
January 9th, 2024 | 5 Entries

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5 Entries for “pills”

  1. The bottle fell out of the medicine cabinet when she opened the door. The lid opened and the pills spilled out. She couldn’t read the label. She brought the bottle to her brother. “What are these?”

    by Chanpheng on 01.10.2024
  2. Pills are these tiny, magic beans that have these massive effects. I’m terrified my boy will get into them when he’s older. I don’t care if he smokes, drinks, or does certain drugs, but pills and fentanyl scare the daylights out of me.

    I always wondered, growing up, how the medicine knew which part of your body to help. I didn’t understand it just went through your entire body, and there could be side effects.

    by BB on 01.10.2024
  3. Pull the old sweater from the bottom of the closet. Pull them off, one by one. I think that’s what they’re called. I recall my mother saying something like that. Decades before we said goodbye for the last time. She looked so small. I could’ve put her in my pocket.

  4. A small object used to give me a false happiness, prescribed by the those happier than myself in an attempt to make me feel like them but not be one of them. Do they really work, or am I holding hope for nothing.

    by Kibby on 01.10.2024
  5. Pilla are great medication for oneself, it helps people heal on the feeling that they feel. also there are many functions that pills can give us. but to keep in mind that there is a danger when it comes to pills altough it can help us but overdoing can give the opposite side effects, it can lead to gravely sickenning on one self. That’s why it is important to bear in mind the moderation of usage on this pills.

    by Gels on 01.10.2024