 07.19.2009
  35. i now have a coin jar, because my husband inexplicably does not want his coin change. i want it! i now have a change jar and i have visions of plane tickets to far away tropical destinations, all earned from spare change.

    by shahsi on 07.19.2009
  36. The face of the coin was unremarkable, an no amount of polishing would change that. He took it as a metaphor for himself.

    by Dave on 07.19.2009
  37. it was there. it was round. and glittery. a little glittery. but more glittery than I had expected. why had it fallen out of his pocket? was there a reason? was i supposed to find it? i walked on but couldn’t bear to pass it up. i took a tep backward to pivk it up and as i leaned down i saw it. why was this happening to me?

    by Lisa on 07.19.2009
  38. A coin is something you can pay for things with. In the greek times a god would put a coin over your eyes so you could pay for the god to take you to the afterlife. Coins are pretty and shiny and are usually very useful. People collect coins and people through coins into fountains. I love coins.

    by Rina on 07.19.2009
  39. cold scrap glued to the sidewalk with wintergreen gum
    blackened by age and temperature
    and the pressure of thousands of feet shuffling along that dirty alley sidewalk
    innocuous piece of trash

    by jane doe on 07.19.2009
  40. the coin in mario is what your after, And yet not really because the coins dont really do much for you, sure if you get 100 you get a free life but it just doesnt seem worth it when you can just find free lifes in randome boxes everywhere in the maps. Also I mean a coin seems so silly if you really think about it, just doesnt make sence

    by Joseph on 07.19.2009