
February 28th, 2011 | 616 Entries

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616 Entries for “cheap”

  1. I think people take too much into the word ‘cheap’. I love cheap things. I get excited when i get more cereal for just a few cents less. I’m a bargin shopper, it comes from my mother. Well, more from my family’s financial status. We have to choose between bills sometimes. What to pay. We’ve never had fancy stuff, just cheap stuff, and it’s always looked nice.

    by Tamara on 02.28.2011
  2. i don’t like this word. absolutely nothing is coming to mind? except maybe the fact i wish more stuff was just that.

    by jess on 02.28.2011
  3. jjjj why is the word always cheep. i want a new word. lalalala jjjlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll

    by laura on 02.28.2011
  4. that guy didn’t leave a tip. Spend more on the better brands because it’s worth it. What a dirty play. I’m broke.

    by Stephen Johnson on 02.28.2011
  5. sometimes i think pizza could be cheap, for example dominos but then I eat it and I love it so much all over again. i appreciate it for being cheap. i hope nobody will ever think i’m cheap. not that i want to be like..expensive. But I don’t want to be worth nothing. i want to be worth a good chunk of something. that would be nice.

    by kaitlyn on 02.28.2011
  6. cheap.. items that are poorly made.. cheap hooker. i think friendships can be cheap and oyu can be jipped. people don’t treat oyu as thye should and they are cheap friends.. you need to fill your life with rich people and i’m not talking money wise.. but personality wise..

    by Stephanie Kerrigan on 02.28.2011
  7. You may be content. Or perhaps, you only think you are. You think you are because you want to be. You are afraid to go beyond what you know. You are fearful of the unknown. You think you’re happy but you’re sad. You’re pitiful.

    by sdfdsf on 02.28.2011
  8. Cheap clothes make me happy. I love shopping in the clearance section of pretty much any clothes store. I don’t feel embarrassed or anything, I love it!

  9. Mr krabs French toast money pancakes parents food teachers pay school textbooks aren’t neither are computers Owl city rocks so do doughnuts which can be cheap but also pricey and other stuff and uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh I like cheese and art but paper is cheap so are some people and I cringe cuz I feel like it I like books books rule and yeah

    by Poseidonchild on 02.28.2011
  10. I love buying clothes that are super cheap. And I really don’t mind it at all. I mean, if I like it, and it looks good on me then I’m gonna buy it.

    by Katie Joan on 02.28.2011
  11. I was at a hotel room and I had a cheap bottle of wine next to a cheap girl I picked up off the street. When did I start being that guy? I never thought that I would have the capacity to love anyone but her and now the absence of her is making me turn to things that shouldn’t define me at all. That don’t define me. I wanted to turn the girl in front of me, with her smudged lipstick and her dripping mascara, away from me and send her out the door. But what could I do? I didn’t have the strength.

    by monica st. amant on 02.28.2011
  12. The cheapest tricks of all were the ones where she had to show a little leg, a little cleavage, and she hated them immensely. They were the reason she came off a sting angry and a bit quick off the mark with her gun and her words. The others laughed, but they didn’t have to strut around in four-inch heels and fishnets for some creep to ogle as bait.

    Maybe one day they would get their comeuppance.

    And when the drag queen case landed on her desk, she knew that day had come.

  13. ( >_< ) START OVER!

    by SinYee Lei on 02.28.2011
  14. cheap is means that use few money to get a thing that you want.

    by Lodye on 02.28.2011
  15. Nothing’s cheap. Nothing! Not even ignorance. In a way this is a misleading, illusory notion. I pay for each breath, even its cessation, each tear, each smile, each gasp… nothing is cheap or free. Life is fairer than we realize!

  16. My love is cheap. My love for you was always cheap. Not deep, but shallow, like in a drought. My love for you was pale, cheap. I sold out on you, it’s true. I can sweep you away, like dust on the ground. Cheap, my love, you’re cheap.

    by Alexa on 02.28.2011
  17. It’s one thing to appreciate the little things in life, like antique stores or secondhand stores, it’s another to just buy things because their inexpensive while never once acknowledging that an old teacup, ceramic creamer, or silver-plated serving tray had a history that was purchased with it too. These things come with fun-to-imagine pasts lives — which is the real bargain! And sadly it seems like that added bonus is something cheapskates will never value.

    by on 02.28.2011
  18. She was standing on the corner’s edge, looking like utter shit, and feeling the same. The street was dark, menancing; she had no idea why she was doing this, but there was the one solace of the fact she knew, oh how she knew, that at least she could pay for the treatment.

    by Dean Jones on 02.28.2011
  19. Hello cheap liquor. You made me real sick last night. I had to plug my nose because you sting too bad.

    by Kat on 02.28.2011
  20. Cheap whore. That’s what she is. She sells her body to the nastiest of men, and then expects respect. She is actually surprised when they treat her like the scum beneath their shoes. I would feel sorry for if she wasn’t such a bitch. Sorry.

    by Mem on 02.28.2011
  21. I rubbed the two coins between my thumb and my forefinger and looked in her eyes. The tattered clothes and tousled hair; she needed this more than I did. In this case and on this glorious day, compassion wasn’t all that expensive to give.

  22. your a cheap bastard, and you’ve always survived underneath my wing, I’ve picked you up from rock bottom, and you’ve brought me down, down to a new low i’ve never experienced before, and I’m alone. Alone because you were never a part of me, but something that clung to me. Your a bacteria, slowly killing me.

  23. he pressed her backwards, one hand on the small of her back to steady her as they almost tripped over the cheap champagne glasses littering the floor. they’d spent the better part of the afternoon filling all of her flutes in the house and then seeing who could drink more of them –
    and really, she shouldn’t have expected it all to culminate in anything other than this.

    by DeeDee on 02.28.2011
  24. My father was cheap. Still is. He steals oranges from neighbors trees. No kidding. That’s cheap. He lives alone and shops at costco for the deals. Only problem is thn he eats a months worth of the same food. But my fathre was the one that taught me that you have to give love away in order to have more. That’s one place he wasnt cheap.

    by JDP on 02.28.2011
  25. Use Intelligence,
    Build quality and beauty,
    Then sell for CHEAP price! (Ha Ha!!!)


    by Thee-Apotheosis on 02.28.2011
  26. Someone once described my relationship as “azn chic,” or something similar. This comment was preempted by a description of my last date, or even most of my dates. “We were going to do [x], but then we realized that [y] is more cost-effective.” I think it’s an effective thing to do, so long as [y] is sufficiently enjoyable. I love my relationship, anyway.

  27. Ugly fake pleather, skin itches because products don’t work, ” you get what you pay for” all stupid idioms that culture creates over time. What’s cheap today is cool tomarrow. 80’s fashion, 70’s disco, who determines what is cheap? I do not.

  28. “Sorry, guys — he’s really jazzed up on that cheap 7-11 wine,” said the Deputy. Over one hundred fifty people turned out for Sheriff’s Mannheim’s retirement party at the municipal community center. “With luck, maybe he’ll climb down from that statue soon and stop shooting out our street lamps.”

  29. She was cheap. A slut. A whore. But she was my whore. And I would protect her from the world, a world that judged her and hated her based on her appearances, rather than her actions. Based on the way she made her money, rather than the way she bared her soul. After work, she liked to go to internet cafes and write about adventures with unicorns. But no one ever saw that. No one cared about what happened after she turned out that red light.

    by Andy on 02.28.2011
  30. “cheap-cheap”, said the colorful bird sitting by my open window. it was a warm spring day and he was the first bird i had heard sing this year. it was the sweetest melody, he sang, and for just a moment he looked into my eyes and i could’ve sworn he said something to me. i couldnt make it out untill the end “…allonsy! just tell him a little birdie told you.” and then the bird flew off and i was back sitting with the breeze at my window.

    by bubbletea on 02.28.2011
  31. cheap is how i feel when he looks at me that way. its how i gauge my night. its the shortness of my hair, its the distance between the ratty ends to my chest. cheap is the talk you offer when im trying to find meaning. i simply cannot. these expansive expensive words are too much.

    by kaleigh robertson on 02.28.2011
  32. Cheap is the frame that holds a manufactured life image, the “big picture” filled with flash and frills and do-it-yourself doilies. When everyone in it is just a variable, a fill in the blank detail of your wife goal. As long as you put on that show, girl, as long as you put on that show.

  33. The cheapest cologne i would ever get in my life was from a chinese market. A wise old man gave it to me in exchange of two copper coins and a bowl of rice in the Shanghai blue district

    by P on 02.28.2011
  34. There are some people in this world that are very cheap. I can be one of them. But I am not the type to live my everyday cheap. I like to splurge becuase I deserve it sometimes. And those people who are cheap don’t think they desereve soemthing good once and awhiele. don

    by kaylee on 02.28.2011
  35. “Don’t eat that!”

    She looked up at her best friend, who had dramatically reached out a hand and was rushing toward her.

    “Why not? It’s just chocolate,”

    “No. It’s not just chocolate. It’s fake imitation chocolate. The cheap stuff. You simply can’t eat it,” her friend insisted.

    She rolled her eyes and despite her friend’s horrified look, popped the small piece of chocolate in her mouth and chewed, enjoying the sweetness of it.

  36. cheap as my friend maria. she’s not really cheap because she has a boyfriend, but i believe she sold me out cheap. i call it cheap because i should have been payed to be her friend. but because i never really got wat i deserved, i’d say she is cheap. and lucky. to get away with it.

    by Ylva on 02.28.2011
  37. I hate buying cheap boots because they look like crap and are horribly horribly squeaky when you ride. They just look poor you know? It’s ridiculous. I wonder why that was the first thing I thought of. My first boyfriend blair was cheap. It was ridiculous. I paid for everything all the time. I don’t think that he would pay for anything .You know what he did pay for drugs? That’s it. That’s all he ever paid for in our relaitonship. Relationships are bullshit.

    by Tara on 02.28.2011
  38. The decorations Contos would put up in her room. Tacky. Classless. As if she was trying to convince herself that everything was worth celebrating. All found, I’m sure, in the discount bin at Target. I hated them. They seemed to mock us, and our toils.

    by Graph on 02.28.2011
  39. Ha. I can use so many things to explain this word, but all I need is one person. The guy that I gave every part of my soul last year is cheap. He took my dignity. He took everything. I was willing to give it to him at the moment because I loves him, but now all I want to do is hate him.

    by sshayy on 02.28.2011
  40. You come up with these lines, these rehearsed ways to pry laughs from people, and you gotta ask yourself, when you walk back home and open your door into your dark apartment…what’ve you said or done that makes the night memorable? It’s a (cheap) way of doing it, it’s low-rent, and above all else…it’s unoriginal.