
May 16th, 2008 | 163 Entries

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163 Entries for “certain”

  1. you can never be certain of anything, pants are always on or off but are they?

    by optimusPaul on 05.16.2008
  2. …certainly annoying and the kids always made fun of me; but, what can you do. Now, I’m an adult and yep, I’ve still got the tail. Plastic surgery, you say? well, to you sir, I say….

    by pete on 05.16.2008
  3. I’m not certain. Nobody can be certain without proof. Science makes people think they can be certain. While the only purpose of science is to question everything. What we have learned from the past is that things who thought were proven were disproven by new leaps of science. The only certainty we can find and trust in is in things we believe.

    by Helene on 05.16.2008
  4. I am certain of almost nothing. How can I be, not being all-knowing and all-seeing? If only I were. No. I change my mind. To know and see all would rob life of adventure and mystery. See… I just changed my mind about something within the last 60 seconds. Can never be certain.

    by Katherine on 05.16.2008
  5. certain is security..

    Certain is what our society is built of.. We need certanties in order to survive nowadays..


    by pefak on 05.16.2008
  6. certain of uncertainty. uncertain of uncertainty. Certainty is not what I think it is because I cant control it. it just claims to be certain. Certain things are uncertain. The colour of my curtains is certain but the curtain of my colour is ever changing

    by matt on 05.16.2008
  7. How can anyone be certain about anything? Have I met the perfect man for me? Will my child grow up happy and healthy?

    No matter what I do, I cannot guarantee anything.

    Or can I?

    I suppose the only certain thing is that nothing in life is certain.

    by Carissa on 05.16.2008
  8. i am certain that there is no certainty about anything at all. if there is anything else that i am certain of it is uncertainty alone.

    by kalyan on 05.16.2008
  9. Certainly the sky is blue, she stated to her science professor who believed that only in an alternate universe this was true.

    no dear i dont believe that it is. it looks more of a purple color.

    no profesor it certainly is, the sun reflects off of the blue water of the ocean thus making the sky blue.

    by samantha on 05.16.2008
  10. Certain, are you really? There isn’t any doubt in your mind, not even the slightest? Certain, that you stand behind yourself without question. Certain, it doesn’t exist.

    by Kristen on 05.16.2008
  11. certainty is a luxury most people don’t have most days on most things. but then there are those things that you just… know. every part of you is absolutely sure of this

    by rachael on 05.16.2008
  12. Is there anything I know for certain? The sky is blue…but will my daughter always love me? Will I always love her? It’s hard some days, when her hormones are raging and mind are ebbing. But when I look at her, and see my grandmother’s eyes, my eyes, then I know for certain.

    by Andrea on 05.16.2008
  13. It’s impossible to give a certain answer to any question about my father. He was a starnge man who liked wellington boots and shorter than average dressing gowns. Often together.

    In some ways he was an endearing man; many people thought him a splendid fellow. I found his eccentricites hard to swallow. Perhaps I was too much like him.

    by The Millbrooker on 05.16.2008
  14. one day i was walking down the street and i was certain that i saw a pink elephant! it was the sized of geo and had ears that reached to the floor. i could not believe my eyes.

    by Emily Hosler on 05.16.2008
  15. Certain people like to go fishing for shrimp. Bubba was one man who especially like it. One day he was out shrimp fishing and he ran into a lovely lady named Lafonda. Lafonda was no ordinary lady.

    by lindsey on 05.16.2008
  16. Certainly you are beautiful
    Certainly you are gorgeous
    Certainly you are smart
    Certainly you are going to spend forever in my heart

    by Lindsey Crose on 05.16.2008
  17. Certainty is something obscure and unknown. You may think you are right and yet in the end you will probably have looked past details. Even the few things that seem certain in this life may come out and surprise you. Science claims to be certain in it’s thoughts yet there are some things that we will never be able to explain.

    by Michael on 05.16.2008
  18. I was certain that I had turned the stove off. Did I? I don’t remember. Being 95, these things elude my mind. certainty….. on of the many losses of the aging. Great Skin, Thick Hair and being certain.

    by Tango Karnitz on 05.16.2008
  19. I’m certain that I know so little in my life right now – that everything has changed in more than a blink of the eye, but less than the turn of a season. I don’t know who I am right now but it sure does feel good. Confidence is growing as I drink more, flirt more with life and

    by Kim on 05.16.2008
  20. I couldn’t have done that. There is no way in the world I could have done that. Nope not me. I wan”t even there that day. Oh wait…. did you say the 8th of March?

    by Priscilla on 05.16.2008
  21. it’s indefinable and indestructable but it’s certainly there.
    like snow or dust or air.
    I probably would like to see you, to touch you,
    to have some sort of experience to do

    that for once was indestrucable.
    something that i would finally feel was ceratin.

    by ele on 05.16.2008
  22. I was certain of it. This was the place, the place where I would find out what I needed to know. I knocked at the door and realised that it was open. I pushed through into the hallway and tentatively made my way to the door in front of me.

    by Jake Chambers on 05.16.2008
  23. All she was certain about was her uncertainty. She was uncertain about her life. She was uncertain about her dreams. She was uncertain about her goals. She was certain though that uncertainty would be her trademark. She would hesitate, hover, and miss opportunities because of it.

    by maureen on 05.16.2008
  24. There are so few things in this life that are certain. I’m sure everyone writes that too, I don’t know who said that. They were smart.

    by Townsend on 01.01.1970
  25. One word is way to many sometimes and not near enough the rest of the time. One word that’s universal for life is love!!!!We can go on for many stories about Love from infancy to the grave. A simple Love look is even better than the word. I miss those soft glances over the children’s heads at the end of a long day. Looks of caring-one word’LOVE’

    by Debbie Bragdon on 01.01.1970
  26. I am certain that I will be moving back to California. Seattle is just not the same as what I pictured in my mind. I knew it rained alot, but i never expected to feel so gloomy all of the time. Summers arnt bad here, but california is much better

    by adam parmalee on 01.01.1970
  27. knowing exactly what is to happen and when. No room for doubt or chance.

    by Junebug on 01.01.1970
  28. i am certian i will die someday.not today not tomorrow we all die we all move on we all go around this world in everything we do we are connected and we are spiritually linked in all we do. with all certainty i know i love my family

    by emy on 01.01.1970
  29. I am certain of love. Love is the reaason to exist. Love is what fills all the empty holes in life, in my heart, in your heart. I am certain that this love will carry me always, through all the planes of existance and fill me with joy when there is nothing else to live for. If only I can find it.

    by Pam Arciero on 01.01.1970
  30. certain is no curtain, it’s uncertain, it’s unclear.

    by texasred on 01.01.1970
  31. I was certain she looked at me. But how could I be? Her, with her chestnut hair and sense of grace, her dazzling beauty, her elegance. She looked at me with a twinkle in her eye that almost knocked me down. But maybe she didn’t.

    by Shane Commins on 01.01.1970
  32. I’ve never been more certain in my life than at this very moment. I want to show you all how this feels but I can’t, because I’m not certain how you will react. I am certain that I am certain about it though, but I’ll tell you later after I’ve finished it. It might get messy. I hope you don’t mind – but that’s not true. I don’t really, because you’re not as certain as me.

    by Amy N on 01.01.1970
  33. the must. you know. it’s time, the one. it must be true, because it is. because it’s certain. it cannot be changed, and it will always be. through this, you will know. it is eternity. it is love. it is hate. it is life. certainly, it is everything. sometimes it is nothing. but it is always certain. is it certain? we don’t know.

    by the writer on 01.01.1970
  34. Completely and utterly this time it’s a goer. I’ve never been more. Except always I have been. Uncertain is not the opposite of certain, its the underside. I wonder if certain should be the negative and uncertain the positive.

    by macker on 01.01.1970
  35. People like to think that they are certain, when ther is no certainty of anything. It’s this simulated certainty that gets things done, and no one person can confirm nor deny what they say. Our grounding of knowledge is based on this false certainty.

    by TNQ on 01.01.1970
  36. it was certain i was cruising the narrownewthin edge of reality and history mankingthrough the waves with certainty and forboding, hieightened by an innate sense of witnessing something happening as befots all galaxies everywhere something unitary and conscious of all that. Now certain again of it. nasa weblog data sets and thrippence bit ready analog data sets miraged through time and space that was the gyst of it really in a nutshall that is certain that is

    by daryl spears on 01.01.1970
  37. I was very certain that he wouldn’t be in my home the next day. Not after the fight we had. How could he show his face again after what he had done to me. I was certain that we would be together forever. After I discovered that he went to the Slip bar on Thursday nights for some hot midget action I could not bear to see him again.

    by Yen on 01.01.1970
  38. real, true knowing,no turning back

    by Della J Cook on 01.01.1970
  39. I’m certainly happy the word certain is at the top of my certain type of computer. I t’s reather amazing how many certain things you can write about with the word certain. I’m i typing uncertainly .

    by Samuel Gaultney on 01.01.1970
  40. i was certain that at that moment in time i was dead but it turned out its was a great moment after all.strange that i was scared but it went well in the end i was certain but now im certain.

    by sebastian on 01.01.1970