
July 6th, 2010 | 275 Entries

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275 Entries for “chaos”

  1. It is everywhere
    within me
    all around me
    choking me
    in its tangled web of lies

    It is every thought
    I am afraid to think
    and every dream
    I can never achieve

  2. O my, what a word. Chaos and the entropy it disturbs. I can’t believe this is the one chosen for me. Chaos and order is the sorting of which my destiny aims to be.

  3. type faster to get those words out
    there are fragmented thoughts inside your head
    there’s no reasons
    there’s no beauty
    just things falling apart
    ripped and torn as an old dress
    tattered and lost

    by nlcrj on 07.06.2010
  4. Arrrg! The world is about to end. What can I do? Where is my lovely girl, the one that dumped me yesterday. I want to make fun on her `cause I do have my own spaceship hahaha!

  5. chaotic. as in my room. or as in the butterfly effect. is it messiness or unpredictability based on the requirements of a system. I still like the childhood version of chaos best, like where could I have possibly left my socks??

    by anne on 07.06.2010
  6. As the man stared down into the depths of the pit he saw it. Chaos, time and space stretched before his eyes in a blinding mass of colours that made him feel sick. The universe is nothing but chaos, chaos which he took into his mind. Insanity drove him as he lept forwa

  7. The world is about to end in 60 minutes. Where is my friend, the one that I’d left in the battlefield dying and crying. I deserve to die, yet I have my own spaceship to escape

    by himo on 07.06.2010
  8. Chaos and disorder and everything the twirls and swirls and fqalls apart, I imagine chaos as a great big tornado, twisting around, but that is much too geometric, if you want chaos, look at science and how everything naturally tries to tear itself apart, what a wonder nature is, being so organizationally chaotic.

    by Kristin on 07.06.2010
  9. Chaos is the center of the life of a tribeswoman like me. It is what puts my world together and breaks it apart. It is my soul. It is my life and heart of all things.

  10. Chaos is what happens when something goes crazy. Sometimes it’s more than one thing going crazy. It’s when things are out of your control…usually in a negative way. It is what makes you grab your hair and pull, or grind your teeth in agony and stress. Sometimes you may blame another person for chaotic situations.

    by Ellen on 07.06.2010
  11. Chaos
    of the heart and soul
    only makes
    for better problem solving skills
    of the body and mind
    thats my own bit of advice
    for anyone
    who wishes to take it

  12. We live in a world of chaos. Nothing is ever for sure. Nothing is ever the same. We are learning and growing. Guessing at all that we do. We can only do our best in this world of chaos.

  13. Chaos is wanted by some and feared by others, but more often than not it is desired in small doses. Minute injections into our daily routines that reignite life.

    by Hunter on 07.06.2010
  14. my life used to be chaos…I used to be doing something every day…with a lot of drama, alcohol and drugs…my friends were chaos…now my life is simple..and quiet and i live with my boyfriend away from all that chaos that once was

    by Emma on 07.06.2010
  15. bitch, i lost my tooth. kitchen floor mess, splattered in foot. my tooth. it’s lost. garlic peanut butter i–
    lost my tooth

    by Admiral Airtwit on 07.06.2010
  16. I have found that my work environment is complete chaos. So much so that chaos has become the norm instead of the exception. Chaos is totally acceptable if there is a safety switch to turn it off or if you have experienced enough chaos and you are experienced at handling chaos then you may enjoy chaos

    by Merle on 07.06.2010
  17. inexorable beauty! Everything! Humankind

    by Michael Roche on 07.06.2010
  18. It wasn’t just the noise, or the flashing lights. It wasn’t just the glass underfoot that crunched like snow. It was the terrible, terrible smell.

    by Nonelle on 07.06.2010
  19. The most beautiful condition. Chaos creates every single item of nature in the Universe, even us.

    by Michael Roche on 07.06.2010
  20. Chaos erupted around the four brave souls, who had only just begun the deathmatch of epic proportion.
    “So this,” Wayne said, “is why they call it hungry, hungry hippo…”

  21. chaos is madness. madness ensues over someone. chaos can pollute the brain of good me, turning them evil. and that is how evil is created. and it just sucks that chaos even exists. CHAOS SUCKS!

    by Nathan Pamulaklakin on 07.06.2010
  22. This chaos. This madness. This world.

    Everyone keeps pretending they don’t see it, but everyone knows its definitely there. The chaos arousing, spreading like wildfire throughout the world. Throughout people. Maybe all we need to do is wake up.

  23. Her shoes lay on the ground next to the trail of clothing that lead up to the bed where she currently lays. Soft tendrils are now a rye. Eyes are blood shot, tears are the only sound. Now only a vacant spot next to her, left in the middle of chaos.

    by annette on 07.06.2010
  24. Her shoes lay on the ground next to the trail of clothing that lead up to the bed where she currently lays. Her once soft tendrils are a rye. Her eyes are blood shot and tears are the only thing that leave her body. The spot next to her is now vacant. Where did he go? Leaving her in the middle of chaos.

    by annette on 07.06.2010
  25. peace is in the world, chaos is of the world.

    by Brooke- Ashlin Poll on 07.06.2010
  26. ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh chaos demon anya from buffy poor thing gets chopped in half then spike blows up and buffy leaves. BEST SHOW EVER. also the whole town ends in chaos. yep.

  27. Me. I am the tornado that the beings on earth are afraid of. Things unknown, undiscovered. Be afraid, very afraid. I’m a shade of green you’ve never seen before. Hahahaha- Not. I think I’m fucked up… don’t you?

  28. The chaos whirled around him as he stared at his hands streaked in blood. This wasn’t right. It should have been him. Her blue eyes, once so filled with life, gazed up at him; empty forever more.

  29. It was beautiful, this madness and mayhem. Sensless and yet perfect, exactly what he loved. He would do anything to bring it, this chaotic thunder of death, destruction and suffering. Because this was perfection. This was his world, his wonder, his love. This was chaos, and he loved it.

    by JazzyL on 07.06.2010
  30. strange, death, fear. THings that change without notice. The crammed car full of people. The streets littered with garbage. A child crying. Unable to help those who need it most. The type of space that is spaceless. People who need more than than they can get. Trying and never succeeding. Feeling but not being able to speak. Crayons out of place. Timelimits that seem limitless

    by Hanna Appel on 07.06.2010
  31. There is no rhyme or reason for this. I once said nothing is random, but truly the tides have shifted and lines have broken. Chaotic as it all might seem, we find reason in the strangest of places to make us believe that this is something worth our time.

  32. The chaos of entire situation was somewhat subdued by the peaceful bobbing of the ferry and a gentle noises of the river.

    by Nonelle on 07.06.2010
  33. Crashed cars lined the streets and people ran every which way. The sky’s once bright blue bled into a dark lingering crimson. Screams cried out to deaf ears and the cries of children were lost in an endless sea of insanity. This was the end.

  34. My mind is in chaos after going to lunch with Amy and finding out that they really did not want the house I signed over to them. They think I just wanted to unload it on them? I didn’t–I don’t think.

  35. choas choas choas choas choas chaos choas
    choas chaos chaos/ there is a pattern in chaos
    c chaos choas
    chaos choas
    chaos choas
    chaos choas
    chaos choas
    chaos choas
    chaos choas
    chaos choas
    chaos choas
    chaos chaos s
    choas chaos ao
    chaos chaosch

  36. Chaos is what goes on whenever your head is not clear… learn to enjoy it and you will find that chaos is such a beautiful thing to live with. inevitable.

    by michelle on 07.06.2010
  37. Chaos on the freeway. Bumper to bumper traffic with frustrated drivers who don’t use proper turn signals and believe that they are all King of the Road.

  38. a chaos of sun-dripped poppies, happy heavy legged bees buzzing the honeyed air, the air itself a ripple of oceanic balm: my garden.

  39. I’m lucky, my life has no chaos. Just little patches of this is fucking crazy.

  40. this Is Chaos! I can’t find my favorite pants! I need them for doing important things! Someone… Anyone… Help me find my pants!

    by Chris on 07.06.2010