
June 2nd, 2010 | 299 Entries

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299 Entries for “century”

  1. a century is a measurement of time marked by 100 years. To me a century is a long time, but in the greater scheme of things a century is only a blip. The earth has been around for millions of centuries, whereas a human will surivive not even one. This is

    by mthbrowning on 06.02.2010
  2. At the turn of the new century, the dawn of a new age, Mina Harker stood watch. Looking out through the early morning London fog, she thought about her terrible predicament with a cool, impartial demeanor.

  3. A century seems like such a long time to live, such a long time to wait. It’s such a large span of time in which to create things, to make things, to destroy things. It excites him and yet looms on the horizon like some sort of ominous cloud. His lips twisting into a slightly curious grin, he watches the sun rise up on the horizon, feels the warm beams caress the skin of his face as his wings flare out and he watches the bold colors of the cliff face come to life before his very eyes.

    To think that the sun has been doing this for centuries. Making its lazy rotations around and about the Earth with occasional shift in time and speed here and there. It astounds him.

  4. It had been over a century since we last spoke. But she still looked as beautiful as ever. And still tasted as sweet.

    by jonjon on 06.02.2010
  5. a century sounds like a long time because humans usually only live about 70 years but it’s actually not long at all when comparing it to the age of the earth.

    by Erika on 06.02.2010
  6. I am a century
    of lost words and nothing much
    but to you I am more.

    by Taylor on 06.02.2010
  7. a century from now we will all be living on mars, redneck music will be the most popular and time will be able to be stopped at will by a small minority of people who will use it to further their interest in being the invisible controlling force behind life.

  8. im born in the 20th century but i live in the 21st century… ive lived through two centuries, three decades, and two mellinums. how cool is that… i guess a few others have too.

    by kendal on 06.02.2010
  9. a long time of a hundred years. takes us back to old presidents. wars. then there’s century 21 fox. real estate? or is it a theater company? cents and a century. rhymes with nursery and perhaps treasury

    by Sam on 06.02.2010
  10. Centuries flow, millennia pass, and all the ages of earth come and fade. We feel, we breathe, live, and experience, but unto what avail? If our lives are to have meaning, we ourselves or our acts must extend into eternity; if consciousness ends with the passing of death, then we will all eventually be forgotten, and our lives left meaningless. To live is to have meaning; death is the end of meaning. Death will die itself, swallowed up in life eternal.

    by Cody Poll on 06.02.2010
  11. A century ago they cured “mother’s depression” with meth. It made the skin appear youthful and gave the taker a vitality they’ve never experienced. All these women, babes in arm, running about the house, high as bats.

    by Maggie on 06.02.2010
  12. A centurien was a roman thingy with people. I believe it was one hundred. (cen_100). I was born closer that a century ago.

    by Victor on 06.02.2010
  13. What’s new is this century, by only a very little time; only ten years or so

    by Roger Cloud on 06.02.2010
  14. One whole century with you wouldn’t be enough to fill the feeling of need and want. I want to stay with you here and stay with you anywhere in this world at anytime no matter how long. I just want you to stay. Love is unconditional to me. In this life time, we’ll be together, and perhaps in the next and the one after that, but my love for you is all that matters in this endless world.

    by Katie on 06.02.2010
  15. He lived for a century
    not a day more or less
    but he died a century
    with many more days ahead

  16. a century ago there was nothing on the land, nothing to think about, nothng to feel. everyone just walked around, not talking, not doing. life wasn’t good this way. it had to end.

    by shelby on 06.02.2010
  17. It was nearly a century ago that the man had stood here before, a whole man, instead of the half-beast that he was today. The battle fought here had brought his whole race a new chance at life, but the greatest sacrifice was to be his own, a sacrifice for the people to be written on the pages of history. An ordeal that had gone horribly awry.

  18. This century has been great for human population, but it has been horrible for all of the plants and animals that have had to sit around and put up wit that rise in population.

    by Loruu on 06.02.2010
  19. In this century
    In this day and age
    In this moment
    People are laughing
    People are dying
    People are growing old
    People are living life

    by Hannah on 06.02.2010
  20. It was the deal of the century. A fabulous old villa with heaps of character on a huge section. So what was the catch? The estate agent mumbled something about an unearthly presence and we turned to look at each other…….

    by Annemarie on 06.02.2010
  21. Im not sure how long in years a century is but in a century I will be a different person. My family will be different too. Hopefully for the best. In a century i have hope that alot of things in this world or just my world is better. I hope that my dad is able to get his own house to live in, I hope my mom is happier, I hope that im successful,and I hope my grandma is still around.

    by Ashley on 06.02.2010
  22. many moons ago people could not comprhend the thought shtat were not proven it seems like centuries ago that people were

    by mktmkt on 06.02.2010
  23. at the turn of the century, there was a boy and a girl. they met mistakenly and fell in love in the moulin rouge but it had a tragic end. the girl was secretly very sick and at the end of the story, she died in his arms. it was the greatest love story ever told and the lesson learned is that it is better to have loved and lost than to never have loved at all.

  24. century is a time period of a hundred years. But i dont understand how it works. how is 1970 the twentith century if its gotta 19 in front instead of a twenty? It just doesnt make sense.

    by Ashley Taylor on 06.02.2010
  25. Self pity and profit and expensive shit. I hate my generation. God damn the 21st century. God Bless the USA.

  26. I’m a mere twenty. Twenty cycles around the sun, with really an irrelevant date on which I celebrate. But what happens in five twenty cycles? What is that? Time is so relevant, so irrelevant, so final.

    by Jack on 06.02.2010
  27. It seems like so much has happened in the last 100 years, so much that I had nothing to do with. Kind of makes me realize how insignificant I am. I want to do something that makes this 100 year time period important.

    by Sarah on 06.02.2010
  28. The following century, the century that is beginning, seems so vast and compelling. I wonder where i’ll be in half of it, three quarters of it. Will the boy i lvoe now be in my life at the end of it? Is he enough for a tenth of the century? Time seems so full and so empty at the same time, and century, just the word, makes it

    by zvspeas on 06.02.2010
  29. This is the 21st century, how weird is it that you have to subtract one from the century number to get the actual year numbers. like the 19th century was in the 1800’s. 20th century fox was in the 1900’s… interesting

  30. it had been a century since he’d last seen her. he’d been waiting for this day, frozen in time, but eluded to the fact that she was not. she had grown old and dusty, her nails were long and yellow.

    by Blue on 06.02.2010
  31. 100 years
    history flows by
    in blurs of tears and smiles.
    Triumphs and demise.
    100 years of life.

    by Lauren on 06.02.2010
  32. By definition. One hundred years. So much can happen, like when someone says.. I havent seen yo in like a century. However so little can happpen too like when you’re bored and it “feels like a century” but yeah.

  33. seconds pass to centuries and I still don’t know what’s meant of these
    glossolalia passages written in the clouds, etched softly by shadows on the ground

  34. A time period that in the past has encompassed wars, plagues, and thousands of deaths. Hopefully, in the future we can change that meaning, to include life, happiness, breakthroughs and change.

    by Christian on 06.02.2010
  35. This past century was filled with happiness, bitterness, turmoil, and most importantly, CHANGE. Society gets darker and dependent with each passing day.

  36. Like a penny, Abraham Lincoln. i always think of him as being a really tan copper colour. Maybe he uses copper tone. He could have been the baby I think. I think that would have sold more.

    by Summer on 06.02.2010
  37. a year, a decade, a century. it doesn’t matter how long it takes but i am going to forget you. you aren’t as important as you think.

  38. 21st
    start over
    turn of the
    100 years

    by nikki on 06.02.2010
  39. Stately, she stood sentinel over a yard teeming with poppies and dandelions, dried dog shit and hungry chickens pecking in the grass. The redwood had been standing there for eons: at least a hundred years.

    by hljurva on 06.02.2010
  40. It was in the last century that I was born. I find it hard to believe that I am that old and have seen so many changes in my lifetime. Imagine what my grandmother would have seen?