
November 28th, 2009 | 438 Entries

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438 Entries for “cello”

  1. like the music instrument, the one that maynard’s son plays when he does metallica covers n shit.
    fqiowfjsdlka nq;????

    by on 11.28.2009
  2. The cello is a beautiful instrument that I wish I could have learned to play.

    by Rory on 11.28.2009
  3. Cello is a type of instrument. Used in a string orchestra. It creates beautiful music.

    by Anonymus on 11.28.2009
  4. I’ve never played the cello but it makes me think of an Asian girl at a recital for her cello class. It seems very grand and intellectual of an instrument and I have never felt the slightest desire to play it, unlike the violin and the guitar, whose mastery I yearn for.

    by Tess on 11.28.2009
  5. my favourite instrument, produces such a wonderful sound. makes me feel wonder and happiness and sadness all at the same time, simply because of its richenss.

    by Katie B on 11.28.2009
  6. The strings vibrate at a rate so ephemeral that no one could hear the tears fall from her eyes. The cello sang a sweet song and cushioned her fall with its meolody.

    by mickeylove on 11.28.2009
  7. I never learned the cello. I learned the oboe. What’s the difference between a cello and a double bass anyway? Jefferson lived at Monticello.

    by j on 11.28.2009
  8. The cello was invented by the late composer Johann Sebastian Bach. Just kidding. I have no idea who it was invented by. The cello is a member of the stringed instruments of the orchestra and is lower in timbre. I like the cello. The cello is nice. My mom used to play cello. In the 70s.

    by Faith on 11.28.2009
  9. I have no idea what cello is. I can make up words using it, like cellophone haha. Or cellocyte. That’s like a biology word.

    by on 11.28.2009
  10. The cello echoed through the room. It’s beautiful sound oozing through the walls and into the lounge area. How beautiful the sound was.

    by Kalli on 11.28.2009
  11. Her 8-year-old sister played the cello, not very well, but somewhat decent. It sounded through the house, slow, mournful, as Alice was getting into sad pieces of music.

    by Sabrina on 11.28.2009
  12. wooden grace lllooooowwww pitches between your legs high school sweaty girls nervous dilated pupils between your legs practice in the garage like an infidel

    by matea on 11.28.2009
  13. cellos sound pretty…especially when people that can play them play them…they add good bass to orchestras?…you gotta have lots of arm strength to play them and carry them. cello players must have amazing biceps.

    by nonobon on 11.28.2009
  14. the girl played her cello softly almost as if it were a harp in the angel’s haven how could they know that in the corner they were watching her play tears streamed from his eys. it was marvelous, her playing. beautiful. she really b

    by Emma XD on 11.28.2009
  15. I was never really sure when I decided that I wanted to play the cello, but I was so happy that I had. I will never forget moving the bow across the mournful strings as they carried my grandfather’s casket down the aisle. My mother caught my eye as a new batch of tears started to flow down her cheeks. I couldn’t hold it in any longer, and my fingers fell from the strings.

    by Mary on 11.28.2009
  16. Cello, rhymes with jello
    a once knew a fellow
    who played it mellow
    a dong called yellow
    on his cello

    by on 11.28.2009
  17. The woman played her cello slowly and sorrowfully. It reminded me of a story I once heard about a poor family that lived in the ghetto. The family fought hard to keep their infant child fed.

    by Chris on 11.28.2009
  18. I don’t play the cello. I actually do not play any instrument. I am a writer. My instrument is a keyboard, but not a musical one.

    by Joe B. on 11.28.2009
  19. i love the sound of the cello. It always reminds me of that movie…music of the heart though. music in general makes me happy. any kind…including classical but my favourite is alternative stuff that isn’t really played on the radio.

    by on 11.28.2009
  20. lemon, instrument, is that how you spell it? i think so..beautiful instrument. lemon cello, i have heard that is soo delicious, italian? i want some. do you? what else what else? CELLLLLLLO PHANE!!

    by bk on 11.28.2009
  21. it’s deep and mellow, the sounds resonating against the walls. she keeps her eyes fixed on my fingers, swiftly moving, feverishly seducing her with my mute sounds. it was only a second when she leapt over the couch, pressing a kiss into me, her fingers eagerly slipping under my shirt to cup my breast. resisted for a second, if only to save the instrument, then her black passion consumed my welcome being.

    by Ribbonesque on 11.28.2009
  22. The Cello makes a deep noise. A bass that rumbles. Like a big violin with more impact. I don’t think the cello gets enough credit. I think it’s always been looked upon as a geeky instrument, but it actually is pretty intense.

    by Rae on 11.28.2009
  23. The cello is my heart and soul. A musical expression, displaying my feelings and emotions through the pure notes of music. My greatest inspiration and holder of my aspirations.

    by Jared on 11.28.2009
  24. The cello seems sort of a sophisticated instrument. Sort of mournful in tone. And of course, not for wimps to carry!

    by laurie on 11.28.2009
  25. I cant think of a better thing to remember. That is I would say i remember the cello the most out of anything else I had. The way he played it mostly. And the way they both sat around and listened. But That is in the past now. Like most things tend to be.

    by Cody on 11.28.2009
  26. it is something i remember a girl in elementary school playing.. or was that a harp? it definitely was a harp. What does a cello look like?

    by Kayce on 11.28.2009
  27. I love this instrument. The opportunity to see the Dallas Symphony recently left me feeling inadequate. The zest behind musicians and their God given talent is amazing. I long to play an instrument. For now, I watch from the crowd and admire, dream, and hope.

    by Tracy on 11.28.2009
  28. i’ve never played an instrument, but i’m jealous of all that do. i can draw slightly, but my small fingers weren’t made to play instruments, and i’m always sad about that. the cello was never something i thought i would want to play, until i found out the person i like very much played it.

    by Jordan on 11.28.2009
  29. a noisy instrument,string usually in orchestras,not particularly coolnot particulary anything really just an instrument that people avoi,i dont like the cello fuck the cello i dont like how its spelled or anything about it why am i doing this i have 60 seconds huh? yea blah blah cello bbfusdfdsufhsduhfsduhfsudfhdsufhsdufhsdufhsdufhsdufhss

    by mario on 11.28.2009
  30. i’ve never played an instrument, but i’m jealous of all that do. i can draw slightly, but my small fingers weren’t made to play instruments, and i’m always sad about that. the cello was never something i thought i would want to play, until i found out the person i like very much played it.

    by Jordan on 11.28.2009
  31. I wish I knew how to play the cello – it is such a wistful and expressive instrument. I can play the piano with some talent, but there is something about the cello that soothes inside my heart and I want to bottle up the feeling it creates.

    by Aubrey on 11.28.2009
  32. cello, is that a word? Maybe, or maybe in instrument. Or perhaps something. Something something. Well, it’s got 2 l’s. And ends in oh. So it’s got to be something like hello. Maybe people say that in Holland, when they want to say hello to each other. “Cello.”

    by l3attman on 11.28.2009
  33. dan has one and theyre the coolest. You can play anything you ever want. especially for a music tech exam, i think dan named his after one of the twins from harry potter. but they sure are big i think id be killed if one decided to take me on

    by ellie.horizons@rocketmail.com on 11.28.2009
  34. she crawled toward the door, arms outstretched, as if trying to seek out her child. tears of joy streamed down her face as she finally clutched the instrument of her heart’s desire. she stood shakily, found the chair, sat, and played and played and played. she let the music overwhelm her; let the strings and the bow play for themselves.

    by on 11.28.2009
  35. A glorious, lonesome sound. Moving music, soulful…longing…hopeful. Emotional, winsome, wintery. Beautiful

    by Holly on 11.28.2009
  36. I like to play cellos. Matter of fact, I don’t even know how to play the cello. They are brown. Right? Are they the really big instrument? It’s sad that I don’t know more about cellos. I wish I did. Or do I? I think I just want to know more about the piano, or instruments in general.

    by Becca on 11.28.2009
  37. together, we were a masterpiece. inevitably, someone stole it.

    by Conna on 11.28.2009
  38. I played with the cello every afternoon, feeling its springs, the smooth wood at the base. Every day I rub resin into its smooth surface. The gleam of the wood reminds me of summers gone by, when in the workshop my father would lovingly create replicas of my instrument for strangers who would someday wield them with, hopefully, the same care.

    by on 11.28.2009
  39. ive always wanted to learn to play the cello. i play piano and i think the cello and the piano together are amazing…so i guess its a good thing i dont play the cello…because then who would play the piano. hmm.

    by danamazing on 11.28.2009
  40. I’ve wanted to play the cello for so so so so long.. I don’t know where I went wrong, different Idea.. always a new song. I wish i could stop the flow just for a little.. oh well don’t matter I’ll still get my chance and my fill. =) cello music makes me smile, no wonder the sun always sets on my half of the dial

    by Learn To bE on 11.28.2009