
June 2nd, 2010 | 299 Entries

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299 Entries for “century”

  1. the century was young. the new generation of thinkers were not so sure about what to think about. They thought they had always though of good things but Charlotte wasn’t so sure. She was walking down the street one day and stopped, thinking that is. Charlotte realized thinking took too much time and she didn’t want to do it anymore.

  2. a thousand centuries of sleepless night cast upon my weary soul

  3. century makes me think of old things. Like when pioneers used to garden with wooden tools and drink water out of wooden bowls

    by Hilary on 06.02.2010
  4. It took a century for them to realize that a only a second had passed. So they pawned their watches for ice cream cones, and let it melt all over their hands. They licked up the minutes.

  5. This century. This century is bullshit. Where have the values gone? I wish we could go back. Back in time to a place where values and morals were something to be respected, as opposed to spat back in our faces.

  6. A century I go, when I was young I loved dogs. I still love them in fact. They make me smile, and if you think about how much they’ve changed over this century its really incredible.

    by candygirlnoodles@hotmail.com on 06.02.2010
  7. the century is the beginning of everything. there has never been anything before the century. not this century, of course. there was much before this century. nothing before THE century, though. you understand this, don’t you?

    by running cloud on 06.02.2010
  8. a century she had lived. a century she had seen pass before her eyes as she sat on her front porch. the porch of the house where she was born, where she had lived for a century, and where she would now die.

  9. albert einstein lived in one of these…. probobly….??

    by cool on 06.02.2010
  10. im not sure what im supposed to write about. but when i see this word i think of age and how much time can be wasted away. it makes me think about what i want to do with my life because relevance to time itself.

    by James on 06.02.2010
  11. a hundred years for a life to live it’s fullest. maybe more maybe less. who knows because life is unpredictable. live with unpredictability, spontaneity, happeniess. because hundred years is not even time to live to it’s fullest potential.

    by hillary on 06.02.2010
  12. 100 years isn’t all that long of a time if you’ve spent it reading history books. All of those events nicely condensed into paragraphs or chapters. Romance and warfare put into their little areas, it’s quaint in its way.

    by Popov on 06.02.2010
  13. A century seemed to go by before Sarah saw Julia again. She stopped in the middle of buying fresh peaches for the pie she had to bake; there, in the middle of the farmer’s market was the woman who broke her heart, told her she never wanted to see her again. Never again could she hear the words “I love you” without thinking of Julie, nor could she ever repress the shudder that wracked her body when she heard someone say it to her. Julie was the one who took the time to built her up and broke her down all too easily.

    by City Girl on 06.02.2010
  14. God damn, here we are sitting, at the turn of another century.
    One more year in the endless supply of infinite loops and poops that our wonderful world can take on us.
    Its amazing that on a 100th birthday, the world still looks so damn pretty to me.

    by Cole Fournier on 06.02.2010
  15. a long time that includes many things. a century is what i feels like when you break up with someone and you see their face for the first time. or when you get a question on a test you don’t know. a century is not what fun feels like. it’s hard and long and confusing. it is what it feels like when your parents find out something bad and you’re waiting for them to punish you. or when you send a text you’re not sure about and you are waiting for a response.

    by Sarah on 06.02.2010
  16. The sentry was down. People were dissolving left and right from the lasers, blue and red, green and yellow. Johnny looked at the screen and sighed. He would never win, not with this attitude. He had to believe.

  17. This is a time. A place in our history. How we measure wars, life time achievements, movies, everything. It is what we will go down in History as. What will those in the future say about us?

    by Maligon on 06.02.2010
  18. the end of the century, the beginning of a new one. was supposed to be the end, the time when everything stopped. computers will stop. why are our lives viral? stop.

    by Dana on 06.02.2010
  19. every once in a while we get to witness the turn of the century, and little boys and girls dream of floating cities, flying cars and holographic conversations. then we all get drunk on new years eve and decide that we have enough trouble with our landbound cars.

    by cyrus on 06.02.2010
  20. This is the century of madness, when men kill other men and beasts roam the earth. Tonight, the barbarians are angry. They shriek at our walls, demanding tribute that we can not give. They shake their spears at us, and we cower, waiting terrified for their attack.

    by Josef Warn on 06.02.2010
  21. It was so old, that’s what was so striking. She held in her hands an object that her grandfather may have held, right here in this same spot, perhaps under the same conditions as she.

  22. once in a lifetime, shall i climb these walls? higher and higher as they never seem to fade my point of view. evercoming?

    by gabrielle on 06.02.2010
  23. Well, after the century of impossible we are here at the century of unthinkable. We live in a world that we cab read that dreams can come true (although in a galaxy far far away). People explore their animal limits, they have been dominated by their pleasures and they are in the end depressed. A bit dramatic, but really what’s left to conquer?

    by Ioannis on 06.02.2010
  24. It takes a hundred years to make a century. I will be gone in a hundred years, so will the majority of my family. I wonder what it will be like around here in one hundred years.

    by devin on 06.02.2010
  25. A century seemed to go by before Sarah saw Julia again. She stopped in the middle of buying fresh peaches for the pie she had to bake; there, in the middle of the farmer’s market was the woman who broke her heart, told her she never wanted to see her again. Never again could she hear the words “I love you” without thinking of Julie, nor could she ever repress the shudder that wracked her body when she heard someone say it to her.

    by City Girl on 06.02.2010
  26. is this the storm of the century
    the wind and the hail
    or is it just a siren call
    that strands this ship
    on your rocky shore

  27. One century i made a promise. my promise was to love him. One hundred years later my promise is still going. i am dead and gone now , but the promise still stays.

  28. a century ago the world was completely different than it is today
    you think the next century will bring new changes
    it won’t
    we’re at the end of what we hoped to accomplish
    this century is the end of the world

    by Rachel on 06.02.2010
  29. century. I was lucky enough to live through the turn of a century. When you think about it, not many individuals are given that chance. Yet, am I supposed to feel lucky? I don’t, in fact. It just seems like a normal thing. But I suppose it isn’t.

    by Kathryn on 06.02.2010
  30. I just wrote about this word. Why would it give me the same word twice? I dont know. But i just had a thought, if century is 100 years. Could we do math with words? Like a century minus a century?

    by Kevin on 06.02.2010
  31. 20th century. 18th century. 19th century is my favorite. i absolutely love the enlightenment and romanticism era’s. roccocooooo. rolls off of your tongue so smoothly. it’s fun to say too.

    by Sherryl on 06.02.2010
  32. Blur end of a century. Many a century has gone by and we are still here. I will not live to see the end or this century, or the beginning of the next. The romans had centurions, that sounds kind of like century and it is clearly related. ONE HUNDRED. One hundred.

    by harriet morris on 06.02.2010
  33. Seventh Century Fox has nothing to do with this, seriously guys!

    by Ray on 06.02.2010
  34. In one century it seems almost inconceivable how many things can change. From the day we are born to the day we die, we will see almost a century or perhaps more. Yet in history we view the difference between centuries as nearly insignificant. A thousand things important occur in those 100 years and we only both to study a few.

  35. tnew century brought much more than she bargained for. She thought her life was set .
    The then in the third month of the new century on the twentieth day of the new cnetury, her fiftieth to be exact. He told her that he didn’t love her any more and that divorce was the only option.

  36. Cennturies ago humans used to live in harmony with magic. Religious zealots changed all that, they framed magical beings for all the bad things and mad stories up to scare people. People began shunning them and eventually forgot about them altogether, but there are those who haven’t…

  37. It took a century for him to understand where she was coming from. A human being, just as he was. He shouted, he screamed, and he finally got anger management classes. He still doesn’t get her. He will never get her. Two days of a week doesn’t make you know a person. This is not what she wanted for her mom.

  38. And the centurys roll together, creating a quilt of time. Lost in space and not able to identify which year I’m in now.

  39. turn of the century like a path in front of me
    i want to walk it without your face clinging to the back of my brain
    sometime soo id like to say i want a wish i believe.

    by Girl on 06.02.2010
  40. “It’s been over a century since this ship last rested on the water,” he said, his voice trembling with excitement as he watched the screen, “and not under it.”
    “You must be excited,” Sharon said, leaning over his shoulder with a Pop-Tart between her teeth.