
February 6th, 2010 | 181 Entries

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181 Entries for “checks”

  1. this what people do to one another. they check each other out. also, i write checks. i balance my checkbook. if i check something off a list, i’m indicating that it is completed. a check is like a bird beak. it is free and open as opposed to an x. it is decisive too.

    by lael on 02.07.2010
  2. U dont need to use cash when using a check. Basicaly a cheat way of paying!
    U keep thenm them in a book and they are sometimes stolen.
    All in all dangerous but useful!

    by maya10 on 02.07.2010
  3. U dont need to use cash when using a check. Basicaly a cheat way of paying!
    U keep thenm them in a book and they are sometimes stolen.
    All in all dangerous but useful!

    by maya10 on 02.07.2010
  4. Money. Money, the root of all evil. Checks only help this along. It was bad enough when it was just gold coins and stuff, but now people can give away entire fortunes with a tiny piece of paper that can be totally falsified if somebody tried hard enough.

    by X.L. on 02.07.2010
  5. The checks on his shirt helped cover the blood stains but a keen observer and I mean a really7 keen observer may have picked it up. But for now it blended nicely with the red and blue checks. red, blue and blood.

    by Anu on 02.07.2010
  6. The boxes running down the right side of the paper were full of checks:

    Sleeps well? Check
    Smiles frequently? Check
    Talks frequently? Check

    All except for one:


    by me on 02.07.2010
  7. CHecks tend to bounce only when you haven’t been checking. Checks provide a visual delusion that strips just can’t muster up. Checks and balances are important when you really want to know the final analysis. Checkin it out can be fun.. when it’s frivolous.

    by livingbliss on 02.07.2010
  8. Check this check that, wastes my time, but importantly, is essential for safety.

    by Haha on 02.07.2010
  9. CHecks tend to bounce only when you haven’t been checking. Checks provide a visual delusion that strips just can’t muster up. Checks and balances are important when you really want to know the final analysis. Checkin it out can be fun.. when it’s frivolous.

    by livingbliss on 02.07.2010
  10. when the word checks comes to my mind, I think of all the security checks that I have gone through. After 9/11, the world has never been the same again. At airports, railway stations, etc. you have checks. Life was never the same. You have security checks for every

    by Deepu on 02.07.2010
  11. He was mesmerized by the fold in her shirt, filled with tiny tiny checks.

    by on 02.07.2010

    by on 02.07.2010
  13. are in need of being cashed so that you have money. If you do not cash them, you’re broke and can’t buy that new guitar. Sometimes checks are bad. I hate those, they suck.

    by Cheyenne on 02.07.2010
  14. so many meanings and connotations: money, problems, overdrafts, being sure, being safe, being wrong, being angry and getting your point across about the source of the anger, patterns….

    by theadora on 02.07.2010
  15. How many checks do you write these days. Everything gets paid by charge or over the web. All those pretty checks sitting in your desk drawer. Watch out for fraud.

    by Chris G on 02.07.2010
  16. トラベラーズチェックなしで家を出ないでください。

    by on 02.07.2010
  17. bank checks (not cheques), security checks, pre-flight checks.
    cheques, banks, money, need a job. student, skint, checks for uni, to get a job therefore money.

    by Lauren on 02.07.2010
  18. checks are fun to write when you first learn how. i think it is fun anyway. i suppose it would not be fun to just hand out your money, in a way, but what order would life have without money?

    by anna on 02.07.2010
  19. the checks bounced as they always did. they never found out who he really was, just that he spend an exorbitant amount of money on absolutely nothing. the same outfits and the same monotonous voice. cash this check please. id and paperwork done, he walked out with thousands of dollars.

    by pat on 02.07.2010
  20. checks, checks, checks all the way through the bridge. you can’t look on the other side of the river untill you have been through at least one thousand check stations. but checking for what?

    by mmmm on 02.07.2010
  21. checks are annoying. If they weren’t absolutely necessary to pay my creepy landlord who neglects us I wouldn’t even have them. However, the micro print signature line that looks like a line but is really words is kind of genius.

    by Jenna Douglas on 02.07.2010
  22. We’re learning about checks and balances. I think its kinda sad that that’s the first thing that popped in my head when I saw today’s word. It shows that school’s been taking up a lot of time in my life, more than i really want to spend on it. I wish that summer would just come already.

    by tna on 02.07.2010
  23. Boing, boing, boing, boing. My life is held in the balance by bouncing checks. It would be funny, except I’m almost 40 and have two kids.

    by girl down the hall on 02.07.2010
  24. I ordered new checks on line. much to my surprise it came with a menagerie of duck bills; slightly used.

    by on 02.07.2010
  25. he checks the shelves every evening but this day, he couldnt.shuffling miserably out of the room, he didnt even look back to say goodbye. it was obvious something was wrong. I opened my mouth to ask,but he had gone already….

    by hadia on 02.07.2010
  26. The last checks were still in the box but I could not bring myself to fill one out. If I send the tuition it will commit me to action and I can’t bear another commitment. Or I can face it. Whichever I will likely fail so why open myself to that pain. I’d rather wash dishes for a living than be a lawyer.
    Write the check. Write the check.

    by David on 02.07.2010
  27. well…

    by on 02.07.2010
  28. Our great country, the USA, was founded on the idea of a government having checks and balances; little did they know, banks already had those.

    by Scotty on 02.07.2010
  29. Thank god I don’t have to deal with checks, is all I have to say. It just seems like they bring more problems- along with everything else that has to do with money these days. Money sucks, but who doesn’t already know that. Also, my period key sucks, because it’s broken

    by Caroline on 02.07.2010
  30. i love getting checks lots of them , every bank has a diiferent style of check book i love all the different

    by on 02.07.2010
  31. I took the check and thanked him. The man just nodded towards me, stood up and left. I stood there staring. I was a waitress- and he, a famous star, really wanted to meet me! heaven, here I am!

    by Myself on 02.07.2010
  32. The check was in the mail. That was the last thing I wanted to hear. I owed him the money, sure, but now there was a bigger problem: my account would be overdrawn, and my parents would be alerted.

    by Zac on 02.07.2010
  33. things to do before you go on vacation. a list you make to make sure you have packed it all and don’t forget your toothbrush. also something you should do before you get out of your hyundai getz to make sure that the lights are off since it doesn’t have a sound that goes off when you open the door and not put off the lights.

    by charl on 02.07.2010
  34. checks he never liked, you have to invest efforts, to get to your well earned money. on the other hand, you see in words, how much your work is worth a certain amount, can be too low, can be more than expected.

    by on 02.07.2010
  35. he cheks my pocket and finds nothing… u were fooles brother i aint a terrorist… this is wat happens in the muslim world today…

    by on 02.07.2010
  36. Why is it that chess boards have checks on them. Why couldn’t they have circles or even stars, I’m pretty sure that it would make the game of chess more interesting.

    by Kim on 02.07.2010
  37. and balances.
    It’s funny how I thought of something from history class. I’m not sure which one of my history classes I learned it from, though.
    Checkmarks make me think of those bullets on ms word.

    by Jasmin on 01.01.1970
  38. i don’t use checks anymore i haven’t written a check in over 5 years. they are strange anyway . . . why do they have value?

    by mark on 01.01.1970
  39. I’m thinking about government, and the checks and balances system. It’s bothering me. I mean, sure we need checks and balances in our government. BUT WHO NEEDS TO TAKE GOVERNMENT IN SCHOOL WHEN WE ALREADY LEARNED IT IN AMERICAN HISTORY?
    That is all.

    by Asmaa on 01.01.1970
  40. I hate checks. I think they embody so much what society wants. Honestly. I never got checks though at my last job. I had an undetected job, kinda, cause I was working without papers. So they paid me in cash. Checks are funny. Nike has checks for their logo. I wonder where it came from. I’ll wiki it. Swoosh. Why is it swoosh. It doesn’t swoosh. I don’t get it.

    by Alfred on 01.01.1970