
May 6th, 2009 | 139 Entries

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139 Entries for “charge”

  1. In charge. Charging around the house, claiming your ground, your territory. That’s you. It was never like this before, you know. Before your arrogance took over, took charge of your soul and our lives.

    by Caroline on 05.06.2009
  2. take
    tomato soup
    grown pale
    by low
    table lamp
    the flesh of grief
    sun’s mane.

    by Hannah Wells on 05.06.2009
  3. “Take charge of your life!” said the spokesperson on the TV, focused on the lens but looking through me as I sit in its ghostly light, chewing the last of a bowl of spicy ramen. “Don’t live in the past! Believe in the future!”
    “You can say that again,” I mutter to myself, swallowing and drinking a glass of water blankly. “And it still wouldn’t make a difference.”

    by Nicole on 05.06.2009
  4. The bull charged me with all his might. “Yikes, I screamed” as I ran behind kyler who made me do todays One word, despite being so tired that I couldn’t fight the bull single handedly. With red cape in hand, I ran and

    by Lisa on 05.06.2009
  5. he immediately failed to take charge of his life. yes, everything had been going according to plan. yes it was an infallible plan. yes he had looked at it from every possible vantage point. next thing he knew, he was lying face down on the floor of his living room with a broken bottle of whiskey that he hadn’t even had the opportunity to drink.

    by kyler on 05.06.2009
  6. i feel in charge of things sometimes, and other times, i don’t. some weeks, i want to control everything. i just want to make decisions that wouldn’t be the best. other weeks, i want someone else to be in charge, because i think I’m too young for responsibility. i think. maybe?

    by em on 05.06.2009
  7. charge? like a bull charging? or a battery? today was kinda sucky. tomorrow will be worse. uh, bye.

    by Taz on 05.06.2009
  8. I threw down my weapon, I held up the white flag and let you win. But you just charge at me like the battle aint finished. Well this battle lies at my finger tips, reddens the blood. I have been defeated by this battle, but the war will be won by me. I stand and I charge at you head first into your chest, but couldn’t find a heart. What’s done is done, and you can’t change that, even if you wanted to. I yelled it out as loud as I could, but you couldn’t hear me. Too cliched, it has been said before into so many ears, that nobody listens anymore. The battle has been lost, but the war has just begun.

    by Audrina Sotelo on 05.06.2009
  9. charge too much stuff and not only are you broke and in debt but you have to find room for all that stuff. And take care of it. Clean it. Repair it. Store it. It’s boring is what it is. I can be doing other things, like talking to someone I like. Reading a good book

    by Sandy Stewart on 05.06.2009
  10. The door swung open, people gathered outside of it filling the parking lot. Shopping bags littered the outside, shuffled feet crushing them. No one knew what was going on. Only that they were following the one dressed in purple, she was going to lead them onward to victory.

    by Sarah S. on 05.06.2009
  11. charge. the first thing i thought of is to take charge then, i thought of charging something on a credit card which reminds me how broke i am which is really not alright. currently i have 12 dollars and a pack of ciggaretts to my name along with a ten dollar check i cannot cash.

    by elizabeth on 05.06.2009
  12. Charrrrge! How we ran at them at top speed! I had no regrets now, no time for any. But I could not stop thinking about it. What was I supposed to do anyways? It’s something I have to fulfill and there is no way I could anyways avoid it. It is my destiny.

    by Jenna on 05.06.2009
  13. The boy charged straight at me. I dodged him and fell to the ground, my feet off balance from the quick movement. Clark walks over and stretched his hand out to me. I grab it and he pulls me to my feet and then he smiles.

    by Jamblebee on 05.06.2009
  14. charge my ipod is taking a charge right now i get a real charge out of this activity the charge on my laptop doesn’t hold well anymore I have to get a new lap top but really i cant afford it i have very little money for some one who makes as much as i do i mean i

    by Krissi Jo on 05.06.2009
  15. It seems like I always have to charge my phone. Always. Well, except at night, when sleeping, then it’s perfectly charged. But at all other times of the day, be it at work or at home, I find my phone beeping at me in that agressive way asking me to please plug it into the wall and allow it to renew its energy… and

    by NancyCz on 05.06.2009
  16. The rhino gave me a look of pure hatred. It snorted menacingly in my general direction, I stood stock still. Every muscle was tensed and willing to bolt. He flicked an ear and then charged for me. I turned tail and ran, screaming like a banshee.

    by april on 05.06.2009
  17. The charge had failed and the day rolled closer to an end as night slid over the landscape. The battle raged on, and would rage on for days yet it seemed. The field was already awash with blood, and come spring a wave of new growth would surely arise from soil that had been too long parched.

    by Matthew on 05.06.2009
  18. The horse beneath him snorted to show his rider his excitement. Jet patted the horses neck. He was a fine destrier it would have been a shame to let him go on without a rider.

    by Matthew on 05.06.2009
  19. “Charge!” the commander yelled, brandishing his sword as if it his flailing would make any difference. He did charge, and after moving halfway to the enemy, slowed down and turned around. His troops were charging too. In the opposite direction.

    by vish on 05.06.2009
  20. I charge up the batteries to my willm and passion to life. I sniff the paint, I eat that favorate, I kiss and love my wife. I seak that electricity that can refeul me, yet it is not that easy to seek. And so I quest for the charge, for my life battery’s need for recharging is large.

    by Eric Harrell on 05.06.2009
  21. you make me feel electric in the worst way. I want to unplug and let the batteries die. but they’re still full of your charge.

    by samantha on 05.06.2009
  22. The warrior kicked her charger on, pointing her sword towards his enemies. She hoped to make contact with the opposition before they had time to spear her horse. Without her mount, she was surely to die.

    by Anna on 05.06.2009
  23. I’m not in charge of my life right now and i hate it. i hate feeling vulnerable and i hate being so moody i just want to fastfoward my life until i’m the one in charge again and i can be happy if i want and sad if i want. i want to be in charge.

    by breanne Brock on 05.06.2009
  24. i didn’t want to charge this card
    take up more time then i have left
    pretending i can continue on and never feel the benefits
    i sold my soul and can’t get it back
    she stole it and now she’s charging intrust
    34.5%, draining the life from my lungs

    by Derek Adams on 05.06.2009
  25. the energy inside of me courses through, yet i feel as if it is there beside my doing.

    do i wish it to be there? no i think not. but the very excitement from such adrenaline may force more than on to abandon hope and foolishly run in?

    Rant? Yes it is.

    by Sergey Yelizarov on 05.06.2009
  26. Charge it. Materialism. Debt. Recession. Depression. Cycle of cash in, cash out. Cash out. Cash out. Charge it. Eliminate the cash. It comes from somewhere. What the hell? Charge it.

    by Micki on 05.06.2009
  27. Who’s in charge? Supposed to me, but I’m not sure I’m up to being in charge. Then’s there’s the charge of the light brigade. What was that all about again? Oh, yes soldiers on horseback in battle – lots died, probably. They always do in battle. Some things never charge – from wars when it was man to man combat to now when it’s conducted from a distance. WishI had written something cheerier.

    by Roxanne on 05.06.2009
  28. battery, animals, pay, be in a position of having to do something, with a task,

    by AnnMarie Shabazian on 05.06.2009
  29. Charge evreything.

    by Sarah on 05.06.2009
  30. Taking charge of my life. My relationships with other people. My education. Im moving forward, with my head up and the intent to get somewhere. Charging forward and taking more risks and make better desicions to reach my goal in life.

    by ariel on 05.06.2009
  31. I charged at the fence ready to jump it. Ready to murder. Ready to do what needed to be done. But too fast, a wolf darted into view, and my horse came to a sudden halt, in front of the barbed fence, throwing me painfully into the barbs, the barbs of my own blind rage and hatred.

    by Sarah on 05.06.2009
  32. charge soka said to the army in the avatar they all charged with their shields and spears and the caterpillar earth nation squishing the fire nation tanks as the avatar finds the fire lord the army secures the plaza

    by z on 05.06.2009
  33. i charged for the touchdown charge means to run really fast at someone or something

    by z on 05.06.2009
  34. Charge! Yelled the captain. The men didn’t think twice. They knew that their lives rested on the decision of this one man, and they all had the utmost trust in his judgment, for this wasn’t their first battle.

    by Jeff on 05.06.2009
  35. charge into things head first, don’t think about anything else. it’s a matter of spontaneity, it’s a matter of just jumping.

    not unlike when you made me promise to look both ways when I cross the street, but really.. what’s the joy in running for a bus unless there is a chance that you will get run over?

    this is why I promise things I don’t know, because it’s almost more amusing to see what happens rahter than try and plan it all out.


    like the charge of the light brigade, it’s a matter of courage.

    by Samie on 05.06.2009
  36. Sunlight, in a motionless, unseen charge, is given life in a world of mirrors.

    by John on 05.06.2009
  37. Forward. Charging ahead blindly. You know that never works. But now you can’t stop. The stampede’s begun. It’s all you can do just to slow down anymore.

    One thing will lead to another, but soon, very soon, it will all be over. And once again, you’ll be all alone.

    by Kurekitsune on 05.06.2009
  38. The Charge Of The Light Brigade is highly overrated.

    Those words had scarce left her mouth when my heart began beating the only two syllables that mattered anymore. Was she wrong? Absolutely! But it didn’t matter! The ensuing debate would last for hours as we tried to convince the other to change their mind about this, but all I wanted was her mind. I was in love with an abstraction.

    by david on 05.06.2009
  39. to point a finger at, scream, charge a battery, be enthusiastic,

    by Priyanka Jain on 01.01.1970
  40. Love always needs a charge before the spark can be lit.

    by kyle kenney on 01.01.1970